Here's your summon bro
Yakuza 7 / Like a Dragon
That's awesome.
>10 damage
Those animations better be skippable.
If this was anything but a Yakuza game I feel like I'd be all over it.
He bought?
it's a troll move that does its job better than you
Too long
This seems like a farce. Are they deliberately trying to kill Yakuza?
Shoulda went for the crotch
>you can summon Gary "Buster" Holmes
I wonder if his Japanese has gotten any better
Japanese humor is so soulful
the reapers are attacking tokyo sheperd
The whole premise sounds pretty kino, the only actual issue is that the devs themselves are pretty incompetent usually.
i hate all of you people so much yet i come again to this cursed website. Now when i sed it i hate myself even more for still coming here.
I like it but im worried as to how it will affect the flow of the game. I only played Yakuza 0 but there is a lot of fighting, too much even. I don't think a turn based JRPG gameplay is gonna flow so well with the high encounter rate and small map size of Yakuza games. I know that the map is supposedly bigger this time around but even a map that is 5 times bigger than the main Yakuza 0 map is still pretty small in size for a JRPG.
Are we playing the same games? Cause a farce wouldn't be a change from the norm in my Yakuza series.
Not gonna lie, the camerawork is great in those.
Hopefully the encounter rate is not insane so they don't get old fast. Oh who am i kidding it's probably the same as in the current games.
Well its WAS an April Fools joke.
small enemy crab
Literally the only problem I have is the random encounters during exploration. Remove that and I'll buy.
I would honestly like it if it was a spinoff and not Yakuza 7
This looks great.
I am glad the team seems to be making a Yakuza game they're actually passionate about.
>new MC
>new city
>new gameplay system
I mean, it's basically a spinoff at this point. I still don't understand why they dropped the Shin Ryu Ga Gotoku name
that's a porcupine
They are targeting mobile fags who played yakuza online.
Yea Forums will defend this
>always disliked the wacky "lol so random" humor in Yakuza, but before it was almost entirely relegated to substories and optional content
>now it's permeated the combat and the main story
This game gives me the same vibes as Dead Souls.
>guy literally getting stuck on something while walking
>breaks through it entirely
these games are so fucking awful, i hate how the fanbase throws them money
I guess this will be a love letter to Dragon Quest and the new "japanese humour".
>always disliked the wacky "lol so random" humor in Yakuza, but before it was almost entirely relegated to substories and optional content
Except the some of the Heat moves in the previous games were also lol so random
dude lobsters lmao
Dead Souls had a more enjoyable main story than a lot of the main series, only the Akiyama chapter was slow since it was used as a big dumb tutorial basically. If Dead Souls' gameplay wasn't so incredibly jank even by this franchise's standards I'm pretty certain it'd be one of the most praised Yakuza games.
ah yes, because silly shit has never happened before in this series, right?
>Yakuza 7 being RPG makes everyone mad and sad
>The more we know about it we get more and more excited
How did they do it, bros?
You've never played a single Yakuza game in your life you miserable, lying cunt.
This fanbase is so far up its own ass lmao
The gameplay was never good. Only the fun animations saved the gameplay and made it bareable
I look forward to seeing more of this game.
>t. fag whose played all of them except ishin
These cutscenes are skippable right?
>10 damage
preferably a sequel to Soul Hackers
Believe that if you makes you feel better.
Seems like they're tired of doing the same thing and are making this as a palette cleanser.
Would have preferred they make it a spin-off but whatever.
weird how Judgement is the spin-off but actually plays similar as other Yakuza games
but this is the mainline
how much of a faggot would you have to be to look at this and think it isn't awesome?
>First the dead tuna want to kill people in Kenzan and 3.
>Then the turtles want to kill people in Judgment
>Now the crayfish want to kill people in 7.
