>I'm loving Astral Chain! It's also insanely huge! It took a session to do the post mission 2 tutorials, character introductions, Legion management & HQ stuff. & it's all relevant. So please understand, tackling this giant awesome game means there will be parts with no combat.
>The game's pace it's designed to be more dense between the action than any other Platinum games, so that will be felt in an LP. Still, I'm leaving grinding and cleanup for off camera, but I don't agree with aggressively cutting out everything between Missions. There's a balance.
>Lastly, also please understand that if we record for a whole session HQ stuff & don't use any of it, that's still a day of real life that had to pass, with nothing to show for it on the channel. It's unrealistic to expect multiple days of recording to result in 1 video. Thanks
"Fuck you, stare at menu's for 30 minutes because I'm a lazy nigger who refuses to cut out downtime. Thanks!"
I'm loving Astral Chain! It's also insanely huge! It took a session to do the post mission 2 tutorials...
If you don't enjoy watching him
why are you watching him
wtf is this retarded eceleb shit
I don't watch him, I just enjoy checking in once a week to see his dumpster fire of a channel slowly burn to ash. His shitty attitude of "it's about ME and MY fun and FUCK YOU if you don't like it" is blowing up in his face.
>completely sucks balls at video games
how was this fucker in QA? actually, that'd explain a lot on the state of current video games that have come out in the last 10 or so years.
A lot of pent up aggression for someone who doesn't watch him
I still think his brain is getting fucked by weed. woolie acts like a senile old men while he is in his early 30s
Did he actually reject a threesome or it was just a joke
Eceleb board
>how was this fucker in QA?
QA fags are notoriously incompetent, user.
Just look at shit like dishonoured
>Making shit up
I said it was amusing to watch his shitty ego blow up in his face, you don't enjoy seeing wankers get their just deserts?
If it's not a fighting game he is literally braindead, almost to the point that makes you wonder if he ever played a videogame in his life
That's unhealthy behavior on your part.
For future reference, if you break up with a gal or guy, don't bother with checkups on them following the breakup.
Just walk away and leave them to whatever it is they do. It doesn't concern you.
why the fuck would you bother then?
you honestly don't have anything better to do with your time than complain about a lets player that you don't even like?
>That's unhealthy behavior
Fuck off you pansy. I'll do what I like.
>why the fuck would you bother then?
Because it's funny? Moron.
You don't have anything better to do than complain about me complaining about an LPer? Works both ways faggot.
>or guy
Go back where you came from tranny
they really need to create /incel/ - internet celebrity
Stop watching people play video games.
it annoys me more when they act like hot shit and pretend like they're knowing what they're talking about in regard to "game design". to think as a kid i would've love to have a job like that, only to realize my co-workers would be pompous pricks who talk out of their ass. dodged a bullet i guess.
he's getting desperate, boys
>If it's not a fighting game he is literally braindead
i wish, i fucking wish this was the case but its somehow the opposite, he'll sit and over think every tiny mechanic in a game completely wasting time and misunderstanding its use when it would of been explained by the game in the next cutscene.
Enjoy being angry and depressed for the rest of your life.
>starts eceleb thread just to shit on eceleb
>complains that people who want to watch eceleb play and enjoy the game will have to watch eceleb play and enjoy the game
>thinks eceleb should cut out parts of the game leaving his viewers that don't own the game uninformed about what the game is like
>Thinks that eceleb who makes videos about himself enjoying video games should not enjoy the video games
>Thinks eceleb should solely cater to what viewers want to see and not the content he wants to create
>thinks retards who eat up eceleb garbage are entitled to anything more than that
you are the very embodiment of why we need a separate containment board for ecelebs and twitter caps.
I have never watched Woolie or the stupid best friends or any youtuber besides Jack Black, but I'm glad that him doing what he wants is pissing you off for no reason.
>pat saying on the podcast that astral chain is the best platinum game.
The game's good but jesus. They have a horrible case or forming really strong opinions way too early. He's still high off of the initial hype you get from learning the mechanics.
You'd think after all these years they'd get past this.
>Fuck you, stare at menu's for 30 minutes because I'm a lazy nigger who refuses to cut out downtime.
More like
>Oh fuck I'm relying on this game to give my channel content for the next few fucking months if I cut out the boring shit it'll only last a couple weeks
And Woolie will too, evidently
Yeah that's somewhat what I meant, the biggest offender was his Resident Evil 2 playthrough, it seemed like every single move he made he doubted "If I pick this ammo..........I will get more ammo..........which will allow me to shoot more.........and that is if I pick up the ammo.....-picks ammo and proceeds to stare at the screen for a solid 5 seconds-"
It's infuriating and i only see his "best of" nowadays.
>only befriends ESL fucking shits and an annoying midget
>the midget has a following but never does videos with him only the podcast
Was Woolie's solo channel doomed from the start?
>this whole thread
The man managed to make my favorite game of all time, W101, completely unwatchable.
pat does this a lot, he hyped up dmc5 for months and clearly loved the game on release, then when outer wilds game out he said it was the greatest game this year.
What did Woolie "Woolsworth" Madden mean by this?
>angry and depressed
This is all happening in your head, you realise that right?
Yea Forums at it's finest holy shit. you're mentally ill.
maybe if he had a better co pilot
>people who want to watch eceleb play and enjoy the game
Staring at menu's for 30 minutes is not watching someone enjoy the game
imagine the lack of iq it takes to unironically watch some shitty e-celeb play video games on a daily basis
The game is trash so that didn't help, but if I could understand what his friend was saying at any time then maybe it would've at least been watchable trash
Pat is a weird person, and I mean that literally, I was really looking forward to his blind reaction of DMC5 and he was like "oh I got my copy early and i marathoned it off cam haha". Like come on now you autistic midget, the house you are sitting on was bought with content creation money.
>Thinks eceleb should solely cater to what viewers want to see and not the content he wants to create
Yes actually, that's your job woolie. No one gives a fuck about your enjoyment, only the viewers enjoyment matters.
then they can leave? like I said I don't watch e-celeb trash. Who fucking cares?
why is he still clinging onto matt and liam when both of them never mention him and even unfollowed him on twitter?
