What a terrible expansion.
What a terrible expansion
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Listen here you fucking piece of shit, I spent hours and hours in this place and it is the best and most funnest expansion of this fucking garbage ass video game.
This place had the best scenery, the best music, the best raids, bosses, environments; everything.
You are either too young, too retarded or too much of a fucking wrath babby to appreciate TRUE content, TRUE grind, TRUE experiences made with friends. This expansion PAVED the way for Legion and the amazing time had with that.
Put some respec on that fuckin name when you speak it. Do not come for me, when I have not sent for you.
i was with you til Legion, you fucking faggot
>t. non warlock
fuck off, I bet you're a retadin.
It was okay. The real kino was the first set of DK armor that somehow looked good on every race at the same time.
I want to go back
it was only the best expansion.
t. retard
What? Warlocks are basically Demigods in MoP. You're a retard or something.