Are the Kappa going to lead an animal uprising?
miniature allied lobster
>40 second long animation
>10 damage
map looks massive, turn based combat looks pretty fun now that I've seen more of it, story will be just like usual, minigames look fun
honestly I can't wait
I'm sure there are, but I can't think of any off the top of my head, which indicates to me that they had uncommon triggers and were therefore easy to avoid doing. Some of the stuff from the trailers just looks absurd and doesn't appeal to me at all. Not saying it has to appeal to me, clearly everyone else is liking it.
The only issue is the encounter rate. If it's comparable to the rest of the Yakuza series it'll be a slog to get anywhere due to how much longer combat is in this game.
I'm hoping it's possible to speed through the combat menus and queue up your entire team's attack in the time it takes for one character to do their attack. that way you'll be able to have every character attack at once
From the gameplay videos they've shown us it does look like it's comparable, but there's lots of streets where there's huge side swathes so that you can avoid guys. At the same time we also saw paths where it would be impossible to avoid a fight because the enemies just stretch across the street or the street is too narrow. The detection range is also far shorter and it takes them way longer to actually chase after you (It took them a good three or four seconds after going into ? before we saw them start chasing).
Here's a quick example of one where he was already detected, and he had to basically walk into them before they finally went into !.
if you played 10 games of a series that you not find its gameplay enjoyable you are definitely mentally ill. kys
40h later.............. waste your time grinding to reach level 70
>the new wave of japanese humor shitposting this game will spawn
looking forward to it
The absurd attacks and such make sense in the context that Ichiban is more of a goofy dork unlike Kiryu who was serious and level-headed
Also the game is going for a RPG parody mixed with an urban setting so it wouldnt feel genuine if it didnt have flashy attacks
I'm glad that they are using superior turn based now but I feel like they are using all the problems of turn based that people usually have gripes with (high encounter rate, long ass cutscenes that get old quickly etc.)
I like how yakuza knows how to have fun and add stupid shit like this
This looks cool
>10 damage
not worth the cash you have to spend to summon
I also wonder if you can get Amon as a summon after kicking his ass
Trun based is cancer try it in real life see how that works
>I also wonder if you can get Amon as a summon after kicking his ass
They showed a satellite shooting a laser beam in the gameplay trailer. So I would assume that's a yes.
I saw the TGS demo and all I could think is "it would be more fun to move around myself, than do turn based actions."
Yakuza is not Persona.
>Yakuza is not p*rsnoya
thank god
but the new engine is great for live combat, why not stick with live combat?
I have absolutely no fucking clue, see:
They saw persona 5 was popular for a jrpg and it didnt need to be medieval or fantasy stuff
could be a heat action
no need for turn based combat, at all.
reminder that the devs loved dragon quest enough to ask special permission to include it in the game and it wasn't because of persona at all
>40 seconds heat action
its getting worse
Based, cant wait
calling this 7 was a mistake
För alla er svenskar i tråden
So is this like an RE7: Biohazard situation? In japan is the game called [Like a Dragon: Yakuza]?
This looks like shit and thankfully will sell like shit too
no, it's called Ryu Ga Gotoku 7: Whereabouts of Light and Darkness
western side dropped the number
>guy goes to prison for someone else
>another fucking dragon
>another virgin
What's the point of this? Might as well just have kept Kiryu if you're just gonna do the same fucking shit again.
The west did something right for once, this game is not a main line sequel
It just looks shit, this just looks very basic turn based combat. I can't tell if they are putting more effort into combat or less at this point.
If they are actually experimenting with combat why not do something new with turn based?
Yes it is, and it's always funny to see people seethe about a number.
Defend it from what? Your whining?
The demo spawns the same group of enemies in the exact same spots with the exact same strategies. The booth demo has a story mode and a free mode and all we've seen is from the free mode.