They're friends I guess but you probably wouldn't understand that.
god forbid a content creator does what he wants instead of just catering to the latest trend like a complete sellout shill. I'm supposed to believe anyone besides OP cares enough to want to see Woolie miserable?
Oh so you donate and subscribe to him then right? You're giving Woolie criticism because you don't think it's the best reward for your money right?
What's that? You don't contribute at all but still kick and scream that he's not doing what you want?
Then you're just an entitled manchild.
true but on the other hand it was a million times better to have woolie guided by someone who knew their shit so he could crush all of woolies wierd assumptions straight away.
>I dont watch him
>I just watch him
e-celebs aren't video games, please go away and never return to my video game board.
Sure is video games around here...
>2BFP is together
>Pat and Woolie are great together, Pat is great anywhere
>Liam is a nofunallowed shitter who gets mad all the time
>Matt clearly feels he's above the content that made him
>2BFP split up
>Pat's channel is sometimes watchable but the fucker does no editing
>Woolie's channel is unwatchable unless he has Pat on
>Liam and Matt are just fucking gone who gives a shit about them
Huh, I thought you were lying for shitposting purposes but you weren't for Liam, what a salty bitch:
Matt still follows Woolie though:
Woolie wants to have his cake and eat it too, where he thinks he can make any low quality content he wants and people will eat it up because he was Woolie from SBFP.
That hasn't happened and he seems to be blaming the fans for not watching his shitty videos rather than thinking it's anything wrong on his part.
>Pat is great anywhere
Reminder that the only people who think this are the "annoying fat retard with awful opinions" of their own friend group
Hey I'm not a retard
How long until they start doing LP's together again since they are just boring on their own?
Woolies channel is dying and he has to split the revenue between 3 people. Meanwhile pats last stream got only around 500-600 viewers and reading through donations took him just a few minutes.
>How long until they start doing LP's together again
Never. Woolie can barely stand Pat and only sticks with him because he knows Pat is the only reason he can still afford to live off of youtuber/patreon money (thanks to castle superbeast).
You're getting his mush-mouthed friends on his channel forever
Pat streams aren't fun to watch and he's wrong about everything but acts like his opinions are fact until he's called out on it then he just deflects it by saying that you shouldn't listen to him anyway.
Woolie videos aren't fun to watch and he's so goddamn slow at playing games.
Paige streams can be entertaining when they aren't spending hours not playing the game.
>ffx was unwatchable garbage and set in stone matt/woolie anything is a complete shitshow
>proceed to try and do a kh playthrough
how fucking retarded can they be?
Liam ended up being an enormous bitch in the end but he and Pat were fucking gold in the Barkley LP.
You are the biggest fagget I've seen all day, and I work at fagget inc
i think combined pat and paige get enough to be cushy, plus im sure the rooster teeth deal didnt hurt. woolie on the other hand MUST be feeling the sting... then he takes a 3 week trip to japan so i guess i dont know shit.
I’ll enjoy watching everyone in this thread call you a fucking retard
>Haha slave jokes amirite?
>Pat said that they don't look like they enjoy being chained to you on the podcast so I'm gonna do my best Matt impression and run this shit into the ground and then some.
Fuck Woolie, this is your job man. How are you so bad at this
>Pat is great anywhere
His streams are absolute fucking garbage beyond redemption
>Hype up DMC as one of their favorite series
>Spend hours explaining every move in the game before buying it
>Can't pull off basic combos and just mash buttons 90% of the time
Woolie just has terrible instincts when he's in charge of something and is easily paralyzed by choice and his fear of missing things
Ironically this is why fighting games are the best genre for him, he's forced to act and can't sit still overthinking everything
Youre just salty cus you didn't fight daigo
it was most likely with some canadian land whales anyways
they never mention the type of girls that were asking
this was back when woolie was obese and not just normal out of shape
>Fuck Woolie, this is your job man. How are you so bad at this
Woolie only wants to do things his way but isn't prepared to accept the consequences of doing that either.
For the love of God somebody ban this punkass OP.
>Oh so you donate and subscribe to him then right?
Fuck no I don't give you money you dumb nigger.
But it's basic business, you give consumers what they want or they go elsewhere as your dwindling viewership numbers show. Lose the ego, put actual effort into your "job" and accept the fact your personal enjoyment is secondary to the viewers or else get those C.V.'s ready for a minimum wage job you lazy porch monkey.
>god forbid a content creator does what he wants
No one wants to see garbage like Wonderful 101
I watch their podcast, not much else
imagine being this autistic and butthurt
All the Pat and Liam LPs were good, for 2 guys that didn't like each other they had a lot in common and good commentary chemistry
He honestly believes his "audience" is out there and if he keeps at it long enough eventually a legion of 30,000+ fans will tune in to watch him play shit no one gives a flying fuck about like W101 or random shitty indie games. Because Woolie is JUST THAT INTERESTING, he can carry a whole channel with his stunning and insightful commentary.
Jesus christ talk about a pathedic mf get a fucking life op
Calm down woolie
Matt was the best one. Patt was fat and cringy and Woolie is a negroid. I never watched much with the Liam guy.
I don't know where this meme came from, he's fucking awful at fighting games. Every game besides Street Fighter, he has only outside knowledge of. He can't combo in UNIST or GG, and he can't move/combo/punish in Tekken.
As far as SF goes, he is a mid level shitter at very best. He doesn't make it out of pools in his fucking locals, he's atrocious. Which would be excusable if that wasn't his main shtick, and the fact that he's been playing for like 15 years.
W101 is the best game in the character action game genre pleb.
Nigger no one said he was good at them, just that they are the best for him, learn to read
you are fucking retarded. get some real friends instead of fake ones.
What was the deal with the Tokyo Mirage Sessions LP? I've heard that it killed their channel, but I checked out a few parts of it and they seem genuinely excited and it's a pretty fun game. Was it just too much anime for a casual/normalfag audience or what?
>use to think Liam is the worst and he's killing the podcast
>he left
>podcast gets worse
>blame Matt
>sbfp breaks up
>podcast sucks
>they all suck individually too
wtf, those 150 or so episodes of sbfc were prime cozy
maybe im just too old for this shit, i use to be big into Inside Gaming but i cant watch their current shit either. i guess i shouldnt be sad but i do feel like there's empty space in me since i stopped caring about this shit.
of all gaming yt i only care about Jerma anymore
Woolie smokes? Where'd you get that from?
