How are you liking it so far?
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I'm having fun with it, now I just need the 32v32 mode and the realism one.
no minimap, no play
Ive yet to play. is there a PC beta?
not toxic enough yet
"Preorder and get open beta early access"
I don't think they know what the fuck "open beta" means.
Then again all "betas" coming from AAAs nowdays are finished products with locked content. Might as well call it an early demo.
Camp fest because the maps are too big and have a weird flow. No mini map doesnt help. But more importantly, the inability to rush in the game is absolutely killing it for me. The UAVs cant be countered because Ghost is not available atm, and currently its not fun. Maybe once thats added and some smaller maps too, it will be great. The guns and movement feel really good
lmao no. I'll wait for tomorrow.
>preordering call of duty
Not playing it unless they release on steam.
>he can't get uavs
I just hope footsteps are MW2 tier so I don't need a faggot headset to hear shit.
>giving a fanboy on a fucking PC
nigger who gives a fuck. Online is still free.
how long are they gonna keep the no minimap autism going?
how is TTK? If it's anything longer than black ops 1 the game is kusoge and you won't be able to take out multiple people at once.
I buy it every year because i get bored. I havent played a new game in months. Im fucking jonesing lel. Plus i love the MW storyline. Its nostalgia fuel for me
TTK is a little bit faster than MWR.
Its really quick. I usually main hardcore due to the horrendous ttk in past titles, but i might play core this time around.
Is there a preload for the open beta? Shit's probably 90gb.
I just preordered. Do I get into the beta or is that tomorrow?
lol no chance.
give me that stats. 3 shots to kill 700RPM should be the standard for most weapons. Do headshots matter?
Not on PC yet
>maps are too big
>camping is back
Oh man, finally CoD is good again. E sport tier arenas are for fags
Probably won't buy it since it's still activision but I'll definitely give the beta a go. This is the first cod multiplayer since 4 that kinda interests me. Mostly because of how they finally changed the engine enough to make it actually feel different from other cods. Hope BF will change too soon, they went the same way after 3.
Yikes. If i wanted to camp on large maps id play Battlefield. Ashame that franchise is more dead than call of duty.
old CoD games were great when they were open and had camping. Modern warfare ironically enough was like that, so its good to see this in the same footsteps
camping in cod was always a meme, "camping" effectively is really holding down a good area. shitty map design has too many openings so you can't lock down important areas without teamfagging.
Literal camping was only in mw2 and that was for low skill players and only because killstreaks were busted.
I respectfully disagree and plan to camp any chance I get
People still play this shit
I had fun with it.
Cod is looking to have a renaissance. It died with black ops 2 but the battle royal mode was well received and so is this reboot.
Post your custom gun
I'm glad the maps are bigger this time around, when I played with the guys all those years ago, I usually enjoyed sniping the most.
How are the sniper rifles? When you say big maps, are they MW2-tier? Larger/Smaller?
can someone answer this pls. I dont see an option to download on ps4
Just search for Modern Warfare Beta.
PC beta when?
This is the first time I've enjoyed an IW game since mw2. Didn't like the idea of no minimap at first but it turned out to be a good decision. Shame they'll probably cater to smgshitters and put it back in.
snipers need to have black ops 1 tier ads and they need to make a snipers only with fast ads mode to contain sniping autists.
Honestly snipers are bad in general, they add randomness that good players can't deal with.
Next week
Too bad it’s going to have p2win and fun lootboxes. It was looking to be as good as MW and MW2
guns will most likely be cosmetic only like WW2, and if you play consistently you really can unlock them all with the free supply drops you earn, even if it takes like a week or playtime.
>guns will most likely be cosmetic only like WW2
You're delusional if Activision isn't going to demand weapons to be locked inside supply drops. Every year it's the same. No supply drops on felease, followed by cosmetics a month or two later, and finally weapons.
>That kid who thought he was cool for using a sniper
is the camping as bad as it was in mw2?
>You're delusional if Activision isn't going to demand weapons to be locked inside supply drops.
of course they will, i'm saying variants like in ww2 will be cosmetic, and said you can unlock all the weapons with free supply drops, (and weapon bribes) they are just long term goals that keep the game fresh. it's only cancer when they release pay2win variants of weapons. before WW2 they would straight up go "lol here's another AK47 but with less recoil and higher fire rate"
Ww2 has weapons that are exclusive to the boxes. Like crossbow and blunderbuss
you are a fucking retard and don't know what i'm saying.
WWII has varients of like the MP40 but they just give more XP instead of being a better version of the mp40 like older games. Obviously there are weapon drops, but not a million variants with gameplay changes so you can unlock all the weapons in the game without paying for supply drops if you play long enough.
Having weapons in supply drops is tolerable. It's having base weapons have better versions found in supply drops and better versions of DLC weapons that is cancer.
>being this autistic
>Having weapons in supply drops is tolerable.
Yeah, I unlocked them all in around 200 hours. they were something to go for after prestige. Keep in mind I played cod 4, mw2 and black ops for like 500 hours total with no dlc goals.
Black ops 3 was retarded cancer with supply drops though, apparently infinite warfare and advanced ware trash too but never played them.
