You did it Yea Forums

You did it Yea Forums.

Congratulated yourself.

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lb are indeed ludo magnet

To anyone that says you dont matter, dont have power to change things, are too small or insignificant to matter. Know that is NOT true. People together have power to make ANYTHING happen.

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I didn't do anything chief.

>Yea Forums
>/doing anything other than shitposting and idling in mmos

loot boxes blow donkey dick and I don't give a fuck what political precedent this might set, ban em bitch I wanna see publishers squirm

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If it's not in America it doesn't matter.

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Still people are like dominos
1 falls and more will follow

>I no longer have my internal anger over Pokemon not having a Game Corner since gen 5 while shit like Battlefront 2 and latest NBA game happened

Thanks Yurop for finally fixing that.

But they're still bleeding, even if it is a paper cut. If it bleeds, we can kill it.

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"Loot Boxes" "ARE" "gambling"

Slot machine: put money in, MAYBE get something in return
Lootbox: put money in, 100% chance to get something in return
You cockholsters ran to daddy government when you could have just kept your credit cards in your wallet.
>w-what about the kids
What about them? Why do kids have credit cards? Why are they spending their parents money? Taking cash out of your mom's purse is the same as charging something to her card. Is it the candy store's fault that some kid stole his parents money and bought candy? Nope, the kid is at fault.
The industry isn't going to accept just not making money. We had a monetization system that was completely optional for the whales who actually buy lootboxes. This will change into something much worse, best case senario is every game gets it's own v-bucks style system, but unlike Fortnite, other games that have done this like Apex have nickle and dimed their players like crazy.
The big publishers are finally dropping season passes. That shit was always $30 more than it should be and fractured game communities. Guess they will be coming back harder than ever. Don't forget battle passes which will likely end up in every game now.

We did it Reddit!

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if you don't win money or things that can be sold legally for money it's not gambling in my opinion
cuckoldry, maybe

Yeah. It only took 10 to 15 years.
I don't even like videogames anymore.

t. EA

>Lootbox: put money in, hope you get the item you want instead of being able to just purchase it outright, continue spending money until object aquired.
when, by the way, the item in question isn't even worth that much.

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they will stay in the games but you need loicence to play

>make slot machine guaranteed to spit out at least a penny
>make it cost a dollar a spin
>this isn't gambling by your logic

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Too soon to celebrate victory.
First, we must convince Japan to kill gacha.

where did that post say that it wasn't gambling? can you read?

This is only in the UK. And it's not going to change anything but the game's rating. Who cares?

I agree. Lootboxes are bullshit but they aren’t gambling. And there’s absolutely no universe where publishers go “welp, guess we can’t exploit the stupidest 10% of our consumer base for billions of dollars, let’s pack it in and go back to making fun games again!”

This ends worse than any of you could possibly imagine.

You're retarded and should light yourself on fire.

You underestimate the global lootbox economy. EAs biggest moneymaker is Fifa lootboxes and most of those sales will come from Europe.

so does this mean buying a booster pack of pokemon cards is gambling too

Unless of course you’re a lootbox supporter, then this change doesn’t apply to you.

my point still stands
no option to buy the card outright, have to shell out dosh just for the hope of getting what you want
and it's just a card, not worth the amount of money spent trying to get it

And open the floodgates for the Chinese gacha? Back to tiananmen with you, chang.

Only need to get rid of gacha now.

>no actual rebuttal

Low IQ post.

They literally quoted me in the pdf. Get fucked chang.

If pegi listens and force game with lootboxes into a pegi18 it's gonna be fun.

so you really want to play games whereby unlocks are not earned through gameplay but instead dispensed via lootbox or slot machines? You can't defend your preference nigg

This. It's sad knowing Yea Forums is in such a cucked state as to where most of the replys to this are negative. Even worse is that fact that most are either one word insults or strawmans.

>no option to buy the card outright
secondhand market
I can buy whatever card I want off eBay and the like
I can’t buy specific lootbox items

Are you implying that's the case now for a lot of these games? Shit like Fifa Ultimate Team is part of its OWN, SEPARATE MODE. There are a lot of other modes in that game that have nothing to do with opening card packs.

We went from skins being on the game disc, to skins being optional dlc, to skins being in lootboxes with a chance to get them, all while still being on the disc you bought. How long until we have to buy a season pass to get an elite pass to buy dlc specific lootboxes for a chance to get a skin. I just want to put my disc in and play uninterupted, I'm so exhausted from constant ads, literally started walking into the forest because being outside, standing there idle, is somehow better than being forced to look at ads for companies that want to literally bleed you dry

This. If only the UK bans them all it means is that we're going back to the 80's/90's where britbongs didn't get any games.

>a slot machine makes you put in $1 with a "chance" to win a big prize
>99.99999999999% though it just gives out 1 cent but it ALWAYS gives out something

not true but if it is you're alright

Give us something to ctrl+F, laddie.

Then its fucking gambling and you have no point you retard.

I don't see this translating well in the U.S.

You have to be at least 18 year old if you want to gamble in a casino.
pegi18 equivalent in the U.S Is an M rating, which specifically states the minimum age requirement as being 17.
If lootboxes are directly equated to gambling, games like FIFA would have to have an AO rating attached to them.

How the fuck are you retards getting that post about it NOT being about gambling? All it does is point out how it's not exactly like a slot machine. These two ideas aren't mutually exclusive. Seriously, who dropped most of the posters on their goddamn heads as a babies?

>There are a lot of other modes in that game that have nothing to do with opening card packs.
and those modes are stripped down, soulless afterthoughts with the same bugs and glitches from 3 games prior.
Stop acting like loot boxes, card packs and the like don’t affect the final product.
There are hundreds of YouTube videos showcasing how stripped down sports games have become since stuff like Ultimate teams have become a thing.

No they aren't. Explain how they are. I play local matches all the time, how the fuck is that stripped down? It's more feature-rich than the older Fifas like 16. Manager mode isn't stripped down either. Plus Fifa 20 just got a fucking Volta mode that, judging from the demo, had effort put into it and actually plays surprising well. Where are you getting this from?

>i was merely pretending why u mad bros

The N word, of course

If I was just pretending, it's sad that you weren't and have to live day to day as the drooling retard you seem to be.

>No more loot boxes
>move everything to packs
>packs cost in-game currency
>special in-game item that can randomly give you a better item
>like nothing happened

Why are you even here then? Except to fucking tell us that lootboxes in AAA videogames aren't LITERALLY physical slot machines specifically??? You fucking chode.

>Lootbox: put money in, 100% chance to get something in return
actually you get nothing in return. It's all digital, it doesn't exist in the real world, you get nothing tangible. From slot machine you at least have a chance to get back actual money which you can use to buy actual shit.
Also, the idea behind lootboxes is that the cheap shit you get 99,9% of the time is not the reason for people to gamble, it's the super rare mega legendary big dick cool items that people want and you have better chance to be struck by lightning than getting any of them. You could say that all the common and uncommon shit you get from lootboxes are absolutely nothing, and only the rarer items matter.

Ok but lootboxes are a relatively new thing, I want all paid DLC gone but I know that ain't happening.

>Slot machine: put money in, MAYBE get something in return
You get a little light show on a screen, arguably no different than what you get from a loot box.

I’m not a third worlder so I can’t speak for FIFA but here’s some videos on Madden and other sports games since I’m not typing out a wall of text

I hope this spreads to the rest of Europe, it'll fucking kill EA when Fifa revenue gets cut

If pegi says it's 18+ it's gonna spread to all europe yeh.

Yeah which means retailers won't support them. Good. The system works.
We're creatures of adaptation, if the market won't adapt then it will fail. EA will find a way, little man.

you mean games journalism has made this happen. Yea Forums mostly makes nothing happen.

>Slot machine: put money in, MAYBE get something in return
you got the thrill of the gamble :) there you go

>mfw EA will go bankrupt and valve will buy all their games

I sure hope anyone with stock in EA is selling quickly

Hey Andrew Wilson, please kys

Overwatch, you spastic.

Domino effect, if the ban happens this will inevitably lead to other countries looking at it too and most likely banning it to

I emailed them saying that EA statement about surprise mechanics not being lootboxes was a bare face lie. It's there in the pdf too. I hope EA fucking dies.

as you get older you'll start to realize that there is a truly psychic force in the world, and every action impacts it in some small way. if you are persistent and focused even one person can cause a ripple. you don't get sole credit, nor would you expect it, but you contributed.