Woolie's channel is pic related
>he isn't cool enough for weed
Think about that.
Imagine clinging onto the most generic personifications of random gaming forum nerds. Listening to 2bf was like being drip fed the shitty opinions of NeoGAF, SA, and Yea Forums combined. Watching them is putting yourself below the most common type of users in each of those communities. All they do is telephone information you could have found yourself to you and be loud about it.
I honestly wish Woolie the best and had hope when Pat told him "we will talk about this off air". But no, more of the same failed formula not a week after the FE trash fire and backlash. Just make the blood sacrifice Woolie. Make CSB an lp channel. Or hire an actual editor.
What a sad and pathetic little bitch you must be.
character action games are not fun to watch unless they are played by experts
His skin color
So what, it's boring as sin to look at.
That's... That's not how that works.
He seems to actually dislike his audience.
Woolie solo might unironically be better than the ESL squad.
At least no one would be there to distract him from paying attention to the game like what happened in the FE3H vids.
Matt and the passive agressive weeb suck
You sure bout that?
>implying all niggers aren't potheads
Okay reddit you can fuck off now
>What was the deal with the Tokyo Mirage Sessions LP?
They were extremely bad at playing it. It was an incredibly boring game to watch. NOBODY asked for the LP.
How low can liam fall goddamn
yeah but Woolie fucking sucks at it and their commentary sucks as well, the videos are garbage.
Chip Chezum and Ironicus did a great LP of it with funny commentary and show off all secrets, talk about all refrences and get pure platinums. Woolie if fucking garbage'
no but its too animu for Matt and Woolie, their entire audiance is like 5 layers deeper into any niche they care about then anyone in the group. Also they are dumb as fuck and cant play JRPGs despite it being the simplest ganre of games. So you end up with two idiots unable to play the game going "uuuh this is problematic, this game is making me uncomfortable" for entire LP
>failed formula not a week after the FE trash fire and backlash
Oh god I haven't listened to the podcast since they spent like a whole month bitching about how """icky""" japan is, quick rundown?
Truth hurts, huh Woolie?
imagine being so cucked during school that you try your best to not act like a black person, that's woolie.
They really need a third person there, or a regular guest that shares both their interests to bounce off of.
A lot of times, when one of them starts talking about something that the other doesn't give a fuck about, it just becomes a solid 10-15 minutes of one sided gushing, with the occasional "yeah", "yup", "okay".
woolie is the whites man in the world
Is he at least paying you rent?
>What was the deal with the Tokyo Mirage Sessions LP?
Everything. Begging with the fact that it was a Tokyo Mirage Sessions LP.
Wow you sure one that argument
Am I the only one who thinks it's painful to watch how stupid woolie is sometimes? Like you can hear the thought forming in his head as he speaks and plays but it never really manifests.
He himself has never claimed to be good at them, he just likes them.
No, it'd be 30 minutes of him being just as bad but with nothing and no one to blame anymore.
>anons call out OP for being a retard
>retard proceeds to call everyone Woolie
>Woolie proclaims himself a proud black man, unironic "we wuz kangz" idiot, muh black culture
>Marries a white girl, almost all his friends are white, listens to white people music like Muse, so white an actual black man heard him say "nigger" on the podcast and did a double take "w-wait are you black?"
>rent free rent free rent free hurrrrrrr!
Go back, tranny
>heard him say "nigger" on the podcast and did a double take "w-wait are you black?
It's the hard R, man.
Nah, none of that. It was Woolie and the ESL squad. None of them understood tactics game or had any knowledge of 3H. Which led to Woolie banging on about the weapon triangle for ages despite it not being in the game, sending his units out to die because he couldn't look at the red aggro lines, and skipping the hang out at monastery sessions, ie half the game. All while Minh and Reggie contributed nothing. He got shit on by everyone for it and told to at least have some idea what he's playing. He said the LP tax was the reason he couldn't read simple instructions and the lesson he learned was to not play games just because they get hyped.
Pat is a thousand times blacker than Woolie will ever be.
i have literally never seen anyone so bad at strategy games as woolie playing 3H
the game is already easy as fuck yet he can barely bumble through the tutorial levels
Don't forget Woolie also really hates it when people make fun of him for being "too white"
Woolie did one of those short multipart quicklooks for FE3H and managed to out-DSP DSP. He simply could not comprehend gameplay mechanics, was CONSTANTLY thinking about the weapon triangle even though it isn't in 3H and the game never mentions it, and ran with retarded assumptions about characters despite only hearing them speak one line and seeing their design (to be fair a lot of people have done this, doesn't make it any less annoying though).
Oh and he kept pronouncing Claude's name as Cloud and Clode because despite it being spoken in dialogue he wasn't paying attention to that either.
s p e e d
Don't forget him and Reggie shitting on Marianne because they kept using her to attack in melee and didn't realize she was a healer.
Woolies problem is that he thinks any amount of downtime or dead air means that everyone will leave. He then rushes through shit without understanding what is going on fucks up and creates an even worse situation.
Did you know milk has a half life of 3 seconds? Did you know proper milk bag technique results in ZERO spillage of your milk? Beat that plastic jug that comes in varying sizes from 0.5L to 5L and lasts typically 10+ days before expiring as long as its refrigerated and doesn't ever spill anything because it's a fucking jug and NOT A PLASTIC FUCKING BAG FOR FUCKS SAKE CANADA WHAT THE FUCK IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE AMERICA WHO HAS TO BE SPECIAL SNOWFLAKES ABOUT EVERYTHING.
Liam said nigger more naturally than Woolie does
g-great playthrough woolie!
Some people say Clode, some people say Gaskwang.
>kept pronouncing Claude's name as Cloud and Clode
B-But muh french
I wish Woolie had stuck to interesting videos like the Reboot one and the Kirby Lore series.
>Wahhh people give me shit for not being a stereotypical hood negro
>*black man enters Canada*
remember when he said he wont uplaud his stream archives to yt because he wants to keep his channel high quality and good content?
