September 2019... I am... forgotten...
September 2019... I am... forgotten
play p99
2019.... I did a few reddit searches....i assumed... game is dead....
It's not the same without a naive community having fun playing their first mmo and being absolute spastic noobs.
Waiting for astellia online hue hue hue no p2w
This, the private server faggots are ruining shit with their spellcleave autism and shit.
Yeah, classicfag here,I humbly accept the truth of "You think you do, but you don't". Made it to 31 and never got back on.
I have to take a break I have 1 level 60 and several from levels 13-35
I'm burned out
I’m only 35 now but I haven’t run into any of this turbotism yet, thank fuck
>stop this layering crap Blizzard, just open a tons of servers, Classic will be a huge success!
I've settled down with my wife, now leave us alone.
me and my group are still playing it and made alts, not sure wtf ur on
I got to 25 after the second day. Stonetalon made me realize most of the classic zones were ass. Wailing Caverns made me realize fuck no cleave aggro. I thought I did, but I only kinda did.
I already quit Classic. It only took me a couple of days to remind me why I hate MMOs and playing with other people.
>every day this is posted
my friend got extremely sad after he got home after work on a friday and saw a 7k queue realizing no game for him today.
got to 60 on my priest and got bored immediately after getting bis and doing MC once
decided to level an alt and got to level ~25 really fast just buying greens/blues off the AH then just hit a wall and got bored.
Was fun for 2 weeks, now its shit.
how fucking blind and stupid are you niggers, there is literally always at least one thread up
you are clearly making these threads because you hate WoW which is fine but why do you constantly need to shit this board up
Play on a different server. I’m on Bloodsail Buccaneers and after the first day there has never been a queue for me at any time linger than 17 people.
id rather deal with a queue and play on a future proof server
>beg for this shitty classic for literal years like its your job
>spam 'home' threads for literal years like its your job
>they finally give in to the unbelievable amounts of crying
>game releases
>2 weeks later
>nobody talks about it anymore
>nobody plays anymore
>it's dead
you think you do but you don't
I think they're probably playing it instead of doing what you're doing
That's his fault for getting on Herod. No one to blame but himself.
Made it to level 32 and quit out of boredom. The gameplay is just too slow and too rough for my ADHD brain. It doesn't help that every questing spot is always full of other players so if you want to progress you have to play late at night.
I think it's hilarious how desperate these anti-classic posters have become. My realm STILL has queues, and prime time has 90% servers high or full, with only the newest ones on medium.
I don't understand how you niggers can find this interesting past level 40 in the modern age. I played vanilla back in the day and loved it but holy shit I forgot how slow and repetitive the grinding was. MMOs are just not for me anymore, at least old ones.
It's a shame because the PvP is ten times more fun than modern WoW. I like there isn't transmog and what you have on is what you earned and its displayed to everyone as such. But outside of that, fuck me modern WoW is better. And that game is shit too now.
I rerolled off my 40s druid and am a level 32 priest now. I am behind the pack bros, its over for me
I just got done playing for 7 hours straight after work. Got to level 37 and looking forward to playing it all weekend. Gonna push for at least lvl 40 by the end of the weekend.
I was pretty active in "home" threads but I maybe check once per day if any classic threads are up on Yea Forums.
Too busy leveling with my guildies and killing alliance filth, also having fun
Autism yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Repeating myself endlessly.
>You think you do, but you don't
Every day you're reminded of the truth
>Every day you're reminded of the truth
Yeah kek that you dumb faggots are so asshurt you post the same thread everyday
you could have been level 60 or close to it if you just stuck it out. I did the same back in Vanilla, rolling way to many alts and never hit 60. Not making that mistake again.
>y-y-y-you're the one who is asshurt!!!!1
Yes, unironically
>Streamers begging fans for mats
>Asmon's beta orbiters literally feeding him Dark Iron Ore
Fuckin Zoomers.
>Haha these zoomer fucks watching Asmongold are retarded!
t. Retarded zoomer fuck watching Asmongold
You're a weird breed, zoom-zoom.
What made wow great was server community. There is no such thing in the age of discord with layering.
I thought I did...
but I really don't...
Hard to miss it when his orbiters are spamming trade channel to donate to him.
Which you would know.
If you played the fuckin game.
instead of shitposting on Yea Forums.
>Bragging about the shitty queues when Blizzard fucked that up royally
>playing on a streamer server
>meanwhile 8000+ queue on gehennas
Streamers are literally destroying server economies
What makes you think I play on Asmongold's server? Or US for that matter?
We only have maniac swedes that refuse to speak english over here.
imagine having a low enough iq to think you do when you actually don't
>Wailing Caverns made me realize fuck no cleave aggro.
