How are you progressing with Chapter 9?
Celeste thread
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Why do people keep saying that this game has an agenda?
Tranny buttsechks
I don't get it.
Haven't had the chance to play for a couple of days, been too tired. Hopefully will reach the last room soon.
Show us your butt. Spread your butt.
Do you recommend completing all B and C sides before going going for ch9?
I honestly gave up on it.
I know I could do it but it would take a couple thousand deaths and I don't really have he time/patience for it right now.
Got to ch 4 haven’t picked it up since
post your dick
why they fuck are you playing games? post dick
who the fuck cares? post dicks
I guess I'll work on that first then, see you guys in a year
Yes, absolutely. Chapter 9 might as well be a D-side, it's tough as nails and requires every movement tech in the game, often multiple at once. Go through the B-sides and C-sides properly to prepare yourself.
does she show her penis in chapter 9?
shit game, only dick remains important
post it
OP just post pics of your dick, no one plays that tranny game
lmao no
you clearly made this thread to start a dick pic dump
post it
Show boipucci fag lemme see that
no one cares about the game op.
only tranny points matter
Why do you guys like the game?
W-why are so many people interested in my dick all of a sudden? I just wanted to discuss Celeste
Dev is a trannie and Yea Forums is too ashamed to admit they like trannies so they shit on the game to hide their homosexuality.
Movement feels good and it's very challenging
Controls are extremely satisfying, level design is good, soundtrack fucking slaps.
shit game
shit thread
doesnt stop it from being a shit game with tranny agenda
sure, dawg. Just admit you like sucking dick
nah i couldnt be assed to find all the crystal hearts when i beat the base game last year and im definitely not doing it now
the game is good but its not so good that i want to scour every level for the hearts and for me using a guide just defeats the purpose
The difficulty curve is pretty much perfect, all new levels are challenging but actually doable, I can feel myself improving. The OST is god-tier, I remember struggling with the summit stage, but the music increased my determination tenfold, and I didn't even think of giving up
zoom zoom
Same way I feel, desu. The fact that there's an assist mode is good in that regard, makes it easier to hunt collectibles if you just wanna play the post endgame stuff.
theres a new chapter? I stopped playing right around the top of the mountain
You don't have to replay the whole stages again, you can select the part with the heart, get it, and it unlocks.
thanks for the reply
i have too much pride to use assist mode either sempai
does the game tell you which part the heart is in?
Nope, just use a guide, some of them are pretty hard to find on your own while playing.
nah fuck that
"tranny agenda" sure m8. Also if you are too brainlet to finish the game then it's on you, don't blame the game because your brain can't perform basic motor skills.
Is this game on the consul or is this a PC exclusive?
I'm on the last screen I think, the one where you use to jellyfish to navigate around stuff.
Would have finished it today but I got tired getting to that point.
its free with xbox live actually
It is accessible for a variety of peasant groups as well.
I remember deleting it about 1 minute in, a couple of years ago or something. Didn't even get to the gameplay, it just felt like absolute shit.
the state of nu-Yea Forums
I just don't play shit games, you see. I can see the level of shit by the poster alone, but this game had good scores so I had to check it. It comes as no surprise that this was a game for trannies by trannies all along.
game came out last year
not surprised that someone with that kind of attention span would false-flag for (you)s on Yea Forums though
Madeline is cute. CUTE!
she is cute
probably the biggest reason i finished the game desu~
If I had more free time I would go for all the golden strawberries desu
I just checked and it will be 2 years old in 3 months. I'm not surprised that someone who plays this shit game would have no argument and instead argue over details.
im not arguing with you
You have no argument, you didn't even play the game
I'm about 40% through so far
Yeah, I'm just offering my opinion to shit up the tranny thread, how could you tell?
a pillbottle on a table and a photo that might not even be her doesnt prove anything user
Careful not to fall for the pitfall that kills most runs
you were pretty transparent from the get-go to be honest
I play until I hit a checkpoint and then take a break. Hardest room so far was this one that required three wavedashes in a row with heavy wind blowing you back. Everything else was pretty easy compared to that, but I'm past that now. It's pretty fun, and ball-crushingly hard, as I'd hoped.