>You don't know how these stats work!
>Victorian london inspired setting
>All the characters have british accents
Grant us English
Hilarious given that he basically stopped playing FE3H so Minh could tell a story about his grandpa for 5 minutes.
why don't Pat and Woolie do more than just the podcast together?
So that we may speak
Mouths on the inside
Remember PS1 demo discs?
Remember Gon in 3 episodes?
Remember Gun to your Head?
Remember Naruto?
Neither does Woolie apparently.
I used to blame Matt too because all he did was checking on phone or acts aloof during the podcasts, but Woolie and Pat as a podcast duo are terrible.
I miss the old podcast
Pat is too fat to afford transportation for more than one day a week
>Pat gets carried all the way to end game in FFXIV and Warframe
The problem with the new podcast is that Pat and Woolie don't do anything together outside of it.
I love how the best friends breakup mirrors Opie and Anthony so much
>the guys everyone liked in the old show all go on to do their own thing and refuse to just do a show together again out of stubborn pride, all their solo shows are shit and are missing the x factor that made the original show great, their personality quirks that were funny and endearing in the old content metastasize into annoying personality flaws that made them tiring to listen to and reveal they were horrible people all along
>the guy everyone hated in the old show is vindicated by history, proven to have been the linchpin to make everything else work together and kept the more annoying tendencies of his cohosts under control
Pat makes bank off his feeder fetish paypigs on twitch and always hated leaving the house anyway.
Woolie's ego is too big to ask for Pat to join his channel and do LP's with him, he thinks people actually find him interesting when he's not the straight guy to Pats insanity.
I don't think Matt kept the annoying tendencies under control because he had those too, especially in any Matt/Woolie LP
I'm surprised he's as successful as Pat with his patreon money and his shitty analysis videos. Guess hiring an actual editor worked out for him
It's not that you're getting too old, go back and listen to those old episodes, the atomic purple house one is maximum comfy for me on late night drives back from my gf's place. The new podcast is just two dudes shitting on the mic and hoping it sounds good. Some times it's funny but most of the time it isn't.
Brennan not realizing he was black broke the man
I can't even fucking have an lp on my other screen because that voice is so bad fuck.
Just bring back pat or go solo for fucks sake
Its pitiful that the only thing worth watching on the channel after DMCV are the fucking podcast recaps
That's how I feel too. I tried to find other podcasts but none of them were as funny or comfy like SBFC. Man, I miss the shit flinging but at least genuine friendship they had in the early episodes
>dude is larping like he’s talking to Woolie
You have severe mental problems, seek help. Preferably from a shotgun.
>Fuck off you pansy. I'll do what I like.
You're complaining about the guy thinking and doing exactly this though.
who knew that by simply putting minimal effort in editing you can create watchable content
yeah but i don't know if they are objectivly good or if its my nostalgia from years of me listening to them on bus rides to high school.
>Its pitiful that the only thing worth watching on the channel after DMCV are the fucking podcast recaps
His Goemon LP is kino, reminded me of the good ol' days.
I'm not expecting payment for my time
Imagine being this much of a faggot. I don't k ow who he is but if he's streaming or making LPs of games that he enjoys then who gave a shit.
Youtubers who play meme shot because I gets views should fuck off and die.
Why does woolie keep insisting in bringing back the same old fucks nobody likes?
Does he like owe them something?
Woolie "creators don't owe their audience anything" Madden
I barely touch Pat's content anymore but I can't hate. Dude just plays vidya, completely cut editing out of his life, saved enough to buy a house and a high end PC and has a stable relationship with a woman who's way out of his league but just as touched in the head. Its the Yea Forums dream
pls no boolie the woolie
Why doesn't he just stream it if it's so big and use his recording sessions with his friends for shorter projects where he understands what he's getting into and how long it will take?
Why doesn't he invite other people for sessions since it's called "Woolie VS" instead of the same two people over and over?
Why does he tackle the current hype meme games instead of stuff he knows he can handle and that he has something to say about?
Why doesn't he look at what does well with his viewers and what doesn't and adjust based on this?
Why doesn't he consider diversifying his output so as to not create content burnout?
Why doesn't he base what he puts out on the notion that people will cycle in and out over time since you can't watch some fuck play video games every single day of your fucking life?
Why would you be in the business of recording videos of video games if you don't understand how to make money doing this?
Nah, time ethics crimes, 3/5th of a person, Christmas cast, them slowly dying when they had to rerecord the podcast, a lot of so many good moments.
Why doesn't Woolie play any Naruto games?
>Does he like owe them something?
Woolie wants to recreate SBFP but with himself as the man in charge because he's egotistical. He pretends he's the "I'm friends with everyone" guy but really he pines for a situation where he's the boss and others depend on him for their livelihood because he failed at everything he ever tried to do in life.
>I'm going to kill everyone and then myself
I wouldn't be surprised if he drops astral chain as well. I really miss the shit posting he started with. Where the fuck is my Kirby lore
>mentally ill
Quote from homeless man living in the ghetto:
>Uhhh sorry you losers didn't like my content, I was having fun and all you Pat fanboys can suck it
To be fair, Matt's YouTube is doing the best of all 3, his shit gets the most views easy. I think it's all annoying shit, but it gets the views. Pat is probably doing the best since the breakup as stream donations and subscriptions likely far out pace youtube views as far income goes, but Matt's clearly not failing at what he does
It's doing worse than most of his stuff, so nah.
PS1 demo disks were comfy and the kind of LP content I can appreciate it.
the 3/5th a podcast had like an hour of solid gold content
>Pat getting stuck with a drunk Chad that wont stop inviting him to fuck whores
>Matt unable to focus on anything due to airport voice guy sounding like Dusty Rhodes
>Liam getting uncomfortably racist
No, that's on Woolie.
He made it completely unbearable. You need to either play through the game quickly on an already-completed file or you need to actually have something to fucking talk about and play REALLY WELL. Any other way and the game isn't fun to watch.
>Why doesn't he just stream it if it's so big and use his recording sessions with his friends for shorter projects where he understands what he's getting into and how long it will take?