Bitch what? At that point you can shout once and have time to sunder everything twice, in kill order, without losing aggro.
Why does this make homos so mad? People are having fun. I'm having fun. I'm sorry we can't cure your AIDS
Already bored of it. The private server communities were vastly superior and the normies have literally started driving out ANY other class than mage/priest/warrior. Literally no rogues playing aside from PVP tryhards. Hunters are high pop but low level as people rush their 35 prof guys. Druids are next to non-existant. Shamans are dropping off like flies outside guilds as people believe the NO DPS LUL shit even in 5 mans. Warlocks are sorta around but mages outnumber them 20-1. If you didn't get a guild at the start, you are probably in the same boat as all the Nost/Elysium/Kronos dudes and sick of the game already.
until you hit max level and you wont get invited
>L F M . C O M spam and russians/chinks everywhere
just no
I need to be priest to heal 5 mans in this meta climate. The difference is day and night.
At 54 btw. Mara/ST/BRD aren't run outside guilds now for some dumbass reason (probably the level 50 quests not being ingame) and its that fucking HORRIBLE level gap where there's not really any quests because everything leads to WPL/EPL and everything is farmed constantly. I had enjoyed it up till now but the cleavefags have literally scared off everyone.
God I wish female humans were real
>really want my WW axe
>the charms are absurdly expensive on my server
>elementals are like level 38
Rolling on loot sucks as a priest though because every other run is you, a warrior and 3 mages spamming aoe. I suspect that it's only going to get worse, at least that's what people in my guild are saying.
Sometimes the question becomes timing. If I log in after my work during the week entire zones at 40 are literally tapped. Every single mob has people farming them. On top of the dungeonfags.
Done a few dailies. Ready now for the real WoW.
Just forget about the fucking axe and level, get the ravager, it's just better.
Should I just play on a lower-pop server?
>making a picture of your screen
>with shitty camera
>in almost 4k res
>turned in the wrong direction
You should uninstall Life.dll
is this a phone picture of a PC monitor?
Peak zoomer, lol
Been enjoying myself in classic wow the past few weeks.
Its the 1st time in 5 years i played a game for more than a few hours before forgetting it forever.
Coming back tot classic every couple days
>turn off brain
>collect ears
>get dopamine fix
My phone camera is broken and I’m on mobile about to walk my dog faggot. Also I don’t care about what you retardados think of my image quality/perspective.
I’m 29? Is that a zoomer?
What is PrtSc?
I'd take a fucking screenshot if I was actually NEAR my computer dumbfuck
What do you call putting your phone up to the screen if not "near my computer" you absolute fucking mong
because then I would have pressed Print Screen you fucking genius
Then why post the photo at all? STUPID FUCKING CUNT
Dumb BfA trannies go away que times too long
>I'm not near my computer
>here's a photo I took of my computer
>join game
>every bcast channel is literally Yea Forums
>realize immediately this isnt classic wow
Jesus fucking Christ user let me try and break this down for you
If I was at my computer, I would have pressed Print Screen and posted that here.
I am NOT NEAR MY COMPUTER. SO I posted the photo I took.
I cannot take screenshots of my computer from my fucking phone
Man this game fucking sucks.
>b-b-but I-i'm having f-fun with it!!1!
Was the information not conveyed you fucking mongol? Then who cares. Sorry you had to use more than an iota of brain power.
Learn to use a PC please
So you took a photo of your computer, away from your computer.
Scroll down. I dare you.
>"""classic""" but with memes, e-celebs, and obnoxious minmaxers
come on now
Butthurt to the max KEK now you can learn from your mistakes. Isn't that nice?
Druid chads do you make a point to avoid other druids in world PVP?
How did you take a picture of your computer if you aren't near it?
user, who pays you to do this?
Imagine being a non-dps when all these retards hit 60 having never learned their class because they AOEd dungeons for a month straight.
Holy shit.
I still get queues logging in
Other druids are the only ones I dont fight because it's retarded as fuck if you both start with full mana.
Its just mentally ill tranny which is upset about goldshire rapecave being empty
What exactly do mages have to learn in order to dps?
