>dropped below 80% positive reviews
Dropped below 80% positive reviews
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I'm having fun with it
I'm just starting out the game, and am at a quest where I have to rescue a native from the arena. He says that I save him, I'll "lose [my] bonus in the arena challenges." What does that mean? Also, how the fuck am I supposed to beat those poison spitting flying faggots? I can't down an antidote or potion quickly enough before the DOT outright kills me.
>doing quest to track Constantin down
>rebel native bitch tells us only one person knows the ritual that will help
>it's fucking Mav
Bros I can't handle another 20 minute run around a map, what is wrong with this woman
Shit combat, boring world, boring characters, extremely linear even though it's open world, a lot of reused assets ala Dragon Age 2, awkward character models especially when they talk,
It has some nice moments though.
i hate the combat, the world feels like a cheap japanese shitshow, ui is retarded and i'm assaulted by quest objectives but for some reason i'm still playing it
i wish devs would stop chasing the graphics meme and put more work into the feel of their games
sheeet curved sandnigger swords
>the eurojank king still reigns
It's not perfect by any means, but I'm enjoying it nonetheless. It's a 6/10 game that bumps up to a 7 if you're into this sort of thing. Great world building and art direction, good combat, some fun exploration outside of quests, since those all rely heavily on following markers. My biggest gripe is the sparseness of content, something especially noticeable in the cities. Why have a sprawling urban area and only 3 NPCs with one or two lines of dialogue? Speaking of dialogue, there's no real roleplay by picking speech options. You just go through a list of responses in the order of your choosing, which leaves the player feeling disconnected from conversations.
They took bullshots and applied the concept to their trailers. It's pretty bad.
why the fuck is clipping still a thing in 2019?
>80% positive reviews
I can't believe a Spiders game managed to get above 80%. Good for them.
pls respond
why are so many of these gothic games coming out
I remember playing Mars War Logs and thinking "These guys have potential, if only they had the cash and the experience to back it up." And now 6 years later here we are, I'm so proud of them.
I haven't used traps in this game but they didn't restock automatically in previous Spiders games and I doubt they do in this one
I think they could use another 6 years to be honest
just parry or shoot them
I'm not saying they're perfect now, but the difference in quality between War Logs and Greedfall is pretty fucking huge.
What they need is more than 30 people.
You have to craft traps, it's dependent on your science skill. There's also a skill that gives you bit of crafting item back after the trap is used.
How resource-intensive is trap crafting?
is it just a pain in the ass to do a traps build then? Or are the components plentiful?
What else has there been?
Elex is the only recent one I can think of
I just beat it by cheesing the fight. I'm not proud of it, but I got tired of this fucking challenge. I just strafed around and shot at everything. My party kept wiping almost immediately.
What does the arena master mean by losing my bonus for helping the native, though? Should I finish all arena challenges before doing this sidequest?
It's nothing like Gothic you fucking mouthbreather
I seem to have plenty of traps, crafting materials. Though I spent most of the game with Vasco who gives insight boost which basically means alot of material loot. Crafting isn't much pita, if you got the material you can craft 100 of them.
You can also just buy them off stores if you got extra money.
A challenge round seems to have 3 fights. You can just leave and come back anytime. If you did 2 fights but then decide to help the native you might have to re-do those first two fights again for the round.
I unironically enjoy spider games
Give ME Siora wife!
Gay commie retards are downvoting the game for being colonial but not preaching. It's not anti-white enough for them so they're being bitter bitches. We will not know peace until journos are dead.
My only complaint is honestly that companions rarely interact with each other, and it just feels weird walking 20 feet in front of them while both of them are following you all hush-hush entire time.
Shields would've been nice too
>it's a european rpg that shows potential but flies to close to the sun
>it's nothing like Gothic
different gameplay
different RPG mechanics
different world exploration
Can I bed the Celtic cutie if I'm mean to the other islanders? The black chick does nothing for me.
Let ME have intercourse with YOU because I am VERY horny and I want to turn YOU gay! I have a BIG penis and you will LOVE it! (I do! I do!)