I heard there's a Moon Berry at the end. Are there any other collectible secrets in this level?
It's funny, because chapter 9, it was all shitposting about how the game was about having had an abortion. Now you cretins changed your tune? Sounds like you're all a bunch of shits who are mad that whatever shit game you came up with didn't get popular and resonate with fans like Celeste did.
>ex girlfriend named Madeline
>Change her name to another French M name
>now dating a Marie
Fuck this game.
Symbolic, really
I got so demotivated when the game forced you to wavedash, now it feels natural
I love chapter 9
[ - ]
I beat all the levels except the bonus one. I don't feel like collecting all the strawberries though, is there some easy way to unlock it?
>Symbolic, really
f-fuck you
i'll go finish it now
How can it feel like shit if you didn't get to the gameplay?
you only need to collect hearts to unlock shit
my first try took like 4ish hours I think?
a GOOD portion of it was the final screen holy fuck
DUDE! That's exactly when I stopped, never went back to it.
The person telling me to play it is a tranny chaser and shilled discord to me for half a year. They went to get hrt and started hitting on me and ruined a long frienship because they wouldn't stop. I associate this game with negative feelings and that is why I don't play.
>girls can't have short hair ever or prescription medicine
That's the spirit, user
>a GOOD portion of it was the final screen holy fuck
I'm scared now
hope you're practicing those jellyfish boosts early, user
Interface, design, music, promotional material. You have to look at these things and know how to tell if you'll like the game by them, because no one has enough to time to play every game. I was never wrong, every time I tried to play the game I didn't initially like for several times I ended up deleting it right after.
>bonus one
>for severa times
for several hours*
t. has never played the game
t. has never played the game
And I'm glad I didn't play this tranny propaganda.
I started level 1, but didn't really like the whole dashing and precision platformer thing at first. I loved the music and the graphics, so I went back to it, and had one of the best gaming experiences ever. Now it's one of my favorite games even though I suck at precision platformers.
cool gl in ur endeavors
the tranny did a great job on this game btw :))
>exhibit #1 in the "just draw a path on an empty area then cover everything around it in spikes" school of platformer design
no thanks
not only is this true but there is a DOUBLE double jump, when I first heard about that I thought I was being trolled
t. has never played the game
Unironically, the OST is amazing, the composer is really talented.
Why does Celeste get so much shit? Is the game bad or just the fanbase?
this game isn't even one of the chief examples of that type of design at all though. its a tremendmously long way from exhibit #1
exhibit #1 would be a game where it doesnt introduce a new element every level
>double double
It's called a triple jump, my dude.
Double double would be 4 jumps.
MC is a tranny, dev team has a tranny in it, trannies play it.
Idiots getting triggered by the pastel rectangles.
Unironically Mario maker opened my eyes to platforming design and it hasn't been the same ever since.
for me it's bad, but the same guy keeps posting the same thread over and over, so people are trolling.
In the past a guy proved it was the same guy because the OP's pic hash, he searched in the archives and stuff, then he started to change the pics.
Literally everything modern Yea Forums gets obsessed about goes down to their closet attraction to trannies
Because it's an SJW game about FEELINGS. It's trying to emasculate males into becoming transgender or something.
The platforming is also gay and lame you should just play based games like Super Mario Bros instead.
It's probably the dev tranny itself.
What's good level design look like?
Neither, Yea Forums is just deranged
Is MC canonically a tranny? Was considering getting it on sale but I don't want to encourage mental illnesses.
MC has a transflag behind her computer. There's literally no indication whether or not she's trans, it's all shitposting from actual trannies who want her to be trans, and Yea Forums who wants her to be trans so they have something "prove" this game is SJW.
