talk about this fucking game you queers
any sex mods?
>play on hard
>cheat all stats to 10 and double skillpoints
fite me
for the love of fuck please bump attacks against stunned/incapacitated targets to like 98%
i'm not even asking for 100%
but this """"""95%""""""" is some aggravating shit
Fuck armandillo parts
This fucking subquest took me 5 hours to finish, either my build sucks complete balls or this game is ds1 tier
depot A filters everyone
congrats, you finished the tutorial.
youve still got nothing on tanner, the original cheater
Can I side with the bad guys in this game?
Depot A is the final exam on your build and play style.
I bought the game Monday but I just had a mini stroke and feel like im dying constantly. Any tips for when I start? I have never played a turn based game like this but I have high IQ.
Should i get the telekinetic proxy? It seems like a big waste of both money and psi points
Didn't have problem underground, but without tracking dogs on mines I probably wouldn't have made it.
Still had to run for it after I retrieved that piece of shit
play as a shotgun wizard
you mean RNG fest ,this game is quick save/load simulation ,my obsession with getting the best case scenario doesn't help either
Any editor?
Or cheat engine?
Is sneak+melee viable? Also post fun builds for new players
thats a spoiler
This your first cRPG?
pick-pocketing and stealth are the way to go early game , you need funds to get better weapons ans consumables
yes you can side with protectorate
invisible npcs just jump and of nowhere and stab me to death so I guess
>bre posting
The issue I've run into is that no matter how well thought out the build, and no matter how well you prepare, certain sections of the game aren't a challenge - they're literally a task of hitting F9 20-30 times in a row until you roll well enough/enemies roll poorly enough to progress. That's not hard or a challenge, that's just tedious, shitty game design.
Example - the GMS warehouse bottom level. With the build I referenced above, I built myself a tac vest and waited until I was level 5 before going down there. The bots are easy to deal with, but then you get thrown into a cupboard the size of a shoe box with no option but to fight for most builds ("take me to your leader" is not an option, it's fully intentional suicide). Even with the tac vest, a single round is enough to bring you down to ~15-30% HP, so with healing you have 3 rounds on average to kill both enemies before they kill you. What this means is that it's an exercise in reloading over and over again until you crit high/often enough to kill them in those 3 turns, while they miss or low roll on damage on every attack. I've had the same issues in this room with 3 different minmaxed builds.
Am I just not "getting it"? Do people actually enjoy this aspect of the game? Like I said, it's fun when you have options to be creative with how you approach an area, but then you get stuck at a progression checkpoint like this one. I'm not even talking about how this is a literal "game over, delete your char and start over" for new players who don't follow a guide and simply don't know what to spec for even if they understand the game mechanics. I mean that it seems ridiculous that even if you know what to expect and have a good build, you're expected to "savescum" until RNG decides to let you pass
cheat engine
values are liss easy to find
all 4 bytes
>go pistol build
>armory guy at SGS gives me a silenced 5mm to start off with
>5-10 damage per hit
he's laughing at me bros...
Maybe I didn't express this clearly enough in my post, but that's exactly what I did. Like I said, I've run into this issue with 3 completely different builds, all vetted for endgame. I've tested different approaches with most of them (primary weapons, grenades, different equipment, tranq darts, etc.)
I may have exaggerated a bit with 30 reloads, realistically it's 10-20, but I've definitely had more than that, and even 10 reloads just to get through a major checkpoint regardless of your approach is ridiculous.
>I have never played a turn based game like this but I have high IQ.
Doesn't look like it given how straightforward this game is.
>go pistol build
Pistols only exist for new players to get their bearings, they are trash. Switch to SMG, it's the same stats just a better weapon. Maybe carry around a pistol in main slot for gunslinger if you have it.
What in the absolute fuck are you talking about? The two enemies in the room are probably the easiest human enemies in the entire game even on DOMINATING. You could punch them to death naked.
I'm going to be honest, I copy pasted it here to bait (you)s.
If you're really that guy, you're using outdated builds like the other guy said, and don't go 3 con.
How fucked am I if I split my skill-points between 9 instead of 8 skills as I level up?
It's not a question of a game being easy or hard. I don't have any issue in general with the difficulty of the game, I'm saying that there are specific parts of the game which only exist to make you reload over and over. There's no combination of inputs from me, no "git gud" knowledge which allows you to get through specific scenarios like that room in the GMS warehouse without reloading ~15 times, doing the same thing over and over until RNG aligns the stars. Again, it's only very specific parts of the game. They make no sense because the rest of it is hard, but you have options. Then it throws you into a situation where unless you have an extremely niche build which is tailored specifically for that situation, you have no options except for waiting for RNG to work your way.
You are actually not utilizing all the equipment the game gives to you. Namely the utility items that everyone can use;
You throwing net the knife guy, and focus down the crossbow girl. That's it. It's that simple.
I've never seen anyone get filtered at the GMS compound, especially after grinding to be such a high level for it. But you're just talking about how much damage you're taking and having to reload a whole lot, despite your min/maxing, without saying what you yourself are doing beyond putting on a vest. So you're probably just retarded and playing like total garbage.
lmao i copied one of his replies in that post
On normal no, you should be fine. Really depends on the 9th skill, obviously if you dump it into a worthless stat it won't help.
>the game filters redditfags
could this game get any more BASED!
I had a mini stroke irl. I havent even started playing yet so I dont know if it is straight forward or not. Planning on playing on dominating difficulty because I like a challenge.
I agree. Who the fuck reloads in GMS compound? What the fuck.
>It's not a question of a game being easy or hard. I don't have any issue in general with the difficulty of the game, I'm saying that there are specific parts of the game which only exist to make you reload over and over
Welcome to cRPG's enjoy your stay.
alright all you retards getting baited
>Planning on playing on dominating difficulty because I like a challenge.
You should at least look up how build effectively, you'll get destroyed going in blind to dominating/
That was already said.
>all you retards getting baited
>had to go on reddit to see the post
>all the people getting baited aren't redditors
This is total BS unless you're playing on dominating maybe. After your first quest or two you will have more than enough money to buy whatever you need.
>Planning on playing on dominating difficulty because I like a challenge.
Sure, bre.
somebody posted it here yesterday
Holy shit
Do I lose out on much by genociding the icelandics? The colonialist in me tells me to but I don't want to miss out on any story
But seriously, I really hate the idea that they will eventually fuck up the base and I'd rather nip the problem in the bud by wiping them off the face of the map
This is my build so far and It's working fine, however I've noticed I can't craft armour without tailoring (duh) so I've started dumping points in it. What's the max amount of points I'll need in a specific skill? Will 100 be enough? 120?