They kind of are, it's position based and uses all the physics of the Dragon engine
you can throw people into the street and they'll get hit by cars, throw them through windows, pick up weapons from the ground
Honestly, it's a huge flaw with the series in general. The demos for these games never feel good. The early stages of all Yakuza games aren't the best, but it did feel like they were getting the hang of how to get past it quickly with Judgment. If Judgment never existed, this whole game would be infinitely more palatable.
I'm optimistic about Y7, mainly because normal Dragon engine combat feels like ass and has killed my desire to go through both Kiwami 2 and Judgment
Persoyna fags aren't gonna listen especially the ironic weebs that have never heard of DQ
The other games do the same thing though, there's always designated spawning spots for enemy groups, or do you mean that 100% of the time that spawn point will always have someone even when you go far enough away and then return? Because in the regular games they'll only respawn in the same spawn point if you fight another encounter.
It's a love letter to JRPG's in general, did you not notice the Final Fantasy styled music in the TGS trailer
where's my good gameplay bro
In the TGS trailer
So who's going to wait for the Kiwami version that has standard combat in a year when this fails to sell?
>guy goes to prison for someone else
That's pretty common between yakuzas.
>another fucking dragon
what series do you think this is
Btw, there is an Asia Sale on the PS store this week. Got myself FotN for 25 bucks.
I am going to give it a fair shake. I like JRPG combat, so it could be an interesting change.
Neat. I don't get the harsh criticism on this. You niggers have 50 Yakuza games already that all play exactly the same, how many times do you want to play the same game?
You know they'll make another normal one eventually.
I was talking about good gameplay, not basic turn-based combat
Looks like shit. Hope it fails so that they can go back to actual combat.
>JRPG fags will dislike it because it's a weird action RPG hybrid thing
>Yakuza fags will dislike it because enemies actually attack you now
This is gonna flop so hard
I do get the harsh criticism on this. You niggers have 50 turn based games already that all play exactly the same, how many times do you want to play the same game?
Okay I'll buy two.
Maybe they'd make future Ichiban games focus on traditional Yakuza combat, but I doubt they'd make a seperate version of 7 thats just what we've already played.
>summon your military instructor
>says obnoxious things in japanese unintentionally
>Ultimate KO
Yeah, the safest assumption is former. In the 4gamer stream, which was the longest playthrough of the demo yesterday, there's a spot outside of what looks like the highball tavern where they fight a group of hosts 3 times. They get into fights in between them, but it was consistently the same group of enemies at that spot each time they went there. The problem is that it's still from the free mode of the demo, so I have no idea what part of it is actually going to be the same in-game.
Exactly, it's not doing anything new by jrpg standards, and the genre shift is just about the laziest you can get.
>super long cutscene and build up
>does only 10 fucking damage
if nothing ever made me drop a game harder it's this
It honestly just seems like a big excuse to control multiple characters at once during combat. It's actually kind of sad how the mooks seem MORE active in a fucking turn-based game than they do in a usual Yakuza game.
Does Ditko actually believe in this absolue moral objectivity or was he just taking the piss?
They can't get the combat right in this engine, Kiwami 2's was fucking awful, a floaty and imprecise mess. 0's combat was fucking perfect, throwing that engine away was a huge mistake.
The devs wanted to try a new approach to the series after finishing Kiryu's story
Its entirely new protagonist and setting, is it such a crime for them to want to change the gameplay up?
The hardest part to swallow is seeing how much damage you take in a fight, since you can usually get through a lot of fights in the series without taking any hits. You don't have much to defend yourself with from what they're showing off and it's kind of annoying from what's there.
meanwhile ryuji escapes to america
>They get into fights in between them, but it was consistently the same group of enemies at that spot each time they went there.