>Want to take Siora around because she has the best commentary on most of the islander quests
>half the time those quests involve the colonists abusing the natives and are an absolute landmine, with actual relationship point losses being possible
I am male!
eurojank is eurojank
I played all the previous Spider games and I was excited that magic is a real combat style this time around instead of just for buffs and throwing out some damage every 20 seconds
I do enjoy the armor piercing shenanigans but I stand around a lot waiting for mana to regen
Does that ever get better? Is there some equipment that raises mana regen past the usual 15/s?
Also, how do melee weapons hold up on extreme difficulty? I've tried clobbering people with a hammer when I was recharging mana but most of the time they will block the hit, whereas with magic they rarely do cause they're usually busy running towards you
Yes user, I know! What IS your discord? Let's HAVE some fun! (Yes!!)
I feel like I've seen this type of post on some general before but I'm forgetting which one...
I do NOT know user I DID restart game FROM Normal TO Extreme user BUT I DID get DISTRACTED user BY Queen's Wish Queen Sharyn mommy wife user BUT I WILL play Greedfall AGAIN soon user! (I will! I will!)
The zoomers and normies got it
I'm just trying to bed this autistic faggot so I can wank.
>EYE is now the same game as Gothic
fuck off retard
We can talk about Greedfall. I won't be gay.
stop being retarded and learn about eurojank
Absolute fucking kino lads.
How did we get to the point where fucking spiders made the RPG of the year?
Basically this.
It looks boring as sin and not at all difficult or challenging.
I know more about eurojank and especially Piranha Bytes games than you, clearly
fuck off retard
Pathfinder general on /vg/ most likely. Guy was kinda infamous.
Mommy Jehanne IS a CUTE mommy user AND she DID make a CUTE mommy game user! (She did! She did!)
What I really like about the game is the direction of the cutscenes? I know that sounds strange but they're so well directed, bros. I love the camera pans. Makes everything so grand with a hint of shakyness. It's so hard to explain but I love the cutscenes!
I like the setting and the gameplay.
then you surely knew EYE is eurojank and you were just pretenting to be retarded right?
>That cutscene of spy, guardian and healer.
Absolute kino moment in game.
that wouldn't make it a "gothic game", same as this not being anything like a gothic game
I think they have always been quite good at directing scenes, my favourite is the stop motions they sometimes use that look really cool.
no you dont.
The only reason the game isn't in the 90s is asshurt Bioware fans who don't understand why a game made for 6 million dollars doesn't look like a game made for 60+ million dollars. Game is kino, BTW.
If you can get to 2 science skill you can craft a shit ton of them at once and then pretty much forget about it. 2 science can be achieved by a friendship bonus with a particular companion and a science outfit (of which there are plenty or you can make yourself), or if you want to do it earlier 1 legit skill point and and the science outfit. The materials are cheap and can be bought from vendors.
Yeah the problem with the modern vidya industry isn't that loads of retarded casuals flock to all the AAA hits just because they saw the ad on TV, it's that they then try to find similar games and give them shit ratings for having actual content and care put into them without an overblown budget
Is it worth the price?
I heard it reuses assets a lot and that the companions are super boring.
Give ME Aphra wife!
I'll tell you if you tell me the name of that qt and whether she's in the habit of not wearing makeup
They aren't quirky pansexuals so the gay fish audience isn't pleased
why do you think that user asked about gothic games and not generic rpg with random fantasy setting?
because when you say eurojank, Gothic is the first that that comes to mind
and come on user, this game is pretty similar to gothic, more than other eurojanks
Some of the characters are boring, but some are amazing, like Kurt and Petrus, but especially Kurt since his related quests are super cool.
>why do you think that user asked about gothic games and not generic rpg with random fantasy setting?
