What a terrible expansion.
What a terrible expansion
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Listen here you fucking piece of shit, I spent hours and hours in this place and it is the best and most funnest expansion of this fucking garbage ass video game.
This place had the best scenery, the best music, the best raids, bosses, environments; everything.
You are either too young, too retarded or too much of a fucking wrath babby to appreciate TRUE content, TRUE grind, TRUE experiences made with friends. This expansion PAVED the way for Legion and the amazing time had with that.
Put some respec on that fuckin name when you speak it. Do not come for me, when I have not sent for you.
i was with you til Legion, you fucking faggot
>t. non warlock
fuck off, I bet you're a retadin.
It was okay. The real kino was the first set of DK armor that somehow looked good on every race at the same time.
I want to go back
it was only the best expansion.
t. retard
What? Warlocks are basically Demigods in MoP. You're a retard or something.
Yeah, we got a massive faggot right here.
I thought it would be garbo. I was hardcore Warcraft fan ever since Warcraft 2 and the whole Pokemon and whimsical Panda shit (despite Chen) seemed fucking dumb, but when I played it I was sucked in by hour two. Easily the best nu-WoW expansion to date.
>the Zandalari were so fucking cool in MoP
>they're all gigantic faggots in BFA
What the FUCK happened? Why is the architecture of their capital less impressive than the fucking tent cities on the Isle of Thunder? Why do they seem so weak and less impressive? It's impossible to take the Zandalari seriously in BFA
kill yourself. mop dk was peak performance in both gear and playstyle
It was an alright expansion sandwiched between two god awful ones.
based and pandapilled
Easy kills though, literal Rogue food. Also forgot to mention
>Blood Elf
Yeah you're a turbo faggot.
>set up Lorewalker Cho to be the main villain
>pussy out at the last minute
I was pretty disappointed
Don't talk to me Poz Elf Cuck Knight.
>tfw only got the legendary cape on 1 character when i could've easily done 8
that is why he posted "t. non warlock" in the meme arrow, to imply that OP did not play a warlock and that's why he is complaining
That's what I was saying you moron. Lurk moar if you don't understand >t. x Newfag.
The soundtrack had no right to be this good
people who played it liked it
wrathbabbies who unsubbed 3+ years before just scream NOT MUH LICH KING constantly
It was pretty but yeah it fucking sucked. I went back to wow for a couple months in BFA and was baffled to find so many people think mists was the best expansion. Worst dungeons/raids, wanna say worst story but bfa exists and it's the exact same thing, gameplay was an extension of everything wrong with cata.
Wow is fucking trash though so it's all irrelevant anyway.
cringe, kill yourself
based. mop is the patrician's choice
Also a top tier wow tune. MoP unironically did have a banging soundtrack.
How can you even compare the expac? How can you play WoW for more than 5 years?
No it wasn't. Blood DK in cata was far more busted. Blood Worms were broken OP, and Blood DKs were doing just as much DPS as the DPS.
>when tanks has vengance in pvp
MOP was the peak of modern wow and what the game should strive to feel like going forward. i would never touch classic again if they kept giving us MOP tier expansions every time. i'm happy to see that finally, after so many years of retards shitting on it because DUDE KUNG FU PANDA LMAO that it is getting the recognition it deserves.
timeless isle... HOME...
this is definitely the case. retards who quit in cata and never even played it are still seething about it today.
People actually care about pvp in WoW post classic?
The story before ToT was unadulterated dogshit made for Metzen's daughter, however.
Vengeance was a meme in MoP, basically buffed tanks out the ass in pvp. Blood DKs were unkillable and killed you easily.
The only thing that even damaged them was Demonology warlocks and their AIDS-wave of 16gorillion damage they got. I miss MoP.
>Worst dungeons/raids,
the absolute fucking state of wrathbabbies
ToT may be the best raid post Ulduar desu.
what was wrong with the mogu and mantid stuff
its better than ulduar DESU.
ulduar is just aesthetics and two good bossfights.
>the pandas were going to be the alliance race in BC
What would have it been like?
>post classic
It's called vanilla lil zoom
classic is very much a different thing
Metzen is full of shit. He lies non stop to defend the current garbage of Blizzard.
