Which one?
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MGS4, retard. It was an actual masterpiece and the pinnacle of MG. V was pretty kino, but only up until Quiet shows up.
>Yea Forums likes 4 now because it's older
Fuck off. You're not funny and you never will be.
4. Better gameplay, story, and was actually completed
The one that’s actually finished and didn’t make me want to kill myself after playing it.
V, and it's not even a debate
so neither then
I like 4 because it felt like metal gear game
4 would be the better game if it still had MGO. I played that more than anything else in the series.
what does "felt" even mean? explain pls
It is if you have good taste which you clearly don’t
the series had an established identity that it did not break from at that time. After MGS4 that identity got greatly muddled and they essentially turned into different games.
left: Cutscenes, sometimes you get to play but only in short bursts, literally more gimmick sections than actual sneaking parts
right: A fucking videogame
Emulate 4
Pirate V
In that order
Reddit space
>Cutscenes in a Hideo game
>A bad thing
left may be marred by a retarded story and way too many cutscenes, but the gameplay that is present is better than that on V
>Bad story full of retcons
>Barely a game
>Actual gameplay is more limited than the ps2 games
Honestly the only thing it has over V might be this, that it "feels" like a MGS game, it's certainly full of energy and spectacle and that atmosphere that V lacks, but on a 2nd playthrough it already becomes a chore. It's the only game I didn't bother to 100%.
unironically based. MGSV has good controls, the gameplay is severely overrated.
MGS4 actually tried some very interesting things, and I find what you do get to play of it, more engaging than MGSV.
If you don’t here Japanese trailer voices then you do not belong here...
mgs4 is so bad it's good
mgs5 is bad
>there are people voting for 5
4 had huge issues but 5 was god shit.
4 is complete trash and you can unironically get the full experience just by watching the cutscenes on youtube, the first 2 acts have actual stealth gameplay (but hardly any) while act 3 has a shitty tailing mission and the rest of it is just an action game, and a bad one at that
At least 5 has solid gameplay and is actually fun
>not liking waifu
If it's because we didn't get a date side op or the option to cuddle with her, then I agree though
It IS a bad thing when they tell a bad story, and when it's literally more cutscene than game.
V has better gameplay
Gameplay is the only reason you would ever play or replay 4 or 5.
MGSV has no redeeming qualities. At least MGS4 had some good parts.
I'd rather have cutscenes telling a bad story than no cutscenes telling a bad, unfinished story.
As someone who beat MGS4 recently I fully agree
4 would be better if they extended the gameplay
I'd rather play a videogame.
Then why are you playing Metal Gear?
I fucking hate that MGS4 is now some kind of Yea Forums darling because you all played it when you were 10.
>MGS's legacy is people bitching about MGS4 or MGSV being the worst game
I played it for the first time like a few months before V came out. It's a much better game.
What? Like, given the choice of two games with bad stories, you would rather the one that makes you sit through hours of said bad story than the one that at least lets you spend most of your playtime playing a fun game and sometimes throws its bad story in bits and pieces at you?
This. I understand if you like 4 but it objectively a bad video game. Its purposely designed to be a bad game. It constantly takes control away from you and cutscenes can be upto 30 minutes long. It ruins all the mysteries the series set up. And the biggest actual gameplay section of the game is motherbase which is the worst part. You fight 50 ball-arm guys as they slowly roll out of the hangar and then hop into Rex for another gimmick section. 4 is an awful game and deliberately so. At least V has gameplay.
5 sucks worse.
>spend most of your playtime playing a fun game
Yeah, "Empty Open World: The Game: Fulton Everything Edition" was so much fun.
What part of 4 was good?
V has missions that you can play through and soldiers to sneak around. What does 4 have?
MGS2 = MGS3 > MGR >MGS1 > MPO > PW > MGS4 > MGSV
Boss fights
Better MP
The ability to have a bunch of weapons at once
No health regen
I played MGS4 when I was 17, and I fucking hated it at the time. I've mellowed out on it over the years, I recognize there are things I like about it, but it is a very flawed game with a shit story.
I'll take 4 over 5 any day though.
Act 1, Act 2, Act 4, REX vs RAY fight and Liquid Ocelot fight.
MGSV's mission are all the same "fulton the target" shit. Its selection of mission types is even fucking worse than Peace Walker.