But Woolie is busy ALL the time :(
>Why doesn't he consider diversifying his output so as to not create content burnout?
That's what I thought as first. Tabletop, Kirby lore, Reboot retrospective, fighting game streams or streams in general, Woolie will figure it out podcast, etc. He was on the right track.
I was really rooting for Woolie, but then he went back on the unedited LP format with the most unexperienced co-hosts imaginable.
Matt is easily doing better because he keeps putting out different content and actually edits his videos. It also helps that he keeps making connections with other e-celebs and gets patreon money.
>"Ok settle down, turn down his mic"
50$ say he won't finish the Astral Chain LP.
There's no way he's gonna finish it before the next big game he wants to try comes out.
you sound obsessed and genuinely mad that someone is having fun
Didn't one of them call Dimitri a school shooter or something?
Matt's too much of a wuss to pull the trigger but basically pulled the whole "by picking neither you've chosen to side against me" card.
Liam cut him out cold turkey after Woolie had the gall to do better than him as a solo content creator.
It's not reasonable to expect Woolie to record for more than an hour a day :(
He has to consider his channels long term health...
>get told by some retarded nigger how he mistook you for a white boi in an attempt to shame you for not being a stereotype.
>get buttdevasted
>cope by turning niggerness to 11
>Liam shitting on American Tim Hortins
>Fascistic Matt vs Anarchist Woolie when they talked about breakfast
Man that podcast was probably the best one, so much good material came out of it.
Where would you say the magic stopped?
2012-2015 were the best years for them even with the shit they put out occasionally like the dead walking S2 LP
take us back
Death Stranding will kill the Astral Chain LP, it's 8 weeks away, no way he'll finish AC by then
Don't bully Woolie, all he can understand is FG terms
>Finally pushes it over the line by consistently putting out super low quality shitposts that aren't just annoying, but lack any entertainment value.
>Viewership starts plummeting.
2016 was where the magic stopped and how they clearly stopped caring. Didn't help that Liam left and things were never the same afterwards
The one they got Brennan on and lead off with "Oh, you DON'T know about Time Cube?"
Legit the smartest thing Woolie could do at this point is try to con that Irish super eyepatch wolf guy into doing some content together
When was this
I thought people liked Pat for his low quality shitposts? He's still popular, no?
They hate themselves immensely, why do you think they hate each other?
This. Woolie gets people who are straightmen to him when he's only good as an occasionally incompetent straightman.
He had a panic attack at the thought of Pat and Woolie succeeding without the channel.
>super eyepatch wolf
We want less ESLs retard
The Nintendo E3 stream broke a lot of people because he just did the laziest "woowww it's shit i don't care" shtick the whole way through because he was tired and knew he couldn't come up with good jokes and then went hard on the gimmick when it finally broke the audience by the time he got to Animal Crossing. Even the people who understood what he was doing ended up pissed because it was a huge, annoying waste of time and there was no value in watching the stream at all. Most of the content since has been of mediocre quality and people are finally starting to bail.
TL;DR, shitposting is fun until you get too lazy about it (and possibly when you're making fun of Nintendo).
>SBFP together
>x is the problem, y is the problem
>They break up
>Realize all four of them were shit
>You'll never see Woolie and Pat get shithoused and talk about the race war again
There's low quality and there's no quality.
The issue is Pat is content with his devoted subhumans who just want to be his friend. He doesn't care about growing anymore
Just like how Woolie is devoted to his ESL friends who are fucking Let's Play poison. Sorry Woolie, entertainment is the last industry that cares people who don't come off as cool or entertaining and nothing is fucking worse than someone who can't speak the target language
this whole thread is gay reddit shit. /you/ when?
>Paige just completely stopped playing FF4 after making a big deal about loving the game and doing a stream just for her
The problem was definitely Matt after like 2014. The problem now is that the only two people that are entertaining together are doing everything in their power to not make videos together.
>Wolf was there for 1 LP
>and it was the best damn LP on Woolie's channel
Now that Woolie has roped in those two fucks he will be literally incapable of getting rid of them
He is fucked
Matt's doing better because he panders to the algorithm by making "let me read articles at you" clickbait videos. Everything else he makes gets even less views than Woolie's videos.
I'm sad wolf wasn't there for Three Houses. I wanted to try and make him salty by calling him an Imperialist/Nazi for picking Black eagles, along with his gay and lesbian cohosts
He's not wrong, ungrateful cuck. Also, stop watching let's plays if you don't like it. No need to thank me for my 100 IQ advice.
It's almost like all "gamur girls" are poser cunts who only say they like games to seem different and unique
Just putting this out there, 500-600 viewers is actually a ton for the average streamer.
nah his gaming videos are still doing better than woolies
woolie gets like sub 10k nowdays, matt gets 20-30k
>whole month bitching about how """icky""" japan is
When was this and what did they bitch about?
Also that's rich coming from "futaba is best p5 girl" pat.
Matt's videos views are all over the place. Sometimes it's around 10k, 20k, 50k for that clover video and then 100-300k depending on the topic of his clickbait analysis.
I wonder how much money he makes considering youtube likes companies more these days.
His shitty channel views agree with me
>making fun of Nintendo
I think this is the most likely culprit rather than his low-quality "shitposting". I'd love to see him double-down and continue shitting on Nintendo to the detriment of losing his paypigs.
that retard is not me.
I just think he smokes because of way he dresses and the friends he has around. he also act like an legit stoner.
The Asian is his video editor, so he was gonna be there no matter what.
Remember when he instantly caved in and released all of the DMCV episodes at once? Where was you're "muh channel muh integrity" then Woolie, huh?
The people who scream the loudest often turn out to be the real freaks.
Pat calls everything remotely underage "icky". My money is on him getting sent down for having CP.
Editing what? The intros? 99% of his videos are unedited LPs
Futaba being the best girl is irrelevant to the fact that she's a pedo's dream. It's more that the other girls are that shit.
It kind of sucks that their content is so meh now
I'll listen to the podcast and see the occasionally funny clip, but it sucks
I just want to watch some weirdos who are really into stupid style over substance games and anime
Get a life. Your behavior is beyond pathetic for a grown man.
This board boggles the mind sometimes. Filled with literal aspies and manchildren with zero self awareness. and I just wanna talk about video games.