I'm the guy that in the previous thread went for a tin can mind flayer build and lacked the strength to use heavy armour yet.
>only 9
oh no
sweet, another retard to add to my retarded redditor collage
I've never died in the GMS compound, btw or had to reload "20-30 times" let alone once
One of my favorite early money tricks is going to Junkyard at level 1 and killing the almost dead guy just outside the burrower infested warehouse for his gear.
You need high Int if you want many skills. If your build can't afford high int, you should get less skills.
Restart, drop all those 4's to 3, and put them in strength. No reason for int to be that high either.
This retard is probably hoarding all his grenades and has his stats spread completely thin while using a crossbow in melee or something.
Is there even a benefit to getting thought control that high? The most useful skills don't scale with skill.
Is tailoring a meme? Not him, but I had to get some for incendiary grenades.
>whines on reddit
>comes here to whine some more
>never says what his build is
>never says what he tries to do in the encounter
>never says anything about how he's playing other than spamming F9
Haha le funny Reddit man plays underrail so ill play it too xd
Everything thought control scales with skill.
It has a 10% synegry boost with every other PSI skill.
Skill level is checked against resolve.
more pls
Synergy doesn't boost anything that has a natural effective skill higher than the amount of points you can have in that skill at that level.
Should I craft this?
No but I didn't want to put them anywhere else.
If you go all in Neural Overload it becomes pretty devastating.
tbqh i restarted 5-6 times as well because i didn't like the portrait i chose
Youre, infact, almost FORCED, to wipe out the natives
You dont lose anything by killing them all, at most, time
Tailoring is good if you plan on using armor that makes use of cloth, at 140Q the bonus is quite noticeable.
Your build has problems other than tailoring, such as that unexplicable Armor Sloping and 5 STR in a psi build, let alone those 4 all around.
that's honestly pretty bad
but if its the best you have then you might as well
I haven't finished depot A yet, so I'm just getting started.
Well I mean, I already purified the mutie base, and I feel like doing this will make the ferryman pretty mad.
Although I've already gotten philosophy III, I do like the guy though, don't wanna tick him off any more than I already have.
Just use a custom portrait. I like to use this QT.
seeing durability numbers in the triple digits makes me laugh
God the "main quest is bugged" guy was maddening. He literally restarted the game multiple times instead of talking to the quest giver ONCE and see what could happen. How far into the "I need flying quest markers for literally everything" deep end can you get?
where'd you source your custom portrait from or did you just make this yourself? there was a thread on the forums a while back that had a few.
>75% armor penalty
>On an overcoat
>Triple digit durability
Why the FUCK would you kill the muties?
yeah, that's what i ended up doing, btw you can modify your custom portrait once you've picked it
I'm so glad I'm not the only one blown away by the subreddit for this game, it really shows how easy games are nowadays that switching out an ammo type or using grenades is too much for some people.
Go to the Codex thread for this and compile the shit from the guy that complained about hopper round up even after it was explained to him by multiple people.
Out of kindness of your heart of course. I kept them alive as a sightseeing attraction.
But I need STR to not get screwed when wearing heavy armor. And I want to make my own armor.
We got into a disagreement over an elevator, one thing sorta led to another and I accidentally their entire base
It was an honest mistake, could'a happened to anyone.
I'm a bit to far in to reload my save now, I didn't miss out on much, right?
Link pls
I've read the past dozen or so pages of the main thread the past few days but saw nothing of the sort
I also took Aimed Shot because I thought it worked with Shotguns. I kept it though because Shotguns work well with Snipers and Aimed Shot is based for them.
do tabis always give the same amount of AP reduction or does it scale with quality?
>But I need STR to not get screwed when wearing heavy armor
>Heavy armor
You ain't gonna wear a damn thing with just 5 strength, and why in the hell would a pure Psi wear heavy armor to begin with?
Ap reduction is fixed, everything else scales.
Starts at the bottom.
>and why in the hell would a pure Psi wear heavy armor to begin with?
For fun
is cut throat really that terrible
it sounds like it could be useful for say a boss on dominating
>he needed a YouTube video
Jesus fuck
worth having just to have it, but otherwise seems like hot garbage everytime I try to use it
yeah, money isn't really tight
unless you're not looting as much as you should, you don't really need to steal anything from anyone
I've found it useful for single encounters, that plus telepunch = "guaranteed" stun and most often, death.
It's probably more useful for PSI-monks though.
I am hyped and plan to buy it when i get home. Hype me even more guys
what made you buy it
>Go into stealth. Throw the net. Ok.
>Right-click the cage and left-click the hopper. Run towards it. Ok. End your turn.
>Right-click the cage again and left-click the hopper. Shoot the hopper. Bad! Take a step sideways and try again. Shoot the hopper again. BAD! End your turn.
>Run to a different map, re-enter, go into stealth, and try again.
>Once in a while, it goes into capture mode, which fails most of the time. REALLY BAD!
What the actual fuck was he doing
I don't know, for single enemies i go premeditation --> telepunch --> cryokinesis if they survive
The aimed shot shotgun build isn't in there cuz he mistakenly got it, it's cuz he thinks one wrong feat is going to ruin his build and wants to cheat to fix it.
After doing all of DC with barely any guide or help, sweet fucking god my bros help me and my peanut brain solve this fucking shit. I understand how stuff gets taken away and added on, I just don't get the sequence, I'm so lost.
I have killed tchort twice once on normal once on hard and I never did the mutagen puzzle
The only scenario I can see where someone would get filtered there is if they just charged in guns ablazing and didn't think about positioning or using utility items or anything like that.
I can see struggling with the level before it, since it kinda fucks you if you're a slow/non-stealth build, but the bandits are pretty easy to handle if you've been investing into combat skills and aren't going full retard.
yeah but I'm here, I have all the stuff I need, I may as well do it..
I have a real hard-on for area control in games like these, you can become a god-king of it by using magnesium bombs, toxic gas grenades, land mines, and various poisoned equipments including but not limited to caltrops, beartraps and crossbow bolts.
You can become a walking talking warcrime with the cruel shit you can do in it.
I go proxy -> premed -> telepunch, it's effectively just telepunch twice, so if you have that force perk, it does frankly silly damage. That and I think you still have room for a cryo at the end.
If moneys tight, save it, I assume you're getting it from the lady in core city? She always has one for sale
Lad we've all been there
We've all looked at cut throat and thought that seems pretty based i shall aquire it on my character
We've all wondered why the game suddenly got hard
We've all had the realisation dawn that we've completely wasted a feat
The only way to truly apprieciate how shitty cut throat is, is to trash a character with it
Shotgun juggernaut or full psi wiz for hard? I can't decide which build is more fun to play with.