Then that's pretty normal. You can test this yourself if you want. Pull up Judgment and fight someone near Third Park, if you're on Nakamichi they should come walking from Tenkaichi on the Third Park road to Nakamichi. Once you beat them they shouldn't respawn from there unless you run basically half the map away or get into a fight somewhere else, go away a bit, and then return around the same way. Sometimes you get guys coming from south Nakamichi or sometimes you get guys coming from one of the various alleys (Like the one leading to the Yagami Detective Agency or the one leading to Ebisu). Even in 6 you can repeatedly get the same spawns from the south entrance of Little Asia or even in Little Asia, and on the southern half of the upper street in Hiroshima you can always get spawns of fat guys in the alcove there (It's how I got some money when I needed it early on in Hiroshima). It's safe to assume nothing's changed with the spawning system, but if they're respawning just when you run away just a tiny bit instead of far away then there's a problem since that's not normal.
0 had perfect combat since it was the end result of 10 years of work on the series. 6 and every other DE game sort of reinvented the wheel due to having an engine designed from PS4 from the ground up instead of using the same engine from the PS3 days.
Why couldn't it have been Judgement with the turn based gameplay and Yakuza 7 with the classic one then?
Why not make a new IP if you just want to make a different game?
>0's combat was fucking perfect
It pretty much had the same problems every other game had (near non-existent enemy AI on every difficulty, boss fights where you had to hold back to not accidentally skip shit bosses can do if you damage them too hard too quickly, movesets more shallow than musou games padded out with QTE heat moves and absolutely no combat depth at all), just with a different flavor of equally retarded physics where you could lightly tap a bike and it'd go flying in the opposite direction into an auto-locked enemy and other shit like that. It was not "fucking perfect", your standards are just immensely low. Even the Japanese are bored of this series nowadays, these games have sold like shit over there for years.
>>JRPG fags will dislike it because it's a weird action RPG hybrid thing
im pretty sure it's supposed to be a joke attack, most likely to showcase the summon mechanic
I don't think that's what he's talking about, I think he's talking about stuff like movement but those are automatic
Looks fun and soulful. Game reminds me of the South Park (J)RPGs. Comedy RPGs are so few and far between.
I would've liked to actually time your blocks in battles, instead of spending a turn to guard
There really aren't a lot of 3D brawlers out there like Yakuza. It's not the fault of the devs to have to carry the load, but outside of the Batman games there's slim pickings for games where you beat the shit out of people with your barehands. Can't say the same about turn-based games. The whole tone of what people are saying isn't helped by the game not being a spin-off and instead the 7th entry. Even if they try to fall back on their "we'll just go back to normal if it sucks" statement, you're probably going to miss out on some details when 8 comes out. This game's got the Omi Alliance having full control of Kamurocho, the current state of the Tojo clan and there's a good chance they'll reuse Yokohama from just how big it is.
>Looks fun and soulful.
>Why not make a new IP if you just want to make a different game?
Because a lot of the themes from Yakuza are still there. The protagonist is different but they're still exploring the what a means to be a Yakuza in a fantastical way
Should they really be beholden to making brawlers just because there arent many in the market? You cant hold people hostage to a genre
This video game looks like it is fun to play and a labor of love.
Need me to explain further, ESL-kun?
>bleach japan
>get out signs
could this game actually be based and redpilled?
Shut up, Squidward.
I was just wondering if we were watching the same gameplay videos, because it looks anything but fun and soulful. Unless you're a big mobile game fan I guess.
We aren't the same person, autist. We can have different opinions.
Can we declare Y7 non canon yet?
Why are people complaining about this game again? Is it so bad that one game in the series in a different town with a different protagnist be different? Regular Yakuza isn't gone, it's just on a break.
shut the fuck up, cracker
this is Japan's series. If they hate it, it can be non-canon. They'll probably like it and your fat white piggu ass will have to deal with it.
is yakuza reclining?
Based Nagoshi filtering plebs and other secondaries
>We aren't the same person, autist.
How am I supposed to know when you defend that post, retard.
>Why are people complaining about this game again?
How long have you been posting on Yea Forums?
This board literally never takes change well. If a series plays a certain way, it better damn well play that way until it dies.
