>beat the game, now going back and defeating the hidden bosses
>get to this guy, Hector
>huge as fuck and he's an axe legion so he has an unblockable, undodgeable spin attack
>and I can't just spam him to death
>decide to try a perfect call
>takes me a few tries but it finally clicks and makes sense after spending the whole game struggling with it
>every time he swings at me I can now cancel his attack and push him back
>get him to the corner of the stage
>the whole fight I'm just standing in front of him canceling his attacks and beating the shit out of him
holy shit lads what a rewarding mechanic, can't believe I didn't use this more often. How are you guys enjoying Astral Chain so far? Anyone figure out who the rest of the Iris voices are yet or if there are more than 5?
Beat the game, now going back and defeating the hidden bosses
I have voice G, I think I got it from a rank up but I could be wrong.
I have A, B, J, and G. There's still C and I that I know of. I haven't found more in the order menu but it's kind of odd that they'd go all the way to J but not skip all the intermediary letters.
Perfect call is probably the single best defensive option, but the nice thing is that you can combine it with dodge AND parry.
Is it just that I can’t hear it, or does changing the IRIS voice not change the voice calling out Legion names?
I forced myself to finish it because you can't refund digital purchases.
I'm never touching it again.
It was barely above ok and was constantly giving me reasons to hate it
I call shenanigans on the spin2win hitbox.
You mean the Chimera announcements? Those are all the same VA, yeah.
the only truely bad thing about astral chain is the platforming
shit drives me bonkers
Can't you just go into blade mode and cut the currents or something when he spins?
You can do that too. What I usually tried, and failed, to do was dodge away but he spins too fast for dodging to work.
you can
also in focus mode you can still dodge which makes getting out tight spots really easy
And you get a special perfect dodge sync attack.
The platforming would be fine if chain jumping wasn't so inconsistent, that shit drives me up the wall and kind of ruined the final boss
It's only one phase and if you die afterwards you don't have to redo, but to be honest I didn't find it difficult at all. Just make sure you can see that your marker is actually on the platform.
Well yeah I know how to do it, it just sucks. Your character sometimes doesn't land precisely on the marker so they fall off regardless, and that section often doesn't give you enough time to line up a jump if you don't know which direction the next platform is coming.
I just moved in the direction the camera was panning to and was never far enough that I needed to run to jump to the next platform.
>huge as fuck
>axe legion
>can't change the color of the police helmet or civvies and you can't remove the raven suit helmet
why ;_;
It isn't that fast.
It’s faster than your dodge cooldown Jesus think before you type
Do we know were all the clothing are?
I'm missing two, but I guess one is from Richard's order.
It looks like someone's got a guide that has all of the item locations. Then the rest can only be in Orders.