Can you believe there are people on Yea Forums right now who aren't excited as fuck for this?
>nublizz is bad!!!
>lore retcons will kill it!!!
>it looks soulless!!!
Do people have actual arguments against Warcraft 3 Reforged that aren't just Yea Forums memes spouted over and over again?
Just even thinking at the possibilities that this remaster will bring makes my brain hurt.
Holy fucking shit.
>updated and advanced world editor
>all those old maps and old gamemodes updated again
>all those basement dwellers making campaigns and shit will now start doing it all again
I fucking hate what Blizzard has become thanks to Jewtivision and i haven't played WoW since WoTLK, but fuck me if i'm not excited as fuck for this.
Can you believe there are people on Yea Forums right now who aren't excited as fuck for this?
If they make Illidan vs Arthas a real cinematic how they intended in the first place, but couldnt do because they ran out of funds. I will be exited.
Supposely they're also remaking all in-engine cinematics, while keeping the CGI ones, tho cleaned and upscaled.
Does that even count as in-engine?
I hope so.
Not a fan of new models. They look cheap.
Should've used the ones from Starcraft 2
Afaik those in SC2 aren't 4K like the ones in reforged.
But i tend to agree, some of the models they've shown are kinda offputting.
Still excited for my undead bois to be remastered in 4k.
That coupled with the fact that every hero will have multiple skins and a gender feature, i'm ready to play my female sassy lich hero.
I never grew up with Warcraft. Should I bother with Orcs vs Humans to learn the lore and stuff?
It won't have custom maps like WC3 does
The fuck?
Of course it will.
Do you have a source to back that up?
Because so far all the interviews and snippets of info they've released clearly state that custom maps will be back and stronger than ever.
simply put, no
you're not on /vr/
while solid, those games aged like pure milk
i dont even think warcraft 1 even works on modern systems
warcraft 2 probably, using some shenanigans
wc3 is pretty easy to get in to, since it doesn't really have ties to the old games
just remember
human vs orcs
human good
orcs bad
the end
go play wc3
Frankly I was disappointed because WoW was nothing like Warcraft 3 after I checked it out. They're very different, lore wise.
It will be an exact carbon copy of SC2's current system as they've hinted multiple times, which means it'll be absolutely fucking garbage and old maps will not be compatible
>same engine
>same gameplay
>WoW lore retcon
>Souless chink Art
>no source
They even said people with WC3 will be able to play with people playing the reforged version.
So you're making shit out of asspullium, son.
Except Reforged is just a graphics pack like Starcraft Remastered, which is why on Reforged/Remastered you can play with owners of the original game. Custom games will work out of the gate unless it has security issues from being such an old mod.
I bought this shit only because I wanted to play Durotar Founding campaign in OG Frozen Throne.
I fucking hate myself.
I'm conflicted, I know it probably won't have a lot of the charm of the original but might still use it as an excuse to get into WC3. Always thought it looked fun
>found my old TFT cd-key
>can't for the life of me find the old RoC cd-key
what a retarded post, you can play the first 2 warcrafts on gog btw
>still no beta
>still no release date
I don't think it's coming out this year
why would I be excited about a remake? I can just play the original and have a better experience.
Excited for what? Shit graphics? Sorry kid, I still play ladder on the weekends. I'm fine with the current options.
So long as the ability to make sickass custom maps is still there I don't give a fuck about anything else. I want those goddamn anime fighting arena maps or RPG maps
>Tell me what 2+2 is? Don't say 4, that's just a Yea Forums meme
>all those old maps and old gamemodes updated again
no they wont. all these people either moved on years ago or made actual videogames out of their maps like legion TD
pro scene will die quickly once everyone realizies that the new models are dogshit and make it a lot harder to at a glance keep track of what units are what in terms of unit type and faction color (the entire reason of the originals cartoony artstyle with people bigger than houses)
warcraft 3 reforged FURCKING WHEN??????
no news since 2018!!