He also uses the work "toxic" on a regular basis to describe anything the he doesn't like.
I guess. Woolie pays him to edit the videos.
Money > Integrity
Yea Forums is for freaks and outcasts, go be mentally stable on neogaf or reddit nigger
I genuinely like his "Wha Happun" series , but not much else, and actively dislike anything he does with his wife.
Despite the fact he's the most "toxic" person he knows
>Refusing to play correctly in an MMO is toxic.
>Publically shaming them on my livestream isn't.
>i like this game but unless you want to see multiple hours long sessions of 90% menus and grinding, we can't be consistent, just warning you now
>shitty attitude
i think you're the nigger here
How long until they all cave and reconcile?
This is what I never understood about these guys. They constantly whined (and still do) about how long editing takes when really all they do is cut the end of one episode into the beginning of another and OCCASIONALLY cut put ultra-tedious grind or retries on something. Other LPers do it too. What are they editing?
>early 30s
No way bro
Probably not Matt and Pat. They're doing good, it's Woolie that needs to be worried.
The AC shit could have been a turning point for Pat but instead is just precursor to his downfall. For someone who only has to offer their bad personality, he was faced with a moment where there was large fan backlash against his shitty attitude. Instead of using it for a moment of introspection as to why he's losing viewers he just goes on to twitter to explain why it was actually the fans who were wrong.
>Can't be arsed to do positionals as dps.
>Gets instant queue thanks to his stream cucks.
Pot calling the kettle black.
I dunno user, normally I'd go for that explanation, but I fucking hate Animal Crossing and was bored and annoyed by his gimmick the whole time. I think people got mad because he was being insufferable in a non-funny way.
according to social blade between $660 - $10.6K a month, so probably 5.5 cuz its usually righ in the middle.
also since it an eceleb thread, does anyonne know whats up with broteam? i used to like his shit and his Life is Strange streams were cool but he seems to have dropped off the planet
People who act like they are paying money out of their pocket to watch someone's videos are fucking insane.
>Chip Chezum and Ironicus
they make godlike LPs, shame that voidburger is there fucking things up though
>"Why do people like housing in FFXIV?"
>e-begs free shit and carries
>doesn't actually socialize
How does someone play an MMO and not understand what makes an MMO fun?
When Woolie's soon-to-be wife divorces him and he can no longer rely on her income he'll beg Pat to do LPs together again.
Dont know why you guys haven't switched over to cute girls playing games if you need background noise
>Alyska being adorable and apologizing for being so bad at DMC3 and that sheer excitement when she gets even an A rank
>still watching best """friends""" leftovers
>God like LPs
>Being playing the shittiest fucking metal gear for ages
god when will it be over
I'm paying woolie in time watched/ ads skipped/ and "user engagement", to say nothing of the data that (((google))) is harvesting from me
In exchange I'm asking for the same level of quality he had like a year ago.
Or are you one of those wagecucks that don't understand there's more to life beyond greenbacks?
The housing thing I can understand since Pat doesn't have a single bit of creativity in his body. All he wants are numbers. He just makes himself in games.
He was a mental case and eroded over time. Poor bastard.
Link me, bud.
>get popular as the young friendly weeb of the group
>decide to become the ultimate contrarian and devil's advocate instead
>decide to go solo despite your funniest moments being snarky responses to other people
>do another 180 and act all sensitive and shocked when people say mean things or mention your former coworkers
What the fuck is his plan? Pat and Woolie refuse highly requested LPs and keep their streams separate so that they can break that glass and sell out just in case. Matt has the good sense to do a lot of different styles of content and build strong connections so he'll always land on his feet. Why the fuck is Liam like this? Why is he so inconsistent in a job where consistency and authenticity is key?
If they did it was probably Pat.
Woolie VS puts out 2 unedited videos a day, 7 days a week.
Between 25 minutes to 1 hour long per video. On a slow day, 1 hour of video. On a long day, 3 hours of video max. Woolie doesn't work more than 2-3 hours a day. TWO TO THREE HOURS A DAY.
And he complains about having no time.
>I can never go to Japan again in my life because my fiance is a normalfag and doesn't care about it.
>I'm paying woolie in time watched/ ads skipped/ and "user engagement"
Broteam lost his shit a while ago. He forsook edited content for streams which didn't play to his visual gag strength and started a random ass smear campaign against, funnily enough, Pat.
I still occasionally send his Rogue Warrior video to Dick Marcinko on FB. He tells me to fuck off.
It's what happens when you get cucked by a dwarf by your actual katawa shoujo waifu
The Matt/Liam Sonic 06 LP was actually pretty fucking goosd, ended up getting me to check out their other content and guess what, turns out Matt and Liam actually put out better stuff than Woolie and Pat. It's fucking weird to see but it's real.
Yeah but the thing is ChipCheezum starts LPs months or years after release and puts a considerable amount of time and effort into planning, recording,and editing them, because he does it as a hobby and wants to make the best product he can. Woolie has to fart out a video a day on the most popular new releases because he wants to make money.
They've become completely soulless ever since Chip discovered his kiwi farms thread and got completely assimilated into the sjw hivemind like most goons. His Super Mario Odyssey lp is also atrocious.
Even if you don't like that particular element it follows the same path as all other content: the hard to get thing takes hard work and effort, even when you're years late to the party. You socialize with pals, share cool things you got, play content, grind a bit, then go about your normal life.
Pat doesn't get that since he has no self-control or interest in other people, so he just leverages his e-fame to get shinies to fellate himself with.
I like Liam's streams, they're comfy and doesn't have any annoying overlays or donation notification
Its his content so it is about him and his fun. Thats a part of content creators, they do what they want and the people watch. You're a fucking cuck if you think you should pander to the vocal minority of your audience. It's his content, you don't own it and you're only giving him your time. Retards like you are the reason everyone who says negative things on youtube about another eceleb shitter or company get DMCA'd immediately. "It doesn't fit in to what I LIKE even though its HIS CHANNEL. WAAAAAH"
Fuck you, just fuck you. You're the cancer thats killing society.