That's bullshit.
It's their game they should be allowed to put whatever the fuck they want in them.
Fuck you crying babies

Every person like you always fails to acknowledge that anyone discussing lootboxes online are not the ones buying these. Why would people who buy them ask for them to be banned? It's to keep retards for ruining things for the rest of us.

But you already knew that and just want some (you)s

Brb making a game that teaches kids how to shoot up schools effectively. Also bomb recipes

>Yea Forums defending microtransactions
What has this place become?

Commies get the rope

It's called baiting and you are falling for it

Nothing new, just contrarians being contrarians. Consider that on a place like reddit, people are farming for upvotes. They want to say things with mass appeal that make retards go "OMG, THIS." and hit the orange up arrow. On Yea Forums it's the polar opposite (hence the huge hatred toward reddit). You only get validation for your posts on Yea Forums by getting replies, which means being as controversial as possible.

The truly difficult part of Yea Forums is discerning whether people are being serious, ironic, or even double-ironic.

Yet Yea Forums will defend mobile gacha games

>caring this much about lootboxes
you sicken me fags

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Except the only supporters of lootboxes are children and now they can't use them.

Thanks for doing all the work and fighting for me. I'll be sure to buy some lootboxes to celebrate this moment.

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If you know there are multiple types of gambling then why are you comparing it to a slot machine? What does that have to do with anything?

>Slot machine: put money in, MAYBE get something in return
>Lootbox: put money in, 100% chance to get something in return
>If a slot machine spits out a "dummy" prize it's suddenly a lootbox now
Imagine being literally retarded. Imagine if all casino needed to do would be giving out card and collectable digital goods of some kind saved to the card just for it to not be considered gambling.

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You overestimate the importance of Canada

Rocket League's DLC used to be so nice and simple. New cars/packs would come out every few months and you could just outright buy them for 2-4 bucks. Then they added the lootbox jew to the game and ruined everything.

The tradeoff is you get more content, but only whales and spergs are gonna see even a fraction of that content. For people like me who aren't retarded and will not waste their money on gamble boxes, we only get to use the ~10 buyable DLC cars. Just a sad, missed opportunity.

Good thing they removed them from the game

yeah but you're talking about a shit game like rocket league call me when it's in a good game

found the shitter

Nah Rocket League is a really great game user. It's crazy, a thousand hours later I still am getting better at it.

The buyable DLC cars? You can't even buy them anymore or what?

because my game taste is superior to yours?

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Yea Forums unironically defends lootboxes because Yea Forums is always contrarian
sports games are big in the uk, and the likes of EA make their bank off sport games

They removed the loot boxes

>UK banning loot boxes
>USA banning e-cigarettes

Is there any point in living anymore if you're a libertarian and everyone else wants to ban everything? Are we not allowed to be our own person and make our own decisions?

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wooooaaaah holy shit i didn't know this, i'd ask you to elaborate but i can just google and figure out the details myself

Why did the US ban e-cigarettes?

Well, the UK did it. As long as corporations are paying off government officials this will never be a thing in the states.

>This is only in the UK
Who do you think the market for FIFA is

Keep buying if you don't want them banned. Governments always bend to the markets and economy.

News media reported on people dying due to it

>Is there any point in living if you're a libertarian

Oh so its propaganda, shits still allowed here in Europe

fake news. only banned certain flavoured juices, you can still buy tobacco flavoured and add your own flavour juice afterwards


Wasn't it people using dry vapes too? And vaping some spice shit? Didn't look into it much.

flavoured nicotine juices havent been allowed in europe since at least menthol cigs ban

what do you mean add your own flavor juice? Like i can buy 0 nicotine juice or something still?

you buy flavoured juice that has no nicotine in it

wouldn't it be easier to just ban vidya?

okay cool that'll work. as long as i can get my minty vapes user, i don't wanna go back to cigs.

i dont know what "minty vapes" are but you gotta be retarded if you thought the ban was actually on nicotine juices for vapes. this is why you dont just take things you read on Yea Forums as gospel

False equivalence. Lootboxes are closer to booster packs for trading cards and stickers.

Booster packs however
>Tend to have a fixed number of cards of varying rarity (e.g. 6 commons, 3 uncommons, 1 rare)
>Tend to disclose your odds of pulling a given card, as well as the whole list of cards in that series
>Cards tend to retain value for a long time as they can continue to be used in future versions of the game, or otherwise remain collectable
>Cards have a given monetary value that encourages the sell or trade of cards in pursuit of completing a collection, or building a deck

The latter point is important as the trading card company will decide pull odds that are in favour of an aftermarket and economy, instead of squeezing as much money out of an individual consumer as possible.
A lootbox's digital pulls are often not marketable, officially or otherwise, and the odds of a favourable pull can be incredibly disingenuous and unfair.

Lootboxes also employ methods of strong-arming you by putting restrictions on obtaining or opening them.
That is one thing they will have in common with a casino, they will advertise "100 free spins" of the slot machine to get you hooked, where a game will drip-feed you lootboxes and entice you to open more, most likely through buying them.

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I did my part by not buying anything from scammy publishers and not wasting money on slot machines. It achieved nothing.
Pencil-pushing parasites stepping in isn't a victory. It's a proof that retards can't think for themselves. "Muh protecting children from gambling" is just an excuse made up by grown ass imbeciles who don't want to admit that they are responsible for all the shitshow by buying every new shiny AAA garbage at full price on release day and then crying after being shoved lootboxes up their asses (again).
Corporations will invent new scam schemes. Retards will fall for it again. More good franchises will get locked forever in EA or someone else's rape dungeon. I don't even see the corpo kikes as bad guys at this point. They doing god's work by milking idiots who allow to bamboozle themselves over and over.

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>gacha game
>10 rolls give you a guaranteed uncommon drop every time

this is exactly how I feel about this.
what a waste of time and tax money.

Gacha games are a bit different from lootboxes.
Very similar, but gacha games tend to disclose odds and have measures in place so that you still get some measure of guaranteed return on investment.
Some games featuring lootboxes have no protections in place.

>mythics are 1 per box
>rest are common
this is not gambling biatch, u can trade em

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Wrong, what pushed this was not the bitching of said groups but EU incessant need to tax, sue and fine every corporation they can for whatever reason they can find. The EU is becoming anti-capitalist and yeah that is bad.

That was literally the point I was making.

>Physical ware
>You are able to do whatever the fuck you want with it
>At all comparable with digital pixels that might aswell be nothing and are just there to suck your money dry

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lol who are actually pushing for this?
/r/gaming? angry parents who cant discipline their own children?

>buy games on steam
>digital copy of a game is only a collection of 0/1 bits
woah dude

anyone with half a brain

>Implying Yea Forums did anything and it wasn't greedy publishers that did it to themselves
This is what they fucking get when they allowed kids to spend thousands of their parents money to the point that they complained to their representatives in their respective governments. Corporate lobbying only goes so far and they finally hit the point that people said no more. Too bad EA, too bad Ubisoft, Blizzard and many others. Looks like you'll have to figure out another way to con people out of their money.

>monetization system that was completely optional
that's where you're wrong. the talks started after greedy companies tried to implement the actual progress of the game to the slot machines.

>You did it Yea Forums.
>Congratulated yourself.

Everyone knew. No one cared until now.

is this post a joke or some boomer posting from the 90s

>1 of 36 boosters might have something worthwile
>rest is garbage
>not gambling

because? anyone with half a brain would never buy a lootbox or let their kids get one.
they certainly wouldnt blame it one others for making a dumb decision

>i have literally done zero research into the subject but im gonna shitpost anyway
ok dude

They could just accepted the A rating from the beginning but they had to push the limit and now the government is here.

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kids shouldnt have access to your credit card account.
the games disclose exactly what you are getting yourself into.
its not a complicated subject user.

Because it bleeds companies like EA who push Microtransanction and Lootbox shit down every game, literally the only reason this is so good

Not the goods or services you receive in return for your money, but the means of which they are distributed.
Specifically, that you are buying an item of which the contents are a mystery, and you WILL receive something, but are unlikely to receive the most desirable things.

Anyone who bought Pokémon cards as a kid 20 years ago will know that they have a binder with a couple dozen or hundred rare cards, and they have a box of hundreds or thousands of throw-away common cards.

who cares? they wont push it if it doesnt generates any money. people have been making money off of selling shit to dumb people.