4 is the better game. Just because you put on a podcast and sunk 300 hours into V doesn’t make it a better game
MGS4 is just pure shit, story, plot pacing, characters, gameplay. Nothing redeemable about it.
MGSV has a shit story and characters. Gameplay is shit for a MGS game, but fun if you pretend its not MGS and didnt intend to be. The FOX engine is neat to fuck about in.
>in reality both were needless cash grabs
But if I had to pick one, I guess MGSV. But I doubt I'll play either again.
It pissed me off honestly, like it doesn't let you sit comfortably and play because oops time for the next storydump. When I finished the game and let it sink in I started to feel like I had been cheated out of a game, and PW was not scratching that itch I had for a modern MGS either because even though it's fun and addictive its too bite-sized and more limited in various ways. GZ and TPP scratched the itch. Putting the story aside, it's just so big and gives you so much freedom, and gives you all the time in the world to go around sneaking up on people in a variety of ways. Maybe having too many options makes the game too easy, but geez, you can just choose not to rocket punch and throw your dog at everything.
Too bad about the stealth gameplay in 4 huh?
4 offered more things to fuck around with so it's better. MGO2 was also far superior.
It had better stealth than V
>even MGSV's theme song and non-licensed music is garbage
What a shit show of a MGS game.
Act 1 and 2 are about 15 minutes long. Such fucking cock teases. Everything else has no point being in an mgs game.
At least thats gameplay
>lie down on the floor literally anywhere for 99% camo index
>speed running autist
Yes. You are correct.
Im just not counting cutscene time.
MGS4 story sucked major, and i mean some major fucking ass. MGSV is shakespear compared to 4s story about eggs
I don't do online so I can't comment on that.
But MGS4 was just fucking awful. And with the pervasive and terrible story/cutscenes arond every corner it makes it tedious to play.
MGSV is at least the story is shit and doesn't shove it in your face, other than forcing you to get in the retarded chopper / back to motherbase.
But as I said before, both really aren't that great and missed the point of why the trilogy was so well received and loved.
It's like asking me which pile of shit I want to eat. I'd prefer neither.
Where is it Yea Forums?
At least we have ground zeros
Total play time = 11h 32m (692 minutes)
Gameplay = 8h 17 m (497 minutes)
Cutscenes = 3h 15m (195 minutes)
Gameplay/Cutscene = 2.5487
Cutscene Proportion = 28%
Total play time = 13h 08m (788 minutes)
Gameplay = 7h 44m (464 minutes)
Cutscenes = 5h 24m, (324 minutes)
Gameplay/Cutscene = 1.4321
Cutscene Proportion = 41%
Total play time = 16h 11m (971 minutes)
Gameplay = 11h 13m (673 minutes)
Cutscenes = 4h 58m (298 minutes)
Gameplay/Cutscene = 2.2584
Cutscene Proportion = 31%
Total play time = 12h 36m (756 minutes)
Gameplay = 10h 39m (639 minutes)
Cutscenes = 1h 42m (102 minutes)
Gameplay/Cutscene = 6.2647
Cutscene Proportion = 13%
Total play time = 19h 27m (1,167 minutes)
Gameplay = 10h 59m (659 minutes)
Cutscenes = 8h 26m (508 minutes)
Gameplay/Cutscene = 1.2972
Cutscene Proportion = 44%
Total play time = 34h 08m (2,048 minutes)
Gameplay = 31h 11m (1,871 minutes)
Cutscenes = 2h 57m (177 minutes)
Gameplay/Cutscene = 10.5706
Cutscene Proportion = 9%
MGR: Revengeance
Total play time = 7h 47m (467 minutes)
Gameplay = 5h 28m (328 minutes)
Cutscenes = 2h 19m (139 minutes)
Gameplay/Cutscene = 2.3597
Cutscene Proportion = 30%
All data compiled from howlongtobeat.com with cutscene length totals from YT being subtracted by average game length total.
True... If MGSV was like GZ or the Prologue of TPP then I would have liked it.
Instead they shat us into two shitty """open""" world maps (that really just funnel you down connecting tubes .)
Every cutscene in the game featured in a trailer 3 yrs before release. Wtf were they working between 2012 and 2015?