>What a terrible expansion.
Those fempandaren asses, though...
>MoP Zandalari
Warlords and tribal badasses that sought to expand their territory and strengthen their forces' foothold on THEIR world. They lacked the numbers, but they utilized resources efficiently to begin building up an even greater threat. Likely would've kicked the Legion's ass solo if they took over.
>BfA Zandalari
Literally the "we wuz kangs" meme, but as a serious concept. I was one of the many unfortunates who fell for the hype, only to be disappointed more than getting a t-shirt for Christmas as a child.
Probably wouldn't have been a shitty inclusion with a failed split-faction system.
>timeless isle... HOME...
>jade forest assets slapped on a half-assed island
>copy pasted mobs turned into elites because they couldn't even be bothered to make something new for 5.3/5.4
Lei Shen was OP as fuck, nigger 1v1'd a wild god and a titan keeper. He should have been more of a presence than fucking Garrosh "Daddy Issues" Hellscream
How do you make something like Pandaria, and then immediately fuck it up with Draenor? I'm still not over how they ruined monks, and I haven't even played since mid-Legion.
the models were in the game
>This expansion PAVED the way for Legion and the amazing time had with that.
Kill yourself. Legion didn't even come close.
like this probably
i wish the pandaren were ally only in MOP though 2bh. i have never been crazy about them and would rather have got something like mogu on horde.
the models would have been shit
It was also referred to as Classic long before Nu-Classic came out. Quit trying so hard to fit in on an anonymous image board.
>content made in the cheapest way possible turns out to be the most fun
sounds like SOUL to me
nobody gives a shit sperg
It would have been great if the Pandas were just a few NPCs, making them playable was even worse than making Goblins playable.
>It was also referred to as Classic long before Nu-Classic came out.
gamers look, i caught a panda wife finally
>Literally the "we wuz kangs" meme, but as a serious concept
this would be based if rastakhan was still alive instead of his shitty mary sue daughter
And? could have been just some random NPC.
Chen sided with the Horde btw.
Metzen says that to defend the legitimacy of his China expac.
Everybody has always called it vanilla
Good job man
>tons of hidden shit that actually makes people explore shit, unlike the muh classic exploration lie
>tons of events
>progression for new and old characters
>a special area that tells non legendary owners to fuck off like the subhumans they are
>best world PVP since that TBC island and even better because you can beat up faggots on your own faction
it was great.
Chadstakhan was such a waste. He actually had some character, some presence. Not like fucking WHOlanji
>Make a solid expansion outside of daily quests and making 32 classes with half the DPS specs being garbage
>Bitch about it only because of Samwise's pet race
>Next three expansions were jank-ass garbage that made WoW into a memegame for crack addicts
Based Blizzard
>all these people saying MoP was the best
>it used to be WotLK
>and before that it was BC
Every new wave of people talking up the expacs they grew up with.
It's insane WoW's still as popular as it is while still getting to cash in nostalgia on itself.
Rastakhan was just as shit as his mary sue daughter, but at least he fucking TRIED to bring change. It's a shame he had to let himself die like a little bitch in the raid, but he at least tried to bring glory back to his people despite all the problems there were. All Talanji has done since she just brushed off her father's death is bend over and suck Sylvanas' rotten dick.
Everyone called it vanilla you faggot
Funny how nobody ever calls cata the best
>Warlords and tribal badasses that sought to expand their territory and strengthen their forces' foothold on THEIR world
>Likely would've kicked the Legion's ass solo if they took over.
>Literally the "we wuz kangs" meme, but as a serious concept
You are fucking retarded. They are the same thing. The Zandalari haven't been powerful since the Night Elves kicked their teeth in, and even in Cata they were
MoP has them as a shitty group of what managed to survive the cataclysm and then getting their shit pushed in AGAIN in Cata's troll dungeons, being bitchbaby submissive to Lei Shen, who thought they were a fucking joke. Just because you don't fell for their retarded claim to be strong in MoP and realized they were talking out of their ass in BfA doesn't mean they weren't always talking out of their ass. At least the BfA Zandalari have Bwonsamdi.