Short sighted americans

kids buying boxes with their parents credit cards without the parents knowing are actually a tiny minority. the real problem are adults with gambling problems, and kids who ask their parents to buy boxes and may as a result develop gambling problems

like i said. zero research. gonna shitpost anyway.

its one of the bigger markets for the fifa shit EA shovels up

what kind of loser needs a nanny state to step in and prevent them from wasting money on loot boxes? you fags are pathetic

>they wont push it if it doesnt generates any money
You fucking retard, that's the reason this ban even happens, its exactly BECAUSE it makes so much money and is insidious as hell being exploitative. If Lootboxes didn't work, they wouldn't be in every CoD, Fifa etc. nowadays

I care because newer AAA games are being designed to be monetized through loot boxes models. And it won't stop generating money because the world is full of people with addictive personalities, ready to be exploited.

So? lol should smoking or drinking be banned?
You know if they have a gambling issue, blocking lootboxs isnt going to solve their issue right?
They are just going to latch onto something else.

Cooking at home is gambling too.

You try to cook and maybe get something in return for the money you spent on ingredients.

Smoking and drinking are both regulated by the government.

nobody wants gambling in their video games dude

>and kids who ask their parents to buy boxes and may as a result develop gambling problems
This is the big one
>What do you mean little timmy doesn't have any money? He gets a twenty dollar allowance every other week. and had 200 dollars saved up last I checked

Kids are ultra susceptible to this shit and parents trying to teach them good spending habits now have to deal with the fucking gambling jew coming into their homes.

>But you need a credit card for that
You can easily get a prepaid card to make any kind of online purchase you want, I did at 15 to play online games. Kids are resourceful, don't underestimate them.

if you cant figure this out, then people like you are the reason they are making so much money

False equivalence. Random chance pixels any idiot can acess to real life shit that you pay and get instantly and that is specifically restricted to ages 18-21 and up

Cooking involves skill, through experience, practice, training, etc you can influence what you get in return with the ingredients you bought.

Lootboxes have no such skill factor, or even strategy like with purchasing ingredients.
Now ain't that a scary thought?

>They are just going to latch onto something else.
Not a fucking excuse. Also it's about ease of access. If they are going to gamble some other way, then it's going to be something that can't always be around.

ok kid
The solution has always been to just not buy them

you have to use your skill to cook up something with the earned ingredients and you likely know exactly what you want to do with them

You say this, but the reason I want regulation is because retards can't behave themselves and then the game ends up shit for all of us. If you are a genuin liberalist then you should really rethink your politics.
>t. former retard liberalist

I'm usually a huge advocate for "dont like it dont buy it" but in this case I gotta disagree, what if lootboxes come to a game series I like some day. Then I'm fucked because I didn't care when they came for games I didn't like

And just to be clear why lootboxes coming to a game is bad, the game balance is obviously going to be fucked to incentivize people to buy lootboxes. Even if you don't buy them you're affected by them

Vote with your wallet only works when the smart people are the majority. And even if most people aren't buying shit, a small amount of whales keep the system thriving. You literally can't win, and it's been slowly spreading into everything.

I'm not normally the kinda guy who says "waaah. Think of the consumer!" But gamers are a notoriously retarded lot. Like, for real. People eat up repackaged shit like FIFA and Madden year after year. They shell out for dumb-ass DLC or buy half-assed AAA titles that don't even work.

Year after year they fall for the same tricks. Gamers have unironically refused to rise up, so the government has to make sure you don't spend all your shekels on dumbass Overwatch costumes.

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Is gotchas also gambling? The great vidya purge of 2019?

lol you can also see the results of opening a lootbox. thats like saying softwares cannot be commercial products because they are just 1/0's.

It can and is proven to be addicting that's for sure.

>tfw you were one of the people that sent the complaint
Sometimes being a bong isnt that bad

>I'm usually a huge advocate for "dont like it dont buy it"
Yeah but it literally doesn't work for games with microtransactions, the 1% of whales that spend hundreds-to-thousands on a regular basis make up for it tenfold

what did you write them

Did you like literally stop reading the post after that part or what

I'm just glad they labeled them as gambling. Figured they'd just go the usual route and charge me for a lootbox loicense

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i dont want some faggot like you telling me how i can or cant spend my money...what makes you think your opinion should limit my choices?

>i want to be cucked by lootboxes for buying shit that i used to be able to earn by just playing
am i even awake right now

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That the esrb is corrupt and that their balls and owned by the companies they are slapping the scores on. Also the average lootboxes are gambling and that a official investigation should take place rather than a 15 minute tea time with people clueless on what video games are

Yes Goyim. You have every right to fork over your geld. Spend more on lootboxes just out of spite! That'll really stick it to them.

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I am expecting 0 impact to the industry.
We really needed a gman to come in and tell us lootboxes are like gambling.

>make a slot machine that gives you a fortune cookie every time you don't win money
>invalidate your argument

>implying this will do shit unless the EU as a whole adapts it
If you can convince the rest of europe, this will matter because EA will finally get fucked from their sacred cow FIFA, until then all it does is annoying them. In addition the worst offenders of gambling shit is japan and china, and those arn't changing any time soon.

too bad, the government has considered you too much of a retard, as they should

sports games are big in the uk, and the likes of EA make their bank off sport games

I see no problem with it being gambling, as I think gambling should be legal everywhere. It just means being subjective to the regulations that the gambling industry have.

Imagine being happy willingly giving money to your corporate overlords who leech off you

What the fuck is wrong with all of you? Why would you respond to someone who posted a w*jak variant? That post is so absolutely retarded that it can ONLY be bait yet you all acted as if it was something that someone is genuinely capable of believing. Its bait and you responded to it and gave that retard a tiny dopamine rush that he was helplessly chasing which will encourage him to act retarded.
Literally everyone that responded to that post is retarded

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And everybody on the planet is to greedy and a faggot to get together to change anything so just keep taking that dick up your ass a little deeper and enjoy them stealing everything from you while your rights gets fucked in the ass like the rest of us. Not that it matters humans are trash and don't give a fuck about anything but themselves.

Yes it's a dent, but sports games are popular all over europe. Lootboxes are a fucked retarded thing that gets children addicted to gambling. EA will lose cash, but they will easily make it up somewhere else, it's a good thing the UK had the balls to do it, but to make a basic difference in the minds of soulless brainless corporate asshats they need a HUGE drop in profit, like an adapt or die level of change. All this will do is make stockholders salty the company has grown 15.1% instead of 17%

This actually made my day.

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True, but I hope "psychic force" was just a metaphore. It's just cause and effect, but things on a small scale aggregate and can lead to large changes.

t. that one user that always feels the need to mass reply

Ah yes NBA2k my favorite slot machine simulator, oh wait the spins are free, so is the ball drop pachinko and they're only in optional gane modes woah.

He made some good points though

obviously you arent aware of the massive autism that is contrarians on Yea Forums. but i applaud you for making the effort of not posting a massive "im gonna quote all fuck you" wall

you mustve had a pretty bad day user

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>I can't speak for FIFA
>but pretends to be an authority on lootboxes ruining sports games
>even though he can't argue his own points and resorts to YouTube vids

Does anyone actually try anything for themselves? Do you ever play the games you claim are dumbed down just so you have a more informed opinion?

Also, there are reasons for Madden going to shit other than lootboxes. Mainly, that there's no competition. At least FIFA has PES

Good now they will take shit garbage out of games and either make me earn it or buy it flat out and not be a retarded zoomer cunt and go HURRRR I LIKE TO GAMBLE MY ITEMS AND SPEND EVEN MORE MONEY DURRR I LIKE WASTING MY MONEY ON RANDOM BOXES AND KEYS!
You people are pure fucking cancer.

I like how, apparently shaming people for calling other's casuals worked on you fucking retards. Now we have to put up with these fucking boxes because fucking losers like you can't even play a video game without getting victimized.
It wasn't even 10 fucking years ago when you had to just play the game to unlock everything. Seriously, go suck a dick you fucking waste of breath.

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"Sports"game and not even by EA.

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It's ok fren. Things will get better.

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>Everyone ditches lootboxes
>Everyone switches to objectively worse battlepasses
Pyrrhic victory at best.

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>. Lootboxes are bullshit but they aren’t gambling
Yes they are fuck em make it illegal i don't give a fuck. Loot boxes are cancer garbage and trash fuck your random bullshit and get it out of my games.