>why are so many of these gothic games coming out
hurr durr
>and come on user, this game is pretty similar to gothic
why, because it has animals? stop being retarded
it's like Spiders games
Oh okay. Why don't I?
because it's an european rpg with a fantasy setting with factions, companions from various factions, shitty combat, interesting gameplay otherwise etc.
the graphics aren't amazing, the game doesn't handhold you through epic setpieces, and some animations look slightly weird
Small indie company pelase understand
Those 20 people must be the tiredest devs in all of France.
kek, made me actually chuckle out loud
obviously I'm not the user who tried to tell you you don't like the game
enjoy playing, friend
Spiderbros, is Technomancer any good? I liked Mars War Logs despite the flaws and how short it was. I think I remember it being 7 hours long at best. How's the sequel?
Actually played all Spider's games but only found out today who they are and that they made Technomancer, Mars, etc...
Heh. Guess I'm a fan without knowing it.
Pretty much the same but better in every way
Feels almost Mass Effect-ish
Definitely worth playing
Have you tried Of Orcs and Men? Slightly different gameplay because it was also made by Cyanide but still great
Technomancer is more of the same, it's more polished but the story is not as good in my opinion.
Personally I thought the story in the first game was quite strong.
>dindus try to deny everything while backstabbing you at every turn
>playing games made by spiders
you're funding their shadow war against humanity
ate the bridge nonces
luv theleme
luv natives
luv me congregation
And that's a bad thing how?
your pedipalp is peeking
Alright, I think I'll pick it up this sale.
Why didn't the savage merchant just stay in New Serene... He's just attracting more trouble to himself and other by moving to Hikmet.
just started this game (came to the island for the first time) and I don't understand the factions
theleme are the church nutjobs but they wanna peacefully missionarize the natives, whereas the bridge are all scientists and scholars but they consider the native subhuman savages
so I can't be a proper god-fearing inquisitor who purges natives?
Get further into the game, you'll realise that you kinda were from the start.
simple as
>peacefully missionize
Oh yeah, because the bringing in the Inquisitor's every time the natives don't immediately fall to their knees and start worshipping light is real peaceful.
From the point of fighting Cera to talking to Glendan after saving Constantin , I received a total of -6 to Natives. The fuck did I do wrong there? Neither Cera nor the King gave me an option to not fight
I got a minus 3
I think it is a combination of choices you made prior.
Spiders finally managed to get a really good base game. Wish they would continue improving it.
Imagine how much better the game would be with just the following three improvements:
>an additional enemy type so you dont have to fight so many not!-bears all the time
>an additional battle cry for every companion, especially vasco
>copy&paste asset reduction especially for the residences of the 3 govenors
Also what the literal fuck is wrong with the bridge alliance.
They seem to have some sort of fetish for betraying Sardine.
Currently in the main camp of the rebels and only the Bridge is not Friendly with me.
But taking down the rebels gives -6 with the Natives (I do have the room to spare tho) and only +2 with the Bridge.
Fuck them.
Fighting Sera gave me -3, then talking to Glendan gave me another -3 for telling him I dabbed on his punkass King
Game just isn't very good.
>don't wanma pick Ullah because he's a nigger
>Sardine's mom was from that village
What do?
People seem to like it and the PC port shill reviews are still on 80 . I havnt play it yet tho
Soulless post.
the only recent Gothic game is Elex, the fuck do you mean
If you think that's bad you should see the floating shoulder pieces on armour upgrades
That shit is so disgusting it almost makes me. want to put off the game until someone makes a mod for it.
the first eurojank game that comes to mind is STALKER
It's just not a very compelling game. The story is boring as fuck and the only thing that even remotely interests me is why the main character has a mark on his face like the natives do. Being a passive aggressive little shite to the zealous inquisitor dude until he's baited into attacking you first so you can beat him down with a big fuck-off mace was fun too, but other than that I just haven't had much fun of it. Quests are 'run here and talk to dude x89' which is crippled by the horrible talking animations.
I'm waiting for a mod to remove the SJW aspects of the game.
If you aren't aware, it's pushing a false narrative by portraying niggers as wealthy intelligent and reasonable when the opposite is the case in reality.