>i-its nostalgia
I started with wotlk and played MoP when I was in college. MoP is better.
>See this questline? This story content that we baked into the leveling experience so the story makes no sense without it? Yeah, fuck you, you can't do it anymore
I played all expansions.
MoP is the best.
Also btw TBC is one of the worst. definitely the most harmful one.
>alliance mutt talks shit about the Zandalari
lol stay in Goldshire, faggot, we made you our bitches
I wouldn't know. I stopped playing after Cataclysm because the game was already complete unsalvageable shit by that point.
I mean I raided hardcore every expansion until legion and frankly MoP had the best encounter design overall (there are definitely pieces and raids from other expansions that singularly beat anything in MoP).
MOP was one of the BEST expansions. Get fucked.
Night elves only won since the Trolls had been busy fighting the Aqir, lorelet.
Trolls are incredibly hard to kill short of outright decapitation. And Zandalari especially could dab on those elf wh*te boys without their crack magic.
heart of fear sucked but everything else was good, i wasn't around for very long at least
You have to be pretty shit to lose against the Night Elves, who are the weakest race of Azeroth
It was ruined by the goofy fucking fat furry fuckers
The rest of the continent was great and the plot also
name a race more cute than pandas (you cant)
>Cracked out the ass on titan blood voodo
>Millions of the fuckers because they had their asses' saved from being BUG'd because of the Trolls
OK dude
Dude, Orcs tamed Night Elves immedialty. Even the Goblins won against them.
>Night elves only won since the Trolls had been busy fighting the Aqir
AFTER their Empire had been LITERALLY blown up and their queen became a fish. Seriously, stop typing and go read up on lore before you make yourself look more of a complete faggot.
Heart of fear was the only bad one and it was 1 of 3 in the tier. As others in the thread said ToT is probably the second best raid of all time, and siege while it definitely drug on too long because Blizzards awful release schedule had mechanically some of the most interesting fights the game has ever seen, it's just once they were solved it got boring.
What? HoF was much better than MSV, and I'd say even slightly better than SoO
Honestly would have preferred worgen. Biggest problem the worgen had besides the furry redesign is the weird timeskip in their starting zone. Putting them in an earlier expac would fix the time skip and make them designed to be scary rather than furry.
They had 10000 years to recover and still got rekt by some Orc survivors who just escaped from their prison and barely new the area.
Let's not even talk about the Goblin case, who barely survived thanks to Thrall and immedialty took their homeland and redesigned the landscape.
I'm not disagreeing. Just making comparisons between the Teldrassil NE of WC3 and the Azshari Empire NE's is like comparing a village in Wales to the British Empire.
elegon and twin emps were both great, hof sucked and had to be hotfixed a bunch
Trolls have a history of getting fucked. They lost against Nelves, they lost against Helves. Even the Horde prefered the Belves instead of the Amanis and destroyed Zuljin (the ally of the Zandalari).
>"vengence for Zuljin"
There's nothing more cucked than a troll.
I want mop hunter back bros
cata hunter was fine too
>There's nothing more cucked than a troll.
Being a night elf male lol
Of all the many sins WoD commited, the shift to mythic raiding was the worst. 10-man heroic raiding was just perfect for me. It was more difficult and everyone had a lot more personal responsibility, but it was nice and intimate. I miss raiding with 9 of my friends instead of 9 of my friends and a bunch of other assholes we needed to fill the raid.
Yea. But they are close.
>imagine being an Amani and having to side with Jaina 2 hours after that she killed your king, the whole reason why you are part of this war in the first place.
>we made you our bitches
The Zandalari have never made anyone their bitches you drooling retard.