>say 7 will have a new protag to change things up and that is the new main game
>people get hype because they are tired of Kiryu and wanted a change of character and styles
>main game changes the fucking genre
>people realizing that the jrpg should have been the fucking detective game, which would make more sense with ncps helping a cop, than a main-line game
>RGG studios doing damage control right way with "if people dont like it, we will go back"
In short, better to wait for Yakuza 7 Kiwami in 5 years with beat'em'up style
>They'll probably like it
You should probably check their reactions on twitter and forums then, because they're a lot more negative about it than in the west...
the onus is on you, user
they were some of the best ones in 5, I used to carry around carrots so Saejima would roll niggas up into snowmen, super glue had great utility sticking two guys together and knocking them both out of the fight, also fun was shooting salt and hot sauce in people's eyes
It's amazing how every game in this series acts as a filter. For better or worst, it's just hilarious that I don't see this with other franchises.
0 attracts all the normies. 7 will most likely only be played by die-hard fans.
This is truly the filter series.
Pleb filtered
I don't get why you'd want to play the same beat-em-up game AGAIN. I like the idea of Yakuza being a multi-genre series. Yakuza fighting game when?
It's not like you like Yakuza for the retarded combat. You like the world, characters, and dialog. All of which can be in any genre of game.
the devs know this and they're right
Why do they make so many Yakuza games? They're always the same garbage.
>Yea Forums: all developers make the same shit over and over why dont they want to change the formula
>devs change the formula
>Yea Forums: wtf why are they changing the game i miss the old games
That's what I said. It's not their fault, but it doesn't look like a genre defying game that'll suddenly make people who don't like JRPGs a fan of one. Personally I think Ichiban is great, I like the plot direction, I like the idea of going to Yokohama but I genuinely dislike a lot of turn-based games and I just recently got burnt out of DQ11, the franchise they literally got the license to mention so they could make a DQ fan their main character, after less than 10 hours. People play Yakuza for the gameplay but get attached to all the other facets that come with it. Changing the gameplay is clearly showing that all the other facets weren't even close to the entire draw of the games for fans, despite it feeling like that when you listen to how people talk about these games. That's why they can show off all these interesting sidequests or characters or minigames or locals but still get criticized because it's not the most important part.
>that fucking animation just to press a button on the phone
Why do they love wasting time with the most useless bullshit?
Theres putting love into your game but that is just time that should have been put in something relevant.
Because it's cool and funny? Kiryu did the same with the phone minigame on 0
Are you thinking this won't be skippable or something?
It's pretty common for JRPGs to have long summon/attack sequences that can be skipped.
>Because a lot of the themes from Yakuza are still there.
So then why not do this experimentation with Judgment? Why do a flip-flop where Judgment now has everything the mainline had while the mainline reinvents the wheel instead of the other way around? It's like if Pokemon Shield and Sword had everything Let's Go had while Let's Go had regular Pokemon gameplay instead. It's like if Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate was the sequel to Arkham City and then they announced Origins coming later to the Vita playing exactly like City did.
It's not like they needed an RPG system to do all this wacky stuff, Yakuza has you microwaving people's faces, smacking their ass with a riding crop, shoving their faces into random women's boobs, turning people into snowmen, refreshing their faces with oranges/plums, using a wet plunger on their face, throwing a stick in someone's mouth them jumping off of it to smack them in the face, and so on. Judgment even took it one step further and had tons of comedy Heat Actions like the turtles in Koi Bride, the guy nearly getting run over by a passing car, the swingset attack, pretty much everything in VR Salon, etc.
This isn't even taking into account that they made it very clear Judgment was a new IP and they wanted to make something that was brand new but still tied to the series. No one is saying not to do the RPG stuff, they're asking why it's part of the main series and not your brand new series with brand new characters, a brand new tone, a brand new outlook because of the different profession, and so on. The only difference between Judgment and Y7 in terms of new stuff is that 7 has a new town, in addition to Kamurocho while Judgment was just Kamurocho. If they added Yokohama to Judgment instead then would you be okay with it having RPG mechanics?
