What’s the appeal of Girls frontline?
What’s the appeal of Girls frontline?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cute girls are cute.
Girls being on the front line.
/pol/‘s gacha
You get to collect girls
and then send them to die on the frontline
None, I like the manly version better.
A frontline of only girls
The game comes with an American princess.
Is it fun though?
reasonable enough gacha rates and the ability to get a very high percentage of all the dolls while being f2p
cute girls
appeals to tacticoolfags and k tards alike
genuinely interesting setting/worldbuilding even if the story doesnt take advantage of it.
decent enough for a gacha, the big problem is that the maps are interesting enough for a run or 2 when you have to figure out how to get an S rank or take over the whole map but you have to grind because its a mobage so the game gets stale since you just planning phase the optimal route and then afk
I like girls and I like guns. Therefore I also like girls with guns.
It also has a cute and funny jew
Who knows.
Iron Saga ENG soon, fellow /m/en.
Chinese game pretending to be a Japanese one
We're already having this thread on /tg/
Quick reminder
Cute feet. That's about it.
Negev is there
I’m not seeing it user
One month m.youtube.com
Don't be such a total footfag, user
Fuck, marry, kill
I have standards!
Fair enough,
I just really like guns and [spoilers] tall girls[\spoiler] which this game has plenty
>formation arrangement
>tile and buff placement
>skill timings
>micro management to avoid aoe attacks and kite enemies to manage damage
>bosses each have their own unique patterns and strats
>maps are larger and more complex than plenty of SRPGs today and have more going on such as:
>one way nodes
>one time resupplies
>helipad vs heavy helipad
>anti-air weaponry to take out your
>air support and faires, and keep your
>heavy weapon support teams in check
>controllable gates that alter the flow of units over the map
>night battles that introduce fog of war and change how you plan your troops even before the battle starts
then again, this is GFL’s endgame ranking map for the next event in a month, I don’t expect anyone starting out even now to be able to attempt this.
fuck middle, marry left, kill right
Super shorty more like super sexy
I really like the jew
Why is this game less lewd than Azur Lane?
Less slutwear
Being tactcool is better
So, who'd be a worthwhile raifu?
I tried it out for thr at gunfus but it was kinda boring
Heavy Ordnance Corps in 6 months hopefully
German submachine guns.
jewish cunny make my pee pee feel funny
This mobile gacha has no right to have decent soundtracks jfc
You did get a dupe while the event was still up, right?
None. Chinese fire arms are shit
They need more dummy doujins
Hello fellow luckchad
>girls frontline
>abbreviated gf
hah nice
we wont even have digimod until the end of the month
IS is ages away
holy fucking yum
you can say you dont like her or whatever but she has a very clear personality
This is a British thread now
im sorry about the boston tea party
What can I do to pass through this? My AR/Smg teams are getting shredded by the 2 mini guns near the CMD post
i'm not
Send a bunch of friend requests and use their echelons.
Barnacle Boy
Was the event really that hard? goddamn
Alllllrgiht mod, put this in /trash/ to you biased nob. It's only fair.
>based mod trashes both the FGO and AL threads
Guess we know which mobage is the superior one.
What's 404 radio?
It's less that it was hard more that the people joining the game for the collab had no idea how to efficiently level up their echelons fast enough to do the harder content.
M4 M4 M4 M4
It wasn't hard but it included some units that aren't yet introduced in EN server. Generally the numbers got sunk because of valhallafags who only played for the event. They didn't anticipate how tedious the gameplay is, the need to actually grind and the collab dolls aren't freebies but rather farmed.
I haven't played this and aren't really big on Gacha, is it worth it for the Jewfu?
>Disliking titty ships
You have really bad taste, get help.
Do you find grinding the same map literally thousands of times with no variation fun?
dont be a nazi
Need more PTSD images
disregard botetranny FUD
She's a specialist so she's niche. Also MGs are gonna get out of meta soon so less seeing her in action other than being adjutant.
You mean the 0-2 grinding? I never touched it to do that, just waited for the EXP sims so I wouldn't burn my self out.
I purely meant 4-3E. If you add on 0-2 and all the other stages you need to grind repeatedly for exp / drops you're looking at tens of thousands.