>Even with the tac vest, a single round is enough to bring you down to ~15-30% HP
Literally never ever happened to me and even with a really shitty build you should be able to kill at least one guy per turn. If not then you fucked up something really badly.
Psi gets boring, Shotguns never do.
*drinks from bottle*
I saw someone say something about concentrated fire disabling crits or something with ARs? Is that true? I'm a burst focused AR tincan, so if concentrated fire sucks I'll just get grenadier instead for this level.
>*drinks from bottle*
Honestly this is the weirdest part of this post.
>kills an enemy with a grenade
>gets oddity from it
checkmate classicfags
Is the surface rekt like in I have no mouth and I must scream or is it just unpleasant to live there like in Metro Exodus?
I had some trouble with the robot stealth section, as my build was not made for stealth.
I just powered through it though, instead of bitching on forums about how unfair the game is.
>play classic
>get to Depot A at 6 and leave at 8
>play oddity
>get to Depot A at 8 and leave at 10
>gets the same oddity as the last 20 times
nobody knows
I think it's also technically impossible to get up there currently
at least in south underrail
Just dig up, like nigga just use a tunneler. Also how is that faceless are so far advanced that no one else has something as simple as tunnelers.
Hacking or lockpicking for oddity? Also, what's your secondary weapon of choice for shotgun builds?
Just get one because it's nice to have, not because you need it for oddity. There's more of every oddity in the game than you can get XP from, so it's not like you're gonna miss out on XP cuz you can't get into a box or whatever.
Just fuck hacking, I don't remember when was the last time I used it for anything worthwhile.
hacking is really nice for the DLC
both, the max check is like 110 anyways so after that you can stop leveling them
Snipers, they are great to deal with enemies that are too far to be shotgunned
No one knows. Signs point at "just" not inhabitable, but a hard not inhabitable, not a soft one.
Hacking saves you a lot of trouble both early on and later in Expedition.
Yeah and dlc sucks balls.
His game journo 101 class?
Underrail 2 or DLC 2
Oh yeah i guess you can hack those turrets in depot A. Not like you can avoid them because they have less range than dogs. At least if you could hack them to target dogs and mutants then it would be nice.
>*snort* time to *crunch crunch* hack this box for the 5000th time maybe ill get 1 exp for it *wheeze*
Do energy pistols work well in any build with a crafting focus or do I have to create a build around them?
I want Underrail 2, but DLC 2 is already confirmed. We will have to endure North Underrail cocktease for another 15 years.
oh you're back
why don't you post with that face that you always used
you know the one
the one in the suit
Thanks. I don't really have the time to get into a expansive RPG at the moment but was curious about the setting.
what the fuck do I do with all the equipment and parts i've got piling up in my sgs footlocker? There aren't enough coins in the junkyard or core city to sell them off, and I'm full up on bullets. It's gotten to the point where I slap on a lifting belt and drag 50+ pounds of guns and armor back to the sgs after completing some sidequests
Isn't the north supposed to be civilised? Can't see much interesting happening there.
if six is there it's gotta be interesting somehow
Traps are fucking gay. It feels like a skill tax that only exists to frustrate you. Didn't build traps and perception? Have fun getting blown up all the time by invisible objects, but it's okay because we put quicksave and quickload in the game, right?
Is there something I need to do to get this shipment to appear?
doing an only trap/throwing build ask me anything
combat skills are fucking gay. It feels like a skill tax that only exists to frustrate you. Didn't build to fight? Have fun getting blown up all the time by enemies, but it's okay because we put quicksave and quickload in the game, right?
Nah, it's in one of those storage lockers, savescum and look around
You will do a lot of savescumming here.
user, they have mysterious alien tech underground reality warping in Hexagon. It's going to be wild.
yes, it's called looking harder
t. tin can hammertard with 0 per
Is psi mandatory for all builds or is there something to gain besides max health for not taking the psi pill at all?
If it's the setting that interest you then what happened to the surface is not the right question to ask. It's ultimately not important, and very few people in Underrail even give it any thought.
not mandatory. offers a lot of utility and full psi is known as the easiest build for this game
You can get goggles to counter that by upping your detection a ton
Good fucking luck finding them though.
not mandatory, but PSI is easily the most broken part of the game. Not only are they the only things with 100% chance to hit, but bilocation is completely uncounterable against non-psi users
>war crimes area control
placing the beacon in foundry gets me a big ol stiffy from pre-seeding the whole way up with cave ear caltrops, bear traps, and gas grenades.
>locust of control also gives immunity to neural overload
>I didnt know this for fucking years
Does anyone else just like restarting and doing the whole SGS to Depot A run again? It's so comfy.
It's not that hard. You have night vision +80% detection goggles pretty much everywhere.
>during fight
>after fight
>>locust of control
Jesus christ this is something I did not need to read while in the Black Sea
Same, I have 5 characters right after depot A on dominating and I still haven't finished the game once on dominating. It's after camp hathor when you're around lvl 12+ and you can just steamroll through everything when game becomes boring.
Bilocation is barely even useful for psi, it's extremely situational at best.
I literally only picked sure step just so I don't have to remember about those crawler poisoned caltrops I left somewhere in the caves 10 hours ago.
this is why i tell people in these threads to just play the game
you'll master the run up to depot A with any build
I got a pair a boots that make me immune to caltrops, haven't taken them off since.
They are a gamechanger, though I really should start switching to Tabi when i'm not actually using caltrops.
Literally staple vendortrash.
>first time in game, decide to make psionic melee build
>no other combat skills
>invest points into dodge and evasion then procede to wear metal armor entire game
reach level 10 before putting any points into crafting skills
>have points put into hacking and lockpicking, but not enough for them to be useful
>invested into persuasion and intimidation
h-how bad did I fuck up
Well it took me a long ass time to find them
>sure step
>metal boots
you have only yourself to blame
>invest points into dodge and evasion then procede to wear metal armor entire game
This is the only bad part.
It's your first build at least you had fun and didn't read guides on the internet. My first build was some weird melee/psi/gun hybrid because I was basically putting points when I found something good.
>oh that psi skill adds damage to unarmed attacks I should try it out and put some point into melee
>oh that gun is really good but requires 50 points in guns
Next time you'll make a better build and have even more fun.
so i bought the game. I know you guys say read guides and stuff but i love getting advice from real people and Think of it as hyping myself up to getting the game ready. I was thinking of going psi control cause i like mind raping people and being invis in people eyes. Do you recommend another build and what should i know before i start
I did the tutorial, wandered about the compounds for about thirty minutes, then went on the quest to reactivate the generators and cannot kill more than one rathound at a time and I've made several trips back and forth from the infirmary because I can't enter an area without taking 50% of my health instantly because the enemies are permanently standing by the entrance now.