For all its flaws MGSV is way better than 4. In 4 you have 10 minutes of gameplay then you have to listen to a boring ass codec call for 15 minutes or watch a drab 30 minute cutscene where absolutely fuck all happens - people just talk
And I'm aware this kind of stuff was in previous MGS games, but at least the codec calls in the others were fun and interesting, the ones in 4 were just boring as fuck
Alright son, let's say you mailed yourself in a box into the middle of an enemy base crawling with soldiers, how do you get out of that situation? Maybe lure people one by one into the box? Pop out of the box to shoot somone then pop back in? Wait till some guys are close together and knock them all with cqc? Have your dog bark and distract everyone? Throw smoke grenades? Call for a smoke drop? Maybe mail yourself back out and get in through a different entrance?
Now let's say you could get yourself into that situation in 4. How do you get out? For starters three guys are going to check your box at the same time, completely ignoring each other. Maybe you're fucked. Play dead and hope for the best.
V by a mile. 4 is too overkill with its cutscenes and idiotic with its retconning of 2. V has the best gameplay of the series and the gen.
You missed out and a gain V is worse in literally every way except length because MGS4 is short and V is padded to hell and back.
4 is decent, you should replay it when emulation improves. It was just too short.
Mgs2 might have nearly the same percentage of cutscenes as 4, but that's different. The ones in 2 are actually interesting and you can have a good time watching them. In 4 they're just dull as fuck, nothing happens and they drag on like crazy
4 had really good sections that were let down by really bad ones in between them. 5 was one very long bad section from start to finish.
It's the same game.
V would be perfect if it had the bossfights from PW, actually having to fight and capture vehicles and destroying big robots for scraps. Or maybe a wacky boss squad like the rest of the series.
V would have been perfect if it had an actual story
4 has better story
5 has better gameplay
Not exactly. There are quite a few aspects of GZ that TPP ditched in order to transition to it's pseudo "open" world.
Tbh we need a remake of peacewalker with 5's gameplay and proper cutscenes
>4 has better story
They literally are not the same.
>good in any way
>great game play and CQC
>Snake vs Ocelot fight
>dumbed down gameplay
>2 empty maps
>story somehow even worse than MGS4
>one of the lamest """twists""" in gaming history
It's actually the opposite.
4 had better gameplay elements.
5 had the better story that required you to read between the lines and decipher things for yourself. 4's story was terrible pandering bullshit.
4 took me 86 hours to platinum
5 took me 202 hours to platinum
5 had better gameplay, and a better story
4 had a better protagonist and online mode
I'd give it to 5. Both games are kino.
same game
GZ has a boss.
GZ actually has a real base to sneak around in.
As much as I hate both games, I think V wins out for me here.
MGS4 is irredeemable.
>Act 3
>The final real actual MGS stealth segment in Act 5 is over in 15 minutes and extremely short
>MGS4 and V stories
>Skull Face
>BNB units
>that ending in 4
>the entire premise of V
>fanservice deluxe
>Read between the lines
>oh I see this is the part where you find out skull face is working for someone else or whatever
>And then liquid and psycho mantis flew sahelanthropus into the sunset never to be seen again, the end.
>Ground Zeroes comes out
>Gives me so much hope
>V releases
>All of my hope, like a flickering flame desperate for survival, is snuffed out
Will Kojima be back with DS or is he an actual hack?
Skull face is probably one of the worst most awkward villains in the entire series
>the jeep ride
Honestly, it's hilariously bad, I couldn't believe what I was seeing on screen was actually happening. The Jeep Ride broke me, it was so hilariously bad I truly had to question everything I knew about Kojima. I couldn't believe someone who directed MGS1-3 managed to direct the Jeep Ride, quite possibly one of the worst directed scenes in a video game ever made.
seeing as everything under his belt post-MGS3 has been shit, my hopes are rock bottom
Its the same exact game. The definitive edition is even the same launcher.
>MGS4 winning
Same game, just because you like metal more than sand doesnt make it different. Same gameplay, same everything.
>Carrying a fucking minifridge on your back while sneaking.
>Animations move as if you were not burdened by any weight
It must have been added in last minute or something
>who cares about story? gameplay is king.
>chooses 4 over V
Updated with MGSV.