AL is just as bad. Grind is the price to pay for generous gacha.
is it over? Can still get jill? Considering giving the game a go
There's a meta? When did Girls Frontline get a PvP arena?
Yeah, you're too late. The event was last month, but if you want to attempt you should try building up now.
Anime girl gatcha for the coombrain otaku and weeaboo dollars
will they ever come back?
Sorry user, it’s an eternal hoxy. but from what I’ve heard, Sukeban has a good relationship with mica so maybe
Why is Negev a loli now?
It's kind of likely considering how well it went for both the game and the VA11-HALL-A devs. The tricky thing about collabs is getting the license again which is almost difficult to do with say ArcSys (so no Elphelt for new players ever) but I'm pretty sure the devs would be more than happy for a rerun later down the line.
Basically. Only reason threads aren't taken to trash is because Hiro likes it. It is the worst gacha on Yea Forums.
its one of her costumes
not that one though
I mean AL at least has it's gear system, upgrading system, and fleets, and yet it gets thrown in trash.
>Fatenigger ESL thread gets deleted
>boat gacha gets trashed
>gun thread stays up unscathed on Yea Forums
I don’t even play any of these Gachas but man, this is going to be fun to monitor for the tribalism feedback
boy this game is bloaaated with menus
I play it for the story and music, both are surprisingly good for a gacha game.
Why are there so many girls frontline threads on Yea Forums right now?
what other threads?
>Girl flopline has story
>it’s alright but nothing special
>weebs parade the game as the pinnacle of storytelling because their sub 100 IQ mind hasn’t been exposed to any other media besides anime
I said for a gacha game user, there's is no need to contrarian. Due to how limiting mobile games are you can't really do much, but gfl is one of the better ones given the constraints.
It's based around scoring in challenging maps, also how effectively your echelon can clear the harder maps.
What title would you recommend then?
disregard bote tranny FUD
>girls flopline
nobody knows
Is that a real ad? Either way though
>thots ruin everything
definitely true
How good is she? I just downloaded this game and got her on the 2nd roll
One of the best SMGs. Also please kill yourself
AL is great but what the fuck is this ad?
>He doesn't know
It's on life support everywhere, even the gook is leaving the game for Prisconnect now
daily reminder posting AL loading screen art in their official discord gets you banned
daily reminder gendering the player commander is incorrect and gets you warned in their official discord
daily reminder their translators rewrite dialogue to make the boats lesbian
A great frontline tank.
I don't really see the appeal, Arknights has a better story and designs
Post more AL, prove them wrong.
I'm glad P90 was finally put into the game, but I wish she was sporting long hair instead. And you know, had an actual fucking voice.
Does it have jews? and how do you even know the story is good? I can't find a translation for it anywhere
try to avoid using 5star guns until you can afford the dummy core cost
2/3 stars do gameplay progression just fine
>Doeesn't have money to hired Japan VAs to voices their crappy 3 minutes short so they hiring homeless nobody chinks
>Meanwhile still none Chink VA in the game
Must run out of money for that Ferrari eh, Chang?
>And you know, had an actual fucking voice.
>daily reminder posting AL loading screen art in their official discord gets you banned
This part will always make me laugh, it's also the same deal in the F/GO discord I think.
I'll play it if it has cute and funny but does it?
I heard it only has like 10 little girls at max out of 300 characters which put me off from ever trying it
>he doesn't know
We need some boteposting, got any?
Sorry it's too lewd, and I don't feel like getting put on vacation.
>Chink shit anime story
Chink can't write anime story and character for shit, everything they make is just ripoff shit from Japan anime but make it's worse in every possible ways
yeah illya's final ascension art was banned from being posted
>main pistol
WAIT I have another one?
Is this a chink voice actor?
So Arknights has a bad story? alright then, it seemed to boom in china but i guess that was just initial hype.
Isn't it because discord hates loli? Which is funny because loli is legal in Commiefornia.
>daily reminder posting AL loading screen art in their official discord gets you banned
For what purpose?
I believe the official FGO Reddit also banned sharing images of some servants. Shuten, Wu, Illya, Kuro... Basically any loli characters can't be shared there.
Too lewd i'm guessing
Because discord hates lewds in "official" discords because it scares investors.
For me, it’s K11
What the hell is the appeal of any gacha?