>get fucking pushed back by Pandaren so hard they try and bring the mogu back, get beaten, and run away
>get fucking slaughtered by Night Elves and pushed to one single mountain they are ALLOWED to keep pre-Sundering
>allied get slaughtered by high elves and humans under your watch
>have to get help from every other jungle troll tribe to handle the Gurubashi and Hakkar
>get kicked off Kezan by fucking goblin slaves
>beg the Horde for help fighting remnants of the Gurubashi in vanilla
>try and convince all the trolls to join them because they have no power left, get told to fuck off by Vol'jin
>get kicked out of Zul'Gurub
>try and attack Pandaria a second time and fail so badly that they again have to try and get the mogu to help and still get wiped out
>get nearly wiped out by blood trolls and fail to stop the rise of Zul even with the help of the Horde
>get their entire fleet wiped out by a fucking gnome
>king killed by group of alliance and a puppy
>we didn't get beaten! They only won because we were tired from a fight that took place literally three fucking thousand years before
Don't call other people lorelets if you can't manage even a basic understanding of timelines. The Zandalari had thousands of years to recover and couldn't manage to stop a brand new empire.
>Lorewalker Cho spends an entire expansion trying to kill the heroes
>becomes a living meme instead that lives on autism bux
If there was one character I wanted to reveal to be a bad guy it was Cho. Fucking Benedictus made less of a sense than him.
>It was also referred to as Classic long before Nu-Classic came out.
No it wasn't you fucking zoomer, fuck off.
>literally sacrifice their empire to stop the world getting BUG'd
>First Elves BTFO themselves
>Wh*te elves get BTFO by an anime tier edgelord
Come back when ANYTHING Elves have contributed hasn't backfired horribly.
Arcane magic? Drew the Legion
World Trees? Old Gods corrupted at least one.
Should have let the Aqir lay eggs in you desu.
I like Cata the best, I just get shitposted to death if I do
>mop hunter
>mop warrior
>mop death knight
>mop shaman
Fuck me, this expansion had the best playstyles for all my classes. I miss MoP class balance and the raids. Fuck everything to do with the dungeons though, MoP had by far the worst dungeons of all expansions.
Mantid stuff was fine, Mogu were okay at times but too Saturday morning villain at others. But everything around the Pandaren was actual horseshit. Blizzard set the Pandaren up to be way too cartoonishly silly and child-friendly. Unironically rode a Kung Fu Panda Rated PG train. Not to mention the retarded "conquer your emotons" villain that was initially set up with the Sha.
Also they made Pandaren fat, lazy, uninteresting shits compared to how they were depicted before, where even though they started as an April Fool's joke, they still seemed cool.
MoP Warlock was god-tier class design, idk how you can leave it out.
>panda shit
>generic china zones
>only good class to play is warlock
fuck pandaland. BC or WOTLK are peak WoW.
It's amazing how many people don't seem to pick up on the fact that he engineered the conflict in the Jade Forest and the return of the Sha
keep seething, white boy
You killed a useless king and then got driven away by spear chuckers lol
You accomplished fucking nothing
it should be left out because MoP Warlock was stupidly overpowered compared to anything else.
pandas can canonically out drink dwarves
Despite the goofy models Pandaren have some pretty hardcore lore. If only that was more prominent other than "Lol we like food om nom nom" sort of stuff. The best part was a Pandaren bartender calling out Wraithion for being an idiot and the latter running away despite being a literal black dragon.
hot take: Mogu shouldn't have existed and instead the Huojin Pandaren should have been the warlike conquerors, slavers and whatever that join the Horde while the Tushui shoulf have encompassed all the shit the Pandaren ended up as on retail and join the Alliance.
There, fixed the fucking race
Azshara literally dabbed so hard on the Zandalari that every single tribe of troll is bootyblasted to their absolute core to this day, even if they're too uneducated to understand why
Didnt play warlock back then, and boy did I regret it when 5.4 came around.
they're both taller and fatter than dwarves. of course they can.
>Remove one of the best paladin transmog sets from the game so future paladins can't get it
>Gutted my prot paladin
Quit the game at this exact moment.
Also cata > wrath
Fuck off all wrathbabbies with your overrated meme expac
Except Affliction, which was a piece of shit borefest.
I still think original TBC steady shot that required auto-steady weaving has been the best hunter playstyle.
>Destro/Demo was absolute kino however.
Kannrethad was an amazing fight, precursor to Legion's MT's but even better.