>tfw already week 3 and only 34
I'm never going to get invited to a raiding guild.
i don't understand how you people are saying it's dead when there are huge lines of players waiting for quest and item respawns. if there were any more people it would be impossible to get anything done
>join armory run as dps
>chick tank, rest is full guild
>she never los pulls, or charges, just walks into groups
>group is praising my dps wow sweeping strikes what a god wow
>chick tank walks up stairwell and pulls three groups at once
>attempt to clean up, pop challenges shout and retaliation since tank is overwhelmed and everything is on the healer or dps
>we wipe
>offer to tank and teach her how to los
>no response, for three minutes straight
>drop group since nothing is happening and go out of instance
>immediately get whispers I'm a fucking asshole and should let he tank do pulls (I never pulled anything let her initiate all fights)
>the entire group zones out of instance and starts spamming general about how much of an asshole I am and how I would pull instead of the tank
>form my own groups and clear arm and Cath in under an hour
>next day trying to sell something in tradechat
>chicks entire guild starts shit talking me in trade
>people in trade say they have grouped with her before and she's a shit tank
>entire trade chat melts down to people shit flinging her guild
>get whispers from her guild they are reporting me for harassment
>never instigated any of the shit
Holy Fuck I've never experienced white knighting to that degree before.
>nobody plays anymore
>it's dead
fucking based
imagine all those belfs shitting themselves daily having none to run them to free M+ and Heoric/Mythic raids
I meant more from a lore perspective, I was told Druids avoided one another due to being brothers under the Cenarion Circle.
Only time servers are low pop is like 2 am west coast. Otherwise Shits ridiculous. People complain about layering but it would be literally unplayable without it.
this. i dont see them getting rid of layering any time soon because it would be impossible to do anything without it
Play bfa faggot
I bet you were pissy from the wipe and typed out something with passive aggressive undertones, but if not then sucks that it happened.
more realms added almost daily
they get packed right away
I guess we thought we did
Pathethic BfA trannies go back to your instanced retail safespace areas with guranteed resourse nodes
I dunno, I reserve a small amount of appreciation for lore but it goes out the window once someone has a red name and the unitframe says they're targeting me
then I have a feel for the situation and see if they're just trying to avoid me
I was reading this as chink tank the whole time.
I target everybody just to see if they're targeting me and to give them a /lick as I run by in travel form
Nigga classic didn't have 1000 people in one zone at once.
When did Yea Forums get full of BFA homos
I guess the passive aggressive thing was offering to tank. She took it as an insult and then blamed me for the extra pulls.
i really can't tell if classic is already abandoned or these posts are just fucking with me
It's died down somewhat. In the evenings all but a few servers are Medium+
>I'm not near my computer you fucking retards!
>*takes picture of computer screen*
You're the one who made the mistake of rolling that server, faggot.
Not that guy but: using poly and remove curse and all your other support skills like that. Knowing when to single target or when to blizzard. Managing evocation if your instance group are speed demons. Playing to your spec since one of them relies on a proc off cheap spells, one relies on a proc off frost spells, and the other relies on bursting through your mana like a madman. Not out damaging the aggro your tank generates since its really easy to do. Not fucking up other people's meme abilities. Little shit like that. Most classes in classic aren't hard to play desu but if you don't understand group synergy and how other classes work it's easy to be a fuck up.
It's not. It's so fucking full enemies will pop up 25 seconds after I kill them.
>be in thousand needles
>go to harpy cave
>now I have PTSD
sometimes I wake up in a cold sweat after dreaming about twenty mobs respawning at at once.
Glad I had a group for that. Grouping up with randos for a few quests is always great
I have, had a tank absolutely freak out on me in the first pull of Uldaman coz I got a tiny bit of aggro, no one died, I didn't even take any damage through my PW: shield, but the fact he had to walk two feet to pick up the mob made him spaz out on me. Left immediately and ran it with a group that had fun instead
Same with the Defias in Westfall
A few servers still hit "Full" in the evenings and weekends, most float low and medium during down hours, it's mostly the same pattern as launch week except the "Full" queue's aren't 30mins+ during peak hours anymore. Usually sub 15 minutes for me.
>another tera/aion/blade and souls
shit game
I had a group too, but there were two other groups in there at the same time so it was a wild sweeping 20m non stop combat. Shit was TOO lit.
When and how to do damage, what else?
Overnuking and not managing mana will screw with any caster dps that doesn't know better.
You don't learnt that by blizzarding everything down.
I like it
Smolderweb is pretty dead
Sounds like he was a faggot anyway. I would have left the group to fuck him over
Nice job user.
Fuck that faggot.
It seems like a bit of a mistake to open so many new servers AND increase each server's max population at the same time.
I feel like it's going to lead to a handful of mega servers and a lot of dead ones.
I feel very fortunate I convinced my friends to role on Grobbulus
>lol you don't have to pop bear I got this
>retard warrior almost dying to 4
>pop bear and clear the place
>warrior suddenly goes mute
Even better he got a tonne of people to spam me after I left for some reason, even though I never ignored him, and because my guild owns the world chat I got them to ban him.
The fuck are you talking about. Smolderweb is high pop every day during prime time.
RP-PVP really is the best compromise.
