Can I play system shock 2 without playing the first one? The first one looks a little too archaic for me. Also system shock thread I guess
Can I play system shock 2 without playing the first one? The first one looks a little too archaic for me...
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Most people will tell you yes, I however do not approve.
system shock 2 is not a good game
Yes it recaps the story of the first game right off the bat. The entire plot has to do with the groves in System Shock 1 though. To be honest Ken Levine was always a hack and the story is not that good. It's more about the gameplay and level design.
The enhanced edition of SS1 isn't too bad since it has mouselook
The first one is the better one, OP.
You CAN but SS1 is still a fantastic game
and it makes Shodan's reveal in 2 a lot more meaningful
SS1 plays more like a first person metroid game where SS2 plays more like an RPG
Since this thread is on the topic, how the fuck do you find security cameras in SS1?
Is there map items that show their locations or something?
Because I'm just running in circles and its pissing me off, its kinda tedious
zoom zoom zoomie
They are red dots on the map, it's not that hard user
Yeah. I never played SS1 but I had a fucking blast with SS2.
Yeah that's fine. System Shock 1 is pretty fucking cool but you really have to be into the narrative to enjoy it, and you probably ain't got the stones for that.
No shit, but they don't just magically appear, you have to be near them and I've been wandering for ages and nothing
>SS2 plays more like an RPG
It has RPG elements but it plays like a straightforward shooter/survival-horror hybrid. I used to be confused why Bioshock was called an immersive sim because I thought SS2 was more like Deus Ex, but then I played SS2 and I get it.
Are you on the first level? There's a hidden room
You really aren't missing anything by skipping SS1. It's a completely different style of game to SS2, and not for the better. Storywise, SS2 recaps anything you need anyway.
If you're really curious about SS1, you might as well wait for the remake to make it something modern and playable.
no, it's impossible
the game will refuse to start if you haven't played SS1
Where abouts? If its where I think it is, it might be bugged
Unless youre used to playing old ass dos games, AVOID 1. DONT LISTEN TO THESE OUT OF TOUCH BOOMERS. Ss2 is kino. Just play that. Avoid 1.
I think most people played 2 without playing 1, user. Their stories are somewhat connected, but it's a few callbacks and it makes perfect sense by itself.
They are fairly disconnected narratives and 1 is very aged
I'd say give 1 a shot but if you aren't into it don't waste your time trying to force it, because the game only gets clunkier as you progress
Yes, but I'd advise you to play 1 even if it looks too archaic. It only takes a couple of minutes to get used to it, unless you're too much of a zoomer. Ideally, I'd advise you to play Ultima Underworld instead.
I don't remember exactly how you even open it. Maybe you just clicked on the wall? I think I just kept hearing monster sounds from inside a wall. It's been a while since I played it
I know where you are on about, thanks, I never realised it was a kind of pressure plate I had to stand on, I thought it might have been bugged because it look like it closed on me from the other side when I first saw it and it wouldn't open...till I tried it just now
Can confirm. Tried it, didn't work, now my PC is Shodan.
Would recommend.
I'm playing 2 for the first time and just finished MedSci. Does the game pick up here? I'm enjoying the atmopshere and gameplay but I don't really feel like going back to it. Does the game get more interesting once SHODAN is introduced?
No it's gonna get harder and more stressful for a little while, then pick up.
>Shodan will never hack your PC
>she will never mock you while she's searching through your fap folder
>she will never call you pathetic insect
why live
Are you hoarding shit? You probably should try not to. I remember hoarding a lot as usual, and the experience ended up pretty fucking monotonous, though I wouldn't say I didn't still enjoy it.
>Does the game pick up here?
What do you mean? After you get the wrench and leave the tutorial area you should be running, bashing and panting to the rhythm of this
I'm gonna play the reboot when it comes out
Me too, cautiously optimistic for SS3
>cautiously optimistic for SS3
If it even comes out. I'm not sure they've found a publisher yet after the last one pulled out, and it doesn't sound good if they're cutting staff.
You can, but I would recommend playing the first one. Enhanced edition makes it playable by today's standards and it is really good game.
system shock 1 is literally the better game of the two. Im not even memeing or being some epic contrarian, system shock 2 is more influential because its basically a technical blueprint for some forerunner videogame that other developers are desperately trying to decode but the game itself never lived up to that blueprint it has. SS2 completely falls apart the further down the decks you go and its strengths can also be considered its weaknesses. Its an RPG for sure but a very punishing one and it fucks the player over in "unfair" ways as a result because the balancing of the playstyles is horrid (energy weapons, exotic weapons). The objectives are pretty nonsensical and repetitive (perform this task to remove the barrier that prevents the elevator from moving upwards) and I think the game really peaks during the medsci/ engineering portion and starts its downfall right at hydroponics. The more the budget runs out the more the quality drops, until the richenbacher is a complete shitshow and the final cyberspace level is just a few weird hallways
The first game is slightly more simplistic because it doesnt have the RPG stats but it has its own strengths but unlike SS2 it never drops in quality. Its a "metroidvania" from the year that metroid itself was still a new thing. It has more functionality than the vast majority of modern games with shit like a slider accurate lean/ posture function. You can still build a loadout from the weapons you find since you cant carry everything and the software/ equipment you find behaves like deus ex augmentations. SS1 puts the majority of its quality into the levels and objectives themselves while SS2 has a more strong and deep core system but the game slowly withers away from around that core
>Underworld was a flop
>remake only showing the same thing they showed three years ago, but this time in UE4
At this point it's like a contest of if either one manages to come out, which one will be less shit
Might as well wait for the remaster at this point.
How is SS1 archaic?
Plays just fine with mouselook.
Also yes you don't need to play SS2 without having played SS1.
I was feeling pretty ready to finish the game when I got to the last floor on the ship. It was like alright, it was a good game, but let's see the ending. But then you went to the other ship, and then you went to the Many, and then you still went to Shodan. Though that last bit was alright, it was pretty short and visually interesting. But yeah it really feels like they tried to do too much
It's is a first person game inside a command prompt. That is fucking ancient for us. Can't play any fps older than 1997.
I can actually see the remake ending up better, because all they have to do (and are now doing) is remake an existing great game, while the integrity of this "LGS 2.0" is questionable.
A remaster is what people asked for, but it's not what they're making. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, since SS1's gameplay was anything special. It just means they're following the more streamlined sequels like Bioshock than the original, since that's what people actually want to play.
2 is better than 1, don't let the dumb boomers on Yea Forums convince you otherwise. it's practically a meme at this point to say 1 was better anytime system shock is brought up
I love both of the system shocks, they're excellent in their own ways. i. played SS2 before the first, yet I prefer the original.
Isn't there an enhanced edition of 1?
I can stand the old visuals in SS1. But the fucking control mapping is stupid and I can't remap it
I suspect the diehard SS1 fans will end up hating the remake. But they're in the minority anyway, being outnumbered by all the people who don't want to touch the old SS1 due to how archaic it is.
Doom is as simple as it gets and it's from 1993.
I doubt anyone would have trouble playing Doom ever.