It also pushes more false narratives by portraying women in positions of power to a ridiculous ratio. Something like 80% of all the powerful individuals are female. Lastly, the Bridge Alliance pushes the narrative that the sandnigger islam people are peaceful men of science and reason (which again is not true in reality and triggers a massive cognitive disconnect for me).
I have no patience for SJW agenda pushing and will not continue the game until this is fixed. If that means forever, so be it.
>sandnigger islam people are peaceful men of science
fuck off /pol/
So, who to give the crown to? Warrior chick or balance bro? Ullah isn't an option
Big brain Duncas.
>SJW aspects of the game.
I haven't seen anything particularly bad what are you talking about?
You obviously didn't play the game faggot
He listed them in his post.
So uh, how many niggers are there?
I can tolerate a token or two, but I simply don't want to spend my free time looking at niggers.
Theres an entire nigger faction.
Now drop the game.
Like I said, I haven't played all that much of it. I got to the island and did that quest where you find the guards who are extorting the merchants and not much else beyond that.
If they go on to show the not-muslims to be as they actually are; as in pretending to be peaceful intelligentsia that will immediately jihad the instant your head is turned and fuck you over to take over your shit, then the game will regain a lot of points from me.
Still not enough to make me want to play it again though, until the other falsehoods are fixed.
>RENOUNCE man helps you out later on
Is it possible to solo the game as in not deal with companions?
i should probably buy this shouldn't i
>I got to the island and did that quest where you find the guards who are extorting the merchants and not much else beyond that.
Wait a second. In your post you said
>Something like 80% of all the powerful individuals are female
How did you derive this ratio (which isnt even correct) if you only arrived at the island?
>in a fantasy game
Fuck off
>as in pretending to be peaceful intelligentsia that will immediately jihad the instant your head is turned and fuck you over to take over your shit
That's literally all they are, you still sound like "the fag who cried SJW" though
they'll do that when stupid people stop buying based entirely off of screenshots
Will I enjoy it if I enjoyed Dragon Age Origins?
I counted the amount of females in power vs males in power up to the point where I played (stopped just after I met the cardinal lady in new tereme or whatever its called; the place where the inquisitor harasses you).
Additionally the game is CLEARLY trying to emulate an 1800s time period (albeit with magic and shit); it emulates what were real life countries and factions but falsely portrays them.
I am crying SJW. Because it contains a left wing political message.
what particular parts of DAO did you like
Pretty sure no game that a Kotaku tranny is ragging on is pushing a Leftist agenda, keep whining though bruh
Everything but the combat.
You are mentally ill.
Thought it was just the one character lmao.
>Now drop the game.
That would imply that I picked it up.
Kotaku trannies are insane. The game contains heavy elements of SJW, but because there is a native population that gets displaced by the colonies, that triggered the kotaku tranny who then ignores all the things that fit within his insane ideology and harps on and on about 'the evil white man' again.
>it emulates what were real life countries and factions but falsely portrays them.
Did you know american natives also werent actually celts?
The game doesnt emulate anything, its inspired by the time period of colonialization and baroque artistics.
But being inspired by something doesnt meant that its an emulation or recreation of it.
Also you suck at statistics or something. The ratio is roughly 50:50. Your New Serene is lead by your Cousin (male). San Matheus is lead by the Mother Cardinal (Female). Hikmet is lead by a piece of shit (dont remember his name, but male). The adminal of the Nauts is female.
There are various clan leaders for the natives which both male and female and average at 50%.
Low sample sizes resulting from you seeing barely anything from the game are meaningless.
Now fuck off and drop the game, you probably pirated it anyways.
I am not. I simply have no tolerance for pushing falsehoods disguised as political messages in video games.
New Sereme is a portrayal of 1800s England in the midst of its colonial expansion.
The Bridge Alliance is a portrayal of Islam caliphates in the 1800s, except is completely erroneous in its portrayal of sandniggers. In the real world, they didn't give one shit about science and were (as today) too busy attempting social engineering to convert or destroy nations from within.
Theleme is an amalgamation of the suspicious paranoia of the religious in the period, and reflects this well, but then shits the bed by having women in power.
