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I don't get this image.
Can someone replace the woman with wojaks so I can understand it?
RTS is dead old man
Nice reddit image
It's called based for a reason
turnbased is only good in certain games
>"I like it boring and slow for my defective boomer brain."
We get it gramps.
i want to have sex with this woman
Do that and i kill you
Found the incel.
Found the extremecel.
Emily Rudd
more like turn-BASED
Can you say that in non-make believe buzzwords?
Can you?
most people here don't even know where based came form
much better
>turn based
Ah now I get it.
Some games fit Real-time better and othjer games fit Turn-based more.
It's all about finding games that works for you
>time based
Which porn star looks like her?
Single screen real time is my favorite. Reason I like tower defense. Having to manage a camera and click on shit sucks.
turn-based is an archaic, obsolete method of gameplay and it only works well in western games because they're usually more fleshed out, whereas japanese games are always fucking boring
ATB is superior, 3d combat is king
Riley Reid maybe.
fellow nintenboy i see
>implying it's not about RPGs
Say what you want but I've had both white and black cock, and black is ten times more better not just due to the size.
her face are literally not distinguishable
you can understand wojaks at least
Who is this? Looks like a short face Joosten
I fucking hate you for even doing this ironically
Based Nintenbro
>real time with pause
>you can't use build menus while paused
>in a management game
>buff up your frontliners then watch them auto-attack until everything is dead
cool. real cool.
How is Homeworld? Had the collection long time ago.
>Ctrl + F
I like both
Atmospheric, amazingly beautiful and just overall awesome. i did play the remastered version tho.
Remastered does differentiate alot from the original game, and it has alot of bugs that breaks the game.
Still, it is the best option if you want to play Homeworld 1 and 2, either remastered or the original as it comes with both.
Highly recommend either playing the original or the remastered.
Soundtrack is 10 outta fucking 10
Don't forget about Homeworld: Emergence/cataclysm and Deserts of Kharak, they are also really fucking great and their soundtracks are awesome as well
>tfw black man with white cock fetish
i hate /gif/ for giving me this fetish
So you are a faggot?
The first she is subtly disinterested, maybe even a little confounded. The 2nd she is slightly interested, enough to 'give it a try' or hear more about it.
Kind of related. Does anyone else find Pillars of Eternity to be kind of uncomfortable and clunky to play? Maybe Divinity OS 2 spoiled me and I just kind of want more of that from these kind of games
I know why Wojack is so popular now, it appeals to people with autism.
It all makes sense now...
>me too dumb for real time game me need time to think so please make it turn based
I just don't understand the connondrum.
If you want to play a party based game, you have to go with turn based if you want to be able to control everyone.
There aren't almost no turn based game that you play as one character.
Thanks user!
Fuck off. Turn-Based RPGs need to be outlawed.
What do your frontliners do in turn-based games?
>chess is a game for brainlets, football is the real intellectual game
Is this like one of those brain meme pictures where it's flipped for humorous effect and the "smart" option is actually the most retarded
turn-based is dead you retard
You're welcome, hope you find the games enjoyable
Turn-based is better because your battle system can be allowed to be highly in-depth and require a lot of thought for each move.
You can't make a real-time battle system too complex or else nobody will be able to play it properly and everybody will just do the lamest of strategies.
git gud at micro
>real time
>button mashing one button to attack.
>"lol wow! so engaging!"
>turned based
>button mashing to get through the menus to attack
>"this takes a lot of thought out planning to execute correctly"
never understood this.
somebody post the version with niggers and white guys maybe he will understand it
why her right eye bigger than left?
so what's a good battle system?
turn based is a relic from a time when games weren't sophisticated enough to allow big epic real time battles in fantasy themed games.
whichever one you don't like
I came around to KOTOR combat finally. It was sitting in my library for years and I never made it past dantooine because I got bored from the combat. I wouldn't call it fun but I'm completely ok with it now
Unironically Grandia 2 or Trails of Cold Steel are pretty gud turn-based systems.
shmup combat
>we're stuck in Wojak/Pepe hell because the average Yea Forums can't discern between human faces
She's dating an ASIAN male. Just to inform you guys
It's the opposite for me, desu
I still dont understand
can you draw the picture?
autistic button mashing is no fun
What is Grandia considered?that?
Everything else < RNG
For me, it's ATB v 2.0
>enemy contact damage
>good combat
lol shmupbabbies
I don't get it. So both are shit? Clearly not.
Video games are just shit in general.
>what are competitive fighting games
>snap shot has 80% chance to hit
>kills the highest ranked soldier who's carrying primed explosives instead
>everyone dies
you get it
chess is shit and is literally a solved game and everyone uses a timer to make the turn based nature less shit and more like real time.