I can answer this
I remember one of the mods throwing a tantrum that came along the lines of "It doesn't matter if it's legal or not, what matters is that I DON'T WANT TO SEE IT" (in caps)
Most games and communities hate little girls so it's hard to find a game for you when you just want some cunny
Every chinkshit gacha has bad story, including Girls Frontline
This is some weird logic
The thing already is in the game
What about FGO then? I keep hearing the only redeemable part of it is the story.
It's just the same try hard nonsense rubbish mess story like girl flopline, every characters is cardboard Japan anime stereotypes trying to act cool with lame ass joke and lame reference to other popular anime, meme and video game like dark soul stuff, chink for some reason think it's very fucking clever and good writing (???)
I like that this thread just became the AL and FGO threads. Serves the mod right.
Based. She seems like someone who doesn't mind sharing.
It has the promise, potential of fun
The videos of coreans clearing high level content with single dolls/kite cheese don't show how you have to grind so many echelons on autopilot for days at a time only swapping units so you can save resources
It's unironically 100 better than anything the chinks may come with
FGO is just nasu dicksucking. They don't care about story but as long as he's involved in it, its automatically good for them.
come on bros help me out here.
FGO is at least a spinoff from a popular VN meanwhile those weeaboo writer for GFL or arkknight only writing fanfiction based on popular anime and manga like Naruto, Tokyo ghoul crap
what happens in it?
>Chibi shit
Call me when they put actual effort into this game
see That said it's still weird, why be the mod of a discord server for a game with lewd lolis in it if you hate lolis?
Girls with guns is a fetish unto itself, mecha musume doesn't compare
bros... the writing....
can I gas jews in this game?
shes cute
No, but the last event in the CN server had you gunning down android refugees
Gameplay is suck but the story is actually better than everything Chinese come up with, and some joke actually funny, and even with edgy characters like Reddit Jean and Danganronpa man it doesn't feel try hard and lame edgy like in chink game
What do you mean? Story? Think of it as Japan Avenger
>fanfiction based on popular anime
GFL is literally MGS fanfiction you spastic weeaboo
Holy run-on sentences batman. You ESL or stupid?
>edgy characters like reddit
they get in for the tits and stay for the tits while pretending the game is literally all about huge tits while ignoring anything that could jeopardize their world view
Most communities are like that. The game might have literal H-scenes with little girls but they just erase that from their memory and only pay attention to the titty girls
In discord servers they straight up ban you for mentioning it and in generals its just a constant shitpost/breast war to chase off the evil pedos
I mean the writter and yeah GFL is basically ripoff MGS almost everything and other popular anime/manga/ video game shit
This idiot deserves the mod upgrade bros...
>and in generals
You mean discord generals? I don't use it, but I thought every thread there was called a server.
A rip off of Kancolle but with guns and plots stolen from famous Sci-Fi movies. No wonder it's flopping.
Time travel/timeline correction, christian myth/demonology stuff, "what if Arturia was an evil dictator", "what if Gilgamesh was your greatest ally", cute homunculus being a container for edgy shieldman
Reading retard crap GFL make you brain smaller and your writing become rubbish
Arknights has a much better story and characters than GFL
It's funny how that vocal segment of cowtitfags act like they have the moral high ground even when they're still usually fapping to middle schoolers or high schoolers.
Jeane alter, very famous with Reddit because she is ow the edge
No, /vg/ generals
There's a few threads like that like the azur lane general and discords
Surprisingly, some discord communities allow loli and are friendly to it as long as you lay off the NSFW that could get them closed
You were right, the ESL fatefags came in force
Is that why you type like an angry gook?
I thought people were meming about all the ESL, but i'm starting to think that some of these posts aren't just shitposting.
Better story than turd like gfl mean fucking nothing, chink can't write for shit
Again, I can't find a translation for it anywhere so how do you even know the story is good?
Nothing, I played for like 3 days and there's too much shit to do, UI is a mess and guides and autism for the whole game, so I uninstalled.
I haven't seen a VG general that's hostile to loli, but I guess I only visit three or four. The boat general seemed to be as fine with it as the other ones, but there are two or three so I could be mixing them up.
>So yeah, here this China character voiced by Japanese and everyone speak Japanese in chinkime
Practice your English before posting here.