I feel like I'm missing something.
Is there an easier way to genocide the natives other than kicking their door down and praying to christ that they don't fuck you up too bad? A one man genocide sounds cool in theory but in practice it's real hard.
>fire damage removes cryoshield
>ice damage removes exothermic aura
NEAT but also sometimes annoying
But you're still in the tutorial.
>I know you guys say read guides and stuff
No, no one ever said that. It's great way to completely destroy the game for yourself. Just fucking play it.
>what should i know before i start
Nothing, literally nothing just read the description for all skills and think for more than 10 seconds about how you're gonna put your points.
You get a penalty to your initiative roll if you enter an area with enemies.
You automatically fail an initiative roll if you try and cheese by using area transitions to heal
Assuming you're actually serious and not just quoting another reddit post, morphine, pop it before entering the zone.
post ur build m8. the problem is clearly with how you've set urself up cc
Not really your build doesn't matter at all for early rats. You can have 0 points in any combat skills and still beat them with a basic knife you get.
nimble tin cans exist, no idea how they work though, and I doubt they're melee.
I built my first good shotgun with shotgun build and I still end up using ARs and other shit. Shotguns have been underwhelming, at least for 10 CON 10 PER tincan character with dumped Agility Dexterity.
you say this then i go to deport A and reroll
the ai in the game is super exploitable. if you manage to take up a defensive position, like in a building with only 1 door, you can set up mines, caltrops, bear traps any anything else you can do before you actually start fighting. once you start making noise every enemy in earshot will come to you.
go read what armor penalty is
now this guy is still retarded but come on
>talk about my slow boring grind
>talk about my uninteresting story
>talk about my glacial pacing
I'm playing blind mate, cut me some slack. Though I should probably restart then because I spent all my money on stupid shit already.
Rather than tell me what build to copy, how about you just tell me what not to level up.
play the gang quest before depot A
gives you another 2 levels, and plenty of money to buy good gear
plus, there's apparently a slim chance of getting acid resistant armor in it, which if true would make depot A stupid easy
So? Might as well watch a playthrough on youtube if you want guides. What happened to just playing the game. Am I that fucking old? I don't remember anyone looking up how to play the game before playing it 15 years ago.
dude if you can't beat a quest the answer isn't to grind, it's to play a different quest
?? You can buy it from pasquale. That's literally what I did when I got stuck after I pulled all rathounds by mistake and was forced to leave the zone.
I'm never making a character without sure step ever fucking again.
Honeslty restarting isn't a big deal
If you only got to the rats it'll take you 3 or 4 mins max to get back there
literally any skill is fine to level
all of them are useful in some way
it's worth knowing what your build is so we can tell you how to adjust it, because clearly something's wrong here
di-did you never have a friend hype you up by telling you stuff about the game as a kid.
>talk about this fucking game you queers
Make me sseth
I just wanted to be a shooty stealthy hacky stealy man.
I don't have it, what makes it good?
its fun, you should try it
>you can't speed up time when over-encumbered
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Rather than tell me what build to copy
>I'm playing blind mate, cut me some slack
Finally someone with some balls in those threads, instead of asking for spoonfeeding actually tries playing the game. Try pulling rathounds one by one and imo early game pistol is fucking useless just use the knife and then get smg from old jonas and if you're psi then just spam cryokinesis.
Hmm okay I will
you're right
I thought he didn't sell that high level shit until you got past depot A
Immunity to acid puddles and caltrops
You can get more or less the same with acid proof armour and steel boots though, but that requires preparation, and other problems
I was the kid who beat all the games first and came out with the cheese strats. Probably because my parents played games with me so I had the advantage of having pc since I was born and learning from them.
I don't see anything wrong with that, then
Are you using stealth mode?
Is you're gun silenced?
Is your armor giving you negative stealth?
If you spent all your money, you could try just going new game and click-spamming through dialogue until you can buy equipment more fitting to your playstyle
Honeslty styggsie is pretty based
t. Al fabet
Acid and caltrops were never enough of an issue for me to consider that worth it
Maybe for Depot A, but outside of it there's other feats I could get much more use out of.
Makes the game less annoying because things in this game don't clean up after combat resolves.
Seriously, fuck having to deal with my own caltrops.
no fast travel for you toddy boy
>there's other feats I could get much more use out of
you just don't understand the power of caltrops yet
is there any reason to not go into every psi school when doing a psi build?
Yeah. TM costs too much psi and you have plenty of utility without it.
stop hoarding shit
Just carry stuff you know will sell or you'll use
if your method of looting is to immediately press the loot all button, you're doing it wrong
If you're using other weapons, and high-cost psi skills, then sure
Thought control+some other method of dealing damage could work pretty well, for example
forcefields pretty cool
It's pretty niche
Also bugs me that you can't use psi abilities through it, but enemies guns can shoot through it
How do I put caltrops and mines to good use? I'm trying to set up a deathtrap to clear out the Faceless fuckers in Rail Crossing but the three-tile-wide hallways keep me from making a chokepoint.
I'm just trying to lug all the crap I left at the dock in the junkyard to SGS.
>It's pretty niche
>enemies guns can shoot through it
>He doesnt cart the enite map back to his house and routinely make merchants runs to every corner of the rails
Enjoy having no rug in your house nerd
i've used it to block shoot
>Throw a gas/incendiary grenade
>Lock a group of people in a room with said grenade using forcefields to suffocate and / or burn to death
You say a Serb made this game?
a fellow file.png
I'm a bit retarded but does that mean you're also playing on linux
Have all the tools.
I'm playing a 4 school psi wizard and I use most everything.
>Single guy
>400 damage PANCH + stun
>Many guys
>Pyrokenisis + burning(stun)
>Some 1k hp motherfucker
>Stasis and stack temporal contractions
Force field is also by far the most useful psi spell though. The AI is retarded, bunching up on it like lemmings, in addition to giving you a few turns to manage cooldowns.
Do dropped items despawn in controlled areas, or can I just shift my entire cache of vendor trash over to an empty barrel right next to a fast travel point?
Wait till you get the juice lad, it's much easier
you can shift it to the floor and it won't move
I've literally been shot and killed through it with an enemies aimed shot so either the game bugged out and I got fucked or they can, at the very least with feats
Different guy, but it's just default filename if you ctrl+v image into reply box.
no you just don't understand how line of sight works
>5 str
>3 wil
Also, i swear this shit used to load faster when i ran it on linux
I was behind it
He was on the other side
blam ded
unless aimed shot lets them curve bullets, then I didn't misunderstand shit
y-you can buy stuff for the house?