You get the (generally) polite and interactive RP'ers and you still get people interested in just roaming a map as a band hunting the other faction for no reason.
Grob population is really solid too, it'll be one of the ones to hold on long term it looks like.
I forgot that literally every dungeon from 40 to 55 is fucking shit and I don't want to grind that entire time instead. That's literally weeks of bear asses.
Shattrath City...
If they do TBC over Classic+ I will riot
And followed by Dalaran.
We all see where this is going, but I really hope they go the OSRS route instead of just retracing the expansions. We won't know for sure until BlizzCon 2020.
Just going off private server numbers, TBC private servers combined only host about 3.5k people at a time. Meanwhile Vanilla Private servers were pushing 10k.
Personally I played and loved TBC but have no interest in returning
>Just going off private server numbers
>just being a retard
>Yea Forums September 2019... a game I don't like is dead because I say so...
Kill yourself my guy
Are you saying you can't guage the interest of a game by its playerbase?
Either way BC introduced Arenas and Flying, both of which are awful.
>i'm not near my computer
>but 2 feet away, close enough to take a phone pic
It's still making me laugh
they're most certainly going to do BC instead because it will be a million times easier
if they do anything at all anyway, I know everyone's jonesing over "what's next" but it's not even phase fucking 2 yet
>Are you saying you can't guage the interest of a game by its playerbase?
I'm saying you can't judge a games playerbase by its private server numbers. Vanilla private servers were pushing 10k, nobody would have expected the complete takeover that's happened with Classic
>Either way BC introduced Arenas and Flying, both of which are awful.
I agree
The easiest thing to do is roll over and die.
If they want money they'll do Classic+
I dunno if this is fair, since vanilla servers always seemed more complete. All of the BC ones I tried made even the vanilla ones look fucking blizzlike with how broken they were.
My problem is honestly I get bored as fuck by the mid 20s. I have rogue, priest, mage and hunter all to 22-24 and now I'm just going with the mage to try to break into the 30s. I wish I didn't get bored so easily but holy shit so.e of these zones are ass.
Yeah we still have a solid year of Classic content people keep skipping in a lot of this discussion.
Longevity of life on the Classic servers will determine our path more concretely than anything else right now. I wouldn't bet against BC though.
As much as I hate Asmongold and his stupid fanbase, he's calling for Classic+, even said he would much rather play Classic+ than retail.
If his thousands of fans parrot this there's a chance we can get it.
A useful idiot is still useful
sitting in a 3 hour queue right now chief
How is the RP scene on Grob? I wouldn't mind transferring there from Stalagg once my friends get bored.
The problem is, could nu-Blizzard do a "Classic+ the way early 2000s Blizz would do it"
The key problem with warrior threat is shamans refusing to remove earth shock from their rotation.
It will require a fresh design team with a different philosophy, that much is true, and I've been burned by Blizzard just as much as the rest of you.
But I think Blizzard does, or will understand what makes Classic unique from retail. They're not stupid, just greedy.
Mara isn't even in the game yet you moron.
It is, DM isn't.
There has never been a competent emulation of TBC or WotLK.
WotLK you can make-do, but TBC is a total shitshow.
There's plenty of roleplaying guilds and events. I don't think the average group really roleplays and public chat channels are typical Yea Forums banter.
I'd figure WOTLK would be harder with the introduction of phasing. Why is TBC so hard?
Of course Deadmines is in, come on now
I knew this post was coming
Best bait in the game right now
No idea, an user that seemed to know his shit made a post explaining it in some detail about it a few days ago.
The gist of what I recall is basically abandoned branches. Competent programming teams stopped for some reason developing the TBC branches for WoW emulators, so they're all in a half-finished state.
>t. dunno how to play classic
Sounds like it's due to a lack of interest to me. Classic wasn't a cakewalk either, all the scripting had to be done tediously. It was a labor of love.
If love like that existed for TBC, we'd have fully functional private servers at this point
Just watch staysafe. He doesn't accept any gold or mats. You can watch him farm his ass off because that's how you play classic
Or you're basically talking out of an ass, because another possible reason is that it was simply more difficult.
It was certainly more difficult than classic, which is a mechanically desolate game.
I'm absolutely talking out my ass.
I just feel like 12 years after TBC, if enough people wanted TBC a functional privateserver would have materialized by now
>t. no friends or guild
No, TBC was developed immediately after Vanilla and even it had tons of problems. Vanilla only turned out the way it did because Blizzard was treading into uncharted waters, so they played it safe.
>Screenshot taken right after server shutdown
Probably got over a week's playtime in 2 weeks.
>i've hit a wall
reminder that talk like a pirate day is the 19th
enlighten me then
BnS was good, Catmancer is the most fun I've ever had in an MMO
Oh shit it is, should I teach that day while only talking like a pirate? It's when my school has sex ed day too.
