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Why are you giving bugmen attention?
people didnt stop torrenting because of steam did they? i admit that i bought binding of isaac and hollow knight specifically on steam so i could have them featured on my profile but other than that dont give a shit
I used to pirate about 90% of my games before steam, but now it's about 10% and even then it's smaller indie titles I'm not sure about. Steam's good service and ease of use just won me over I guess.
steam is a social network for children and psuedo-nazis
Yes but that's because from 2005 to 2008 there was an artificial period of economic prosperity due to the housing bubble
Now that we've lived through over a decade of recession and have another two or three decades to go, we're back to pirating
Yellow is me already
Love is for suckers and cucks anyway gimmie that yellow shit man.
purple or blue
why are you pirating indies and buying AAAs thats literally backwards my dude
theres even a bigger chance that you wont like AAA because most of it is trash
Because it's fun and it triggers incels
How do I make the big bucks user
I mean, love has eluded me for 27 years, so
Here's a novel concept: I don't buy AAA games.
I stopped pirating when I got a job.
Then these companies starting forcing always-online shit, CONSTANT updates that takes like half an hour just to install. It's fucking annoying and a goddamn burden.
Now I just don't give a shit and pirate just about everything again. These companies just asked for it.
>a satchel of weed
>once a month
Yeah imma sell weed then
It's funny, after decades of shit posts about how pc players don't have console wars, you fat sjws found a way to make it happen. All steam tards are fucking literal cuck who love drm
so if you only pirate 10% of your games and those are indie, whats the 90% that you buy?
Buy high sell low
>devs get more revenue
>still charge full price
>fucking over the consumer making them use an inferior platform when there are already 60 other launchers
they can fuck right off
red is objectively the best
yellow and blue
A to AA, obviously. The industry isn't just two halves with indies and triple-As.
>pre order game
>they change to ebin exclusive
I unironically could punch myself in the face for being a fucking dumb retard faggot. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Since Epic already pays publishers enough to break even, and extra 18% of revenue goes to their pockets instead of devs, why the fuck should I use an inferior store?
>crackwatch zoomer memes
Red you fucking idiots. Longer lifespan to give a larger chance of aging becoming reversible in your lifetime
Its EGS with their bullshit exclusive deals that is consolizing the pc game industry. If they just sold shit regularly and competed with sales and features people wouldn't care even half as much.
even if you're on the side of epic, this picture is literal lies
it's not
>I'll give you 88% share
>I'll pay you the equivalent of 500 thousand copies
Galaxy brain
Black so I can die.
there arent that many mid budget games and most of them are weak on the gameplay side, so you dont play many games?
>devs get more revenue
Does that upset you for some reason? You get mad when others who actually work for a living make money?
>charge full price
Yeah, just like steam
You see, you are so entitled you see the devs getting a slightly larger profit and you think that you are entitled to a cheaper game. You don't have a point here, you're just an entitled little bitch
>fucking over consumer
How? How is EGS hosting a game on their platform "fucking over the consumer"? Because you have to click an extra icon? I'm so soweeeyy. That must be tuff on you
You are just an entitled, melodramatic little bitch
Entitled little bitch
satchel of weed is like how much? 10kg? shieet man gime that kush
I mean he's actually wrong when saying 'devs get more revenue,' since it's all just the publisher making bank and the devs won't see jack shit for it. We know Obsidian had no input in The Outer Worlds' exclusivity, given they were adding Steam achievements days before the exclusivity announcement
Blue is the CHAD choice. You can bet on sports and events all you want and win LOADSA MONEE
Wanna hear a joke?
>Storefront exclusives
I'm pc fag and i admit, even console fags were never as stupid as steamcucks are right now. But i blame zoomers for that
why would you pick the start of steams downfall for this comic
How autistic can one be about caring this much about the market?
>as stupid as steamcucks are
I don't think it's Steam users who are paying publishers to keep their games off of other storefronts. I'm also pretty sure nobody would give a shit if games were on the EGS so long as they weren't exclusive to that store
It's prolly the year he first time was allowed to use internet, give him a break
Think I'll take the green idol. Sharper senses make you generally better at everything. Plus, talking to animals would be pretty sweet
Not an argument.
>the start of steams downfall
Substantiate your claims. We weren't regularly even getting Japanese releases on PC until 2017 at the earliest
>when buying exclusives is literally the most monopolistic thing you can do
Jesus christ dude how much are they paying you
Why argue with an entitled little bitch? You're entire worldview is that the world should serve you and any mild inconvenience is worth screaming about. Youre just pathetic fatty
I pick purple so I dont have to worry about my teeth. Getting implants from a bike accident sucks.
Grow the fuck up, it's just an icon you see for 10 seconds before launching your game. I can understand hardware exclusives but this? I hardly belive you people are not shills, but then i doubt any of you had a job in their life. Outrage culture needs to die
You cucks are just fat sjws
>Heck, even knitting seems pretty much better than modern vidya.
Then you're an enormous faggot who really needs to take a break from Yea Forums. There's great vidya for fucking miles in the last 2 years, and 2020 looks bretty gud too
Purple. Fix my damn teeth.
This. All these people have nothing going on in their lived, no meaning, so they find meaning in outrage and trying to get things cancelled. Nothing more than fat sjws
How was 2012 the start of steams downfall? Furthermore how is steam in any way in a downfall right now?
Does talking to animals mean they are intelligent and can hold a conversation or would it be like talking to retarded babies
>piracy doesn't hurt games sales
>im gonna pirate games to hurt epics game sales
>fat sjws
repetition is redundant
post yfw you install every launcher and lap up the free games while being unaffected because you have 32GB RAM
It's a bloated, drm loving, platform with no quality control that censors games??
the former but now that you mention it i really wanna read/watch a piece of media where someone can talk to animals but they are 40iq brainlets, could be pretty funny
>it's just an icon you see for 10 seconds before launching your game.