I like it, but don't tell Yea Forums he might start thinking I'm a fag like op.
>tfw need to make super steel but spent every charon on house shit
>He doesn't know
Buy a good rug, Dude would appreciate it
wtf where do you get house decorations
Yeah so he can piss and puke all over it when he passes out again.
Play as a hammer wizard
God damn it, I keep forgetting to cure heartbreaker poisons
You will eventually die so many times you will become paranoid about it
are you playing knife fag run now because i just started one too
You underestimate how much of a fucking brainlet I am
If you find the value for Skill point distribution, add 4 byte to the address and you get the perk, deduct 4 and you get the attribute. Cancel the level up screen and lock the numbers to 3. Once you enter the level screen again you can distribute points up to your level's limit.
Nice name but mine's better
Ugh. Strokes. Fucking traitorous shit. Kill me with a bullet and not this faulty meatbag shit.
wiki updated so I can cheese my way through the dlc more easily when
Well timed: Running knifefag gal with stealth, pickpocketing and Thought Control, in DOMINATING
Getting tranquility was such a fucking huge boon you have no idea
Help me decide.
Cant tell if your not there yet or your wondering around around an empty house with no crafting bonuses
Right there with you lad. I refuse to store food anywhere except the fridge and i cannpt have a fridge without a kitchen. Necessary purchases tbqh
>Not metal helmet
>Not metal boots
dominating was an assumption
of course I'm playing on it too
also i hate psi so I don't use it
except for force field and contraction
I haven't been able to find any or a recipe for them yet, and I like my goggles, they give 7% crit chance.
Why even complicate it so much. Just set the number to whatever you want you don't have to cancel the level up screen.
>Hates Psi
>Cant live without utility psi abilities
Come on mate
It's okay if you dedicate yourself entirely 1 psi school, my hammer wizard did it and my knife gal does, have no shame for once.
you have the recipe for metal helmet, and metal boots are just boots
For levels with no att+feat points, user.
oh i don't always get them
its just when i finally have extra points to put into whatever i want then i get them because really there's nothing more value than force field
I meant metal boots, but should I really give up my 7% crit for a metal helmet? I can make a shaded one now, I just really like my high crit chance.
>Dogs are inhumanly fast, capable of dodging bullets and can barely be struck in melee
I dont have enough mollies for this shit
what about nets
Force Field has its peculiarities that might not be immediately obvious. When it's set up like , just two blocks connecting at the edge, that leaves a hole enemies can shoot through. But there is some weird trajectory thing too with the corner blocks, they can be shot through diagonally. Like you can clearly see a plasma ball or icicle flying through the purple wall.
I refuse to pirate the expansion (which I need) and I refuse to buy the expansion at its current price. Devs, price slide.
Sort of DLC spoilers
God damn I thought you people were kidding about the women and children
Oh well, let it never be said that i'm not thorough
Holy shit we just murdered all the scrappers. Wish I had all this loot to clear depot A. Guess I'm never coming back with only one decent vendor here.
>bare fists
>firearm pistol
>energy pistol
>anything psi (cheating)
>hurrr tin AR
>*dink dink* smg
Shotguns eat doges for breakfast.
Sormibaeren aren't humans.
>>anything psi (cheating)
t. normal difficulty
>Psilets are at it again
Daily reminder that Psi is literally, unironically and wholeheartedly Based and Redpilled, and none of your bitching will ever change this fundamental truth of the universe.
So I am in Junkyard right now and is there an easy way to get that key card from that guy in the gambling hall, keep in mind I can't persuade or pickpocket for shit, it doesn't really matter either since I already did the other two quests for the black eels, silent isles and the monolith were very spooky btw, I am just interested if there is a way.
>dude im so good at the game
>all my attacks are 100% accuracy :DDD IM SO GOOD YASSS SLAAAY PSI QUEEEN
How the fuck do you make Kenshiro in this game
Assasinate him
With a silent weapon, when he steps in the middle hallway, ice him, you have to do it in 1 turn
Kill him in the hallway between the two big rooms while he's walking around, nobody will find out.
I mean yeah, obviously, I haven't met any humans lately that had scales or can tank LMG fire. But still Slaughtering basically innocent non-combatants isn't my idea of a good time
At least when it's done it'll be done.
Sormibaeren are better off dead for a lot of reasons, you'll learn anyway.
I will try, but I doubt I can do it in one turn with my shitty first time build
Is the expansion worth coming back for a new playthrough after having put 500+ hours in the game when it came out? Is the extra content something nice and meaty?
Do we finally get to open that one gate in the ass end of the caverns?
Elwood is basically a defenseless NPC, it's hard NOT to kill him in one turn.
you can literally throw a grenade on him as long as nobody else gets hit its fine
At least you can die, in theory. For a true casul build nothing beats full plate + AR walking fortress combo.
It's okay user, allow yourself to fuck up your first time.
What build tho? Most psi abilities, knifes, hammers, knifes are silent
it doesn't need to be silent people will just walk in and see a dead body with no clue as to who or what killed it
I'm an AR tincan and I just walked in, waited at the hallway for him to bump into me, entered combat, and killed him with a burst. Nobody becomes hostile if they don't see you do it, but they will come in to investigate. As long as you're not still fighting the guy they won't care.
>can't handle dogs
how fucking shitty can you be
Is it worth holding a Sormirbæren Spirit Staff if you're a lol 3str pure PSI build?
Hammer Wizard poster reminds me about Into the Breach threads and guy that was spamming about orange bots and kinda missing the point of the game - finding and learning playstyle you enjoy the most.
Dude, sure, maybe this build is ok but you could just fuck off already.
Stealth or heavy armor psi wiz?
>missing the point of the game - finding and learning playstyle you enjoy the most
Most autists in here do, Ghost mostly jokes about it.
no psi
yes, it gives you more armour and lets you throw flashbangs at yourself if you get the proper visor
First time playing, didn't look shit up
Full psi wizard lockpicking hacking alpha male
I cleared the first part of the game without running into an issue so far. Admittedly for the mutant + mutated dog packs i packed them in a doorway to not get swarmed, but otherwise psi is fucking strong as hell
You need psi force emission so you can do hammer damage for 10 AP
for ARs, which feats do you guys like, and which ARs do you craft
yeah everyone knows you should enjoy playing as a shotgun wizard more
>lunatic mall first floor
>two dumbass loonies get caught each halfway into the one door tile and neither of them can enter the doorway to get to where I am, at least two dozen of them clustered directly behind these two chumps
>[laughs in gas grenade]
more "I can't breathe"s than a fuggin Black Lives matter rally
where's your Geneva now, bitches
so based it can't even be contained on a shitters tier list
>throwing knives
Embrace psychokinesis
Force Emission
And proxy
worse than psibabbys
>Throwing knives will never, ever be good
you can make some damn nice kenshiros in this. my first character was based on ryuga. all about them ice cream scoops.
hammer wizard poster is based
Point Shot or Steadfast Aim first (Level 6)?
for what? steadfast aim really only works for big dick heavy crit guns with high AP cost, and point shot's accuracy drops dramatically at anything beyond 1-3 squares away
what build?