>muh chink bad writing is better than yours
Reading GFL is a mistake, I feel like a braindead after it and I need some times to recover
Basically what's going on here
Can't blame when the chink can't write for shit, chinkchong man
Is it that posting lolis is literally illegal/against the terms of service on Discord, and the mods are just trying to cover their asses from getting the server shut down?
Weeabooshit will always be weeabooshit, it will never be as good as the original
So are you a spic or gook?
It's gooks, they've been shitting up the AL thread too.
>ooga my game better
>booga no mine is
>implying not all gacha is garbage
>He liking chink anime ripoff story
What is this pathetic shitski
The thing is, Discord is based out of Cali, where loli is legal. However, I think it's them covering their asses so normalfag investors don't get scared when clickbait journalists have a slow day. So "official" discord partners ban loli on sight.
The boat general is constantly shitting on loli ships/artists while praising the bigger breasted ones with the motto of "Bigger is BETTER" which is funny because the game has a ton of loli ships compared to other collection games. Its a real mystery why they even decided to pick that game out of all the games out there.
All degree of civility is dead over there and it's just eternal shitposting and people trying to push some kind of shitpost agenda for funsies, its pretty awful.
I don't think either general has realized they're both fighting the same enemy.
Or perhaps Imoko is closer to her endgame then we thought.
When did i say I liked any of these gachas? I just pointed out what was going on in this thread.
Last time I remember the translation of GFL eng server is literal google translation lmao
Discord allows furry and cub porn though because the people in charge is furries. They just happen to crack down hard on the stuff they don't like while ignoring furry/scaly shit servers.
We're talking about you, keep up user!
please don't recover
How’s my formation? I’m going to be diving into chapter 8
go back to AL faggot
Oh sorry I thought you are the chink roaches sucking his anime ripoff story from his fellow cockroach
i dont visit GFL but is it like this too?
user... your cores....
Who the fuck reading chink weeaboo shit story lmao, shit make Naruto look like fucking Jesus Christ in comparison LMAO
nobody is implying shit stupid newnigger, lmao lurk before even posting cuckbrain you made yourself a fool
Meant the gfl general
wondering if its an absolute shitshow too
Are you okay, retard?
>gachashill mad
this is how u look rn
Why are chink gachafags so insecure?
It’s fine, I keep rolling tons of core fodder so they’re all at 4 links.
o no no no no
ITT: ESL gooks try shilling FGO as the supreme gacha of enjoyment
>This whole fucking thread
How can you tell it's gooks? I thought it was spics.
>not playing on JP
Spics living in your head rent free.
such a nice thread
>It's SEA
>It's gooks
>It's spics
They find anyone to blame for their inferiority complex
I can’t believe her gacha assblasted so many ESL’s here
Someone give this app a few dollary lol. It's in the red meaning is will be closing very soon if it continue kek
If they're the one with the inferiority complex, why did you come into this thread?
Holocaust ryona yuri rape
Sounds hot, got a link?
nah, it's fine, unlike your english
Forgot Mai pic
A shame her gacha only make a few autist assblasted, can't bring any new player and continue to make the fan base disappeared and uninstalled
They don't need it, Mao Frontline runs with chink government money
>want him to donate
>not sell to recoup some losses
Retarded parents
>10 A.M.
What are you on about? In chink land this app is ranking at 253, at the bottom
Fresh new for your brainless weeaboo white pig isn't it?
>10 AM
Can any of you gooks shill me on why I should PLAY Fgo instead of watching the VN parts on youtube?
I-it's just a shitpost, ha ha. You didn't think I was REALLY from SEAland ha ha
Seaniggers aren't even human.
>6000 yen
LMAO is this company live on instant noodle for the whole month or what?
Quick reminder that the FGO thread got deleted by the tranny jannies
What they do to get deleted?
What are you talking about? 99% of GFL fanbase are SEAnigger and chink, just go to anime con or checking out the chat and you will see
By making ESL posts like the ones in this thread arch.b4k.co
"I have heard of this gun, i wonder what kind of personality did the chinks give to reperesent it." several times. It happens often if you follow gun channels on youtube.
Nah, it's just a shitpost thread make by a AL poster from AL thread before. shitposter bragging about fgo making 980 billion in month and the AL poster due to their inferiority complex, hate it
Negev in the stripped pajamas
the al posters say its a gun janny and the gun posters say it's an AL shitposter with a complex
You guys love to go in circles
So there's no reason at all why I should play FGO? C'mon shills, lets hear it.
