ITT: Games you can't discuss anymore on Yea Forums because of /pol/-tourist ruining it all because of a few colors next to each other
ITT: Games you can't discuss anymore on Yea Forums because of /pol/-tourist ruining it all because of a few colors next...
A Hat in Time
We couldn't talk about it in the first place because of the Black Boyfriend picture.
It makes me ANGRY that a fictional character could hold views different from my own.
Fuck man, imagine seeing one ambiguous wall decal in a gigantic dlc map and immediately being turned off from a game. Reminds me of when people found 9gag memes on tiny ass post it note textures in Deus ex HR and used that as a reason to not play it. I guess not playing video games is what Yea Forums does best tho.
You and your ilk need to be deplatformed
My roommate because very irrate and flustered whenever anyone talks about sex or gender.
Do you think he was raped?
The issue was SquareEnix miscredited ManletTears as the creator of the reaction face depicted.
Rent free
Who the fuck cares you stupid faggot. Just, y'know, PLAY the game instead shitposting about it on Yea Forums
Not sure what you mean. You couldn't talk about this game from day 1 because of abortionposting. It wasn't until months later when I pirated it that I learned that abortion isn't even implied once in the entire game.
Also, dilate.
future you chose lefty fag.
You can always become one of the 40%.
You'll find likeminded people in hell where you can discuss your degeneracy for all eternity.
trannies have overplayed their hand and when the pendulum swings back it's going to be brutal
The funny thing is, he isn't even her boyfriend and doesn't become it
Do you think anyone in life likes you?
>The 40%
Of what, cops that beat their wives?
No but I don't equate my life with how many people like me or not being a factor in success or happiness.
>only /pol/ dislikes faggots
Keep telling yourself that.
The point is you belong there.
Hmm I cannot believe Asians are the lowest there’s so many of them are these US only stats or something?
I don't think so, bud.
If it isn't a Nintendo game with huge anime boobs, that condemns trannies, that supports 4 more years of trump, that lets me romance a waifu, that has an HE'S IN MC for Smash Ultimate, that is comfy, and that doesn't have more than 5 seconds of cutscene, it's not a Yea Forums-approved game. I am a true gamer like my Yea Forumsros, and we play what the board culture wants us to play.
imagining the tranny putting this together with a metal pole shoved in the gaping wound so it won't heal shut
He also belongs here in Yea Forums.
It is you that doesn't fit in.
Hello election tourist!
i dont get the popularity of this game. then again i dont like platformers so maybe the fault is with me
>no stats just pepe shit
I accept your concession.
Been here since Donate or Die but okay.
There is no popularity or appeal. It just pushed an agenda since day one and got shilled to hell and back on that merit instead of gameplay.
user, you're not fitting in right now.
>There is no popularity or appeal. It just pushed an agenda since day one and got shilled to hell and back on that merit instead of gameplay.
fuck off back to /pol/ please
Your roommate is trans, turn him in to a sissy boi and fuck his tight asshole
I think you have to be a doctor to diagnose an illness like that
Why are most trans folk fat ugly men who have zero chance of passing?
Don't worry I'm a doctor
Why are most /pol/tards skinny teenagers and obese boomers who would be executed in their ideal society?
prolonged isolation, mental illness
>Yea Forumsros
Fucking retard.
You're not fitting in right now
it's a fine game, but meatboy did it better.
why do you faggots think people are trying to fit in.
I was literally shitposting here while you were in diapers.
This is a thread in Yea Forums and blame OP for making the thread here instead of there.
>boo hoo this open website allows people to just say their piece whenever they want.
Notice I'm not telling you to go back to whatever cesspit you came from. I will tell you to kill yourself though.
It’s Yea Forumsirgins, faggot. Always has been.
This. We name ourselves deprecating terms on our own and these walking wounds think their weak retorts mean anything.
>youre supposed to post video game threads on /pol/ if the video game in question has politics i dont like
fuck off you retarded mutt
Yes, if your main topic is politics it belongs on /pol/.
>all trannies look disgusting past the age of 30 unless they can afford extensive, frequent plastic surgery
good luck guys, you definitely won't just be another statistic
>if game has politics i dont like that means the main topic is politics because i must screech about it
tell me about jews next why dont you
>mfw the tranny 40% thing is attempts pre transition, but white men commit suicide successfully at a rate of 26%
If your main topic is politics, then yes.
But this topic was on the video game Celeste™ and part of the content of that video game is the inclusion of misguided and all around harmful politics. So it is permissable to discuss it in Yea Forums, the board for video games such as Celeste™
You do understand this website right?
This isn't your first day here right?
No worries, many an user is here and they will happily help you find out how the site works so you won't come off as what we call a "newfag."
fuck off you retarded mutt
reddit is more your style, tranny
Good, you don't deserve to have nice things.
Nice things to you are disgusting to the rest of us.
There is NOTHING redeeming about alt-lifestyle scum. You're probably not even really a tranny, you're just doing it because you're afraid to be white and male or just because it's "Trendy" and you want those victimbux.
Considering the suicide rates of transexuals (every doc program I type this in thinks it isn't a word, go figure) it is safe to assume it is temporary and a self correcting phenomenon.
The only thing I can think of with a higher fail rate is communism. That fails 100% of the time. But you know what they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
You can get there trannies!
Coincedentially I wouldn't have voiced this opinion on Yea Forums but luckily this game decided to add it to the discussion when talking about the game. Thanks to them for being so welcoming to opening the discussion when there literally didn't need to be one.
40%+ (plus (meaning in excess of))
Do you actually think everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny or is this just the latest buzzword like cuck or zoomer
latest buzzword. It gets people I don't want to discuss things with to stop responding to me rather well.
Trannies are a plight though, they need help and counseling, not enabling.
Fuck off to /pol/.
>my feefees matter more than facts
white male trannies would also have a higher statistic
you have literally no point
But that is a thread for politics. This is Yea Forums, for video games. This is a video game so that is why I'm here.
You do understand how this site works right?
Show the statistic.
>I don't have it
Then you don't get to argue like you do.
You know no one is really amused by your pretending or act, right? You might as well just go full unabashed /pol/tard.
Pretend? We can play a game of pretend if you want but I'm not really in the mood so you gotta go first.
Fuck you tranny supporting faggot.
There's no way to accurately collect that data, at least yet. However, that doesn't mean we can't guess. The bottom line is that the attempted suicide rate and most likely the actual suicide rate for trannies is always higher given that factors are controlled for. Or even in general, but we won't know because the actual suicide death rate for them does not exist.
>because of few colors next to each other
yeah and if a few black lines in a white circle with a red background is in the game it wouldn't cause any stir huh?
only in germany
I wish
wish granted