Government:Oh no think of little timmy he plays violent video games, they're going to influence his behavior to become a serial killer

Gaymers:Nooooo that's not trueeeee maybe the parents should just follow the esrb and bot buy the game for their kidss those arent even games for kids pls fuck off government...

Gaymers:Oh no this sports game has an optional game mode amongst the myriad of many others and it's aimed directly and strictly at 3 year olds oh nooo, my 3 year old is going to get conditioned and turned into an addict if he even plays it once pls help us daddy government

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based i hope every western publisher burns

chinks and gooks are way more guilty of this than western devs, user. you arent some delusional weeb are you?

>Lootboxes are now gambling
But about the CRATES OF BOOTY?

The first thing that it tells you when you start the game is to open a lootbox

>false equivalence because not telling the difference between clearly fake shit and real shit is the exact same as a scheme to make someone hopelessly addicted to gambling and blowing through far more money then makes logical sense
You sir are a false flag EAtard, and a rather dumb ass one at that. People straight up ignoring ESRB guidelines for their childrem and people becoming hopeless addicts that give more cash then sense are different levels of wrong. One is because parents are dumbasses not following the rules and the other is an actively malicious exploitative scheme to get rich off young impressionable minds.


I dont understand the reference

funniest and most oblivious post I've seen all week

>free game or app with lootboxes
yea i dont give a fuck, thats a solid business model just like dota 2. but since western publishers are cancer, then i guess they might end up being collateral damage.

>its ok when japan does it

>half the paper is bitching about games companies stonewalling and otherwise not being forthcoming about fucking anything
>conclusions also recommend forcing them to pony the fuck up, not only with hard use data but money for associated research
I'm fine with the lootbox part, but it's this shit that seems like what they were really angling for.

It's a start.

If video gaming is officially a mental illness... and companies are openly preying upon and exploiting 'disabled' people... isnt that illegal? Why didnt someone take them to court yet?

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because video gaming is not a mental illness

t. cucks who buy full priced games and defend the microtransactions in them

Because they have a metric fuckton of lawyers and technically by law video games arn't considered a mental illness, so whoever tries will get fucked raw.

AAA collapse soon. MWHAHAHAHAHAHA...

>Its considered by the organization that decides what is considered a mental illness
>its not an mental illness
I'd love to see EA try to spin that around.

How is an "impressionable young mind" going to get addicted to gambling if the parent doesn't store their credit card info on their account? Unless the kid is an outright thief and steals money from their parents, they shouldn't even be able to buy lootboxes. And if it does happen, well, sounds like those parents raised a shit fucking child.

>>Its considered by the organization that decides what is considered a mental illness
thats absurd fucking fake news user, stop spreading horseshit. gaming addiction was defined as something that interferec with your every day life, from relationships to job performance. Any serious addiction is a mental illness gaming included

shut the fuck up you dumbass weeb, go back to being weebly oblivious like you were

There are a lot of shit parents so your not wrong in that regard, but it doesn't change fundamentally the fact loot boxes are a malicious scheme based on current modern culture.

Yeah thats the sort of response i'd expect from EA. Saying that its fake and completely shrugging it off. Worked for them so far.

Damn you mad. He really must've hit close to home.

you could just actually read the report yourself man


Fuck cancerous cosmeticfags.

>Cool, a new game of a franchise i love is coming out
>Those new mechanics and settings are very fancy
>Wait, why did they removed things from previous games?
>Wait, why are they selling me removed parts separately
>Wait, why do i have to obtain the things i want removed from older games trough a random chance?

Fuck off corporate bootlicker

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I just want to know where this comes from, the narrative I've seen from some, like YongYea, is "think of the children". But how are kids, and I mean real young kids, getting money to get addicted to lootboxes?

What game are you referring to?

Let it burn.
Let it all burn.

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Outfits, characters, weapons, components, pick your poison and don't kid yourself, a lootbox is just content that used to be free
Shadow of mordor, destiny, overwatch, tekken to name a few shitty examples

eat my ass shill

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Don't care, lootboxes are a lazy form of game design and I demand devs and publishers actually work for their money. If they can't do that they can fuck off and die.

Game crash when?

as soon as fortnite dies

Hurrah for Nanny states policing what stupid people do with their money by letting the government further into our entertainment

But gambling is legal isn't it?

You didn't change shit. You didn't make shit happen. You don't have power to change things. Other people do, but not you.

Not for kids.

slippery slope this, free speech that, personal responsibility, yadda yadda fuck you, anything that hurts EA is a good thing, fuck them, fuck you.

>british government trying to ban something else

>A rating
That guarantees DOA

Goys are not allowed to make their own decisions. They are cattle after all.

Reminder that the only time lootboxes were detrimental to a game was Battlefront 2 and it got fucked in the ass for that

Lootbox games should be DOA

loot boxes are detrimental in every game theyre implemented in. see: call of duty and shadow of war for examples of both multiplayer and singleplayer

>loot boxes are detrimental in every game theyre implemented in
Not being able to get some skin because of lootboxes doesn't make it detrimental

Digital goods have no monetary value. There, any argument you could make about physical items now can no longer be made.


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Will EA go down in history as creating the most cancerous meme responses in gaming history?

>"They are not called lootboxes, they are called surprise mechanics"
>Ok, here is tons of evidence proving that its addictive, gambling, and tons of psychologists quotes as well
>EA: "I disagree"

This is like how Gawker acted in fucking court when asked serious questions, they just joked at it, or blatantly lied.

Not if FIFA is the best selling game in Europe, it does.

I forgot this one:
>EA: "How would you suggest we handle the digital goods in our games? Change the rating? That would severely harm us.
>How about you make it where you earn the digital goods as in game rewards with no money involved at all?

Fuck them kids

I don't know anything about yongyeah or whatever but it's not about kids getting addicted or not, it's the mere attempt at engaging kids in gambling. Somewhere in these 3+ rated games is a screen which paraphrases "gamble for virtual stuff here!" with all the fanfare of a casino to get you in the mood while still shying away from the actual words to maintain appearances. That's just not alright in my book. Then there's peer pressure from friends whose parents aren't as morally sound and auxillary stuff.
I don't care that some kids get the money to gamble, like I said, it's the very fact that there's even an attempt at getting these kids in the first place.

Lootboxes, by the strictest definition of the term, are not gambling.

However, they exploit literally all of the same psychological effects and weaknesses as gambling, and the end result is essentially the same, with the sole difference being that the prize to be gained is of perceived value, not objective value. These mechanics are now being forced into games with little transparency, games containing them aren't labeled, and sometimes they're added AFTER RELEASE so that they aren't covered in previews/reviews and don't drag down review scores.

How the fuck does this not warrant regulation?

You're losing, corporate shill.

When I was a kid and asked my mom for her credit card to buy something she said she'd fucking murder me if I spent a cent over what I asked for. Do other parents not do this?

Australia changed Fallout and made Steam add refunds.

this but unironically

"Because I disagree, because its censorship of the developer's artistic vision, because there is not proven link between video game and gambling addiction, and its the parents faults"

When I was a kid, microtransactions didn't exist and I never once got to touch my parents credit card. Kids today have it way too good.

If lootboxes are banned, publishers will just migrate to battle passes, which are just as scummy and jewish.

You cannot defeat corporations.

Current year children do not ask, they steal the card while their parents sleep, and stay up using it on the game.

weak strawman gayboy

This, why do people think we'll magically go back to the days of unlocking everything purely through gameplay?

>you can get everything you pay for
>you cannot

Consider they aren't wanting to settle with raising the rating, but instead just forcing them to implement the digital goods into being earned in game with no money involved, like it used to be, I'd say that yes, they can and are defeating corporations. And by that, I mean the corporations themselves, that is who is defeating them. They ask simple questions, they get lies. They ask straight forward questions, they dodge the question and don't give a answer. They rename well known concepts thinking changing the name changes what they are. The corporations have the mentality of children, and the government is fucking destroying them for these childish games.

>How the fuck does this not warrant regulation?
Adhering to regulations take a LOT of money. Money that deserves to go to investors for their brave righteousness of demanding unsustainable growth or else they'll make heads roll instead.

Killing virtual people in a video game does not create the same emotional response as killing people in real life in a healthy human being.

Lootboxes absolutely do create the same emotional response as gambling.

Because you haven't done research, that is exactly what they are aiming for. Not to increase the age rating, but to make the goods earn-able in game.