Honestly, I do it out of joke, I dont really expect anybody to pick up my stuff, because it's far too niche and specific
However I still dont understand why you seem to get so bothered about it, it's just harmless funposting
It's just a discordtranny. Ignore them
Meant Level 4. Pistols.
What is it about this game that makes it so fun?
Seriously, I couldn't stand other CRPGs, and figured they just weren't the genre for me.
Then I try this one and suddenly I just can't stop playing.
What's it doing for me that Arcanum, Fallout, and Fallout 2 didn't?
What constitutes genocide, in gameplay terms?
Yes of course. It has zero downsides.
>there's a discord
every time
there's always a group of trannies that starts one of these and then they always shit up the threads
I finally finished the gang quests, and turned in the drill parts. Didn't know I'd also get another 3 side quests out the gate. Is it better to do them first, or go after the main quest?
black eel or scrappers?
Good to know you're also lurking in the Discord, now I will do it more often
Come on, I want to be E-famous
I had the exact opposite experience, I was playing a stealthy knifefag, so I had to avoid all the bots like the plague, but after ganking the 2 or 3 GMS level 3 raiders that patrol, the leader with the hostages was piss easy for me. Admittedly though if I didn't have parry the sledge dude would of gotten me first time around.
Eradication of every filthy sorminigger sans Yngwar
Black eel's quests seemed more fun so I did them.
i think its stronger to get your attacks as early as possible since that's like the source of your damage output that your passive feats are there to buff.
Camp Hathor is good first, since the railway stuff will kick your ass
You could also do the battery quest, which has a fun little puzzle involving remotely controlling a robot
Neither of those is too difficult
Don't forget to take a shield if you do Hathor tho, it's the difference between eating shit and curbstomping it
Nuke the fucking Discord already, why does this shit even exist.
t. psi shitter
psi makes the game piss easy. the only hard classes are traps and grenades only
black eels have boats and shit
To actually help new players.
EVERY single one? I'm having some trouble with the ones in the bison field and thinking about skipping it.
I mean god willing I would do it if I had it in me, but even if I killed them all except them they would get domed by some passing pirate, die of an untreated infection or starve or some shit, realistically.
>new players
They can use google if they really need direction that much
Black eel so you don't have to kill a pretty nice trader
pls spoonfeed me on tungsten + ar attributes
Go scrappers, fuck it, everyone else goes for the eels, go against the flow and see what happens.
just kill the leaders and your good
You undestatimate how halpless they can be.
It stopped being funny long time ago, now it's astonishing.
Because Discord invented helping new players? Spare me the bullshit.
a tranny isnt going to put man in their name.
>You could also do the battery quest, which has a fun little puzzle involving remotely controlling a robot
It's also a giant fucking MEME
builds are actually distinct and require thought and planning? interesting world with difficult encounters so you can see how well you're progressing? shit scratches an itch i have real bad and i love it.
I don't understand why people struggle with googling basic shit so much
Not everybody lurks Yea Forums, user.
Eels. The only benefit to keeping Scrappers alive is Gort selling grenade mats, they are worse to side with in every single way otherwise. Scrappers are also way easier to deal with than the Eels are.
cRPGs are shit and aged horribly desu, underrail is the exception.
If they can find that fucking piece of shit but not the official forums, steam, the codex, the wiki, or 4chains then they deserve to suffer.
Should I save the DLC for the 2nd run?
My best guess is that it was easier to play
And not in a ">filthy casuls" way, but more in a "Decades later we learned what works and what doesn't"
For example, being able to click on level transitions from anywhere in the level is so much better than having to click an arbitrary distance from my character a bunch of times to reach the transition.
Or an actual tutorial that tells you how to play as well as a help screen, instead of just a starter area where you're left to just figure it out.
How many leaders are there?
>What is it about this game that makes it so fun?
It's a focused game about gameplay instead of """"""""Roleplaying"""""""", narrative, shallow life sim mechanics or desperately trying to adapt TT rulesets to a videogame, that's it, that's all it takes to make a good RPG.
Whats the fastest way to get a shotgun? Do you just spend 15 points on persuasion to get one as a starter weapon or what?
I played this on hard about 3 years ago. Do I go normal, hard, dominating or just my old save for the expansion?
>different species creatures can and will infight
>grinding to be such a high level for it
>level 5, GMS compound
Is this what classic fags actually believe?
I don't know why you would bounce off fallouts if you are receptive to Underrail, it's the same shit. You should honestly give the early Fallouts another chance if you got into Underrail. Try doing a 3 int character and looking on a map how to get to Navarro base, sneak in and get them to give you the advanced power armor and all the other goodies, then just fuck-around in places like New Reno. I mean, play the start of Fallout 1 again, the first few missions feel EXACTLY like Underrail.
classicfags BTFO
what game are you attempting to criticise there
Not everybody is as merciless as you're, user.
Most of the CRPG production out there.
You could do that if you really wanted to and pretty much mollywhop everything the game throws at you early on, but shells are kind of expensive at the start and the SMG you can get from Jonas will carry you until you get a shotgun normally. By junkyard you'll have access to shotguns from a vendor.
shit taste
>go to loot barrel
>judo punch the explosive barrel right next to it by accident
I'm going to be honest, just look at what a hammer wizard is. 10 strength, 10 will. Look at the insane feats you can get that combo with those stat allocations. It also lets you have all the fucking dialogue options in the game. The only thing it doesn't do is focus crafting, so if you wanted to literally experience everything you can in this game in 2 builds, probably hammer wizard and Energy/Chem pistol crafter scientist would be the two best playthroughs, bar none. Maybe a Rogue too.
Yeah, it takes a lot of it to like to like the average CRPG, I must admit.
shit reply
that sounds like a 3 int move there but i see 5 int
>mfw set up mine field but my autistic character runs straight through it
Someone who can't use a wiki or the search function on a forum shouldn't be playing Underrail in the first place.
But I'm sure no one would use that shit just to help those poor retarded newbies if it didn't let you circlejerk with the devs.
is persuasion not worth getting to get two psi abilities and freestuff early on?
$300 he's underaged
Holy shit fuck the fetid marsh. If the entry to the nexus isn't through here I'm gonna blow a gasket.