No but you also weren't considering it don't lie
>Plays video games
>Posts on Yea Forums
>Pretends not to be mentally ill
No. it's very obviously written as a real girl.
Chapter 9 is by far the hardest thing in this game.
Anyone got the picture showing all the SJW devs?
the celeste team could go on a pride march waving trans flag and drinking abortion flavored koolaid and i would buy two copies of their next game
it's a story about a little boy who was abused and groomed into becoming a tranny so the adults around him can get some young boipussy.
>There's literally no indication
>has a photo with very short hair
>a pill container near his bed
>tranny and queer flags
>no one takes medicine
I think the worst screen for me was the one where you make this platform with spikes on top move and need to do several well timed dash jumps off of its side
That's not how this game is designed. There also isn't anything wrong with segments like this.
Oh wow I can't believe a character whose entire game is based around having and overcoming depression has medication on her table
Thank you user you really opened my eyes.
>has a photo with very short hair
Having short hair doesn't make you male, especially if you assume she was a toddler in the photo.
>a pill container near his bed
In a game about overcoming depression it's more likely to be anti-anxiety or anti-depressants. Not to mention trannies need two kinds of pills, one to block testosterone and and another to increase estrogen.
>tranny and queer flags
Because the devs are SJWs. That doesn't mean the game is SJW.
>Game is about mental illness, suicidal thought and depression
>the character is actually a trans
>In a game about overcoming depression
Do you know who has depression most often?
The game gets praised by journos and SJWs for its story about depression, so naturally Yea Forums hates it to be contrarian and tries to justify it by calling the level design bad despite not having an issue with other similar games like Dustforce
Talking about Dustforce, i love that game, but it is even worse with the "draw path and place spikes around it" trope since you literally need to clean everything on a determined path and can't miss a spot or skip stuff.
I'm all for separating the art from the artist, I often do. But I take a hard stance when it comes to sexualizing children.
A '''trans''' child is an abused child.
About 1/5 people aged 18-25
the game isn't about suicidal thought at all
Where are the children in this game? Before you even see the game itself, you hear the MC drive a car to a mountain.
You get triggered easily.
just because little boys in dresses makes your peepee hard doesnt mean theyre abused
You just don't know the typical twitter/tumblr communities. They carry trans flags like national flags even if they aren't trans themselves
The level design in these games is not inherently bad. I can understand if you're not a fan of it though. I don't really see how it's different from levels like Bramble Scramble in DKC2 anyway but whatever.
i'm not enjoying this game
i finished the level where you go up the tram and its b side last time i played
Well, you're wrong, because the correct answer is trannies.
bing bing wahoo!
yeah its not for everyone
at least you tried it before posting about it though
>wavedashing and wall bouncing at the same time
oh no bros, I don't think I can do this.
Show me a sexualized child in Celeste
Wrong even if you ignore trannies.
I enjoyed all the normal levels but the B-sides were kind of tedious to me.
I don't dislike the level design in these games, quite the opposite. I am the kind of person who enjoys playing stages on a somewhat fixed path with increasing difficulty.
I am just trying to point out the hypocrisy of the "linear corridor with spikes" meme Yea Forums is trying to suddenly push, just because they want to justify hating Celeste.
For me, some platformer level designs are like puzzles. Sure, there might be only one "solution", but figuring out the correct sequence is part of the fun.
More linear and less open level design is just a consequence of the game getting progressively harder. The tighter the level design is, the more you squeeze out of the player, the less options you can provide if you ask everything from the player at once.
The more skill you have, the more open the easier levels suddenly feel, as you realize how differently you can approach everything now.
for me the normal ones were so far too easy and the b sides are just muscle memory and nothing else
it's a very frustrating experience
You're right, I looked it up and it's actually blacks. Ergo Celeste is a transnigger
You shut the fuck up. You can do this. Why? Because the game says you can. Just keep whacking at it, looking for the correct timing, until you get that down. Then look for the next correct timing and do that.