>ios rank 445
How the fuck did this game do to get this low?
>overall rank 210
>34 tweets
>6169 yen
Not a doomfag but if is not improving, they will need to close their server very soon
SPAS is fat
God I love this thread
Who the fuck cares about JP?
nobody can give a reason to play anything here
Fuck type 95, marry mommy DSR and kill type 97
Fat princess
I already read the shill reasons for GFL at the beginning of the thread and The only thing i'm seeing is ESLs ranting
>No actual character or personality
>no G41
>puts UMP9 and SOPMOD
found the speed reader
>He doesn't know chinese
Who the fuck need a reason to play? Especially free shit? Are you a tool?
GFL has decent strategy similar to Advance Wars, a pretty great soundtrack and the story is interesting enough to keep people who enjoy cyberpunk style stuff engaged. Also you don't use shit like Saint Quartz to roll for girls, just resources and contracts you can get easily with logistics and playing the game. Gacha tokens are only for costumes and dorm furniture.
I wanna see Negev star in a lesbian JAV that's titled "Poor Little Jewish Girl" with all of the German WWII guns behind her
万 = 10,000
it's 61.69 million yen
I don't think they care about you because the game is already making million dollar every month
>SEAniggers hours
The official canon radio of Girls' Frontline
Literally ripping off shitcolle resource management
Not canon, seanigger.
Why should I waste time on something that isn't even enjoyable then? That's what you guys are telling me about FGO
It actually is, though.
It's a million times better than "gib money for more saint quartz plox, faggot"
ID 305078, I've got 48 slots open and a 42k power friend echelon.
Isn't F/GO responsible for forcing gacha games to reveal drop rates because some salaryman went into debt rolling for his waifu?
I've heard of people selling their fucking cars because of FGO. It wouldn't surprise me.
Wasn’t that GBF with the monkey gate?
Because JP is their biggest money source? Also doujins and fan art
it was GBF
Not open the link but is it chinkchong speak? If so it's fucking gross
It's an english dub
I said kancolle not fgo, bro...
What the fuck even is this shit, fucking disgusting
>Game is literally all Japan VAs
>Cartoon is voiced by no name chink
>Official YouTube is English weeaboo speak
The fuck?
During the va11-ha11-a collab jap whaling increased by 300%
Go Pats!
I'm not asking about the shitty collab, look at my post and read, what is a fucking mess
There are 445 gachashit shitting on GFL right now AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Alright, so there's nothing about FGO worth playing then. Y'all must be braindead for shilling it so hard.
Kinda terrible.
You should really pick one or the other between type 95 and g36, they're designed to be in the same spot.
Would also probably be wise to use a proper off tank smg with a grenade or something. Skorpion is always a good choice.
Back to funposting?
Do you think they give a shit about fgo lol, they're posting fgo here to shitpost because it's one of the most ridiculous succeful gacha game ever made alsi it's originally from a VN with sex so it's guaranteed to make other lesser gacha jealous and shitpost about each other especially the weebshit made by chink
Nice run-on sentence.
Who the hell need to shilling for FGO, it's fucking popular in Asia and a sizeable fanbase in western country too. Why do they need to shilling on 4chin?
It's a bad habit but as long as you know the context, it's fine
I don't understand.
Yeah, he should posting FAL instead.
look I made you a cool example.
look at that phat 60% damage you could have on skorpion grenade.
Based kar98k protending you from yandere jews.
Monkeygate, user.
>Imagine going into debt with people like the mafia or the yakuza rolling gatcha
>Then when they come to break your kneecaps over it them finding out what you spent the money on
It'd practically be a mercy killing if they made an example of you at that point
>tfw no Contender
gib the vodoo guys
Who's the face of this franchise? The most popular one among artists, or even those who don't play it?
416 is popular even amongst people who don't play the game.
Team 404 or AR Squad are the usually the ones with the most fan art, though there's also dolls like SPAS, AA-12, and WA.
I got her during the initial rate up, user.
Don't miss the rate ups if you can help it.
I dont have any luck with HGs, even with rate-up events.