Total play time = 11h 32m (692 minutes)
Gameplay = 8h 17 m (497 minutes)
Cutscenes = 3h 15m (195 minutes)
Gameplay/Cutscene = 2.5487
Cutscene Proportion = 28%
Total play time = 13h 08m (788 minutes)
Gameplay = 7h 44m (464 minutes)
Cutscenes = 5h 24m, (324 minutes)
Gameplay/Cutscene = 1.4321
Cutscene Proportion = 41%
Total play time = 16h 11m (971 minutes)
Gameplay = 11h 13m (673 minutes)
Cutscenes = 4h 58m (298 minutes)
Gameplay/Cutscene = 2.2584
Cutscene Proportion = 31%
Total play time = 12h 36m (756 minutes)
Gameplay = 10h 39m (639 minutes)
Cutscenes = 1h 42m (102 minutes)
Gameplay/Cutscene = 6.2647
Cutscene Proportion = 13%
Total play time = 19h 27m (1,167 minutes)
Gameplay = 10h 59m (659 minutes)
Cutscenes = 8h 26m (508 minutes)
Gameplay/Cutscene = 1.2972
Cutscene Proportion = 44%
Total play time = 34h 08m (2,048 minutes)
Gameplay = 31h 11m (1,871 minutes)
Cutscenes = 2h 57m (177 minutes)
Gameplay/Cutscene = 10.5706
Cutscene Proportion = 9%
MGR: Revengeance
Total play time = 7h 47m (467 minutes)
Gameplay = 5h 28m (328 minutes)
Cutscenes = 2h 19m (139 minutes)
Gameplay/Cutscene = 2.3597
Cutscene Proportion = 30%
Total play time = 47h 58m (2,880 minutes)
Gameplay = 42h 23m (2,543 minutes)
Cutscenes = 5h 35m (321 minutes)
Gameplay/Cutscene = 7.922
Cutscene Proportion = 11%
There is also a spazz in the animation right before he chokes him out. I know it is prerelease, but they are close to the dead line for things like that to be in what is basically the final beta phase.
Incorrect. GZ has multi objective missions, armories with weapons, and smart use of cameras and mines. TPP missions feature one objective,no armories, and awful use of cameras and mines. Also sortie. The way you play a mission in TPP and GZ are simillar but very different.
The one they actually finished of course
He's an actual hack. PW and V aren't even MGS games and they were just outright bad story wise.
MGSV is better mechanically but otherwise it's a boring, repetitive and soulless game. It's a bland open world game in a sea of bland open world game. MGS4 is a bit of a mess and shits all over the story but at least it feels like a MGS game and has some genuinely kino moments.
>MGSV is better mechanically
It really isn't. It has better shooting but MGS4 has better everything else.
snake controlled like he did in other games, it had the l and r trigger menus
every tpp mission has many objectives
same exact game. same gameplay. same everything
>Just because you put on a podcast and sunk 300 hours into V doesn’t make it a better game
couldn't be more true. MGSV is such a mind numbingly dull game.
The tonal whiplash between PW, GZ and TPP was jarring as fuck. GZ was so needlessly dark.
Hard to judge all of V since part 3 hasn't even been announced yet.
>Better gameplay
what game did you niggas play? Are you sure it was mgs4?
Interesting how the actual hours of cutscenes never change much, the only thing that change is the pure gameplay, and in V and PW the gamepaly is just repetitive missions over and over and over.
So they all basicalle the same if you remove filler content in V and PW.
4 because while it did have some of the dumbest and most retarded moment in Vidya history. It also had some of the most kino and well made. Also Old Snake is probably the most badass character in any video game ever. The game is just memorable as fuck.
V is just flat out boring and it also had pretty fucking stupid moments.
Absolute pleb tier opinions, mate. The two are unquestionably the worst entries in the series, I'd rather play Portable Ops honestly
GZ is a deeper and better game than TPP. Deal with it.
>MGS4 is just talking and cutscenes
My friend who was a MGSfan like me, begged me to play when he was around so he could see the cutscenes since he didnt have a PS4. If its just people talking you must be a zoomer or just plain late to the series(aka jumped in at 4 because the ps2 had ugly graphics). Just about all cutscenes and codec calls are interesting as fuck the first time around and great 10 years later on my current playthrough. I recall people looking forward to calling every single codec frequency everytime you entered a new map in MGS1,2 or 3. Now its considered a waste of time? Fucking zoomsville
nah same game
Cute feet!
>calling every single codec frequency everytime you entered a new map
that sounds awful
4 at least felt like an MGS game
Nah mate, the controls on MGSV are fucking orgasmic. The level of options is incredible. It's mechanically a superb stealth game. But it's also boring and terribly designed so you can only play it for half an hour before wanting to shoot yourself.
Don't get me wrong 4 is great mechanically too, but V has the edge.