What should I be crafting as a high level alchemist to make bank?
Gamer girl bath water
Shit I rolled a dude
Just install TRP and change your pronouns
Arcanite transmute CDS for 10-15g and farm for flask recipes and sell flasks
I hope everyone raided zf to 51, layered their way through the quests to 60, and farmed their bis in dungeons with tanks that never lost aggro by spamming demo shout
before it got removed, haha
I quit playing before TBC, and I keep hearing this "best in slot" phrase that was never used back in the day. I don't get it. It's supposed to just mean the best gear for a slot? Why is it a thing?
You're asking why "the best gear for a certain spec/build" is a thing? I guess because people want to maximize the effectiveness of their characters
go outside
no u
>More people are playing the game instead of shitposting on Yea Forums
Color me shocked
I hardly checked this shithole on my desktop anymore since Classic launched, only at work to phonepost. Can't wait to get off in an hour and play all night.
user why would you post this just to make yourself look like a retard
ive hardly came here since wow classic came out, got a lvl20 lock and lvl40 rogue cos i dunno what to lvl lol.
Id play it now but gotta wait until kids go to bed.
How come I get the feeling this was the chick tank from my guild in vanilla?
Fucking bitch.
should i sell these boots i got from a chesT? new to thisx game
A little more than a dozen people playing on a little more than a dozen servers
the several dozen other servers down below med/low pop and dead
Will sell for a fortune for a twink character. Hold onto them for a bit when people have more gold they'll pay out the ass for those
got it thanks
Why are people throwing a fit and acting like babies because I rolled Need on something everyone else Greeds on? I NEED it for disenchanting. They didn't want it, obviously, otherwise they would've rolled Need. I've been threatened with blacklisting. Is getting blacklisted really that big of a deal, and do people even check that shit? What if I just make an alt character to do that with and send the greens to my main?
The thread is dead because of you
A-agility OR intellect? wtf happened in retail lol
>ive hardly came here since wow classic came
only here because there is a server que
Str/Agi/Int are one stat now, items are homogenized.
They still have the facade of being "str/agi/int" but they're literally just AP/Spell Power.
based retard
>3 weeks since launch
>currently 7k que on my non-streamer server
wow is a massive time sink, a time sink that you couldve done amazing things in real life, but instead you chose to sit on a chair staring at a screen like a sedated pig
>Draconian Deflector and Valor drop on my first Drak kill and I'm the only warrior in the group
I made it to level 24 before i quit. I honestly dont know why anyone is playing this trash. Repetitive mindless garbage. The most boring game ive ever played.
Just log on, and go to the gym, cook dinner, or do errands until you get in.
You complete retard
You fucking humongous retard
You god damn top tier retard
>at least 5 levels behind my friends already despite playing almost every day
I actually really like solo questing, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to do any dungeons with them til we’re all 60.
Had to bail again tonight since I had been playing almost 5 hours and I have a ton of uni shit to deal with
`shift + windows + s`
you fucking pleb
2238 central time you fucking bait
Haha you literal mong
>havent played since legion
>all I do since it came out is work, classic, eat, classic, sleep in a cycle
>mfw Mankrik is fucking over populated so it takes forever to do quests on peak hours
ZF is one of the best dungeons zoomer
This board is full of shills.
I feel you my classes are starting to pick up. I was hoping to be 60 by now but I'm not a fan of spellcleave I just like playing the game normally.
Only made it to 43, now I've got to put in the schoolwork hours
I’m a level 33 hunter. Would be fine, except I’m on a PvP server so every fucking undead dickhead wants a piece of me. I also feel like my EXP yield is slowing down, quested all day in shimmering flats and alterac and only leveled once
Yup that sounds about right, that part only gets worse
>fairbanks is basically 80% horde
i regret falling for the dwarf meme, bros. i can't go to any 45-55 zone without being gangbanged
You'll take it in your tiny dwarf hole and you'll like it
i'm taking it out on southshore
Planning to check out the new server next month. But knowing that it is coming, why would anyone start right now?
Breh, your character is ugly as shit, lmfao
weeks later
>>nobody talks about it anymore
because theyre playing it
windows key, snipping tool
cmon lil zoom, even grandma figured it out
The only good thing about classic re-launch is that we finally got rid of the countless "home..." threads.
you'd think all these pearl-clutching boomers would be happy that the zoomers are grouping up and doing content together. instead they're seething that they aren't doing fetch quests in desolace by themselves
hold on let me scroll down
how do u make it to age 29 and not figure out the print screen button
Fuck questing, it's all the same after level 26.