>girls frontline shills still going at it on Yea Forums
>while this trash flopped horribly compared to azur lane
cope and also fuck off back to your tranny general
loli guns
Meet my daughter; she's best known for killing JFK.
just use 130 all and pray then
It only takes an hour and a half bro m.youtube.com
America number one!
$1 whore
I had to stop playing after doing it for 6-7 months. I couldn't stand it anymore even though I really like how rolls are free and the girls are cute.
BLACKED collab when?
Baka Squad, report in.
just roll her
What's the problem?
Why can’t I collect the boss units?
>there are contendlets in here
Why is there so much SOP MOD JR bullying
It's boring and I don't know why I was so fixated on grinding
UMP45 uses AMD.
>there are people who don't have every 5 star gun in the game
rolled P90 after the rate up event was over though, not sure if that counts as lucky though.
This is no longer funny.
I'm just missing AA-12. Stupid Heavy Production...
All better
I see we're posting Springfield
Fuck Springfield.
that's the plan, yeah
who is this cheap man selvaria and riela?
For (you)
when and where
How is it a ripoff of KanColle?
I need a springfield mommy
>finally get into gacha
>everything is old and dont want to get invested into something that could close tomorrow, or hyper moe garbage newshit thats not going to last a month
Give it to me straight guys, if Ive only played for a few weeks should I cut the cord now?
Don't bother every gacha is gri ding piece of shit, you can't accomplished anything in just a few weeks
The resource management and using resource to roll is oblivious, map mode too
is coming in a month
What’s with all this fanart of Springfield and some other girl?
Ive got no other games to look forward to though and I'm usually on job sites for weeks waiting for them to call me a few times a day to pull a few switches. Ive got nothing but time to waste. But then again I'd like to waste my time to the point that I say "im good" instead of seeing the app removed from my phone before I was done with it. Tried the others like Azur Lane, that one that starts with Langreisser or some shit, and a few others but they seemed to try too hard to press you for cash or even more grindy than the next.
I like this one more but if its looking like its in the red then fuck me.
shes friendly
Mutsu is cute, so is ok.
The download mobile game like king of dragon pass, burdenborne, bard take something, don't bother with gacha
We’re about 4 major events behind the CN server, so you got about a year’s worth at least
Are you okay user?
Well damn.
Sorry, on phone right now I mean download mobile game like king of dragon pass, burdernborn, the bard tale, stuff like that. Don't bother with gacha, it's a waste of time and you can't accomplished anything in just a few weeks
Every event is log in, enhancement unit, roll gacha, play xxx amount of map, play xxx amount of special map, shit is mindnumbling boring, and it only work if you are a NEET or working in some boring office work with nothing to do
>working in some boring office with nothing to do
That's kinda the point
416 was a mistake
What was her fucking problem?
Craves for (you)r attention
>no g36c
I'm good
she needs love too
i don't even fap to it anymore but i still play it
user, that sentence is usually the other way around. Are you sure you didn’t mess up there?
oddly enough it's right. now the only satisfaction i gain from the game is minmaxing my formations and dolls in preparation for the next event. fuck, it's been going on for over a year now.
Some upgrades are what she needs.
Robots don’t feel user, it’s fine
But to "harm" something that resembles humans so much is clearly a sign of some sort of mental illness.
Nothing wrong with using a repurposed sex bot for its original purpose
>get tire
>carry it
>get chair
>jump on it
>get sexbot
>attack it
I dont think youre using that tool correctly.
There’s people that get off to that
That was really good and I'm not even a /u/fag.
I like this image
My favorite thing about the game is that events feel pretty fun and rewarding. I like first clearing the stages which are usually somewhat challenging.
Gacha for skins are insanely greedy but for guns you can usually get by with just saving up which is nice. Overall it's a pretty comfy game.
Why these threads always are okay here, but Azur Lane threads always get shitposted by GFL posts and images?
Give me more doll ryona Yea Forums
Fake as fuck
pretty great gun
There needs to be more brownskinned dolls, seriously I want my tanned goddesses
Femdom, raceplay, groin-high leather boots, BDSM, hot wax
What's a raceplay
RIP my ears.
I wished people focused less on how much of a perv Saiga was and more on how 80% of her lines were of her being obsessed with hygiene.
Why are the evil girls in these games always the hottest ones? What's with that line of reasoning?
Evil girls deserve to be raped obviously
Why post a censored version?