>MGS game with standard MGS formula
>shitty barren open world with nothing fucking in it, gimped controlls and less content than the PSP game its based on
HHHmmmmmmm.... REally tough decision there!
you dont get it, its only bad when MGS4 does it, just wait untill death stranding comes out, it will be the biggest movie game of all time and faggots will praise it to no end for decades
Hell is forever!
>I recall people looking forward to calling every single codec frequency everytime you entered a new map in MGS1,2 or 3
It's funny because at the same the time the hi/v/emind will suck off games with far worse gameplay than MGS like Mass Effect and Witcher. I put it down to the board being flooded with normies and casuals.
Where is my fucking demon edition?!
>that london level in 4 where you just follow a guy for 30 minutes and if you get caught by anyone you have to start over
>MGS game with standard MGS formula
I don't like MGSV, but MGS4 does not follow the formula of the classic trilogy. There is a huge difference between the trilogy and MGS4.
>that terrible on rail shooter section where youre forced to use the micro uzi
>43% of the board is zoomers
kojima save us
> There is a huge difference between the trilogy and MGS4.
what is it?
Protip, the P90 you get from the Frog units in Act one can be used as well. im pretty sure any submachine gun from drebin can as well.
>This is the average MGS4 player
Rules for posting on Yea Forums:
old game good
new game bad
old game always better than new game
new game always badder than old game
So that's the phantom pain I felt
Fuck who makes these? They really got the wrinkles and facial expressions right, makes me diamond.
MGS4 isn't old, you retarded zoomer. Just because you were 7 when it came out, doesn't make it an old video game.
Maybe companies should stick to their roots instead of selling out to the non-fan masses.
It's not Yea Forums's fault companies make shitty sequels like clockwork.
i really dont know, just saved these while lurking
Eh, sorta. I feel like snake has more.options in 4. Like hanging from bridge while aiming down sights upside down
except, mgs1 2 and 3 had interesting and/or funny codec calls. 4 has a few here and there, but most of them are fairly boring 'that's the guy' or 'that machine does this' with little-to-no off-topic banter. i agree, however, that the cutscenes are wonderful in their ridiculous way
damn, so close
t. oldman
MGS1,2,3 had a story that was enjoyable and a world that you felt apart of.
MGS4 just threw everything at the wall and hopes something would stick.
>11 years
>not old
gary's brother terry oldman?
no, not really.
memorable cutscenes from 4:
>raiden VS gekkos & vamp
>FOX DIE... think again!
>microwave section
memorable cutscenes from 2:
>the aftermath of the harrier maybe?
>6 hours staring at the codec screen
>raiden VS gekkos & vamp
boring and makes no sense. there isn't even any reason given to why vamp is there other than for raiden to have a reason to fight him (reoccurring problem in MGS4)
>FOX DIE... think again!
Cheesy as fuck and doesn't even rhyme. FOX DIE... NICE TRY would have been better.
But the entire section is jsut fan service that makes no sense story wise. Le ebic Ray VS Rex fight.
>microwave section
Felt nothing besides my finger. The scene doesn't work because it is based on "story" that also doesn't hold up. It is a house of cards that fails from Act 1.
>Naomi's suicide
Makes no sense other than "she has to die where Gray Fox died."
But in the context of the story it makes no sense and they never explain why she chose to die and stopping her nanomachines (reactivating her cancer.)
We have no reason to feel for her and it is just a show piece so we can see Otacon cry over a girl he just met again... just like before. Wow.
I actually played it on release and here is what i rememeber
>Opening GW bridge stealth camo jumping cutscene.
This was a near movie-like cutscene, nothing at this level had been done before.
>The revolver ocelot scene where he takes control of ray
Do i need to explain this?
>Its a dud
>Olgas pits
ima stop here, theres plenty of great cutscenes, but a zoomers warped mind cant see the forest for the trees
My favorite cutscenes in MGS4 is maybe this one. It's really low key but I just love it.
Why is there a resurgence of MGS4 threads? Did it just become emulatable or something?
Wow, Yea Forums being based for once? God damn
It's not complete, but they had a break through during the past month.
>Before it was unbootable
It's also been on PSNow for about 7 or so months.
Not sure why the resurgence.
yeah they're trash but they're memorable
2 has only codecs
>I only played the tanker chapter
what a fag
These threads actually made me fire up the old ps3 again and its even better than i remember it being after the dust has long settled.
tanker had enough good moments, i didnt need to go any further to disprove that shit opinion
>plant chapter is so shit you can't recall anything from it
I accept your concession.