Thankfully, surprise mechanics aren't.

Battle passes are tolerable in comparison.
Time = thing you want
instead of
Unknown amount of money = thing you want

Can we take out microtransactions next?

Because they said its not gambling are you stupid? When you are robbing a bank and the cops come in to shoot you dead you can just say you are not robbing a bank and get off free. Everyone knows this

>Actually read all 84 pages
>Horrifically realize that nearly everyone in the thread hasn't read shit, and is acting like they are trying to do things that they are not trying to do

You disgust me Yea Forums do some goddamn research for once.

>Because you haven't done research, that is exactly what they are aiming for.
I'm aiming to impregnate every redhead on the planet, but neither of these things are going to happen.


Read the publication, they are trying to get companies to abandon trying to charge money at all, and instead switch to having players earn the items in game as rewards.

With how bad the companies are doing at defending themselves, it actually might happen. The companies are coming off even more shady and underhanded then they actually are, and when asked for proof, or records, or evidence to disprove things, they aren't cooperating at all. Its looking really bad for them, and I mean "Gawker making rape jokes in a courtroom" bad.

Look at all the paid corporate shills in this thread that are getting angry because now they're being forced to make actual good games.

>psychic force
i like to call it meme magic

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You can tell exactly how greedy companies are by refusing to sell items outright instead of locking them behind 'rng'.

They still make money either way they just make MORE money locking shit into rng boxes. They understand the whale market (an actual thing) and know that whales alone are worth more than 95% of the community after initial sales. Since all these people care about is numbers numbers numbers they want both high initial sales AND want the game to make profit well after its released.

This shit has been going on for the last T W O decades and is older than some of the posters in this place, they have been born into this 'slavery' and have accepted it as the norm as they know no other options.

But ultimately none of this matters because gaming is more about money than it is as a hobby and you've all helped contribute to it with your pathetic reasoning and unwillingness to punish greedy companies by outright refusing to buy their products, instead you bend the knee and inch by inch you've given up all the ground you had left.

Continue to get squeezed for every drop, continued to get sucked into the hype machine and continue to fool yourself that the industry is going to change.

Now go back to playing borderlands 3.

not gambling by the way, its a basketball game

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yeah because people are totally paying attention to what shitposters on Yea Forums 2.0 are raving about

>you can get everything you pay for
yeah, for only $200+ per pass

The EU market is by bigger than the States gaming-wise

And that's still probably cheaper than lootboxes.

Why are the companies so bad at defending themselves? Wouldn't just telling the truth be better responses then "We don't have those records" and "We refuse to disclose how much money we make because it somehow breaches customer security" and "We didn't do any research into the effects of our practices on children at all" and "Attempting to make use change our practices is censorship of the developers artistic vision" and lets all not forget "they aren't called lootboxes, they are surprise mechanics". Why are these companies acting so stupid and pathetic? Do they just feel that they have no power over them at all?

What gambling? Its a sports game. Buy it for your 3 year old cousin he will love it.

Attached: uhhh its not gambling dude.jpg (1300x720, 197K)

dilate more tranny

Compared to what people can spend on lootboxes, that's nothing

They're leftists by nature.


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if lootboxes are gambling then what the fuck is marriage? Its the same shit you put money and get raped in the courts. they could also ban marriage but since this is so emotional to some people they wont. But no the lootboxes are the evil and need to be banned. What weak individuals need government to solve everything.

if lootboxes are gambling then what the fuck is real estate? Its the same shit you put money and get raped by the banks. they could also ban mortgages but since this is so emotional to some people they wont. But no the lootboxes are the evil and need to be banned. What weak individuals need government to solve everything.

But nu/v/ told me government regulation was a leftist position

You are literally sounding as retarded as the companies are acting. They brought up booster packs for cards, and when the response back was "those are physical objects" and said nothing. The companies can't defend shit, and they don't even try to fucking hide it.

imagine being so fucking awful at your job even politicians who spend every day dealing with liars and thieves go 'man you fuckers are shady as shit'

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>Pencil-pushing parasites stepping in isn't a victory

It's more effective than anything you've done, especially your abstinence and the retarded notion that an entire market personally refraining from engaging in a practice and holding a mass group of vague consumers responsible is a realistic solution.
>b-but they'll bring back season passes (as if those aren't already the norm)!
>b-but they'll invent new scams!
Guess what shit for brains, companies are going to do that shit anyway *with or without lootboxes*. It's like saying allowing children to gamble and hiring them for labor somehow prevents casino scams and companies from abusing their adult workforce.

Its more like

>Put money in
>Have 1% chance of getting something new or decent, 99% chance of getting a piece of lint or something

You act like businesses couldn't stay above water before lootboxes took off.

The only meaningful difference between regular gambling and lootboxes is that the house is forced to pay out wheras game companies don't owe you shit. On a psychological level they're identical, It's actually worse than gambling.

The problem is "Voting with your wallet" isn't effective. Not when whales make up 95% of sales. Developers prey on people with more money than sense or people who want to pay to win. Its perfectly fine for government to step in and 'save' people who have lost control.

shut the fuck up trumptard neo nazi


None of these faggots actually believe in "Voting with your wallet". What they're actually saying is "Don't buy it just shut up don't actually do anything"

There's no universe where publishers go "welp, guess we can only exploit the stupidest 10% of our consumer base for billions of dollars, thats enough profit for us let's leave it at that and not continue trying to exploit the other 90%!"

We did it, Reddit!

Not taking action doesn't protect you from harm either though. Eventually these practices took root and spread into nearly all genres once they saw how profitable it was to exploit people. Sure you could become a hermit and give up the hobby, but thats no fun right?

Very few people actually buy lootboxes in large amounts. The problem is that the people who do buy a metric shit boat load.

So if I make my slotmachine return a microktoken whenever the player loses and offer to exchange 1 million microtokens for a chewing gum, does that make it not gambling?

The point is these companies aren't satisfied with anything less than infinite growth and maximum profit. People who think lootboxes act as a buffer that somehow prevents companies from employing additional scummy and exploitative practices are deluding themselves.

Thank you Jesus, very cool.

So better give up and let corporations do whatever they want and fuck people in the ass amiriet?

They already ARE migrating to battle passes you dumb fuck. And "buy a pass and earn everything it comes with" is nowhere near as scummy and jewish as "buy this mystery box and you MIGHT get what you want"

That's meme magic
Someday the US is going to seriously research the noosphere and then we can finally know what it truly is

>Sure you could become a hermit and give up the hobby
Most of these faggots preaching for abstinence never cared about the hobby and video games to begin with.

>hurr durr gambling with real money is the same as simulated "violence"
what a dumbfuck you are

what kind of loser needs a nanny state to step in and prevent their kids from wasting money in casinos? you fags are pathetic


own persons are not capable of making own decisions

the idea of libertarianism is laughable, the average person is about as smart as a sheep


Yes restricting my ability to get rich off exploiting retards would be a good goy move

>restricting my ability to get rich off exploiting retards would be a good goy move

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why do I get the feeling that you'd be completely and utterly miserable in a truly libertarian society?
seriously, what's up with americans defending the interests of wealthy people over their own?

>if you're a libertarian
there's no point in living if you're a certified retard, user

temporarily embarrassed millionaire syndrome. this kind of cut throat individualism is ingrained in contemporary american society

That's wrong, but the UK alone is a big enough market for FIFA (EA's greatest single source of revenue thanks to microtransactions) that regulating it as gambling would hurt them greatly.

How to fix loot boxes
Make loot boxes top out at $2 and make it so all items can be bought directly from the story for a max of $5

Oy vey we lose money if people can just outright buy what they want instead of gam- I mean purchasing loot boxes for surprise mechanics!

How to fix loot boxes
get rid of them and sell items directly or not at all

Why are people celebrating the banning of something? That's stupid. You want to give the government more power.

>You didn't change shit. You didn't make shit happen. You don't have power to change things. Other people do, but not you. And everybody on the planet is to greedy and a faggot to get together to change anything so just keep taking that dick up your ass a little deeper and enjoy them stealing everything from you while your rights gets fucked in the ass like the rest of us. Not that it matters humans are trash and don't give a fuck about anything but themselves.

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Read a book lolbert

you own and can sell the trading cards on the secondary market

you cannot do this with digital items

You didn’t do shit you fucking faggot.