You got this far, not by grace, but by merit and achievement. You can do this, because you made it this far. If you couldn't you would've given up a long time ago.
The normal ones find a decent difficulty in like the last chapter, but yeah, the b-sides are just repetition until you get it right.
I agree with all of this. I also think people are being disingenuous with this "spiked corridor" meme. There's definitely way more variation in the level design than that.
don't you have to do those levels to unlock the last chapter or something?
Tranny game.
Pretty sure b sides are entirely optional? been a long time since I played it.
I hated Mirror Temple but loved Mirror Temple B.
just go into the options and turn on god mode lol
I'm a tranny.
>Be depressed
>Play for a bit
>Start to enjoy it
>Get to the first boss
>Can't beat her
>Be even more depressed after
You lied to me Yea Forums.
Honestly, Chapter 9 reminded me of some of the crazy shit people came up with in Mario Maker.
I am surprised at how many different screen concepts they could do with the pufferfishes and jellyfishes, like that one screen where you need to constantly bounce a pufferfish from spring platform to spring platform to get it to the correct location
Just got to chapter 7 bros.
1B and 3A are absolute trash, while 2A, 2B, 6A and 6B were really enjoyable. Are there more of those to come?
user give me a fucking break
you can't unironically don't mind shit like pic related
>imagine being so pathetic and self-pitying that you give up on a game all about not giving up.
i find it odd that their is just a 40% chance halfway threw the game that the MC just comments suicide
i just remember seeing something about a heart gate that requires you to get some hearts, dunno if it matters whether they're from the normal levels or b sides
first boss?
Are you talking about stage 5? Because the game doesn't really have any other "boss fights" like that one.
Does the game penalize you in any way for this? What does it change?
And that has exactly nothing to do with this game
dont care
Are you having a stroke, shitposter-kun?
I mean, Stage 8 is also completely optional in that sense.
You only need to do the first 7 stages to "beat" the game.
Because Yea Forums can't comprehend that a SJW dev could make a good game.
you get a mark of shame on your file that shows you used assists at any point
>only brings up the Catholic church
no kidding?
You get a mark on your savefile for using assist mode. Thats literally everything. You don't get locked out of any endings and you still get achievements.
Nope, they patched that out after trannies got their feelings hurt and complained about it
the game was obvious trannycore from the start and there was a bunch of dilators who attempted to push the narrative that it wasn't
thats pretty funny
you don't care about normalizing pedophilia? okay
i thought Yea Forums liked chicks with dicks tho so what's the problem?
depends on why you liked them. chapter 7 is pretty much a final exam and chapter 8 has moving platforms/enemies like chapter 3 but a nice gimmick.
badeline chasing you in chapter 2
yeah yeah
eat me
I'm over 1500 deaths in and I'm not even finished.
There have been far more children molested and harmed by conservative Christians than faggots.
Can't even imagine how fucked muslim kids are.
How bad is 5B? I really despised the parts where you had to carry Theo.
I'm more annoyed people told me it was a masterpiece
Glad EGS gave it away for free because it's not worth 20 Canuck bucks
probably because there are more christians than there are faggots in the world? obviously some of them are bound to be evil hypocrites.
lmao have fun
that's the only real downside, assist mode is designed to let anyone beat it regardless of skill or handicap
oh it's a tag that goes away when you turn it off now
ah that part.
Don't forget, if you move slower, she also moves slower and more predictable.
>it goes away now
Yeah people got mad and started crying on the steam forums to remove the mark
user please don't do this to me.
that's honestly pathetic
if they didn't care for using assist mode they wouldn't care about the mark. they know they're practically cheating and cannot accept it
I like the B version more. A was too long and big desu, B is more concise and makes you do some fun stuff with the theo crystal
you can tell the level designer is a mario maker fan
Farewell section is a videogame masterpiece and might just become my favorite platforming section of all time. I can't remember off the top of my head any other combination of the colors, the movement flow and the music as perfect as this, where everything is just right.