MGS4 played great and had MGO2 which was amazing. MGS5 was complete irredeemable shit that only spergs who like open world games enjoyed.
I've played MGS4 a ton of times despite the fact that I hated that story. I think there's a ton of redeemable things in that game, I love the gameplay in ACT 1 and 2, I love the sound design, the psyche and stamina system is a pretty interesting one and I like it way more than what they had in MGS3.
We'll probably never see a triple a game like mgs4 ever again.
>yeah they're trash but they're memorable
You might want to eat the best shit-sandwich.
But I have no interest in eating a shit-sandwich, even if it is the best in town.
MGS4 ended off great and was pretty fun
MGS5 is a fucking snoozefest that fell for the open world meme and doesn't even have Snake
>cheesy as fuck, doesn't even rhyme
japanese one does at least
Yep. MGS4 had the worst localization of them all because Kojima was such a fucking autist about it being "accurate" even though his understand of English is very minimal.
The older games were better. Although MGS2 and 3 even had their weird Kojima linguistic injections that really undermined the nuances of English, for his own linguistic purism.
from what i gather, he understands english just fine, he just has an accent and prefers having a translator for the sake of clarity in public. same goes for miyamoto
>MGO2 which was amazing
soimeone post some of this so called amazing gameplay, ive watched videos of it and it seems... how do you say... diarrhea?
Maybe conversational. There is a difference though between fluent and conversational.
Look into the woman who was leading the English localization for MGS2.
She absolutely hated Kojima because he was such a purist and wouldn't let her do her job.
It's also why he dropped in accents in Twin Snakes.
I'm not saying he's a bad person. He just simply doesn't understand the nuances of language enough to direct a localization team.
He was overly protective of his work to the point that people couldn't do their damn jobs.
>linguistic injections that undermined the nuances of english
1 had that too, all the shit snake repeats is essentially cause in japanese you do that to show that you're paying attention. same reason that, if you ever see or hear a japanese conversation there's a lot of nodding and 'ah' 'hn' or 'so' interjections that seemingly interrupt the speaker
True, but it got worse with each and every game.
>he actually wanted the voice actors who were already selected to speak Russian lines for MGS3
Luckily he was talked out of some of the more crazy ideas he had. But he almost walked into the George Lucas trap of people afraid to speak up to him.
MGS4 for metal gear online alone. Plus the first two acts were way more fun than the entirety of MGSV. Fuck off V fags
oh for sure, i know that, i just meant that i think 'minimal grasp' is a bit of an overstatement. he's definitely got some problems with translators taking a bit of creative license here and there to make the stuff flow better (that article by the dude who translated the first game also talks about it), but i think he also wants there to be a kind of awkward quality to the translations since it creates a more 'b-movie' atmosphere and/or presumably recreates his experience of watching of watching american movies translated into japanese or whatever. idk though, he definitely has his diva qualities
sorry for the double 'of watching' there, i rewrote a sentence and i guess i missed part of it when deleting
Why do the Gekkos have meat legs and bleed when Raiden stabs them on their metal looking rex head? How come they have guns and shoot at people in Act 1, but in act two they just try to kick you and ram you with thier heads. I feel like they are capable of being very threatening foes, but they just turn into Mooing kicking machines for close quarters battle.
nanomachines son
Because they forgot to make the game.
i agree with you. and i understand to an extent wanting to convey to the localize team what your direction is. But the localize team members typically speak both languages well, and (if they are good) should know what to keep and what to change.
Of course it is very subjective and transcends all mediums of art. Books, movies, TV, music, games, etc. There is a gray area of what to keep more literal and what to change to assimilate to the target audience.
And there have been A LOT of fucked up translations in games, so I understand his worry.
But by MGS2 + 3 they already had a huge budget and could afford people who knew better than to do a bad localization.
It's really just a bitter reality of selling a product to foreigners. Some will always be lost in translation.
Death Stranding
4 actually has level design so that one
>An important part of the villains plan included Snake sneaking in.
Damn, even if he was young thats a good sign you need to retire.