My nigga.
fuck me dude forgot image
>b-b-b-buh chess! game that is impossible to make real time not real so dat mean turn based good and make me feel smart!
Look her eyes and lips user....
RTS are just as much of a pre-solved metashit on a pro level but also requires fast clicks.
sorry for your autism
>but also requires fast clicks.
aka actual skill which can separate players and make it more competitive. Chess is way too limited which is why it's fucking solved, something like advance wars would never realistically run into this problem. At this point, chess is essentially no different from tic tac toe at a high level.
best would be bloodborne's real time with wow's spells and cooldowns, imagine a system like that, where you have to git extremely gud to become a pvp monster. imagine you're playing a frost mage with a sword and you slash with your sword but use spells too and the enemy car dodge your frostbolt just like you dodge a bullet in bb ...
>spreadsheet simulator
not gonna lie, elite dangerous is pretty fun.
Real time with pause
seriously, turn-based jrpgfags in particular act like they're fucking rocket scientist because they figured out how to play elemental rock-paper-scissors with the occasional healing/buffing
Real time with Pause is fucking awful
Bait or not, doesn't matter. But the fact that I am like you, and can't understand a simple post without wojaks, is a sure sign I'm ready to kill myself.
This sounds retarded and anti-fun
You do realize all video games are techinically "solvable" right?
You can’t deny that turn based is more big brain than real time though, the constraints of turn base mean it fundamentally requires more thought (unless you grind and outlevel everything)
his gay porn vids were hot
AKA glorified turn based faggotry
I’ve literally never heard of “real time with pause”. You mean the fucking pause menu?
Stop using that word you dipshits. It doesn't mean what you think it means.
you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and should stop before you embarrass yourself any further
no it doesn't because it becomes a simple math problem in 99% of the situations. Mechanical execution adds a whole other layer of depth into games that turn based just doesn't have
It's more of an RPG thing than RTS.
It means having pause easily accessible, usually on the space bar and as you micromanage several units you're supposed to use pause to give orders every few seconds to all of your units.
Get out of here old timer
nice try alex by we already decided the combat earlier today
I think he means ATB combat.
Actually an improvement
The true hero
ATB is literally turn-based with a timer
she looks like shit compared to ops pic
>you have absolutely no idea what you're talking abou
nice reddit prose
It means exactly what it means. Every strategy, every move has been figured out, there is no more evolution for chess, it's a dead game. No more formulating strategies, no adaptation. it's nothing but pattern recognition.
They aren't, and technically means fuck all when it's not humanly possible due to the sheer amount of variations. I already gave advance wars as an example. I'm not talking about optimal play but ANY play. Everything in chess has been done. every possible arrangement of pieces has been figured out.
>aka actual skill
No. It's just an entry barrier like combos in fighting games. People who play these games on a pro level don't compete at clicks per second or who can do the hardest combo.
>You can’t deny that turn based is more big brain than real time though
It really isn't, name a turn based game wig better combat than Soulsbourne games and we'll talk.
>imagine you're playing a frost mage with a sword and you slash with your sword but use spells too and the enemy car dodge your frostbolt just like you dodge a bullet in bb ...
Sounds like Battlerite.
It seems like it's from a social cues thing to show the difference between genuinely interested faces and faces just pretending to be interested
Mechanical skill is actual skill. It seperates people by physical abilities. In games with competitive merit, skill and strategy work holistically with each other. Sorry you can't compete because you lack dexterity.
you're okay sometimes, you know that, Yea Forums? you're okay
Full 3D space doesn't contribute anything meaningful to the gameplay besides making controls a huge pain in the ass.
i really enjoy turn-based combat because im usually stoned as fuck when playing so unlimited time to think is nice + its easy to watch something on the background while playing
thank you for reading my blog and god bless
>moving a chesspiece is mechanical skill
It's pretty based
Based dudeweed poster.
>speed chess is invented
I see we are posting pictures of ourselves.
>Grandia 2
Absolutely based
best battle system ever devised for RPGs
That's far from what is actually happening. Currently computers are way above human level, but that doesn't meant that the game is solved. You cant't calculate 'the' perfect sequence of moves for every situation that makes victory certain, it's just that computers make better guesses than humans. Better and better computers keep getting made and they can consistently beat the previous best ones, that wouldn't be possible with a solved game. The newer, alphago style deeplearning ai-s even adopted a more interesting style which involves sacrifices as opposed to the ultrasafe borefest of the previous best ai-s.
>implying speed chess solves the problem of already established scenarios
Remastered cut Yes from the credits, no? Is it easy to mod it back in?
A true big dicked individual right here.