>judgment has you working together with a group of 3 other characters at all time
>character who should be more clever than kiryu and try to find more alternative approaches to things than just "punch harder"
>game focuses heavily on making relationships and collecting friends
Literally would have made a perfect concept for a turn-based game, just make Yagami like DQ.
>So then why not do this experimentation with Judgment? Why do a flip-flop where Judgment now has everything the mainline had while the mainline reinvents the wheel instead of the other way around?
Why not? Theres not some law that says you can never vary the gameplay in a series
>Changing the gameplay is clearly showing that all the other facets weren't even close to the entire draw of the games for fans, despite it feeling like that when you listen to how people talk about these games
I wonder if the backlash is just loud voices making it seem that way though. Japan bitches about any change that happens to anything. They threw a fucking hissy fit over Igor's va changing in Persona because the original va fucking died
I get being skeptical of a change like this but I also think its a bit hasty to just dismiss it out of hand before its even released. I know that I personally never found Yakuza to have tremendously deep combat for 90% of the fights but even if you love the brawler gameplay you might still find a turnbased approach enjoyable even if it is quite different
Dragon Engine combat is so shitty and unfun that turn-based is actually an objective improvement.
Convince me that I'm wrong.
>Theres not some law that says you can never vary the gameplay in a series
No, but there's an expectation that a series will play a certain way, especially after you've been doing something for years and established yourself, that's why you make spinoffs in the first place to try something new or wild and mix things up. If Street Fighter became a sidescrolling beat 'em up and stopped being a fighting game would you be happy because they were trying something new? It's still got all your favorite characters and special moves after all. What about if Red Dead Redemption became a VN? It's still got the wild west themes and characters after all, that's what you were coming to it for, right? Final Fantasy changes things up all the time but you still know it's going to be an RPG based around your equips and stats in some form at the end of the day while games like Dirge of Cerberus or Dissidia are spinoffs set in the same universe (Yet still keep the stat-based progression so it doesn't feel like too big of a departure).
It's not always about depth or complexity but sometimes just about satisfaction. Tiger Drops will never get old. The game's have gotten pretty reactive to what you do as a player in a way a lot of games don't. Them constantly adding more contextual moves to the character is incredibly satisfying, especially in Judgment with how you can finally use walls. it wasn't until it came out that you could truly see what their new engine was capable of and with the PS5 on the horizon, you'd have to hope to keep seeing it evolve. Going to a new genre is like going back to square one. They'd probably need a few more games under their belt before this turn-based style takes off but that'd be hard to pull off. You're either throwing the brawlers out the window to focus on it or quitting too early to truly polish it. The best outcome is hoping they have the resources and staff to do both, but a new console is absolutely going to put a strain on them.
>Judgment as a RPG
Damn. Now I'm thinking Sega should've made it one too. It'd probably make more sense too because it's a new IP despite taking place in the same world.
Has a JRPG have had a celebrity's likeness as their lead?
pretty much this, only retards that didn't play pre-dragon engine would disagree
I actually don't know. There might be some japan only example though.
Gackt in FF7 Crisis Core.
By "killing" you mean making Yakuza more popular? The only thing that will be killed is the brawler system in any future Yakuza title, this game will be a success japs love rpg too.
I prefer turned based but this actually looks bad. Imagine battles taking this long and the encounter rate being that you bump into a bad group every 30 seconds. That should have been a OHKO move. ughhhhhh
What is the appeal of yakuza?
I played yakuza 6 demo but it was a boring soap opera talking about feelings and nothing happened
then got 0 on ps+ and it's just the main character getting cucked and letting others step on him because he's desperate to feel honorable, also nothing interesting happened
Visually it looks like quite a downgrade from 2. It's very weird.