It had it's moments, gliding with the kite was fun, and a lot of the little easter egg areas where you could find something to interact with were neat. Platforming to get loot stashes was okay. There just wasn't enough good to offset the bad. The cinematic, pandas in general, the god awful new BG, ToT being a fun raid but having a shit story, literally everything with garrosh. Aside from the timed instances I don't think I ever did anything than AoE murder in dungeons which is real bad game design. Also the scenario thing that was basically from GW1.
>TRUE content,
You mean like the majority of the zones were so full of the story phase shit that you couldn't really explore an area till you finish it's story?
>TRUE grind,
I don't remember any 1/20 chance to drop quest rewards. Rep grinding was always lame
>TRUE experiences made with friends.
Hasn't been a thing since WotlK
Monk is the best class they added after launch.
DKs and DHs are really not as cool in comparison.
If only it was just that
>His first interaction with the hero is to find out their waekness through manual labour then send them off into the swamp to get slaughtered
>failing that Cho tries to beat the hero to death while fooling them into a drugged meditative state, fails too
>stalks the group of heroes to a Mogu necropolis, activates fucking traps and bosses and plays it off as a mistake all the while everything seems to be geared towards killing off the adventurers present and not the Lorewalker
Plebian opinion, it's the third best expansion and the last one you can consider mostly good on that list
Timeless was trash filler content tho
Destro was explosion magic extravaganza and demo was the best spec I have ever played.
Also special mention goes to fuckhuge aoe Rain of Fire.
>boohoo i only got to be the best tank for half this expansion instead of all the previous two expansions
prot paladins were cheesing everything mythic kill, eat shit
you mean the most broken shit in WoW history
>why pick melee when you can do godly dps and move at all times and cast as a lock?
even IF locks didnt have that ability they did retarded damage.
I'm playing on a private server. So far Rogue fucking sucks (but he mostly sucks in every expansión), monk is boring and Mage is a step down from previous expasions, that firefrost shit until I can get Frostbolt/firebolt at lvl 12 sucks balls. Druid is the best it has ever been though, 4 fucking specializations for chicken, cat, bear and tree.
Which other class is greatly improved in this expansión?
Makes up for lock being utter irredeemable shit in Cata.
>this thread
yikes, someone get these knife ears a diaper
MoP was pretty decent. Throne of Thunder and Siege of Org are top tier raids. Timeless isle was good. Class design was at a good point.
Anything having to do with pandas was shit, and the first two raids were meh.
Overall, a decent expansion.
Premise could have been that the Pandaren Empire had two powerful clans getting tense with each other, both recruiting the aid of a faction, and the Pandaria shit could have evolved into a Pandaren civil war instead of the garbage that Pandaria turned out to be.
but..trolls are knife ears too.
and they probably shit their pants and blame it on da voodoo
fun yes but when other specs were busted all you could think was "i'd rather play my lock"
Huojin should have been Alliance. Horde wouldn't accept slavers due to Orc's and their past experiences.
Dungeons were too fucking easy. Not that it matters much.
cata was "lol burst windows all dot classes are shit" the expansion
best fishing content
best cooking content
farm was great
challenge modes being optional cosmetic unlockers were great
expansion had many things to do outside of raidlogging.
It was better than Cata, despite the talent system revamp. And it was also better than everything after it.
It was the most fun expansion for me as a resto Druid main. They butchered the spec in wod though.
It can't be a terrible expansion when it had the best raid trailer of all time
WotLK was best because of the realm first achievements and the gated proto drakes (plagued + black). I got plagued and death's demise haha suck it losers
They gave up on hard dungeons when people cried about Cata being too hard. I don't think we've had any remotely challenging dungeons since.
There are other mmos with fairly challenging 5 man content, but wow and ffxiv drop the ball on this. Dungeons are just chores you do for daily loot.
The best part of the expansion to me will always be the mantids, where we had to help a warmongering race assholes who just wanted to push their coup and clearly state that they'll be enemies if we stand on the wrong side of an elder god, the whole reputation line was about the paragons treating us like shit then finally considering the player as a valuable ally
God I miss them
Resto had great tools both in Cata and MoP and then they removed even most of our heals.
the talent system change was great.
I never swapped talents on my warrior before in expansions like cata and WOTLK.
it's called da voodoo doodoo for a reason user
Gosh I miss those days
I was there, at release Cata, for the "hard" dungeons before the nerfed the difficulty and I found them fair.
