RPG asks for my name

>RPG asks for my name
Smart Fella
>RPG asks for rival's name
Fart Smella

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Finally a good thread

He is married btw and now looks much better.

Russian...gotta be

I dont believe you.Gif


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thanks for that OP

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absolutely based

this is the face of an average transphobic and racist person

top jej


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how does it make you feel that someone who looks like this can justifiedly look down with disgust and disdain on trannies rofl

Yea Forums was not completely shit today.


Amusingly enough that's also the face of the average tranny.

Thanks user that's fucking stupid and I can't stop laughing at it

>the year is 2000
>10 years old
>get pokemon gold for christmas
>makes you fight rival before naming him
>appears as "???"
>go back to Elm's lab
>police ask me what the ginger fuck's name was
>put in "???"

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okay, this is epic

fucking nice

you're all right

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goddamn this is the shit

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Fucking gold.

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That's some good shit, OP.

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>this is the guy calling you a beta cuck over the internet

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lying troll

Not as bad as when you find out that all the racist trolls are actually black


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I did this for the longest time. I thought they were going to give him a name later in the game as a big reveal or something.

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well done, meg

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autists unite

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