The Natives are a stand-in for all natives displaced by the colonial period, and are represented by Celts rather than the more numerous Native Americans of the period.
There are extremely common themes that are drawn in parallel between all of these factions and their real life equivalents, except the game pushes its SJW agenda by altering those factions to push left wing ideology such as women in power, blacks as intelligent and in power, and arabs as not-fanatical ragheads.
I could go on but you'll just pull some mental gymnastic shit at this point anyway so go ahead.
Congregation are fantasy merchant republic.
Bridge are fantasy pre-mongol golden age arabs
Theleme are fantasy old spain
Natives are fantasy celts
Have sex.
>New Sereme is a portrayal of 1800s England in the midst of its colonial expansion.
Its french you dumb nigger
>The Bridge Alliance is a portrayal of Islam caliphates in the 1800s
Its an what-if-islam never happened.
They dont have a religion and only worship their supposedly big brains (which usually ends up fucking themselves over).
Literally play the game instead of spreading completely fabricated lies from your mentally ill head-canon or drop it.
>worship their big brains
>actually really small brains
The absolute shantytown of Al-sad.
>zero opposing arguments
Doubt. Their culture is much closer to the English. But even if you were right, it wouldn't make a difference because the French were much the same as the English at this point in history.
Also "what-if-islam" is not accurate. "what would never be because islam is an insane religion" is more accurate.
>1800's England
>French were much the same
>He doesn't know that France were colonizing just as much as the English did except their shit was gradually taken over by the other nations and/or failed
This was the time that brits hanged a monkey they had mistaken as a frenchman, they really aren't similar at this point in time.
>Doubt. Their culture is much closer to the English.
Take a guess why the congregation uses french names including their fancy accents (its Séréne and not Serene).
Were you so busy counting genders you didnt even pay attention this level of detail?
>Also "what-if-islam" is not accurate. "what would never be because islam is an insane religion" is more accurate.
This doesnt even make sense and is just you trying to fit it some /pol/ shit.
The Bridge Alliance is inspired (not based on because it never happened) by an arab society in their continued golden age due to lack of religios influences.
This game is a 7/10 and that's okay.
Better than what I was expecting.
Hating each other doesn't mean they were dissimilar.
Quite the opposite in fact.
Little hard to be "inspired" by something that has absolutely zero reality.
Also the 'arab golden age' is a complete myth. All of their supposed technological and scientific advancements were not made by them, but were stolen by neighboring countries of differing races as they conquered and absorbed and converted those nations to Islam. And of course, since they stole credit for things they didn't really discover, they had no understanding of them and it was quickly forgotten within a few generations after they brainwashed the population into thumping their heads on the ground towards Mecca.
>Also the 'arab golden age' is a complete myth
Do you even know what a Golden Age is? Unless you're arguing that the Arabs have had a better period of history than the commonly understood Golden Age period.
I bet you're American.
>is a complete myth
You mean like a fantasy, in a fantasy game?
No way
Fuck off /pol/ sperg, no one fucking cares about your brave stance against fantasy scenarios
I know what a Golden Age is.
I also am not stupid enough to classify any period of history involving islam as a 'Golden Age'. Compared to the rest of the world, Islam was and still is a backwards savage hellhole ruled over by a theocracy that stifles any intellectual growth. Conquering countries smarter than you who have made scientific advances does not make you have a golden age.
Not an argument
Why are you comparing them to the rest of the world? A Golden Age has nothing to do with comparative well-being, its only considered on a country-by-country/culture-by-culture basis.
Also, the fact that you refer to Islam as a place confirms you're just farming for (you)'s, nobody is that goddamn stupid these days. Nice job.
Fucking /pol/ppets, I swear.
Never thought I would find something more insufferable than SJWs.
>Lastly, the Bridge Alliance pushes the narrative that the sandnigger islam people are peaceful men of science and reason (which again is not true in reality and triggers a massive cognitive disconnect for me).
It's literally what happened in real life though, when europe was stuck in the dark age