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*saves gaming*
>the virgin kojima vs the chad miyazaki
Yea Forums can shit on Miyahacki and his soulsborne games all it wants, but he is based
>kojimtards shown for the movie watchers they really are
>Making a game with all those celebrities niche like Souls games because muh gamers
Sounds dumb as hell
souls games haven't been niche past the first Dark Souls besides Bloodborne
With Bloodborne being only niche because it is bound to PS4
Because of the reliance on social interactions in death stranding that are seeming more and more inherent to the core gameplay/enjoyment of players it makes sense to me that kojimbles wants as many people as possible to be playing it to really fill the game environments with player generated objects and items, that's why hes publicly declaring very easy mode being a thing, he wants people that typically arent into games/intimidated by games with difficult mechanics to play his game (also cuz lol money) but I think chiefly because hes creating a game that while possibly might be fun even if you dont encounter things left behind by other players will be incredibly more engaging if you cant go 10 yards without finding something someone has left behind for you to interact with. Hes attempting to market to normies for the benefit of all even the hardcores, it makes sense to me.
>le compare to dark souls meme
wow its like comparing apples to oranges
>le darksouls
>le hardest game in the world
upboats fellow reddior!
Calm down Geoff
>Miyazaki was among the first developers who started experimenting with indirect online mechanics
>never tried to take credit for this, never even boasted about it
>Kojima just took the online mechanics of Journey, DD and Souls, mashed them together and pompously presented it as a new genre HE invented
Only having 2 difficulty modes would solve this but it’s the medium difficulty between easy and hard that throws everything off balance if it was only 2 you either played easy mode or you didn’t no in between
Add this panel on the right and the image is kino
I don't remember building structures that are shared across player's worlds in those games. I wouldn't give Kojima credit for creating a genre but it seems way more involved than just sharing messages and shit. If you can actually build entire highways and stuff like he's said then it's an interesting idea.
It's literally just taking a multiplayer survival shit with building elements and filtering it through indirect online.
soulless vs SOUL
There shouldn't be an easy mode in any game. Ever. What there should be is cheat codes in every single game. You want to play Cuphead with 99HP? Okay, up up down down left right left right on the opening screen. Cheat codes don't disrupt the presentation whatsoever and PC players basically already have the option with mods. If you want to cheat, if you have the game, why shouldn't you have the option?
It also totally goes past the "I beat Dark Souls (On Easy Mode)" hitch since you can beat anything if you can cheat. If the game calls it a cheat, that's enough of a presentation change for the player to know it isn't a legitimate way to complete the game.
the worst and funny part of this is that Dark Souls isn't even difficult at all
No shit. The online stuff in the Souls games wouldn't be notable if they were purely multiplayer either. The blending of singleplayer and multiplayer is what makes these games interesting.
It's also not Kojima's invention in the slightest unlike what he says
DS is a movie game, it has a bunch of known actors, half of the audience just wants to wants the story
kojima knows what he's doing, he's not doing this because "everyone should enjoy the game", he wants everyone to buy the game, but all for his own sake, he wants to be seen as a movie director. adding a super easy mode to DS makes him an egomanic
miyazaki is all about gameplay and he can't retreat from what made dark souls a success
Where is it Yea Forums?
I don't think Kojima in the wrong but I really do adore the type of discussion Miyazaki's games typically generate because of the lack of difficulty options.
>Follows Kojima and Rockstar and makes an open world game
He's not a leader. He's a follower.
i wish that thing was an actual other game
Extreme difficulty MGS > Baby Souls.
Unironically based Miyazaki senpai
Miss oatmeal
>This game is fucking garbage I hate it.
lovely discussion. Making things difficult to gatekeep people from talking about it.
You realize souls games are literally just made to be obnoxious and tedious right?
After you beat the game once play it a second time and you notice the time it takes you to complete the game is cut in half, or even more.
it's all just trial and error gameplay with traps and tricks that arbitrarily set you back.
it's padding that's all it is.
I've never understood calling them trial and error. With a trial and error system, that's the only feasible way to learn something. But a lot of the things that people claim are trial and error just aren't.
Like Sen's Fortress. The first time I went there, I hit the pressure plate at the entrance and saw the arrows fly. That was the training part, showing the player "Pressure plates lead to arrows." I then just kept an eye out for them. Did I catch every single one in the heat of the moment? No, but I did spot most of them without triggering them. The elevator spike trap thing was another good one. I saw there was blood on the elevator (not a player bloodstain, just blood that the developers had painted the platform with,) and so waited to see what happened with it. I saw the chains make it go up, stop, go up really fast, then come back down. So when I got on it I knew to step off quickly, just from paying attention. I didn't have to get on the elevator to see what happened, the developers left clues that I picked up on to not die.
Not that some parts aren't annoying, like Bed of Chaos. But a lot of my runs got faster because I knew the enemy placements and was a lot more aggressive.