In MoP you could kite every mob the the next boss and aoe them along with it.
accurate af
It's better because whoever was responsible for the talents was incompetent. They can't ever see the most obvious talent abuses and then they have to rush hotfixes. Wotlk had multiple instances of this.
It sickens me that anyone can find panda shit aceptable.
Describe what was bad about MoP without mentioning pandas
Based, but there should be gigantic power gap between t2 and t3, with t3+ being a cathegories of shit.
If you find gnomes and goblins acceptable, then Pandas aren't that far off.
playing a tank in mop was objectively chad
seriously gnomes are a thousand times cringier than pandas.
Everything, wow was a complete shit after ulduar
Implying I do
>bfa and wod
>"near" complete failures
they are complete failures period, blizzard act as is wod never existed outside their uninspired orc reskin and bfa literally killed the licence
Raiding as a Sub rogue with this thing and getting your procs and rotation right was such a good feeling. Every class i played was a fun class back then.
Hunter, Lock, Rogue, Warrior, Monk. They all felt good to play. Couldnt play anymore after what they did in WoD though.
I actually really enjoyed retri in MoP, popping AV and Guardian and seeing all niggas running away from you or you jumping up in damage meters was really satisfying
Thunder King raid was great though.
For me its the fem pandaren
>Thunder King raid was great though.
was he the last raid with soul ? They made a big deal in showcasing his power over people and elements, he also seem the only boss to actually be angry when you rise again him
other bosses are just... "I'm going to kill your soul" or other retarded one liners
>sub rogue
>Harvest Life is never coming back
I kept waiting for the plot twist in MoP where it was the Pandaren who used the Titan technology to create the Mogu and use them as slaves to build their empire, and the Lorewalkers as an organization existed to rewrite history so the Mogu are the villains and the Pandaren the victims. Would have made more sense than the gigantic stone monsters needing fat bears to build their structures, explained why all the Pandaren now live in shitty bamboo villages since they lost their stone slaves, explained why Cho was so goddamn suspicious
>Hating legion
Yeah fuck you to
FUCK that would have been amazing!
Legion was cringe and 90% of the class hall lore might as well be non-canon
not sure how it is now, but you had to juggle slice and dice, rupture and an armor debuff and when the cape procced while you had shadow dance and shadowblades active there was some crazy burst damage going on.
Fairly certain an 5cbp eviscerate also gave the enemy a debuff. But i might be mis-remembering. Its been a few years now.
Lock and DK class lore were about the best ones desu.
pandaren architecture is insane. all those pandaria ancient temples are crazy.
the world pvp was good though as it was in expansion until wod/legion/bfa diablofied the game and killed class mechanics and therefore kill any personality any player had when they fought each other making it a brain dead team based game like overwatch
I personally wish they fleshed Jinyu out more as the Japanese vs the Pandaren Chinese.
Jinyu are chill as fuck until one hides in a pool for a week and mercs a fucking pitlord
The only good thing about MoP is sexy pandas.
I want to fuck Lili Stormstout
tfw no qt panda gf
Fucking furries shit up MH threads, I don't need them in WoW threads either. fuck off and get kicked by barnyards animals you degenerates
the armor debuff was find weakness coming from ambush and the idea was to keep the maximum uptime of this debuff during the fight using shadow dance and vanish
5cp evi didnt give a debuff, at least not in siege of orgrimmar
any chance anyone has the edit of this image with the hunter class symbol over the guy about to be executed and blizzard logo over the executioner? just spent forever looking for it only to be unable to find it. anyway, that's basically how i feel hunter has been treated ever since MOP. just complete and total neglect from blizzard, despite making up a plurality of the playerbase.
MoP was the first time I played every class to max level. I ran over a thousand LFR fights in total working on getting legendary cloaks for all of them. Good times. Future expansions were all downhill from there.
It doesn't make me a furry for wanting to fuck something that is sexy. I despise the culture that is furry, I only masturbate to the pictures and animations they generate.
Do you also call those people weebs who occasionally watch anime and read manga? Go fuck yourself you fucking tool.