4 had some cool shit, like Act 1 and Raiden's sacrifice, but it also had some lame shit, like everything after Act 1 and Raiden's revival. It was truer to the original MGS feeling, but it kind of sucked major dick all around. MGSV shit all over the atmosphere of MGS narratives within 10 minutes, whereafter it was an amazing little toolkit of gizmos and gameplay design utterly wasted on an open, boring sandbox.
They both suck dick.
Pretty much this. But MGS4 on account of still having that MGS-feel to it has some redeemable qualities.
I will never again replay MGSV. But I will play MGS4 again.
fair enough. i mean shit, at least it's not like phoenix wright where they're like 'THIS IS DEFINITELY AMERICA!' the whole time
mgs4 relies too much on cutscenes
as in, it's 95% a movie. and not a good one.
4 had more contrived bullshit (in a bad way) than the entire rest of the series and I really enjoyed V so I'll go with V.
Both good games though.
>over 3 hours rant video about how retarded is MGS4
>all content, no fillers
Yea Forums will still defend MGS4 after this
Game wouldve been absolute kino, best ending hands down in a video game if snake wouldve shot himself.
>3 hours
God I fucking hate these shit fucking youtube videos that go on for literally hours. You can be more succinct, it doesnt' take nearly 4 hours to explain why MGS4 is a fucking bad mess.
especially when it's not even that bad.
the crazy part is making a wrinkle map is extremely easy, and is over 10 year old tech. i have no idea why no one has used it for porn before.
Metal gear solid 4 is dog shit. Handedly the worst MGS game. Would unironically rather play portable ops. Retards to blind to realize the whole game is just one giant Kojima shitpost.
what's wrong with pops
I've actually watched this before and (ironically) he makes the mistake of doing retarded music video cutscenes in his fucking review for MGS4.
There are multiple times in his break down where it goes into a 5-10 minutes song with cutscenes playing.
God people on YouTube are fucking retarded.
Then at the end he whines about Solid almist committing suicide because his IRL friend killed himself. As if the world should suddenly stop talking about suicide because someone he knew did it.
He also whines about mental health too.
Most of his good points are drowned out by him being a whiny faggot.
MGS4 has better gameplay than V, V has better controls of the main character. V has more mechanics and it's sneaking around a guarded location is smooth and fun but if you count in bosses and all the situations the gameplay can be expressed in 4 is better because V is mostly just a single recycled segment masked by an empty open world.
4 is my favorite Metal Gear.
>bosses lack proper integration
>story is cut to chapters that skip time and location
>you are forced to take 15-20 minute breaks between chapters
>everything is a literal interpretation of past events
>Campbell cucks raiden
Siht sounds so fucking funny today.
I feel like using Drebin is cheating. Goes against the whole procure on site in the other games.
You didn't play the game, right
he didn't cuck anyone
Its just fucking funny to think Kojima would include NTR and cucking before they became a thing, I played it of course.
>Actually, there is something I have been meaning to tell you but I just couldn't... I think you should know, though. On Saturday morning last week I saw a guy leaving Rosemary's room... How should I put it, it was like they were... "intimate." I'm sorry. Sorry to bring this up during the mission, but...
He was talking about himself the whole time.
>before they became a thing
It's been around forever.
would’ve said 5 if it was finished but “part 2” still makes me fucking angry
>would include NTR and cucking before they became a thing
nigga what
yeah, but not on the scale we see it today, popping up everywhere.
>MGS2 = MGS3 > MGR >MGS1 > MPO > PW > MGS4 > MGSV
how did you get my list
Even V is better than PW
>ay baby hop up on that bed and take your shoes off
>uh ok user
>now... wiggle your feet for me
>uhh what? im not sure im comfortable with this you are kinda weird
>get away from me you freak *runs out screaming and crying*
literally you
>"all content, no fillers"
>open the link and jump to a random point in the video
>first thing that comes up is some joke about Naomi and Sunny passing the Bechdel test
>le funny air horn sound effect
>close the video
Thanks, but no thanks.
Having said that, I still love MGS4 and this series will always hold a special place in my heart. I just prefer V as a game which I can actually replay and have fun rather than something I occasionally reminisce about and maybe rewatch a small fraction of the total number of cutscenes on Youtube.
I'm not in the least bit interested in going through every single cutscene and codec conversation for these games ever again. I don't think a significant amount of fans clamoring that "MGS feel" don't either. That reeks of bullshit to me, I really don't believe anyone wants to subject themselves to the gameplay pacing constantly being fucked by the story unless it's their first playthrough or a "specialized" MGS streamer.