Moon berry section on the other hand is trash and should've had a checkpoint in the middle because it became a snoozefest at some point with that ambient track and repetitive "jump-grab jellyfish and dodge spikes".
My left thumb still hurts like hell.
The moonberry part is pretty easy tho
is it worth unlocking chapter 8 just to play it
if you haven't done the B-sides you have no chance of beating chapter 9
Yeah he has made a lot of Mario maker levels
serious? i was gonna unlock/beat chapter 8 then do 9. then go back and do b side/c side
Which is better, Celeste or Super Meat Boy?
Super meat boy
Why no porn of Madeline? Also is she Canadian?
Chapter 9 requires you to do every little mechanic in the game taught through B and C sides, and then some more.
>gobsmacked at the achievement percentages for Celeste being so high in spite of the game's difficulty
>apparently you can still unlock them in assist mode
Mount Celeste is in Canada, yes.
Chapter 9 requires you to do techniques you learn only in the B/C sides.
Also halfway through chapter 9 is a 15 heart gate so if you don't have 15 hearts you can't even complete it.
9 is the absolute finale of the game, meant to be done after all the B and C sides have been done. I mean you CAN do it after clearing all the B sides, but 9 uses mechanics introduced in C sides like wavedashing or wallbouncing
Super Meat Boy. Celeste is great, but the movement doesn't feel nearly as good as SMB's.
Why doesn't someone just ask the dev if Madeline is supposed to be trans?
Wallbounces are explained in 7 B-Side
Hyperdashes are explained in 8 C-Side
Wavedashing is just an extension of hyperdashes, and it explains exactly how to do them in chapter 9 so you technically can get by with just having done the b sides.
Super Meat Boy
Cause people are apparently mentally retarded.
celeste discord trannies are spamming the dev chat asking if maddy is a tranny, devs are ignoring them
>PLEASE i need a fictional character to be as deluded as i am so i don't feel so bad about myself
>he UNIRONICALLY PAYS and ENJOYS playing millennial tranny simulators
>he shitposts about games he never played for free
I'm sure he gets many questions like that. I honestly don't think she was conceived as trans, but the devs seem to be capitalizing on baited trannies, so even if they wanted to, they could not this without assblasting a population of NEET trannies and causing suicide rates among Celeste twitter posters to skyrocket.
It's very pro-life. In fact, they updated it recently to include anti-abortion and pro-Christianity flags.
Fuck off trannies
>Having short hair doesn't make you male
Tell that to the devs.
Maybe her having short hair in her childhood is meant to convey Madeline is actually a tomboy at heart. That's a much nicer headcanon than thinking of her as a potential tranny
I spent 5 hours on the Celestial Resort golden strawberry and still couldn't get it. The joy cons started drifting so idk if I ever will try again.
>The joy cons started drifting so idk if I ever will try again.
im fucking amazed that nintendo sells shit anymore
out of all companies for NINTENDO to have a controller issue and just pretend it doesnt exist, the absolute must disgusting course of action...their position in this industry requires them to be a reliable option
>he fell for the switch meme
There is only one bottle of pills on Madeline's nightstand. She is canonically depressed. Depression is often treated with one kind of medication, most often some kind of SSRI like Prozac. As I understand, HRT would usually require multiple other kinds of meds on top of the antidepressants.
Makes sense since she's not gay either, she has an ex boyfriend and they make theo seem a lot like more than a friend when you go through their full dialogue after ch5
>she has an ex boyfriend
she has a gender ambiguous ex
Ok but what did they mean by this?
bros, trannies are scary
i hate them so much
99% of twitter is trans
i don't like it
please tell me there will soon be a mass tranny genocide
Video Games.