>temporarily embarrassed millionaire syndrome

what the fuck does this even mean

It's great Trump says vaping is bad and threatens to ban it now I can watch as libs and libertarians kill themselves with poisoned vape pens to #resist

It's pretty self explanatory.

bunch of idiots thinking they'll win the lottery tomorrow, then act like they've already won it

>all this anti-libertarian sentiment

commies are among us. lets get em boys

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honestly, beer at least should be outlawed, it's way too abusable.

>muh gommies
Libertarians and "Free market" advocates who defend jewish lootbox schemes have made a better case for Fascism than any actual nazi in all of history.

>that 8ch webm that shows even more coincidences, including the people at the crash site

most lootboxes aren't cosmetic-only

Its when poor people hate seeing rich people taxed because they think one day they'll be rich too and would be inconvenienced by it.

Not really

>instantly resorted to calling the other party a fascist, after a single post

like pottery

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>libertarians in charge of reading comprehension

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Who the fuck is talking about nazis? You brought them up out of nowhere

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You are beyond retarded. Go eat rocks you illiterate.

Utterly seething

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>most of those sales will come from Europe
why arabs like poorball that much??

>reduced to seethe posting
Hold this.

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Daily reminder that steam ez refunds worldwide were achieved thanks to the european regulations

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Like the games user mentioned that aren't Overwatch.


Don't buy games with intrusive Denuvo drm

You mean like how FIFA already does it? I mean, uh fuck EA BAD please don't attack me for going against the uninformed hivemind

Its not called more power, its called surprise influence, and attempting to stop this is censorship towards the political artists vision.

shut up convict

>uninformed hivemind
Pot calling the kettle a nigger

Yes do that but make it so nothing can cost more than $5

Aautomatically irrelevant

You can purchase accounts with those items. On Steam some games let you but the items separately.

You first cunt.

Yeah it's not gambling because 2k gives you free codes to input in order to even spin it, that or you have to win matches in a completely optional game mode, it's a reward and you get daily free spins you spend 0 fucking money on the slots or pachinko, there's literally no option to even allow you to spend money on them. But keep believing your outrage youtubers who make up shit because they're uninformed and want ez views from retards like you that can't do their own research or form their own opinion and need someone else to tell them what to think.

Except that we do not call it intrusive Denuvo drm, we call it surprise playful keyloggers, and any attempt at changing this is the censorship of the technicians artistic vision.

Selling and buying accounts is against TOS. The entire reason TCG companies were able to avoid gambling regulations is because they don't directly profit from the secondary market, whereas Valve literally controls the steam marketplace.

>Slot machine: put money in, MAYBE get something in return
>Lootbox: put money in, 100% chance to get something in return
So does this mean I can make my own completely legal casino if I have slot machines that cost .25 cents to play, but you'll always get a penny back, maybe an actual jackpot once in a while?

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>implying you play games like fifa and don't just parrot youtuber opinions

You probably think Ultimate team/Myclub/whatever the fuck is a focal point of sports games and that players are locked behind these specific modes altogether

In this thread: People who are glad the dragon is beginning to have its head removed, and the fucking corporate cucks who are pretending to be customers by saying "Dude lootboxes are not a problem, just don't buy them bro!" as 90%+ of games in the last 4 years has devolved into the "No content, buy loot boxes for chance of cosmetics" model

The highest selling games for the last 2 years were titles that didn't involve loot boxes, you would think a lot of these companies would get the hint, most fucking odd was it was Capcom of all companies with several run away successes of "Content over cosmetics" which just prior embraced the old lootbox/dlc system and it almost bankrupted them.

If fucking Capcom can prove the lootbox model is terrible there is literally no excuse for other companies to go back to content style games other than laziness/unwillingness to hire actual creative people again

>it's not gambling because its optional

Expansion packs were objectively a good thing including the paid ones, at this point physical is no longer and shall never return to being the primary distribution method and you're an absolute subhuman to think otherwise.
Therefore I ask why do you hate expansion packs.


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It's not gambling because it doesn't cost money you sub-80 IQ brainlet

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We do not called them expansion packs sir, we call them surprise resold cut content, and do not worry, it will never go away because attempting to force us to not able allowed to use them is censorship towards the developers artistic vision after all.

"Please open your light boxes for a chance to get the fastest bikes in Destiny 2, oh too bad, just grind out 200 hours to get enough dust to buy one instead. Or you can just buy some boxes. Ching ching. Remember cosmetic paints are one use only!"

You spend fuck all on the slots.

I agree packs are shit and I want them to do away with them but come on dude get informed.

I will say Madden is cucked and has the short end of the stick, I won't make excuses for Madden because it's a literal dumpster fire.

>lootboxes ruin games and turn them into gacha fests, making every game grindy and repetitive so people will want to pay their way past them
>this encourages people to be lazy and casuals
>devs make games even worse

Nope, I'd rather let the government come in and destroy everything, then let these degenerates ruin the industry. Reap what you sow.

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>implying the biggest whores for FUT aren't youtuber shills
>implying "lootboxes are bullshit" is only an opinion parroted from youtubers

Ultimate team and Myclub are the focal point where EA and 2K make the majority of profit , you colossal dumbfuck. They don't make money from just selling the games anymore, it's literally become secondary to microtransactions. "It's optional" is not a fucking argument.

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"It's not DLC, it's just a code you buy to unlock content already on the disk"

Literally, Capcom of all companies came back from bankruptcy because the massive DLC/Lootbox market game design is unsustainable

Excuse me but we do not call them lootboxes, we call them surprise mechanics. Please do not spread negativity, as that is censorship towards our developer's artistic vision.

>frogposter brainlet thinking he has a right to an opinion

opinion discarded

What are they going to fucking ruin? Literally, what are they going to ruin? You fuckers keep sitting there going "OH NO THE GOBBERMENT GONNA RUIN YOUR GAMES" but your corporate cucks won't give any reasoning

The only thing this does is forces companies to stop trying to make games skinner boxes in design and instead provide content once again, that's it. There is no downside to this.

If those modes are not the focal point of sports games then why not get rid of them all together, or at least get rid of the mtx parts?

In Ultimate Team the drop rates for free packs are quite good, I've gotten really good players that I've sold on the market for 200,000 plus consistently. Plus they have a way for you to trade in shit players (sbc's) for better ones.

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Spot on. If the only alternative these shills can offer is "just shut up and go play something else/give up the hobby" then I am 100% content with seeing these lootbox-filled games "ruined" by government regulation.

It absolutely is an argument. Theres a whole 95% of the game to play that doesn't involve them. Just like I don't play Smash Ultimate's online component because it's objectively terrible, there's still other things to do in that game (albeit not to the degree of FIFA). The effect of lootboxes is completely overstated and I end up dabbing on you outrage cultists in every one of these threads because you don't really have any experience in what you're talking about.

If they did it wouldn't hurt the game at all since there's a lot of other modes and they keep adding more, like based volta

>FIFA shills unironically posting ITT

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>le pachinko isn't gambling face

>"The effects of loot boxes on games is overstated"

Fuck off corporate cuck, I can point to almost every major release in the last 5 years that shows micros transactions literally ruins games, I mean holy fuck the grind in games like the new Shadow of Mordor/Assassins Creeds without loot boxes is beyond fucking insane, you're literally playing a more interactive version of cookie clicker for 50-100 hours till you finally grind out enough experience/loot/levels to advance


So then what's the problem? You have no argument against regulating these modes if they're as immaterial to the actual game as you say they are. Nobody is arguing to ban sports games all together.

>FIFAchads educating brainlet """"""""core""""""""" gamers


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But I do not call them optional, I call them surprise inevitable charges. Please do not slander the good name of EA by using such negative terminology, and attempting to use any other term besides ours is censorship on our artistic vision.

Imagine actually defending microtransactions and dlc.
The fact that people are ok with content being removed and then sold back to them or their online experience being pay to win is mind boggling

Not an argument Not meming, you have literally 0 argument for why the effect of lootboxes is overstated

By your logic adding an actual slot machine to these games that cost real money to spin should be allowed because it isn't the focal point of the overal game.

Shadow of Mordor doesn't and didn't have microtransactions. Want to know how I know you don't play the games you think your dumbass opinion has any merit for?

>brainlet frogposting fifanigger thinking he has a right to an opinion

opinion discarded

You have to be 21 or older to gamble in most casinos, at 18 you can go into a bingo hall and be in a casino but you cant gamble on any of the games until youre 21.

Literally get good.