>post your face when THE OCULUS
I just found the slavic version of Sen's Funhouse and I have no idea what's going on or why.
I got bad news
Why are you triggered by discord?
It's superior to Yea Forums for specific discussions. It goes a lot faster than a Yea Forums thread and people say more.
Are the savages actually speaking icelandic or some sort of similar language, or is it just made up gibberish?
It brings out the worst namefag behavior from people. Like the faggot who wouldn't shut up about his retarded difficulty ideas. Put someone in a chatroom with a developer and they'll begin to think their opinion actually matters.
-damage increases 50% as quickly with item quality/psi skills
-items sold are worth 10% their regular price, quest rewards 25% of normal
-carrying capacity reduced by 50%
-can't drop items from your inventory for free (can still drop equipped weapons for free)
-grenade cooldowns +1 turn
-w2c does 90% damage
-high efficiency energy converters nerfed to regenerating x% of energy lost to damage, at y% per round
-toxic gas simply deals bio damage each round/if moved through; no damage multiplication
-using psi abilities from 1 school will increase the action point cost of psi abilities from other schools
-many psi abilities must hit vs evasion now (or reduced by it), use psi skill at 70% for THC
-forcefield functions as an energy shield against ranged attacks, has a certain amount of hp against melee attacks before failing (dependent on skill)
-all npc's have 30% greater detection & trap detection (bosses have 50% greater)
-bear traps dont function if they deal no damage, stronger enemies have shorter durations, and spotted traps use your traps skill vs their dodge
-some enemies will have black dragon throwing knives/crossbow bolts, and such traps can also be found
-randomized traps/locations
-randomized enemy placement
-npc's that spot traps or corpses will turn orange, holler, and search the map (and pull alarms, if any)
-if spotted, all hostile npc's on that map will never turn back to green; yellow minimum
-npc's will not enter dangerous terrain (such as gas, fire, or traps) unless they have a clear path to you
-most hostile npc's, if they can't attack you on their current turn, will instead head for cover or distance
-if you are seen entering stealth in a controlled or partially controlled map, npc's will turn hostile
-gladiators past master exploder have improved builds with more feats, especially carnifex
because discord communities tend to descend into degeneracy, on top of the other problems common to communities with named members
-tribal bosses lead invasions; 1=old ice guy, 2=eldran, 3=bankraester, 4=oyensorm, 5=magnar
-Tchort will resurrect after a few turns as long as at least one mutagen tank is still active; how long depends on how many are active
-Eidein is with tchort, not at institute
you sound like a psychopath
>he's an Agilitylet
discord people are generally a bunch of undersirables.
agreed agilitylets should suffer
all you need is 6 agility with a junkyard surprise or 7 with just regular shit
>haha we repeatedly post things we know people don't care about in the same threads over and over again to annoy them!
>wait why do you guys dislike us...?
I've only personally talked to styg a couple times, and literally never about apex hardcore. At most I've made suggestion threads in his forum about some of my specific ideas. We were talking about psi this one time and it turned out he already agreed with some of it, and even then we were only talking about it because one time earlier I had seen him say he knew psi was OP and planned to do something about it.
You are an easily triggered person, similar to many leftists. You complain about the discord, like this guy
yet you show many psychological red flags yourself
what a surprise all the most annoying posters are part of a discord wow who would have thought
here comes flameboi
>You are an easily triggered person
Literally a text book projection. You're the one triggered someone insulted a software. Not even you directly just a fucking software, yet you feel personally attacked.
>lurkers cook people and eat them
>but what if i cooked myself
Does exothermic aura cancels out cryokinetic shield?
forgot the pic
So what if I post it? Does it trigger you? Are you a child? If you dont like it, ignore it.
Let's say your worst fears come true and styg implements this difficulty, its fucking OPTIONAL, you communist baby. Btw, never once talked to styg about it, not like he'd implement it anyway.
weren't you just flipping out over apex hardcore?
Projecting again? That was my first post.
That was me, not him. I attacked you personally because your shit is obnoxious and you don't seem to get the message. Keep your crap on Discord.
S'Arais I'm going to need you to kill yourself please.
Stop feeding the troll.
literally worse than a discord tranny
go back to red.dit, commie
>turn 1 of siphoner fight
>turn my fellow gladiator into a nuke and kill everything
>man Depot A was fucking hard
>faceless invasion
Don't fight the faceless.
It's not just the faceless, everything is killing me in that area
You dont have to fight them
what level is the hacking check in gms
Great, this means I HAVE to do my pure psi and psi monk builds now, before they get nerfed.
lol, why do you even care, where's the online leaderboard? haha
You like to toss out those insults at random, yet you are the one waving your Discord flag and being an insufferable faggot about it.
>Not have done a psi monk run by now
>-damage increases 50% as quickly with item quality/psi skills
Makes Con less relevant for player, enemies basically have normal hp.
>-items sold are worth 10% their regular price, quest rewards 25% of normal
Won't bother selling anything and will never buy anything but the absolute best parts and blueprints. Good job nerfing trade into non-existence.
>-grenade cooldowns +1 turn
>-w2c does 90% damage
Makes no sense but ok.
>-toxic gas simply deals bio damage
psi monk likely wont get nerfed much, if at all; he likes hybrids
fists/gloves did get nerfed a little themselves recently, but then bare fists got a buff
pure psi though? yeah I'd do that run soonish
>at random
No, I called you a commie because you act like a commie. You cry and demand people stop posting what you don't like, instead of just ignoring it like an adult.
>Azif just walks by the 5+ Goliaths
>Makes Con less relevant for player, enemies basically have normal hp.
It does the opposite.
>reply to random people shilling your absolutely assfuck stupid ideas
>"Just ignore me bro"
Razor blades are cheap. I'm sure your parents would prefer to be renting out your room instead of paying for your food costs. Down the road, not across the street. Kill yourself.
they can sense his superior psipower
I did too
well you're already triggered, may as well have some fun with it
have fun on normal mode, little babby
If you deal more damage, it equals less hp for enemies. If enemies deal more damage, it equals less hp for you and less gains from points in Con. If this rule was real, I would rather max the Evade slot machine than put a single point in Con.
If you're the one who posted that, I can see now that it really is best to leave you alone with your retardation since your difficulty will never ever make it into the game even with a mod.
you're dealing less damage, you idiot
Normal is the way the game is meant to be played.
>hardbabbies are this afraid of having their gamer cred powercrept by the imminent apex chadcore
apex hardcore is a shit name, you're combining a slang term used not once before the institute with the most common slang in the game, it just doesn't make sense to me within the context of the game.
Stop replying.
So, both enemies and player deal less damage? In that case I won't put points in Con because tac vest will block all damage.