>"I'm not a furry"
You have terrible taste, OP. MoP was the last expansion the developers actually cared about.
alli*ncoids cannot handle seeing that picture
>masturbate to furry porn
>I'm not a furry
lfr should've been removed after flex in 5.4
what a terrible opinion
imagine not having a rank 1 during SoO
do not respond to wrathkiddos
don't care what anyone says, getting realm first on heroic lei shen was my favorite moment on WoW ever
if i'm being completely honest i never stopped seething that we didn't get the hozen as a playable race instead of stupid pandas. the jinyu are boring so i would understand why alliance players may prefer having pandas over them. but the hozen were the most based race we've seen in a long time
how can the lowly pleb even compete
imagine hozens being allowed inside goldshire inn
leagues better than anything since the argent tournament patch
Where or when did it become a thing where masturbating to something makes you part of the group of people associated with said thing you masturbate to?
I do not wear a furry costume and attend conventions, I do not own horse plushies that I hotglue, I do not own animals, I never pet random people's animals, I do not want to fuck actual animals. I want to fuck drawings that are built to appeal to the normal human mind through the natural appeal of a female body with uncommon animalistic traits to add to the excitement, but still very much human.
This is similar to some next level cultural appropriation bullshit where making tacos makes you a racist.
>justifying this hard
dont disrespect best boss blackfuse like this
Eh they've had monkeys in gold shire since classic
Better than Cataclysm and WoD, and has some of the comfiest and best crafted zones in all of WoW. Definitely the most beautiful expansion. I quit before it launched because I didn't want to play some dumb kung fu panda chinkboo expansion, but when it became free and I was thinking of coming back before WoD, I was very pleasantly surprised. Then I quit WoD before I left the starting zone.
It's called vanilla my dude
What a terrible game.
>not maining a night elf male warrior
You figured it out
Have you ever stopped to think that, maybe, most people don't find "animalistic traits" sexy or exciting? Have you ever stopped to think that finding such things exciting places you amongst a very small group of degenerate fetishists known by a certain name? Think it through.
Move everything in "Good but flawed" and "Decent" up 1 tier and move TBC down to Decent.
Fixed your shit list.
So are you just retarded or what
>private server
Blizzard completely dropped the ball on WoW lore, they could've completely flipped the usual script and have had the Alliance slowly become the villains of the setting. It would've been so much more interesting had the Night Elves remained savage, and gone even further down that path. The Gnomes could be maniacal evil scientist types, and the Dwarves/Humans racial supremacists with expansionist plans of conquest across Azeroth. Instead we get LOTR simulacrum #14672078289071 and neither the Alliance or Horde can ever truly be villainous making both of them incredibly boring.
It was so much better than Cataclysm. It was the last expansion that felt like a characterful continuation of the original game. Everything afterwards felt like passionless "what-if" fan wank. Also the most controversial new feature in MoP was pokemon battles, which seems okay when compared to the shit they've put into the game since.
even Method can't handle so much power
If one human being finds something sexy, it means the entire human population is capable of such thing.
It's not black and white where you either like something or you don't, the human mind is VERY malleable and it is only a matter of time what your preferences are. You are not the same person you were 10 years ago. 10 years into the future, you won't be the same person you are now. Dwell on that.
Yeah, any human being can suffer from brain damage. The thing is only fucked up people would want to be brain damaged, just like only fucked up people would want to find animalistic features sexually exciting.
Monk is literally the best piece of content ever added to the game. Truly the goat class in terms of gameplay.
>dot classes are shit
>spriest and affliction locks were top dps by double digit% in multiple fights on dragon soul
I get the feeling you never played cata.
WoW had only one good expansion, the Burning Crusade. But what about Ulduar? Give me a break. Your fucking expansion ruined this game.
No sorry any expansion that introduced the pure sex that are female pandarens is food in my good
>thinking outside the box is brain damage
Can't argue with an NPC. Fuck trump, fuck /POL/ and all that, right hehe?
This is a perfect list. Though I played pvp MM hunter in WoD and it was one of the most fun times I had with WoW. I would never change the MM spec in any way honestly beyond numbers.
Blackfuse HC was so fucking good
very true and very based.