Maybe people are playing the game?
yeah i mean it's mostly coom bait games that get threads here. presumably the people playing them need something to do during their refractory period so they come here to shitpost
I post on threads when I'm waiting for the fucking boats
Jesus christ, I have never had an argument like that with any of my significant others. These people hate each other, who are they and why are they together?
i honestly wish it was dead
even with the layering, its fucking impossible to quest in the 40s right now
People saying classic is dead are fucking with you
in 2 MONTHS it'll have petered off, but right now there's still full servers and primetime queues, and even in 2 months the big servers are still going to be packed. For what was supposed to be a bone thrown to private server autists / making money off them, classic right now has 3 times as many people playing as retail WoW does.
In a way this has also been a tremendous collective vote by the playerbase telling blizzard that they fucked up bad with WoW's expansions and did everything wrong.
I guess what'll be left to see is if blizzard introduces elements of classic wow into retail, or goes the other way and introduces retail into classic
I think I know which of those two will happen desu
I grouped up for that with another guy and we both had the quest outleveled, just finishing up 1k needles.
We wiped twice in that cave because literally fucking 10 harpies would spawn on top of us in the middle of already fighting another 5. The spawn rate in that cave is insane.
I think the RP will pick up as more people hit content walls and the playercount drops off
The Forsaken should not be in the Horde.
Cool, I just want to experience Horde RP in a time before Blood Elves turned it into Alliance RP on steroids.
>Bindings of the Windseeker are on loot tables before BWL is even out
Can nu-blizzard NOT fuck anything up? Private servers are literally more vanillalike.
I understand, it must suck being out-Orced by a fragile elf.
t. blizzard writer
>4 characters on Bloodsail Buccaneers
You enjoying Davecash?
I fucking love that idiot.
If you didn't care what we thought you wouldn't be posting this much and looking like an absolute baby in the process.
I've made a point to not log in to retail the entire time I've resubbed for classic. I'm curious what the percentages are
It's just not a very good game, I don't know why everybody hyped it up.
JAB was right all along, people thought they did, but in reality, they really really didn't. Expect it to be a ghost town soon.
Oh hey the passposter is back with the doomsaying
I'm 80% right about the things I predict 90% of the time.
Like your gender on any given day
That fucking rogue gank
found more context
"apparently the dude is freakishly controlling. He told his 'girlfriend' (who treats their girlfriend like this?) that she couldn't have a friend over, and the only way his GF could see her friend is if his GF went to her house. On top of that, if she does go, he wants her to come back and make him food so he can keep playing WoW.
GF is understandably upset, and from the beginning of the clip it's clear this isn't the first time he's been borderline mental about controlling who she hangs out with. She confronts him about it, but without letting her even get through half a sentence he says "If you bring her over here today you will suffer beyond imagination." and that bringing her over will be "undermining" him, and that she "would see punishment" if she did.
While calling him out, rightfully for his bullshit, he dies in Wow and throws a tantrum, pushing her out of the room and saying "bitch get out of here now get out of this fucking room you're paying half the rent bitch!" and then slams the door.
Chat then goes on to joke/laugh about it and validate his behavior with comments like "make her suffer" and "she needs a dick in her mouth asap""
Literally just got done with princess
Un goro, Felwood, burning steppes, searing gorge, blasted lands. I'm a 53 rogue and have no issues finding a group. Run BRD to General Angerforge at 52, killed Eranicus at 50, and there are constant Princess runs in LFG.
>lvl 40
>respecced 2 times already
>want to respec again
fuck this game
Go back
>inb4 we see her murder his soiboy ass live on stream with a kitchen knife
I wanna see him die.
The girl is probably financially reliant on him, even though he's a most likely a retard with no education that makes slightly above minimum wage with his streaming gig, although he might be really popular, I have no clue.
She's just a walking vagina to use, so he doesn't have much reason to get rid of her, so it's really entirely on her for putting up with it.
Women are retarded, who knew?
Plan your build. Money doesn't grow on trees like it does in retail.
well I'm playing the class for the first time and there's a billion fucking builds with everyone claiming that everything is viable and whatnot
There's a difference between women being retarded and saying she'll suffer beyond imagination
The world PVP has been fantastic every night.
>You bring her over, you will suffer beyond imagination
Am I doing it wrong? I'm trying to get into it but 6 levels in and I'm realizing it's the same content I've blown through for years, just without a few quality of life features. What's the point of replaying all this?
go black
If she became financially dependent on him then it looks like it's still her fault. He looks like a fucking dork, any guy would've kicked his ass for talking that way but she still put up with it instead of doing anything about it (guys only talk that way to women who take it).
Gentlemen, once you ding 60 in classic, you get BfA is that correct?