If it's only the player, I won't put points in Con because it will be impossible to win the war of attrition anyway, since you're always outnumbered. I'll invest into movement and not getting hit.
Never ever.
Finally someone said it.
Dominating is good enough. Just wait for the NERF update. You'll get the difficulty you want, autists.
Ignore the sociopath.
Dominating post.
It's literally one autist spamming.
right, of course, im sorry sir, pls carry on
it is a "challenge for the average hardcore gamer"
apex isnt just the institute
its one of the more rare slang words, but im pretty sure its core city, not tchortist
some of the people in the institute are from core city, which may be confusing you
What do I do with this bot? I can't get past any of the electric fields, and only can reach power boxes, which do nothing when I interact with them.
He had some decent ideas and I gave him a little support at first (shields), but I see now that he's too far gone. Someone has to put him down.
my favourite strat every dominating run
The power boxes should deactivate some of the electric fields. Keep going back and forth poking them until you get to the end.
It's also the way the game is meant to be played. Styg has spoken.
Never mind I'm dumb
even on dominating, crits and special attacks kill too fast, especially when combined with crafted weapons/gear; just trying to slow that down a bit
Drop A taught me that you can never place too many traps.
Man petrol bombing shit is so much fun
I wish more games had a set everything on fire and watch them run for their lives in sheer terror option
Quit being a faggot and actually invest points into throw.
Is there any downside to getting this?
yes, -25% max health, but if you want to do psionics you can't dodge it, you have to take the pill
Being based and redpilled is a downside now?
Usually no because the offensive and utility potential you from the purple pill vastly outweights its cons
You can be a psi tank just fine
Is level 10 good for expedition?
>eceleb game
cringe :/
Quests aren't "optional" if you can't delete them from your journal. I wish games would let you delete quest shit you have no intention of doing.
Absolutely not
Come back at 15, minimum.
If you wanna die, yeah.
How do I kill the void spirit of the savage king or whatever this shit is?
Do I need a quest item?
What's the most fun method of getting xp? I just bought the game after seeing the shill video and it looked fun.
oddity = freedom
do you have juice?
Nope. All you need is gun and Dude's juice.
Juice it up
You can just say "no", imagine that.
If your quest log told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it? Dumb zoner.
Ok thanks, was there any hint somewhere that I had to do that?
maybe that he kinda looks like the same colour as the rifts? I know that's a pretty big stretch though
but also
that's not actually how you're supposed to do it
indirectly, I guess yeah
you know the juice lets you see otherworldly shit
Was there anything stopping you from leaving the fight?
Don't listen to those people. While it'll be slightly difficult, it's nothing your average level 10-12 character can't clear.
if it gives xp
Oddball, but you already know Juice makes you esotheric weird shit, it's not really that far fetched
>zoomers didnt play dominating first run
reminder that youre shit if you play anything else
>, it's nothing your average level 10-12 character can't clear.
on normal, maybe
t. difficultylet
im playing it on my first run and i regret it because now i feel like i can never go back and enjoy hard.
>it's nothing your average level 10-12 character can't clear.
Show me your level 10-12 character beating Magnar, and not on easy/normal.
it didnt exist back then
>not playing a dominating run that doesn't use gas grenades, incendiary grenades, bear traps or psi on your first run
I feel you
You can always try retarded builds for fun sakes in hard tho
>playing ironman psi with 3 con
>doing fine in depot A
>step in a tile where I KNEW there was a mine because i didn't think about my movements
for fuck's sake. time for my 34934th attempt
you madman
>want to do an unoptimized AR gunner build
>no crafting, focus on using uniques
>no traps, few drugs, no gas grenades (cuz no crafting)
>"...I should probably play on hard"
Still roflstomping it.
>getting interviewed by some hottie to join the institute of tchongo or whatever
>"please be answer honestly mm-hmm"
>yeah lol i'm just here to nab your rubik's cube
>"whoops maybe shouldn't have said that"
I remain consistently pleased that stupid conversation options lead to actual consequences
You think the game is too easy for you?
Play it rogue mode, disable the bindings for f5. Problem solved.
These autists I swear.
just dont press them retard
What decides magazine capacity on a rifle, quality of the frame, or barrel size?
When you see a rifle name ending with XM, that means it was built with X-tended Mag. It's an extra part.
fuck you I want an ironman mode. wouldn't hurt anyone.
barrel size, smaller the caliber, larger the ammo capacity.
Barrel size. If it was determined by quality that'd be weird. You'd either end up with 20 quality rifles that only held a few bullets or 160 quality ones that held a hundred.
>certain sections of the game aren't a challenge - they're literally a task of hitting F9
Is there a reason Core City doesn't get a map?
It has a map, but not inside of it
Do you need directions?
Is there a way to edit my character to re move this psi empathy shit. I got the pill without looking up what the drawbacks would be and i am too far in the game to restart. I havent spent a single point in psi skills and i am level 13
this fucking garbage final boss is only "hard" because the room just floods with fucking tchortling scanners who stun me from 10 tiles away with 0% change to dodge it and then I'm dead because getting stunned in this game is also known as loading a save
>Takes the psi pill
>Doesnt invest in any psi school
You're the one to blame for your dim wittedness
it's still worth it to buy temporal manipulation otherwise no the redpill is final
lol just run along the platform up to the boss and throw a napalm grenade behind you in the choke point, they'll stay out of it and you'll just have to deal with the boss
This is probably a really stupid question, but how do I attack shit that I can't click on because it's under a fat isometric wall
press tab
hold tab
Don't press Tab as it will highlight all the objects and actors on the screen, making it fucking impossible to target enemies behind doors or near corpses, press Z instead.
In a world full of serious people, snark doesn't pay off
I planted like four mines in the hallway he goes between and threw some caltrops in for goof measure. Half the hall died but I got my key.
So z deselects doors for clicking or something?
you get a spot right in the middle
I guessed it would just be a buff and i assumed the drawbacks the doctor warned would be temporary, so you can imagine my shock when i didn't see a temporary status effect on my icon.
Z only highlights actors instead of all interactable objects on screen, it's far more functional.
Always assume the worst case scenario
just focus fire tchort; I never even see tchortlings unless I bother to blow the tanks first
I learned that the hard way, regretably.
Molotovs do cure hypothermia. The counter vanished as soon as fire dealt damage, heh.
See the positive side, you wont make the same mistake again
I didn't know the doctor would heal you for free, so I would go through the early game on bandages and health tonics alone until I got to the point where I had no health, no money, and no hope and I'd start over again. After restarting about three characters and clearing Depot A I went to the doctor for some bandages and noticed the healing option.
I felt like a huge retard.