>An icon that means I have to pay more for my games because the only third-party sites selling Epic Games Store key are authorized sellers by Epic themselves
>An icon with no built-in modding capabilities (which some devs have said they added in modding because of the existence of Workshop)
>An icon that has no built-in controller support
>An icon that is planning on introducing an opt-in review system which will encourage worse games to be put out on the platform
Last (you) m8
Purple, please cure my manletism and make me 6'1
Why did you reply to yourself?
Imagine being such a corporate cock sucker.
What a fucking idiot you are.
You're also completely missing the point with your "arguments".
>monopolies are a good thing!
Fuck off burgerclap. Exclusives shouldn't exist on PC. Steam and EGS should be offering the same products at competitive prices. It benefits the consumers, and it prevents the possibility of each store selling their exclusives at ridiculous prices.
The only reasonable exclusives should be those made directly in house, like Half Life on steam or Fortnite on EGS.
dude what
steamworks is literally nothing
customers should decide what is quality and what is not, not the store
and it quite literally does the opposite of censoring games, or do you not remember what happened to hatred?
I've been trying to take up other hobbies for years now but I always drop them a few weeks later and never touch them again even though I was generally enjoying them. Why am I like this?
>The only reasonable exclusives should be those made directly in house, like Half Life on steam or Fortnite on EGS.
Thanks epic for buying games for me so that I can safely pirate them knowing that only egs is getting fucked over this.
the bus hits you in two days not today
blue for sure if I could also see small things like the correct lottery number, it would be basically yellow but without any negative effects
None of you steam cucks would even care about epic if Yea Forums didn't tell you to be mad. You are all no better than the sjws on twitter. You saw a few threads telling you to be mad, and now you have internalized that and just spout meaningless canned points that make little sense and have no justification. Its really really pathetic
good thing that steam isn't a monopoly then
no, its for everyone, including those people, a truly diverse platform
Because they made them
Steam doesn't have very high system resource usage
>drm loving
But Steam itself isn't inherently DRM. There are games on Steam that can be launched from the game files. That's all on the publisher/developer
>with no quality control
Imagine actually supporting the idea that Steam decides which games should be successful or not
>that censors games??
If you got a problem with Steam as a storefront of boy you really should be livid about pretty much every other vidya storefront
in digital distribution for pc, a monopoly only exists because the competition is inept. this isnt some giant fucker being anti-competitive, it is quite literally customers choosing the superior service. this is how the free market is supposed to operate, not all monopolies are because of anti-competitive behaviour. eat a dick commie
I never said steam is a good thing tho.
Green since it includes yellow, being able to communicate with animals can EASILY be monetized in tons of ways nowadays.
green one sounds pretty based, i wanna talk to animals to fuck with people, have ravens steal coins and jewelry
Why are you scared of a Same fag boogie man? You're neurotic
You're a corporate cocksucker. You think that Steam should monopolize the entire pc gaming undustry and will die of heart disease defending them and their shit censorship and drm
watch UP
Exclusivity has existed on the PC since it's inception, and over the past 20 years has been almost universal. It's called Windows. You're just a retard who thinks PC gaming=steam
Im a pirate IM A PIRAZE
Im a pira t
Um a p i r aaaaaate
Ppppppplir aaaate
I picked blue and i immediately had a vision of the future. In exactly 26 days, 5 hours, and 19 minutes, Randy of Gearbox/Borderlands is going to make a twitter post thread containing a goodbye letter to the gaming industry and retire. He's going to explain how he blames the entitlement of gamers and their "toxic, racist, and transphobic culture" for not downloading the Epic store launcher and buying his game, and then blame the journalists for getting poor reviews on Metacritic and a particularly scathing one from PC Gamer. He will keep resorting to sales figures that compares BL3 to BL1+2 as a defense and explain how it should be no different because the biggest change is the characters, so it must be because of them.
>None of you steam cucks would even care about epic if Yea Forums didn't tell you to be mad
user, that narative was created by reddit and youtube. Yea Forums is not a seperate entinty from this shit for years now, you are literally talking to normies
Rainbow is pretty good but with yellow I'd be able to move to civilized country and enjoy weed totem's benefits anyway.
>Steam is a monopoly
It's not you fucking idiot.
the disney movie about a fat kid, grandpa and a balloon?
>devs get more revenue
Only indie devs.
>customers choosing the superior platform
There is no choice to make when the game you want only exists through one service
You want it to be. You freak the fuck out when a game gets announced for EGS. Like you literally feel personally attacked by it
thats the one
You have a choice to not buy the game. No one is forcing you to buy it
Yellow. All the other ones are irrelevant.
how is it in any way what im looking for?
m'dude uplay had to put their shit on steam because nobody was gonna touch that launcher. thats a choice and the customers made it
>A corporation good
>B corporatioon bad
Non retards never stopped torrenting.
thief bad
man who buys the games so they keep making them good
you retarded
because of this
money is what killed video games
I guess I'll take green
Imagine actually using that turbo feminist term here. Back to resetera and reddit you go, you dumb fucking nigger.
Gold or Red.
do these get a lot of screentime? i might actually watch this, i dont usually like disney movies
copying is not stealing
You have no idea what you're trying to argue and you are embarrassing yourself. Luckily no one ever know who you are so it doesn't matter. But anyone with a modicum of self awareness would have stopped by now.
the don't show up in the first half of the movie,
but they have a fair amount of screen time in the latter half.
either way its still an entertaining watch.
thanks user