>spongebob memes
>>>/reddit/ zoomer
The beta is open and preordering lets you play it early? Seems pretty concise
The gun models look great, as well as the gun animations. The overall gunplay is good. I'm enjoying the added recoil. No more hitscan, which is great.
...but the graphics look really washed out on the PS4 pro. Does anyone else notice this? The buildings, ground, and overall map environment all look terrible for a new AAA game. Battlefield 3 looked better than this 8 years ago. Are they holding back during the beta graphics wise or is this what the final product going to look like?
>calladooty fan calling other people zoomer
Zoom zoom
>snipers add randomness that good players can't deal with
What did he mean by this?
Got the majority of BO3 weapons and got all the BO4 weapons with a couple weapon bribes to spare. A .001% chance of getting a weapon is fucking retarded. If Activision wants money than just sell them like they did in Ghosts.
according to wingsofredemption random one shot kills from across the map can't be outgunned or intelligently avoided. It just adds randomness. You don't die often, but you will get cheap deaths you could do nothing to stop.
I don't know what he talks about but snipers don't require any target tracking, you just pop up from cover and click the button, and the enemy gets no chance to shoot back or get to cover, because you just click and he die.
r6 siege did good in that they did not include any kind of 1-shot kill sniper gun, other games should do the same. snipers are total autistic losers and should just be put in their own containment mode.
>according to wingsofredemption
>according to wingsofredemption
that fat motherfucker is worse than boogie
how the fuck are you taking that retard seriously
reminder this game DOES NOT HAVE MAP PACKS
all dlc will be FREE. no more map packs, no more dividing the community between dlc owners and non-dlc owners.
still has jewish loot crates
i'm not you autist, i'm making a joke, "I CAN'T BEAT THESE SNIPERS MAN" even though it IS true. Wings isn't actually bad at cod and snipers are poorly designed in cod, being both underpowered and overpowered. They need a snipers only containment playlist.
Not at launch, and you really can just play single player and use those lootcrates. honestly stupid faggot peacocks should be milked dry, if you just want the weapons, lootcrates are fine. My main complaint is they replaced mw2 style challenge unlocks for good emblems and titles.
they never said that they will actually make a bunch of free stuff, for all you know they release one dlc map and immediately jump ship to the next game they are gonna pump out
honestly still better than dlc map packs, they fucking punish players for buying them as you get thrown into the tiny, laggy dlc map owners playlist.
First cod I'm gonna get on pc in awhile.
>crossplay with ps4, xbone and pc
the fucking servers are going to explode launch day/week/month. shit is gonna be unplayable.
they should at least include one which doesn't ping enemy locations if that's the reason they took it out. the minimap in games like this is colossally important especially when you're working with your team.
Whats this? The whole COD dev team on Yea Forums?
The compass lets you know where you are. It gives descriptions.
a compass isn't a minimap. minimaps are useful for working with your team so you all don't end up running into the same position and getting gunned down by one guy who was lucky enough to be at the right place at the right time. without a minimap there's a high chance you'll end up following behind teammates which is guaranteed death in cod.
the issue is not knowing where your teammates are, if you hear footsteps you can never be sure if it's an enemy or a teammate. they can bring back the minimap with no red dots.
also TTK is trash and it takes like 4-5 shots, plus beta has bad connections/hit detection so it feels like you die in one hit.
I just hope there will be enough new maps and a compensation for letting out zombie mode in terms of coop gameplay and replay terms
Agreed. Will there be a graphics update on release?
really wish hardcore would be rebalanced to be like classic cod with stopping power, 30HP makes most guns not viable unless they kill in one hit, 50-70HP would me much better.
I had the best time playing the first Modern Warfare on a community S&D HC server, where people's loadouts and weapons served multiple purposes: some went sniper rifle to provide long range scanning/cover, some rushed with SMGs, others went in as the second wave with AR etc.
Can this "reboot" provide a similar experience or are all weapons/loadout choices pretty much meaningless?
Way too fast to be tactical. Needs to be slowed down, both respawn time and movement.
>camping is now viable again
thank fucking god, this game might actually be decent
you are not supposed to play cod if you want muh realism you dumb idiot.
Beenox is up again on the PC port right? What are the odds IW demands a 90 fps cap like they've done in literally every single CoD after 4?
did they do that to prevent people from exploiting the jump physics to get up on roofs and stuff?
following issues with the game are
>no mini map means you can't tell where teamates are
>bad hitdetection/connections=instant death and long ttk
>people are fucking invisible indoors which makes camping godlike
>beta doesn't let you use the attachments, which is the main new feature of the game being gun customization
by invisible i don't mean a glitch, the lighting is just so bad you can't see them, even with brightness pumped up. Also headglitching is in the game still.
are you 14? you write like a 14 year old. betas are for finding problems with the game, not for letting players try out all the good stuff for free before launch day
That and weapon fire rate. Thing is, both Treyarch and sledge had fixed this issue since BO2 with their engine iterations but IW seems incompetent in that department.
>beta doesn't let you use the attachments, which is the main new feature of the game being gun customization
Yes you can.
My AK is literally maxed out and has the green Lazer that never goes away. Wtf are you talking about?
Camping is bound to happen in a game with no objective. Why can't TDM retards understand this?