>20yo is "mommy"
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Japan? Why can't they just sexualize older women like some nomal people?
>20yo is "mommy"
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Japan? Why can't they just sexualize older women like some nomal people?
It’s an entire country of pedophiles
What the fuck do you expect?
I fucking loathe you
>nomal people
Only NA thinks hags are hot
20 yos are busted old hags, the japs are just frank about it while you drink the feminist granny coolaid
how old are you?
>weebpedos still unaware
>tfw like 2d women all the way up to 50, and all the way down to 9 months
why we gotta fight anons
"Mommy" consists of multiple things of which a specific age is not always a requirement.
Reverse search it man. Come on, at least TRY.
>reverse searching a cropped picture
It never works
Depends how much is cropped.
I never tell people to reverse search doujins, but please at least try with actual images.
Pretty sure it's by Kunaboto
the mommy shit is only a meme from english speaking people though, how do you know that's what Japan thinks?
and there's still other older women like Tae in the game
She looks like and has the vibe of a ~32 year old woman. Not sure why you're calling her 20, or referring to her as "mommy". She's meant to be an older woman Joker has several innuendo-laden interactions with.
Okay let's look at Kawakami specifically. She has two jobs, one of which is a teacher which places her in an authoritative but supportive role for schoolchildren, with the other being a maid who cleans your room and chides you for your diet and social life. She has several scenes highlighting her age difference from Joker and the other high schoolers ("kids these days sure are different!") and her romance has several moments where she tells Joker to rely on her for support and comfort. So in spite of being only ~10-15 years his senior, not old enough to be his actual mom, she's still presented in a very maternal manner.
Very nice.
Sadayo Kawakami is probably closer to 30. Late 20s which is still out of the age-range for a maid job.
She's also not a mommy. But she will be.
but sometimes I also think that it's some kind government conspiracy to young people to get married
20 year olds are mommies.
Most women these days start having kids at 15 or 16.
It's not a conspiracy at all. Japan is way below replacement fertility rate and there's a societal pressure to marry young and have kids. It's very much ingrained in their culture that being 25+ is already old for a woman to be single and unmarried. They're also very much a patriarchal society so a woman focusing on her career instead of family is frowned upon. I know all of this because I read a lot of manga.
i graduated high school when every girl was already a mom
it was a very small school with a class of 20 students but i mean like all 7 girls already had a kid before they turned 18
Where the fuck did you go to high school? Inner city detroit???
Japan for some reason dislikes any woman above 20 yo, calls her an old hag and puts her aside/makes fun of her.
You will NEVER find an anime, especially a mainstream one at that, where either the MC or a prominent male character ends up in a relationship with an older/mature/MILF woman.
Yet Japan at the same time gives characters with a loli bodytype and demeanor absurd ages like hundreds or thousands years old.
Because it's Japan.
Damn...so this...is the peak female form....wow
Probably the only ok post with this nigger meme I'm not going to report. Still wish you a horrible death in an accident
It's pretty weird
I don't think you know what that word means.
What a shame. Maturity is attractive.
it's because 25+ is a "christmas cake".
no one wants it
>he reports posts
Were you bullied in school?
>he shouldn't care about board quality
your next post will be
>lol wannabe janny
>They're also very much a patriarchal society so a woman focusing on her career instead of family is frowned upon.
I know this because my Japanese literature and gender studies teacher told me
>mommy thread
>wojaks BAD
>daily hentai and ERP threads GOOD
yeah sure you care about board quality
are you implying i don't dislike both?
nice job retard
You're not wrong. Although, bearing in mind that Joker himself is pretty mature,
I'd use the term domestic, granted the two terms are not far from eachother. Everything about her is something entirely divorced from the craziness of Jokers usual escapades and much plainer, as well as comforting. Someone he could home to after a busy day.
Because women are in their prime in their mid teens? I don't know what kind of bullshit you've been spoonfed, but it's wrong.
>20 kids in a class
>inner city
Anons a hick, half those girls are carrying their cousins child
God I wish that was me
Why doesn't Abe just do something about the ridiculous school/work culture that has people studying/working 12-14 hours a day every single day leaving no time at all for relationships other than some gatcha game on the train to and from work?
That's so obviously the cause of it but I haven't heard of anything substantial being done to stop it.
Me too user.
>19 year old approaching expiration
If Abe tried to even talk about that, the companies/shareholders/CEOs would just put their money, effort, and votes towards someone who wants to just keep the machine going.