Do you have pics to prove it user?
tranny bad
hentai good
Jesus fuck. I want a hackable switch in the future, but this is very off-putting, I hate Nintendo, and I wouldn't want to give them money, especially if their hardware is shit.
Because any game I don't like is evil propaganda that needs to be banned.
Remember: Censoring propaganda (thing I not like) isn't actually censorship
Dilate or the wound will heal tranny
Only transgendered people take medication
Detractors are politically obsessed and the devs are lefties, as well as having a tranny for the composer. The game also put two very tiny little gay/trans pride flags on the characters desk, literally like 4 pixels on the screen, and this sent conservatives into a seething shoot.
>the main character – who is a child, by the way – may be trans and/or gay
>who is a child, by the way
>a child
"""""Journalist""""" never even played the game he is writing about, nothing out of the ordinary here.
Do you think no one takes medication outside of trannies? I would bet more people in US/Canada are on medication than not. Do note not all pills are for mental illness. Your aging grandpa probably has the same looking bottle in his medicine cabinet.
>Its just a tiny flag user
Putting a flag that represents the act of cutting small kids dicks and pumping them with hormons becaues they sometimes play with a doll so they must be turned into girls.
>Its just a tiny flag user
Reseteratranny detected!!
>kill yourself
>cutting small kids dicks
Wasn't that perfectly normal tho?
Cutting the whole dick and making a bloody hole in its place?
No its not normal
I Super Meat Boy worth trying if I like Celeste? Is it harder for a normal playthrough?
>pretending to care about children
/pol/ has become the soccer mom
Why are you upset that i want to rape this kid? are you a soccer mom or something?
Yeah it’s good
Hard is a concept difficult to define in these platformers designed to kill you dozens of time per level/checkpoint. Getting the golden berries is definitely harder than anything meatboy offers though.
>Yea Forums can't even beat a game for trannies by trannies
Just join ICE.
This is one really cute guy
Tranny game
This reminds me of a guy I grew up with in grade school. We weren't close by any means but we talked casually in high school and I found out quickly through word of mouth that he wanted to be a girl. I was weirded out but whatever, his choice right?
Then he started talking to me on facebook, corrected me whenever I called him by his old name and old pronouns, which made me uncomfortable, but whatever. The kicker is out of nowhere he messaged that he wanted to "get naked" with me and it creeped me the fuck out. Unfriended and blocked shortly after that. I bet he blames transphobia.
>literally has tacked on tranny shit to boost sales
I'm not.
I'm going to do everything else FIRST.
Fuck trannies
Same, it'll take a long time till I can try the new chapter this way, but at least I'll be prepared
I stopped playing after the Gay Nigger announced that he was from the Kingdom of Seattle.
Trans people are good, don't be such a stick in the mud Yea Forums
We're saving lives by being honest with them by telling them that they will never be women.
>Thinks being trans is about being a woman
That's like saying being right wing is about being white
>Trans people are good
What is objectively good about trannies?
When I got to the part with the fish, it tilted me so hard that I didn't touch the game for a year and I just got back to it and got through some screens on half an hour. I'm about to start with the Theo part
trannies are the source of drama in any group they're in and the cause of it, they make people who support them hate them.
their very existence pisses off Yea Forums, that in and of itself is worth it
This is a very strong point in favour of them, indeed.
Oh look, One Incel Gamer photoshopped in prides flags and blatantly lied for clicks. What a surprise.
Pissed off isn't the right way to describe how I feel about.
I just they're disgusting and serve to bring disaster. It's more of a sad feeling
Just collected the moonberry yesterday and I could've gotten it in less than 2 hours for if it wasn't for one thing I didn't notice.
>at the electric part with the springs
>kept trying to throw the jelly at the top right
>it would either miss or get stuck right under it
>say fuck it and check a playthrough
>there was another set of springs to the left
>the whole fucking time I didn't notice this