Does that also apply if you get one of those game time cards? Don't really wanna link my bank account.
Nothing, now go soak your axe wound while you take selfies in retail, cunt.
They made a facebook post about it but then deleted it. I haven't seen anything about it since.
But that's not from private servers
Nah I only resubbed for Classic but it's boring garbage. Enjoy your basedbox, WoW has always been shit.
Kill people then stupid
I just mind numbingly grinded slimes for like 45min in order to farm up 10 ghost mushrooms. Ask me anything
You're trying real hard to shift the blame onto women here, ignoring the obvious behaviour of the man
I wonder why
Why didn't you just farm maraudon for them
Why do they get so defensive? Worse than Star Shitterzens.
What level do I need to be for Mara?
It should be illegal for people to make leveling builds WITHOUT suggesting Imp voidwalker by level 20-something
kek good one user.
>that pic
I think I do, and I do.
I know I do.
Imp void walker sucks, private servers were wrong about the numbers. VW can't tank for shit
yea and now imagine how fucking bad he is without imp talent, piece of shit can't even tank a solo mob with only dots on it
Just drain tank like everyone else
He can't hold aggro because you're retarded ass is spamming attacks. When you should just be wanding after Dotting the mob up
read , you fucking retarded piece of shit, go back to your chink servers god damn retard
it sucks as well, I already respecced out of it at like lvl 30
Reasons why the Horde sucks (feel free to contribute):
>Every race has scoliosis
> Most no shoes
>2/3 cities look like Africans made them with terrible aesthetic and music
>Including several zones full of nothing and boring stuff
> Undercity is a meme where faggots hang out
>Anyone who plays an UD female is a tranny or idiot used to their dick falling off or know they are disgusting trash
>Any female horde for that matter (black troll, unfunniest tauren, bland orc)
>Hugged for ease factor surrounding placement of towns in zones, instances, quests
>Get upset a lot more when you kill them
>Don't get to enjoy the better music of superior factions
Thank you, kind Sir.
It pulls if you just put 3 dots on anything thats your level or higher. Blue berry can only hold agro on guys that are lower level then you IF you don't follow up attacks. He falls off HARD at level 30, respect to drain tank around that level and get a SUCC
It doesn't get good until dark pact
Don't forget.
>wont pvp unless youre fighting a mob at half health or 5 other horde niggers are around
>one horde player gets camped for 30 minutes
>screenshots, posts on blizzard forums
>begging moderators to ban the player
>going out of his way, spending more than 30 minutes, trying to get his "revenge"
well good thing you don't take dark pact while leveling, isn't it
I swear, warlock fanboys are mentally ill
You don't have to do this, but lots of minmax lock autists suggest just putting Corruption or CoA and immolate up on mobs. Then using wand for the rest, and ofc occasional nightfall proc. Theres a sweet balance of immolate plus one other dot that doesn't pull much aggro until lvl 45 or so.
I mean in our realm ragnaros was PUGged a week ago.
Undead clothes are eternally ripped and full of holes
its the retail zoom zooms that spam dungeons, private server autists plan out quest routes. because its significantly faster doing quests and a lot less dull.
60 to farm it
44-45 is recommended for an easy full clear
There are like 10x the amount of launch realms, and most of these realms are full with queues in the evening. And thats with sharding on.
I wouldn't be suprised if Blizzard would announce record breaking player numbers in near future. The only reason I think they haven't yet is because they are rethinking about their strategy with retail (pristine realms, here we fucking come)
Princess is lvl 51 so minimum recommended is 47, but it's possible to do it earlier if your group is adequate or if you're a healer.
Blizzard are retarded, they probably won't rethink shit and will in fact double down on retardedness
If the games so great why aren't you playing it now checkmate homo
The problem is that most investors are brainwashed into thinking the whale business model being the only viable business strategy. That really needs to be proven wrong to make Game As a Service games fun again. Until that happens, legacy servers is the best we'll ever get.
Cause I'm at work, faggot.
>assuming each server can hold 10k players, then that's less than 500k people online
wow embarrassing
now compare that number to retail's 50 people currently online across all servers
Shit pic aside if non of your friends are there and you havent made any new friends then yes definitely switch
If we think that like 1/10th of realm population is playing at a given time it would mean 5 million players. On 1 region. It would make WoW the most played MMORPG by far.
top kek
In the middle of the night 90% of servers are more populated than retail. During noon to afternoon they're high or full.
Stay mad, fag retail zoomer.