Pat is probably willing to work with any of them but he's not going to make the first move. I don't see Matt or Liam working with either Pat or Woolie. So the only real question is how long can Woolie do these fighting game streams that nobody but him gives a fuck about before he cracks and invites Pat over for a RE marathon.
I also watch Queen Tofu
And sometimes Marz
>I just want to say I'm so happy that I'm good enough at japanese now to go to japan and have conversations with people
sure thing woolie
>Could have done an amazing Nier Automata LP
>DarkID basically tells him to wait till he finishes cause he has dibs and Voidburger REEEEEEES about problematic content until she realizes the majority of people and content isn't and then it's too late to make one cause he's already committed to Metal Gear and Mario
such a sad fate
He's in college.
>to be a game designer
Wait shit.
I guess he's just throwing his life away?
Okay Woolie just continue to fail then
It wont be so funny and epic when you have a family to support
Yes, thats how youtube works
He's only taking a few courses so at least he won't waste his life away
>"Why can't you go on your own woolie?"
>*Distant sounds of whip cracking*
that fucking burger ruined chip, and I wouldn't be surprised if she's here reading the thread like all twitter libs
Thanks, I was watching miss multiconsole play through dqbuilders2 but fell off.
For a twitch whore, Pat is not successful at all.
this is your average eceleb poster everyone
>The man himself who can't tell left from right.
Woolie no
>ever since Chip discovered his kiwi farms thread
Isn't Kiwifarms a stalking or harassment forum like resetera?
He doesn't have 1000s of viewers?
DarkId deserves it desu
Crazy fuck was playing these before it was cool.
>Chip discovered his kiwi farms thread
What the fuck would even be on it?
Shitpost from SA? Literally what the fuck could they have on fucking Chip of all people?
he's a true OG in drakengard shit so yeah he deserves it
you're putting way too much value on your passive viewing, you stingy jew
>Its his content so it is about him and his fun.
Not if he wants money, and he's clearly not having fun most of the time.
That he used to say no-no words like fag?
I dunno.
>Or are you one of those wagecucks that don't understand there's more to life beyond greenbacks?
>you're putting way too much value on your passive viewing, you stingy jew
You could have just said yes and saved us both a bunch of (you)s retard
Yeah, but sometimes I want commentary.
Also he cucked out hard with his kids.
>Woolie tried hard to get his act together with that podcast project about his failed ideas
>abandons it cold
It's pretty sad watching a guy who's so willing to wallow in his low effort content and start and abandon things as he pleases, because he's so damn afraid of trying to be consistent and letting people build expectations for him. How the hell did this guy live on the SBF team?
Another great goon let's player who turned into a joyless faggot. He also threatened to a good while ago to edit his old lps because thry're problematic, but I don't think he ever made good of his word thankfully. At times I'm glad pokecapn and his pals dissapeared instead of ending up like the rest of SA let's players.
Listen I don't pay attention to the personal lives of goons, I just read their scathing rants about Xenogears.
Was Detroit their swan song?
>black guy alone in the world's most racist country
What are they gonna do? Disown him lol.
I wish I could go be tall and black in Japan. The fear and awe alone would be worth it.
That astral game is hot trash and seeing CSB talk about it like it isn't makes me think that their standards are low or they're just lying.
Prefering girls with short hair gives brain damage, don't act surprised.
I think Star Trek was supposed to be their swan song but shit went down before that.
No, it was a shitshow top to bottom and just laid bare all the issues people have been complaining about for years.
The audacity of a 2nd run, fucks sake
I would find it easy to believe that Woolie giving up on a podcast about his failed ideas was some sort of Kaufman-esque prank, if it weren't easier to believe Woolie is just that lazy.
Considering the worshiping of the black cock in NTR content, he'll build his own harem which he will discard when he lives in the arcades
>6'+ dude in anime land
He'll be fine. Plus you don't know shit about the world. Arabs, Eastern Europe and central Asia are way more racist
It's incredible how cucked SA became in just a couple of years.
>Entire FFX lp based around calling Tidus a faggot.
>Resetera: Old edition
>How did he live on the SBF
Because he got to to be the "black" friend in a group of white guys, and Pat used to be so afraid of going back to working in a market he actually put more work into it, and Matt's only redeeming quality is his drive to work.
So he got to be black and rake in all the money he needed.
>No, it was a shitshow top to bottom and just laid bare all the issues people have been complaining about for years.
For example?
It's pretty good, just not amazing.
>How the hell did this guy live on the SBF team?
There were always 2-3 other guys carrying his ass, Mihn and Reggie can't do that
Ehhhh, depends on which ones, in North Africa they're very racist but in the Gulf he'll be ok
What if I told you:
If the Let's Player isn't having fun, almost no one else will?
It's their time. It's their game. They can do with it as they please. Opt out at ANY POINT if it annoys you!
So stop watching if the quality doesn't meet your standards any more. Instead you choose to keep "paying" the creator with your valuable views and then crying about it. Take a look at yourself.
>If the Let's Player isn't having fun, almost no one else will?
Woolie is clearly not having fun.
>enjoying weebshit
is SA the one with the paywall?
Literally nothing. It's just a SA let's player thread and Chip has nothing on him beyond "lol manlet", "lol lib" and mocking voidburger. He got pretty angry when he discovered the thread and became a more outspoken sjw on twitter, but he still tries to keep his videos apolitical as far as I know.
>Isn't Kiwifarms a stalking or harassment forum like resetera
Pretty much yeah, they mock internet individuals ("lolcows") and doxx them.
I really enjoy his KH stuff, and his Smash streams are super comfy
E celebs are not Vidya
Jesus you watch a person who grinds ARPGs? Like with your eyes and your free time?
No way, they tolerate dirty white kuffir way more than east African muzzies
Based on Woolie's viewer numbers, everyone opted out.
>he still tries to keep his videos apolitical as far as I know.
I've been watching the MGSV LP and he does keep it pretty apolitical, unless I'm fucking deaf, so he's still cool as long as you don't follow him on twitter
Damn every single comment is pissed at you this board is gay as hell
>best friends break up
>Etika kills himself
Vinny is all I have left bros.
Pat seems like the guy willing to get the band back together, but won't be the one to make the first move.
