>I can afford it + it's on sale and I usually never pay the launch price
>I love DooM2016 and the combat vids seem to replicate it
What's the problem with this one?
Convince me not to buy it
It's bad.
just don't pay anything over $10 for it
its shit
the only good part is the gunplay but 90% of the time will be spent traveling through the empty open world
I pirated it I got like 20 minutes in but I couldn't do it I solely played rage 1 just because of John Carmack autism also the character animations were so great in the first one I was kinda bummed to see how stiff and unexspresive the characters were rage 1 isn't great or anything either
go buy it
great game
It's really not that good, Op.
Shotgun is the best thing in the game, followed by the combat in general, but it's all wasted on shitty spawns and uninspired locations.
You will find yourself running around empty locations looking for crates you've missed, because you've killed everyone and enemies no longer spawn. Game would be 10 times better if enemies were spawned in waves without stopping.
Combat skills are pretty good, too bad you will most likely miss most of those if you just follow the story quests. The best way to play it is to go collect all skills and weapons before you start on the main quest. It's stupid.
Driving is the definition of mediocre.
>but 90% of the time will be spent traveling through the empty open world
Best argument so far
Is it really that bad?
I mean, in the end it's your money, if you feel like the combat and gameplay you've seen so far, then try it.
Sure it might be a bad game, but if you're having fun that's the important part
Like the first game, just wait until it's like 10-15$
>I mean
spotted the faggot
Well I played something like 5 hours and that's what I mostly did
Combats are short and the open world nature of the game forces you to go somewhere, kill 10 dudes to capture an HQ then go somwhere else
it's just boring, can't even enjoy the gunplay and the vehicles aren't fun to use
Has nothing besides combat.
Combat gets stale after 3rd liberated gas station.
Fact: Avalanche has never made a single game worth a damn. Their best game, Just Cause 2, was always just a boring piece of shit whose only redeeming quality were the movement mechanics.
okay listen, i played this like one week after it came out, i dont know if they changed much but i will tell you what i thought about it.
Yeah, the combat kinda rocks, specially at endgame (it sucks at early game tho), thats cool and all, but keep in mind one thing, in DOOM 2016 what do you do once you finished a fight? you just walk into the next room and keep shooting the demons right?, but its not like that in this game. In RAGE 2 once you clear a bandits camp, the game literally pauses, and does this shitty stuff like OH BANDIT CAMP ANNIHILATED, YOU LEVELED UP MY BUTTHOLE, just like an ending battle screen on a JRPG, that shit sucks and kills the pacing, but that is not the worst of it. In that game, if you want to keep shooting bad guys after you cleaned a camp then you will have to first, grab your vehicle (That controls like shit, at least with KB+M), second you will have to actually drive to another camp that is probably like 2-5 minutes away from your location and then you can have fun again. This is even worse on the main campaign, because your shitty quest givers will force you to go to the very edge of the map so they tell you the mission details in person (Even if the protagonist haves some walkie talkie thingy and can talk with his sister/brother/whatever anytime), and then the guy will make you drive TO THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE MAP.
Rage 2 has bad game design and its really clear that it was made intentionally to make the game longer, which sucks.
I had more fun with Just Cause 3, wingsuit was pretty good.
The gunplay is genuinely incredible. It's by far the biggest thing going on for this game.
It's just a shame there's a ton of absolutely fucking abhorrent open world driving in dead world. But when shooting starts you're just going to enjoy yourself until there's no enemies around.
Not following the Raine’s story as a whole, giving more the crazy style than the depressing and lonely world that was in the first game.
And not continuing the cliffhanger in the first place (plus not giving you THIS GIRL AS YOUR WIFE!!).
>vids seem to replicate it
Consider that you're being manipulated by marketing and not actual facts.
Gunplay is fun, but the abilities besides Dash and half of the weapons are complete fluff and gimmicks. And most of your gameplay will be tearing through an area and then hunting for boxes and items afterwards. It's so poorly balanced in design this way, that you basically have to go find all the ARKs to get the good shit, but you also have to complete one of the questlines to start being able to fucking track box locations. And then part way through the game you're automatically given a flying device for progression, so the only reason to ever ride a car again is for blowing up convoys, and vehicular combat and use in general sucks so fuck that noise.
It's not Borderlands 3
That's a selling point.
Boring open world with boring a boring story line and boring characters.
The game however does look pretty good, runs fairly well and the combat is satisfying.
The combat is on par or better than Doom 2016. The vehicles are on par or better than Mad Max. Make of that what you will. I had a blast playing in the hardest difficulty, in both first and second playthrough.
It's not Doom 2016. For one, it takes like ten fucking hours of grinding to get the super powers. And it has the same problem with every open world in that 90% is empty nothing, and only 5% is interesting.
Nah, you go hunt them down alongside weapons, man. It's one thing to grind for powering up the weapons and powers, but it's not a "grind" to seek them down and get them in any order you please.