They are not as big idiots you people believe. Classic is a thing not because players asked for, but rather the huge backlash BfA got. Blizzard itself had absolutely no intention on putting money on classic whatsoever, its damage control at best, because BfA is simply handed to extremely unexperienced cheap labor. The people who work on blizzard games now are underpaid fucks who sleep on the company's floor. Blizzard knew this all along, and entered the managed decline state a long ass time ago. MoP was a thing too because they targeted china due to how bad Cata was. Now what you have is that 70% of WoW's playerbase is chinese, hence they targeted the mobile market with diablo too. Its simply more profitable to make a Godawful game for chinks than a good one for anyone else. There is a fuckton of chinese and russian bots all over blizzard games, and they don't care for a damn good reason.
It doesn't help either that these green eared instant noodle slurpers are doing a bad job. It can be expected, since the chinks have extremely low standards when it comes to video games. I'm not here to attack these people who did a terrible job with it, its expected to be bad, because its so damn clear they have absolutely zero clue how to make a good video game, its simply that they lack experience, and for the chinese this kind of low quality product is perfect.
>No one wants to group with Rogues outside of Deadmines
>Have to attempt to create my own groups every time
Thats good though. You can learn how to screen out shitters.
I do know the feel tho, as a hybrid paladin that just wants gear for pvp
Bullshit. Rogues are top dps right after mages. The reason it feels like that is because people don't want to play tank or healer so if you play one of either you can just easily bring 3 of your dps friends and search for the missing piece.
You either tank or heal, but warn in the start that you're also going to roll on hybrid spec items. Easy.
I think he's talking more spellcleave and warrior cleave being the most popular shit right now since it makes dungeon spammable.
Over 75% of groups I've tried to join for a week now, have either just ignored me or whispered back, "pref mage or lock sorry." Hunters, DPS paladins, Rogues, anyone that doesn't have a spammable AOE ability is disregarded.
Is this spellcleave a thing in high level instances as well or only while levelling?
I always warn if I actually get into a group also offer to heal most times if they lack a healer. But fucking minmax autists that just have to have that one piece of gear from SM that'll be replaced in 5 levels, do not fucking care if you want it. You'll be kicked for even suggesting, you should roll on it as a healer.
It seems limited to 35 to 60 dungeons, namely the big ones like SM, Mara, ZF, BRD and LBRS.
That term is created by retail babs
There are WAY too many people on the servers. Holy shit questing is impossible. I wanted to go home, if i wanted 50 people in every questing zone i would have gone back to Northdale.
>wont pvp unless youre fighting a mob at half health or 5 other horde niggers are around
I habe been playing wow for 13 years and this is objectively something the alliance does way more often faggot
pretty gud, i'd say take 2 points out of imp drain life for imp drain soul. The mana per second it gives is nothing to joke about when leveling. It's crazy efficient.
Dark Pact is a joke of an ability. Don't use it. Put the the 1 point into nightfall so you get more procs. For the last 20, 5/5 suppression, and the rest can go in either tree. up to you
Waiting for a private server offline repack. Now that the original game is back the emulation scene can finally use the real values.
Spellcleave is from BFA mythic+ faggots
at least put your drain life into surpression and improved CoA nigger.
If only there was a race that fixes all these issues...
but then I have to play with russians and chinks and server owners trying to sell me gold.
>Join a group for deadmines
>lvl 21 rogue with decent items
>there's a lvl 17 rogue as our other dps
>He's way too low lvl and does zero damage but I don't want to be rude so I play along
>Kill VanCleef
>Everyone encourages the lvl 17 rogue to get VanCleef's armor over me
>He can't even use it for 3 more levels
I've never seen a horde dude even attempt PvP in classic unless he is at least 10 levels above in a low level questing zone
if he pays the bills he makes the rules, sorry roastie
why are you acting though like she cant just pack her fucking bags and leave, faggot
Post a more iconic WoW image
you can't.
pity race so koreans don't all flock to alliance and cause massive faction imbalances, asspulled lore to make it happen. blizzard a shit
what kind of phone do you have that enables remote viewing
I got a few ideas to use it for
thats cute grandpa, but ive been playing since relaunch and all horde are niggers who never attempt a fair 1v1 fight.
>decided to check retail since I subbed for classic
>log in at 1am
>47 people on the "high" server including my character
Umm retail bros?
You download apps like the google desktop or remote viewer stuff.
I wonder if she legitimately loved him at some point. Maybe she still hopes he'll stop being a fucking homo sometime.
take your free transfer retard
More like 300players all time high online, game's absolutely DoA. I'm honestly thinking of getting a 1month 'sub' just to experience the uniqueness of an MMO thats clearly going to go F2P as soon as possible due to a complete lack of players, nothing can replicate that atmosphere.
They force you to transfer to certain servers which are all fucking dead. While the server your on is still alive and thriving. Just wait it out, the pop will level out
ok my dude