I doubt you've even played those games despite you shitting on them as it seems 75% of Yea Forums doesn't play the games they shit on and you're just parroting your favorite e-celeb who you willing paypig to on patreon.

Shadow of War smartass, I didn't want to look the name up.

And congrats shill, the game sold so poorly that they were forced to remove the excessive grind/lootbox system in a desperate attempt to recoup their costs on that shitfest.


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based gooberment

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I did make an argument, you just weren't smart enough to counter it.

>Git gewd
>Enemies that literally cannot be killed because you only inflict slivers of damage
>Regular grunts now take 10+ minutes of trying to kill because you are underleveled
>"Git gewd"

How much does that cuck check pay out per post? Honestly want to know what the price souls go for these days.

You should edit it to say "surprise mechanics aren't lootboxes" or "you can't censor my artistic vision of stealing from children"

>Literally get good at RNG-based monetization

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Yet you probably post in smash guess who threads excited about what's the next dlc character's gonna be that's not going to be in the next entry.

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>the dislike ratio

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The fact that a huge legal argument has to happen for people to accept the definition of a common word, is disappointing. This is why good education and parenting are absolutely critical for a good society.

>needing daddy government to step in because you're bad at games

>Theres a whole 95% of the game to play that doesn't involve them
Two things wrong with this
1. I paid for the game. I should be able enjoy 100% of the product I paid for
2. The other 95% of the game greatly suffers as a result of the 5% being a cash cow thus that 5% gets the most time and resources. Look at NFL games. Since online play became huge, the single player aspects of those games have suffered. No NFL game in the last 10 years has come close to the depth and features of Madden 2005, Madden 08, 2K5 or 2K8

No, you didn't. Your "argument" doesn't address how the effects of lootboxes themselves are overstated, and I already countered your defense of them which is purely based on not being a core part of the game (which means they can be easily removed)

Worked on my machine

Sorry you suck user. Maybe spend more time practicing instead of screaming about EA and signing petitions

DLC of any kind is cancer

>implying lootbox pulls is a skill

hurr durr needing daddy government because you can't win at the casino!

>he can't beat FUT shitters

>Worked on my machine

>Sorry you suck user. Maybe spend more time practicing instead of screaming about EA and signing petitions

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playing FUT in the first place and pretending its skill based makes you a shitter

the problem with all the retards just b8ing and defending lootboxes is that some people actually agree with them

Playing slots isn't a skill FIFAnigger

The 84 page report has already proven that video game companies are not interested in the health or well being of their customers at all. All you can do is state excuses that the report itself has already proven incorrect. Multiple times.

No one cares about handegg, not my problem.

You can enjoy Ultimate team without spending money, they literally give you a bunch of free packs for doing basic shit (and you can get 70k coins+ a week) just by being semicompetent and that's enough to get you some good players, if you're still too much of a weak mind cuck that you feel compelled to spend money on virtual cards you had it coming. If you're a shitty parent not my problem, literally get good at being a parent.

There's no slots in FIFA outrage cultist

EA isn't gonna hire you for defending them on the internet, retard.

Then don't buy it lol
If a single game mode causes you such anguish, don't buy it. I still play plenty of non-EA games that have modes I don't care for or don't touch like The Last of Us multiplayer and I get my money's worth.

And prove how the rest of the game is negatively affected. FIFA's core gameplay is the most polished it's been in years, so is PES. Manager mode is in-depth and fun, the Journey is kino at times, etc

It's the same concept, corporate dicksucker.

>muh free market

Loot boxes are gambling, which is fine if its adults but routinely it's retarded kids doing this. Ban the shit for under 18s, the same way you ban anything that is potential harmful: alcohol, cigarettes etc

>defending EA
Not defending EA, don't care about EA I'm just not a brainded idiot who believes everything he's told on the internet by idiots who beg and scam paypiggies for patreon bucks.

>You can enjoy Ultimate team without spending money,
Getting beaten every time by guys who’ve spent tons of money assembling a 99 stat team isn’t enjoyable.
Neck yourself ea shill

>you can win at [p2w game] without spending money, they literally give you free stuff for doing basic shit
Gee where have I heard this before.

You're a fucking cuck, I remember pirating a copy of Plants vs Zombies 2 for my old android tablet that was hacked to give you items whenever you wanted in order to advance at the pace the game should be played at, vs the agonizing grind they wanted you to play at

Not only was the game 10x more fun because I didn't have to sit around all day on shit, the game was over 10,000x quicker because there was literally no content to the game other than arbitrary walls to progress that was locked behind an excessive grind system.

Lo and behold years later we got that same shit in our games we're actually paying for up fucking front, content all being stripped away in an attempt to carrot and stick addict you to paying for "Content" that doesn't exist.

I mean fuck, Destiny 2 I quit playing because they literally stonewalled you from progressing with the "Light levels" shit in an attempt to get you to grind out cosmetics to have "Fun"

Or games like Overwatch, oh you want that elite limited time release cosmetic? Well lucky for you bucky boy it's only 3000 credits! Even though according to the math it takes you literally 230 hours to grind out 3000 credits, and that's only if you've already opened at least 50% of the cosmetics catalog. Or buy 50 boxes now and cut out 180 hours of grinding with just a click!

People gave valve shit over loot crates, but at least all those items are already in the fucking store. And the only reason TF2 trading took off in the first place was addicts were willing to pay $2000 for a glowing cosmetic.

Other companies just got wise to this and wanted to profit off it quickly and instead of making games they stripped everything the fuck away in an attempt to make the cosmetics the games attraction, not the games itself.

>same concept
>literally isn't the same at all

>proven he has zero idea about the games he bitches about


No one cares about third world kickball

>pulling on slots
>pulling for cards
>not the same at all

Thanks for proving you have literally 0 idea what you're talking about and are lying out of your teeth

That only happens if you're absolutley shit which I'm not

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>not defending EA
>In Ultimate Team the drop rates for free packs are quite good, the effects of lootboxes are overstated, you're a weak mind cuck you had it coming

You're a braindead idiot who thinks being a contrarian lootbox apologist makes you intelligent and nobody can genuinely hate lootbox and FUT-style bullshit without being literally told to by ecelebs. You're a mark.

If you need cosmetics to have fun, the problem is with you because you're retarded. Also your angry rant has nothing to do with what I was talking about so we'll just say I accept your tacit defeat.

That only happens if you're *absolutely shit which I'm not

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So they're saying they aren't? What's with the quotation marks?

>no one cares about handegg

Fixed. There's a reason why Madden is a shit series and lives in FIFA'S shadow.

>"Sir, I can have fun without spending money on all this shit, even though all that shit is ruining the game. Clearly the problem is with you and not the games design."

You are literally retarded

funny nobody care about them dying by "normal" cigs

>grinding for cosmetics

user those are primarily ONLINE ONLY shooters, there's an online component to FIFA which is free from microtransactions with a few online game modes that ISN'T Ultimate Team, there's one where you create a character and play a specific position in a team with 11 other anons and all the cosmetics can be purchased with ingame currency you can't even pay for with real money.

I hate lootbox shit user but I just want people to know what the fuck they're talking about instead of spewing hearsay.

>don't like it don't buy it
Who said they were going to? Your line of argument is especially retarded when just moments ago you were shitposting about people complaining about FUT who haven't played (bought) the game. If the game isn't negatively affected by its inclusion, then it shouldn't be negatively affected by its removal. Of course you have yet to reconcile the fact companies selling these sports games make the majority of their money from microtransactions, you worthless shill.

This. I hate loot boxes just as much as the next guy but letting the government control what goes in video games is going to fuck us in the long run.

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your spergy reply has nothing to do with what user was talking about so we'll just say I accept your tacit defeat.


>Wojak redditor FIFAnigger who thinks youtubers invented the backlash against mtx bullshit
>having Informed opinions
Good one

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If your art form includes illegal gambling, it's illegal gambling you absolute fucking dweeb

I'm surprised this world is rotten enough to turn this into a long and difficult discussion. Loot boxes are gambling and it's so obvious it hurts.

But I wouldn't care if it got removed, as I made clear. Since there are plenty of other modes. Like it's laughable how much more FIFA has in content than Smash Bros and you idiots are too NPC to venture out of your core gamer safe reddit taste to know. Keep attacking that strawman though, it is all you have.

You franchise is literally kept alive by hispanics

So then there shouldn't be a problem with removing the non-cosmetic paid card packs

>But I wouldn't care if it got removed
Then why are you defending it

>You franchise is literally kept alive by hispanics

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Yes user, I was never against that.
I hate that shit too.

