What do you guys eat/drink/ingest while gaming? For me? I smoke a lot weed and drink coffee/water.
Gamer Fuel
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>potheads keep memeing that pot doesn't rot the brain
>despite being living evidence of it
I really don't want a planet populated by Joe Rogan brainlets.
I think weed is the reason gaming has gone to shit.
Even the most retarded and mundane creations will seem entertaining if you unclear your mind enough.
It also explains the walking sim/movie-games trend. Too stoned to do anything besides press up.
Pepperoni and pepper jack sandehich
I actually would like to find something good to eat while gaming. Everything I know of that tastes good fucks up my hands. You seriously need to do bitch shit and eat grapes or something. Salt/powder/oil makes shit unplayable.
>while gaming
Nothing. Just don't have the habit.
Any meme that ends in oomber is garbage by default and anybody who post them needs to be killed.
Why do substance abusera want others to abuse so badly? Im fine with you doing it outsude of my general vicinity(marijuana smells horrible) but dont push that crap onto me or the ones I love. Same with alcohol and cigs.
Weed makes you retarded
Citation needed.
So does anime
They need to feel their addiction is normal. It's the same reason uncle gets insulted when you say you don't want another beer. They don't want to be drinking alone.
Weed is especially pathetic because you can't smoke weed without getting high, while you can consume alcohol without intoxication.
imagine being too much of a loser to get high every weekend
Bro dude you just posted cringe
....Lmao? Let the adults have their conversation.
correct. Weebs are stupid gamer consumerists and emotionally childish. They are literal NPCs that parrot the same catchphrases over and over again.
The establishment supports and promotes weed use, they obviously have nefarious intentions.
Eat cashews or peanuts with a spoon.
people who can't enjoy life as-is sober are lame and boring as fuck
eating with a fork or spoon makes it take too much attention away from gaming. Nuts are shit anyway.
I wish I could eat taquitos or some shit but they are too oily.
use chopsticks silly bitch
anything that isn't fingerfood is too distracting. Honestly MMs and skittles are probably the best bet, but I would like a hot meal, although they would get cold too fast.
pick one
I can't use sticks to eat food i'm not some asian insect.
Dipped in hot sauce.
>blaming stoners and not stupid normies and children
Normies love movie games and kids are dumb enough to buy into stupid walking games. It's the people who have no understanding of what makes gaming great who are ruining gaming. I blame them for micro transactions as well.
it's made from captured russian soldiers
I personally consider weedbros to be normie, but otherwise I agree with you.
The industry became too big and now panders to non-gamers first.
how have you virgins not smoked weed yet
>Implying Ukrainians could ever capture even one soldier of the Red Army.
I mean they captured a few dead ones
I don’t eat I’m too sad and my chest is always tight I come home from uni and just lay on the floor then play on my pc for 5 minutes than cum and fall asleep
Why are you sad my friend, is your cow not giving milk.
>Eating while playing vidya
Absolutely disgusting
I edge 7 hours straight then coom
dude weed lmao
>not constantly playing video games
>calling them vidya
I used to smoke weed and play melee. I got extremely good because weed allowed me to practice the tedious tech skill for hours without getting bored. Then I stopped cause I realized it was a waste of time. Now I do the same thing but with guitar
amphetamines, cigarettes and a shitton of milk
Maybe they are too poor to afford sodas but don't want to admit it.
soda is cheaper than water
I just want japan to do something thats not some anime turnbased jrpg it seems thats all they produce and its infuriating because theyre just as capable of making good games, like Dark Souls, Metal Slug and a lot of earlier ninty games
maybe in africa, jamal
hearing bong noises over voice chat is unironically hilarious
>gosh drugs are for losers!
>unlike me a smart cool guy who posts in Yea Forums
ppffttHAHAHHAHAHAHA fucking killyourself retard, maybe get some friends you can enjoy a blunt with, you pathethic cuck.
That's the way to go.
What a fucking snowflake you are, faggot. I bet at some point in your life you said some shit like "i dont have a problem with gay people as long as they dont try to be with me :^)"
Anime makes you smart.
best vape current year?
had a MFLB long time ago but lost it
You have to be 18 to post here.
I like the ABX carts. My shop has 1g carts for only 45 burgers. And those will last you a week maybe more if you stretch it.
You should probably leave then
Reading this thread makes me think - is there such a thing as a weedcel? Someone who is so filled with resentment at not being able to find weeds / have friends with whom to smoke that they externalize their autistic self-loathing onto stoners? This hatred of people who smoke doesn't seem rational to me
A 1g cart lasts me almost a year lmao
You never smoke then
I enjoy this alot. relatively easy to eat with one hand and doesn't require a lot of effort to make
too cursed. even for a stoner
Is that a cookie dipped in fucking cheese sauce
I unironically eat saltine crackers and mayonnaise. Just open up a tub of mayo and dip the crackers in
>No you
Not helping your case child
This sounds like the kind of half baked retarded post a stoner would come up with. Then you wonder why literally everyone hates you.
DOB and tulpa secrete are the ultimate gamer fuel.
yeah it's nacho cheese
it's just fondue user
I feel sorry for you kids.
I like to drink red wine. It tastes good and the mild buzz makes some video games more fun/funnier
Imagine not eating the gamer biscuits
dude what
im a fucking stoner and i pretty much only play crpgs and weird indie games
you probably gobble up all the AAA trash you can find
I didn't have any tolerance for cringey shit when I was high
i think this is pretty universally true
>nutty bars
My one weakness.