Who cares what older people think, Kawakami is for little boys.
Considering that Jukujo (Mature woman) is the most popular keyword on DMM, i think there's more to the issue.
also persona is for 15 year olds.
She's solely for her master
That's what happens when the women of your country look 13 until they're 50
Imagining the smell rn.
sounds like I need to move to Japan
Give me BIG
For a pillow I want her soft shirt after a long summer day when its been bathed in her odor for hours and naturally since she just took her shirt off...
That anime with Chisato Hasegawa, Gundam 00, and the Trust and Betrayal OVA would like to check if they can have a word with you?
Is this artist's game out in english yet?
>Gundam 00
Women start to expire after their 20s. This is common knowledge you idiots.
Setsuna and marina ismail have an 8-year gap.
Also, pic related is Shinozuka Yayoi, who has a crush on Touya, 4 years her junior, from White Album 1.
What a fucking loser
>Setsuna and marina
Literally not even love interests, get it together
>Japan for some reason dislikes any woman above 20 yo, calls her an old hag and puts her aside/makes fun of her.
Japan loves milfs, it's a mega popular theme in JAV
Otaku don't though
But it's "still" a relationship considering how it works a lot like a mother-and-son one.
What people on Yea Forums don't understand about "mommies" is that they seemingly get themselves mixed with a platonic parent-child relationship and mixing that up with the current idea of adult relationships and yada yada.
So when people go asking for a "mommy" (sans the gib me big milkies and cumming low IQ crap), they're really just asking for a certain kind of love from an older woman (probably within their age gap) that treats them like their son or whatever.
I'm going off-topic/tangent so you do the rest. Two for tango.
What can be done to cure this disease?
Definitely not him
But it feels good
I'm pretty sure women stop existing after 25 in Japan
Make anime real
botox and plastic surgery
Kawakami was the best.
But then who voices little boys in anime?
>replacement fertility rate
Literally only matters if you're obsessed with infinite economic growth. Populations shouldn't be so damn high, the less people there are the more it improves wages and quality of life for everyone else.
>artist deletes his accounts
Why do they do this?
>the more it improves wages and quality of life for everyone else.
Not if you have a huge population of elderly people you need to support. Japan would be a lot happier if young people had more babies.
>Japan for some reason dislikes any woman above 20 yo, calls her an old hag and puts her aside/makes fun of her.
Nah just otaku. If you go ask most younger Japanese they see the christmas cake idea as outdated, if they've heard of it at all. Getting married at 30 is the norm there now.
little girls
>Not if you have a huge population of elderly people you need to support.
Who are all about to keel over any year now reducing the population by 1/3. The problem solves itself.
The birthrate thing is always just govenment codeword for bringing in immigrants. Every western nation with the exception of the US has negative birth rate.
Japanese old people live longer than any other country though, so it will take longer and hurt the economy a ton.
And that's not a good thing.
It's not if you realize that there's too many damn people, we don't need more.
>mommys are 20 years old
>lolis are 2000 years old
bravo japan
Why do people parrot this when women age better than men?
It was a joke you moron
"people" don't, men do.
Off with your head
It's hard to tell nowadays.
That's what happens when your guns are taken away.
Your liberty goes as well.
You have nothing left to fight for so you fight for your job. Your entire existence is your job. You fight to keep yourself a slave in the wheel of desparity that is a nice apartment nice car nice vidya console.
>35 years old
>everyone calls him "old man" including himself
Why? 35 isn't that old
Some people just have an older soul then their biological age
leave it to a DUMB GIRL to miss the joke
>24 years old
>everyone calls him "old man"
Why? 24 isn't that old
Doesn't matter though anons. It seems that the whole industry is more eager to pander to otakus than anyone else.
And let's not kid ourselves, Japan has a weird view with age and cherishes youth more than most other countries, mostly thanks to their demographic issue.
I literally can only get turned on by mommies what is wrong with me.
She's older than 20
Sauce me on "real" age
stop using google
when life expectancy barely breaks 40 but the IQ barely breaks 50
Artbook says around 30. Meaning Joker is going to become a young father.
Is the whole "mommy" thing just a counter part to how some girls call guys "daddy" no matter their age?
No because that's a sugar daddy thing for girls
You guys never seen a 20 years mom before? When I was in high school there were lot of young mommies. But they not milf.