Woolie will try, but don't think he has the guts to try and help Pat and Matt reconcile.
Liam is right the fuck out. Liam if anything would try to fucking sabotage it.
I mean I waited 10+ years for KH3 and Apex Legends is my GOTY
Some parts of Saudi, sure, but almost everywhere they're treated like everybody else. Fuck the shitty white kuffar who comes only for the paycheck and shits on everyone, bunch of leeches
Not reading/not paying attention
desperately drunken matt fucking things up left and right / generally being a drunk cunt
same recycled jokes every 7 minutes
X makes a baseless assumption about the game/gameplay and everyone just goes with it
pat spoiled himself ahead of time again
The shit people have complained about for multiple LPs before DBH was fully present and arguably the most exacerbated of them.
The fact they acknowledged how bad it was that they had to do 2nd Gig for a cage game was the real death knell.
what's a good LP channel
please help me
>Opt out at ANY POINT if it annoys you!
People are leaving by the thousands, Woolie struggle to break 10k per video on a channel supporting 3 people.
yeah he seems to be having anxiaty attacks on his own videos on his own chanel. he never seemed this way with matt and pat. i cant watch them because they are genuinly uncomfortable
Vinny seems very cool, I started watching his stuff after the Banjo reveal. I had never heard of him before that, but now he's definitely my favorite streamer/youtuber.
That man is more ruled by spite than a napoleon complex ginger. It's horrific.
When Elmo kicks the bucket and they have a week-long cat-marathon memorial they're going to make like fifty grand.
It's going to be fucking obscene to the degree that it might make mainstream media. It will be worth watching just to get depressed over the people who are supporting his stream which amounts to the same sex joke recycled ad nauseum.
woolie is based and your racism is uncalled for sir
You do the job instead then, Mohammad.
You won't, so you gotta deal with em.
>Not reading/not paying attention
For example?
>desperately drunken matt fucking things up left and right / generally being a drunk cunt
Agreed, but that's just what Matt was at that point.
>pat spoiled himself ahead of time again
I don't remember this.
All because he missed the tall ginger puss.
Like what the fuck, man.
hurr its free so you cant complain about anything
durr can't have standards or lament a fall in quality.
Don't you have some corporate boot to lick?
That's his problem, not yours. If he is forced to adapt his strategy then he will.
I did learn from a really good one so I can't complain about all of em, though some of them clearly don't know what the fuck they're doing. At least better then the Indians
>"it's about ME and MY fun and FUCK YOU if you don't like it"
I mean it's his channel, user. I don't know what the fuck you expect.
GFs ruined sbfp
Notice how everything went to shit as soon as they all got GFs
Hey, fair enough.
>I mean it's his channel, user. I don't know what the fuck you expect.
To be entertained, not watch the self proclaimed entertainer get into a strop because no one likes his ESL mutt friends or his shitty hipster choice of games
No he won't.
Don't bring FFVIII into this.
>Not reading/not paying attention
>pat spoiled himself ahead of time again
You want timestamps with that nigger?
>tfw dirty white kuffir who went for a paycheck and to shit on everybody
I apologise for nothing, Dubai is Vegas but more desert somehow. But pan-muslim racism is hilarious. The Pashto slur for Saudis means "One who licks the camel's pussy before fucking it"
>Hahaha don't worry guys, none of the GF's want to be in the videos
>Pat, Woolie and Matt now all feature their GF's in their videos
he was always the fucking weird one anyhow, but damn was it a shame to finally check up on what medibot was doing a few months back and seeing that he had gone completely off the deep end into "crazy hair colors and wearing dresses" territory
someday i'll learn to just never look at twitter ever again so i don't have to find these things out
wait what?
>I don't watch him
>I just watch him once a week
something something liam allegeldy meet paige first at the hooters she worked at and brought her around to hang out/notdate with pat and some others. something something pat made a bigger impression and paige fell for the BGC and laim was left seething
This is watercoolor gossip on the level of pats literotica account
>Working in the emirate with the fakest culture
I'd shit on everyone too, life sucks there if you're not a filthy kaffir.
>The Pashto slur for Saudis means "One who licks the camel's pussy before fucking it"
Kek, some of the pashtos are based, they're pretty good to joke around with.
>along with his gay and lesbian cohosts
Brian is based you faggot. Niamh is fine if you tune out the SJW stuff
I check his video views and see if anything got 90% thumbs downed and read the comments
>Every moment where Joho and Brian makes fun of Niamh's lesbian fantasies
Sometimes they're based but other time they're not, but man they reminded me of old SBFC at times.
where can I watch em'
Nigga fuck real culture, I told you Pashto phrases I did my time. I just wanna go to an Applebee's before partying in Oman.
I did get hit on by a cashier grill in the UAE my first week. It short circuited my brain. I instinctively looked for her father.
just type "let's fight a boss". They sometimes put out boring ones, so be warned
>Its a Brian gets smashed on wine and John has to literally beg him not to say some embarrassing secret on air episode
Yeah, I occasionally really want to skip through a section, but they do have a genuine passion for gaming and amazing chemistry
John Wolfe is pretty comfy
>Primarily horror game content
>hour long videos
>Doesn't jerk off any of the games he plays
>Systematically trashes the bad ones
He's one of the last semi big names I follow.
>I just wanna go to an Applebee's before partying in Oman.
>was it a shame to finally check up on what medibot was doing a few months back and seeing that he had gone completely off the deep end into "crazy hair colors and wearing dresses" territory.
So he turned into a tranny? He always was the eccentric one but hell, that still stings.
>in Oman
nigga who the hell parties in oman
Yeah. The mall next to the Burj Khalifa has an Applebee's. There's also a dope ass pool and bar on the 14th story, over looking that little artificial lagoon.
None of SBFP are good solo except Liam which is funny since he was the worst of the group. DMC5 was alright, but even then it wasn't as entertaining as any of the other DMC playthroughs. Say what you want about Matt being a sped but he seemed to be the glue making Woolie and Pat not being boring as fuck somehow.
You should check out his gitaroo man stream, it was really good.
Who the fuck pregames at an Applebees?
Is there a secret menu in the mideast or some shit?
i'm looking forward to seeing Matt's beat em up game fail