He’s a larper
>turn based
i miss being young when weed actually had any effect on me
Is this the girl in the cute video where she get handed objects and just does cute things with them? Anyone have a link?
>Full 3D space doesn't contribute anything meaningful to the gameplay
For single player I agree completely but for multiplayer it changes everything, especially in big map 1v1s where combat becomes battlestar galactica jump in jump out high stakes poker.
fucking based
Yes very. The steam workshop community page has a guide for it.
kek, very nice
I'm losing it at the editing job, 5 stars
is it ironic to like rage comics yet?
meant to quote
I think the emotions are far too subtle for a meme format. To me, the upper face is a "Hmm, show me more." or a classic Obama "Not bad.", while the lower face shows a hint of derision, as if she means to say "Come on, really now?" or "Are you serious?"
The fact that there's any ambiguity at all makes this format a failure in my opinion.
I'm not going to lie, I chuckled on the last panel
Thanks, I get it now
Unironically made me belly laugh
that imagine is an intentionally shitty parody from 2011 (thats when i saved it anyway) to make people seethe
how times change
>real time combat is actually offline MMO combat
most modern RPGs are guilty of this
most modern rpgs arent rpgs to begin with
I am unreasonably upset by the fact that Remastered completely removes the option to play as the Taiidan in the campaign. I know it's not canon after HW2 but the Taiidan ships are so much cooler.
Step aside
turn-based muscle game
>Chess is way too limited which is why it's fucking solved
No it isn't.
The only good turn.based game is Worms and that's it. Prove me wrong if you can
chess is a solved game. look up nalimov tablebase
Smoking crack is the only real game
*blocks your path*
>something like advance wars would never realistically run into this problem.
lmao yeah because that's a shitty jap game and not an ancient competition which has been studied for thousands of years, including by supercomputers. what are you going to say next, that mario is better than jesus?
That's just endgame positions, to be solved you have to have a winning strategy from the start of the game.
>that mario is better than jesus?
I see no issue with this statement
i too enjoy battles taking 3 times as long.
I do wonder sometimes, do people actually like wojak? Or do they just pretend to like it because they think everyone else likes it? I just can't imagine ever finding it funny or appealing in any way. Same goes for Pepe and all the other similar memes
Top kek. This is the truth right here. Basado user kun.
I miss RTS.
i genuinely like some of the brainlet wojaks because theyre rather creative and insulting at the same time
dont care for anything else
why not both?
not being able to read subtle facial expressions is legit a sign of autism.
Turn-based faggots need to rot in hell.
Fuck you
I'm not even kidding; it's literally perfect. The only thing you can blame if you get hit is you.
New bad old good
Wojak/pepe are the new ragefaces, its time to make some new ones
>why not both?
Both is good
Shame about the sequel...
Well at least its better than EU/W where the game literally lies to you what your actual % to hit is
Not sure is that was still a thing in 2 though
>first and only girl I'll ever have sex with was a blonde version of Emily Rudd
just take my life already, God, I'm done here
...and Trails of Cold Steel is the only good modern example which is sad
Why is that a bad thing user
Another thinly veiled Yakuza 7 defense thread huh
remake when
he woke up shortly after
she looks like she needs a dick in her mouth
>make turn based game
>give it some exposure in this shithole
>"game is turn-based, fucking dropped"
I hate you fucking zoomers, nothing wrong with a turn based game granted it has actual strategy to its combat. And it's not just spamming attack while enemies spam weak debuffs
are you fucking kidding she looks like a goblin
How did everything go so wrong with us bros?
Anyways, I prefer real time with pause but turn based is about as good. Real time combat in an rpg without pausing is just kinda too wacky if you ask me.
I can't read her facial expressions and it's making me feel bad.
The Mario & Luigi RPGs have the best battle systems ever made change my mind
Turn based rpgs are usually superior to real time. Anyone who says otherwise likes eating shit. Id rather play SMT/Shadow Hearts/Wild Arms 3 then play shit like Star Ocean/Tales of Vesperia and I thought Vesperia was rad af in a lot of ways.
Most of the time real time rpgs just feel like pieces of shit that have to fall back super hard on their stories atleast in turn based ones I usually feel like the decision making in combat is more polished. But in real time its just mash and heal.
I mean games like Souls/Nioh etc are exceptions but it starts to bleed into the territory of being a shallow action game with mild rpg elements at best. Which are more preferable but still not too amazing. Both can be done right but usually real time just feels worse because at the very least you can chill without paying attention with a lot of turn based games but real time atleast require alittle attention and its usually just a lot of mashing and the combat almost always stays the same from beginning to end.
I have nothing else to live for, and that happening was a fluke. I'm ready to go now.