It's a series that only men can hope to understand, don't worry too much if it doesn't resonate with you.
Yes yakuzas greatest feature has always been their dedication to creating the most realistic and accurate representations of what life in japan as a member of organized crime is like.
they downgraded judgment and it still runs like garbage, so they have to downgrade further
>actively getting cucked, becoming a tool for everyone to use and feeling proud of it
that would probably resonate more with overwatch healsluts
Like I said, the themes at play can only be truly understood by biological males. Anyone else will only be able to view the surface level story and make a hazy approximation of who each character is and what drives them as people based off of that plot. Ironically, so much of Yakuza's modern fanbase are fujosluts that create mountains of fanfiction and porn about characters they can never accurately depict.
wasnt that Bujingai?
not really, you're just trying to glorify it to make up depth in your life and identity
The more games I've played from this series, the more I stopped thinking they were incompetent. They just focus on other things sometimes. Like Kiwami 2 is hands down the most immersed I've ever been in a videogame just from the world building alone.
The gameplay is passable. I play it for the characters, world, story, minigames, and all the shit you can do in the game and collect.
If you like something enough, you put up with the rough bits. Thats not mental illness, thats quite the opposite.
oh no non no non on on ono nono
>japaense humor
>there's a fighter class that only ichiban has access to, and it doesn't change his outfit like the other ones
>fist icon seems to imply that it's a hand to hand style
>no gameplay of it at all
why aren't they showing it off?
Makes him fight like Kiryu.
what do you mean? I've only seen four classes, default, yojimbo, host, and dancer
oh no I'm getting him with the other characters wait
in one of the streams they highlighted it briefly and we saw that ichibans clothes remained the same.
Finally a yakuza game I want to play
I dont get it why people thought the combat was good before, it was very run of the mill beat-em-up esque
>10 damage
it keeps him in his clothes because it's a specific job for him, perhaps other characters will get their own, I'm convinced it's just his base job because of another shot of the tutorial
I'm not sure why they don't show it off but it's not like they were that focused on showing the battle off, I mean, it just seems like an auto attack fest without that much thought to it
He also was in FF7CC as Genesis
>He also quite retardedly claimed that Squall was based on him as well
you can see here he only has four jobs and the name stands for part timer apparently, maybe you unlock the hero job later in the game
It's probably going to be like Black Panther where you earn various styles (Or in this case jobs) from substories and leveling up other jobs. Since they were putting an emphasis on doing minigames I'd assume those would unlock some too, unless they really are just for job EXP.
>why arent they showing off this facet of the game
because they want to hype it up later or let everyone see it when they get the game
Is this the first game you've seen previewed?
>That long ass animation
>Does 10 damage
Oh yes, the very serious plot of a genuine and nice hearted yakuza, that never really commit any crimes, besides being a yakuza, that adopts a little girl and then said little girl grows up to be an idol, and screams during her last show about how much she loves and cares about her foster father.
Aint it an open secret that the Yakuza manage a lot of the idol scene?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\JuanitoGonzales\Documents\yakuza_Yea", line 361, in
File "C:\Users\JuanitoGonzales\Documents\yakuza_Yea", line 72, in main
File "C:\Users\JuanitoGonzales\Documents\yakuza_Yea", line 174, in convertMK
shitpost = queryReadShitpost(shitpostId, databaseService)
open(file, modeDict[mode]) IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:
> 'Yakuza EPIC Combat.webm'
Except Kiryu went in as a certified badass, and came out to instantly climb to the top in a single game with minimal help, as a stoic.
Ichiban is a fucking goof reliant on allies to directly help him through all this stuff. He might finally be a good example of the "idiot with charisma" they complain about in 5, because Kiryu and Saejima have such sticks up their asses it's hard to imagine their defining characteristic being "charisma" and not "so physically strong they can fight 500 armed goons by themselves"
This. It's good shit the first time around, but having to watch it EVERY TIME would make me hate it.