But you also have to see it from someone who actually plays, it's quite easy to get shit. I would prefer if they werent in but they're not enough of a nuisance because they literally give you a shitload of crap. Plus it would filter out a lot of shitters

>pointing out that lootboxes aren't as prevalent as Yea Forums says is defending them

Smash Bros doesn't have any lootboxes or gacha-style microtransactions, despite having an entire gacha-style mode.
Also you don't know what a strawman is, you fucking tool. You literally told user not to buy the game if he doesn't like it, after shitposting about how everyone is uninformed because they didn't play (buy) the game.

keep seething paco


>it's laughable how much more FIFA has in content than Smash Bros and you idiots are too NPC to venture out of your core gamer safe reddit taste to know.

This post has less self awareness than the shit I just took.

I mean, yes. But all this "PROTECT THE CHILDREN" rhetoric is going to keep pushing and pushing until vidya itself is banned or heavily controlled. Censorship starts small my guy.

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>Yes user, I was never against that.
>I hate that shit too.
Then why are you defending it

>But you also have to see it from someone who actually plays
If you go on youtube you will find dozens if not hundreads of videos from very obvious paid shills opening hundreds of paid card packs showing how "easy" it is to get shit (if you're a shill).

>see that you can't use your own team in most of the game
>nah that's insane, I remember you having it in even in the demo for fifa 97
>it's true

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That's correct.

How so? "Sports games bad" is a r/gaming mantra

Try reading the thread

My bad for going against the groupthink then.

That's a funny way of spelling "being a contrarian disingenuous dipshit"

>mfw watching the madden 08 video
Holy shit what a deep game

>Imagine defending a game that never drops in price despite it Hakurai removing content entry after entry. And the dlc it has now is low effort (clone characters) but it's ok because it's Nintendo

In comparison FIFA has been adding game modes (offline)

Predictions on how far EA stocks are about to fall?

Who the fuck is talking about Smash? Why are you bringing up Smash out of nowhere after crying about strawmen?

And I didn't say that it did. I did say it has modes I don't care for, yet it's generally regarded by Yea Forums as a worthwhile game. Stop misconstruing what I'm saying.

it’s only a domino effect if it starts in america

You would know, redditor.

One you're allowed to talk about on Yea Forums, the other the unwashed outrage cultists don't like you talking about, especially in a positive light.

But I'm not a shill and it's easy to get shit

why are you defending shitty parents?
Again no one cares about handegg, not my problem.

So when you make up strawmen and screech about irrelevant games that have nothing to do with the actual discussion, it's ok because "you're allowed to talk on Yea Forums" but when anyone else calls you out on your red herrings, that makes them an outrage cultist.

>playing the games you talk about is considered disingenuous by Yea Forumsreddit

>it's easy to get shit
>But I'm not a shill

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Why are you still strawmanning?

>And I didn't say that it did.
Then why bring it up

>it's generally regarded by Yea Forums as a worthwhile game
It also doesn't have lootboxes or mtx gacha. Nobody is misconstruing what you're saying, you're just a dumbass.

Now that I dabbed on all the dumbass outrage cultists here that don't play the games they get angry over, I'm gonna go play some FIFA and coom in my gf's mouth.

Later smashbabbies, don't forget to take a shower.

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Give me the basic gestalt, I don't have all day to read bong laws

>>playing the games you talk about
You literally told people to not buy the games if they don't like it, you disingenuous retard. Stop posting.


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They banned flavored vape juice because retards were dying from inhaling mystery chemical cocktails.
Plus some shit about the FDA needing to do more studies before creating actual regulations. Dumbfucks are still gonna kill themselves every once in a while trying to make everything into vape juice so nothing will change.

>doesn't know FIFA has demos for every iteration

But it's understandable since you haven't played these games. Despite thinking you know anything about them.

This argument? And even the mess this thread is? Words have definitions so we can avoid this sort of thing.

Demos mean fuckall when we're talking about a p2w mode that is only in the full game, you dumb nigger.

>japanese just accept gacha as it is and move on, knowing that different people like different things
>westerners need to ruin other’s fun because it doesn’t suit their agenda

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You're still crying? I thought you left the thread

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>FIFAchads making absolute fools out of the angry smashtards ITT

Holy fuck. Imagine the smell in their rooms

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Gacha is already regulated in Japan you dumb cunt, and Jap devs keep lootbox/gacha bullshit out of their regular priced traditional console/PC games. Abort yourself for being this stupid.

BUY CONSUME. BUY DIGITAL GOODS. I only want 3/4 of a game anyway, I d-don't need the items and content locked behind the paywall, I'm happy with what they gave me. I-I'll just unlock it through grinding! bootstraps!

gacha have a ton of laws. even the actual physical toy ones idiot

>still posting after you got thoroughly BTFO and said you were leaving to go play sports trash
>still crying about muh smash boogeyman

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This entire thread reminds me of that reddit post by that dude who was a paid EA shill who would constantly get called out for shilling, and they literally have playbooks of things they have to say when they post etc

-Can't talk bad about the product in question
-Talk about how it helps X company
-Make sure to bring up other games/business models and say that they're the problem, not the topic in question (Why you're probably seeing so many "BUT SMASH BROS!" arguments right now)
-Constantly point out that alternatives are worse than what the company has laid out, because the company has your best interests in mind and "Cares"
-Avoid directly answering questions, instead talk about how great other features in X games are etc

Any of this sounding familiar? It should.

Also the dude was getting paid 75 cents per post.

>>japanese just accept gacha as it is
Not paid in their regular non-f2p games?
Western game companies have no one to blame but themselves.

What an absolute slaughter!

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Good man. Somebody's got to tell truth to power.

>he's still going

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chuck e cheese didn't become a franchise by having good pizza just like you're not the first schlomo to have that idea

You posted all this dumb shit because of your twisted, wrong and misinformed worldview as an amerishart, your lack of self-analysis, childlike behaviour and the fact that you're a tasteless manchild nintendo pony.

>it's predatory because retarded parents literally open packs in front of their kids showing them how it's done on the Nintendo Switch(tm)

The sad part is this baby brained faggot isn't even paid. He's just a FIFA fanboy who's throwing a tushy tantrum because he feels threatened by all the anti-lootbox discussion, shitting himself and acting like he's "won" the thread or whatever. And now that he's ran out of steam he's been reduced to screeching about Smash babies and substanceless reaction image posts. It's like he's a chess playing pigeon.

Too bad I've not owned a console in over a decade bucko

Again the lack of self awareness on your part is incredible. Do all Fifaniggers have brainworms or is it just you?

Dude he left 20 minutes ago and you're still in here screaming about him, sounds to me like he won the thread kek

>childlike behaviour
the irony

>Dude he left 20 minutes ago

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Shut the fuck up, kid.

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You stick out like a sore thumb samefaggot

the former is great the latter isn't valve has IPs that are rotting right now i wouldn't want something like dead space to stay dead as it is

>accuse others of childlike behavior
>posts this
I'm embarrassed for you.

20 minutes ago, eh?

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Based libertarian user, Yea Forums trannies don't have the iq nor self accountability so they screech and shout at everything they are told they're not allowed to not like and blame everything and everyone else for them being /weak mind niggas/ it's literal mob mentality and it's sad that they can't see it

Yea Forums didn’t do shit

libertarianism is fucking cringe and gay, and that there's a reason that nearly everyone in that milieu is fucking gone away to fascism now. You're cringe. Your ideology is cringe. Communists, fascists, and even other capitalists laugh at you.

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Yea Forums only gets credit for doing shit if its sexism and harassing indie devs

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>muh liberty to buy lootboxes

Modern sports games are bad. They're the most blatant examples of low-effort yearly rehashes that barely improve between releases yet sell because of dimwits who don't know any better and because they have monopoly on sports brands. Even sports fans who still buy these games admit it, but they have no other choice if they want to play because of the league license. Konami could pour all of their pachinko and health spa profits into nothing but making a PES game with 1000x more features and gameplay, and it still wouldn't outsell FIFA because EA hold the license and the favela monkeys who buy it don't care about gameplay

Yeah yeah, reddit. Didn't need a whole paragraph for your NPC rhetoric.

ok retard

LMAO you never left the thread and you weren't smart enough to make a counter argument. What a little baby zilch you are.