They did say 2019. So, it's coming. Just wait until December 31, 2019 11:59p.m. pacific.
Wc3 reforged will fail because it's not designed by people who know what an rts needs, they're just making it "prettier" according to what they think looks good.
Play Azeroth Wars
Whenever a release date says December 31, it's just a meaningless placeholder. There's a slim chance that it could come earlier like around Blizzcon, but it's more likely to be next year.
never played wc3 so im getting this
>QQing over nothing
Excuse making casuals
It's not like warcraft 3 is outdated, it's still a solid slower paced RTS.
For me, it's Coming of the Horde.
I'm hyped to play customs with my friends again. Also haven't played the campaign in forever so yeah I'm pretty excited for reforged.
it's coming out the week of blizzcon
screencap this
>azeroth wars with HD graphics
god damn im excited.
I won't but I could believe something like that.
still haven't revealed the starcraft 1 & 2 preorder stuff
so yeah, either before blizzcon or around that time
Will prolly end up buying when it get 20$ or cheaper. Charging 40$ for it is pure theft.
it's actually 30, user
40 if you want wow stuff
i wouldn't pay 10 dollars for it.
I could go play Warcraft 3 right now, what is there to be excited about
It's blizzard.
I'm CERTAIN it'll be censored/SJW as fuck.
will i be able to play Footman Frenzy and Maul TDs again? if so ill buy it
I just don't like the way the game looks.
I appreciate that it runs on the same servers as the original though, it's already increased the playerbase for WC3 and it's not even out yet.
>giving money to Activision Blizzard
Reminder to pirate everything they do.
Not that I disagree, but what is there to censor in the game, even?
Honestly just read the lore of Orcs and Humans, that game is super super weak (I didn't even like it when I played it in 1998.) Warcraft 2 still didn't age very well but is much better. I replay wc3 all the time due to how great it is.
Yes it will, it runs on the same servers as the original. If you own the original you'll be able to play with Reforged players.
I think if you use one CD-key on Blizzard's website they let you download both.
The way it works now you can switch between RoC/TFT with a press of a button on the main menu.
Blood and skeletons I guess? That's more of a China problem than SJW bs though.
>WC3 threads before reforged
>wawa dota, bots made game dead no reason to play, rts is dead
>wc3 threads after reforge
>umm excuse me sweety chink, activision, sjw, changes, maps wont work, why would I play it when the original exists?
Why is Wii so petty and delusional
>no they wont. all these people either moved on years ago or made actual videogames out of their maps like legion TD
You cannot even begin to comprehend how wrong you are.
The modscene is still alive, and it's extremely autistic.
Pic related, a Nightborne playable race.
Now those models are shit because the modders are kinda stuck with whatever limitations the old engine has.
Imagine what the fuck they'll able to do with the updated one from reforged.
Just fucking imagine.
Why would I waste my time doing that when I can play good games
Reskins and some models mashups because WC3 is like almost 20 years old now.
The possibilities.
>soulless mobile game graphics
>story rewritten for wow retards
>iconic voice actors replaced with wow ones
>will probably recoeve tons of balance patches that will fuck up the game
>custom games will most likely be super restricted like sc2
eat shit
retarded phoneposter
>Wa666r races
my fucking nigga
this dude is probably one of the very few dedicated modders who still pumps out extremely well done wc3 content
calling them just reskins or model mashups is a bit of an understatement, this nigga has made brand new races with heroes, interface and even sound effects
I guess you also get excited everytime Disney rehashes one of its classics just for that sweet cash grab.
I mean you're not wrong, but he has never commented about WC3 reforged, and that scared the community a little.
Has he done nerubians?
Warcraft is terrible and the lore is unrecognizable.
Warcraft2 is great, gameplay is aged but still manageable and the lore, while retconned, has all the seeds of what later will be WC3 and WoW.
Warcraft3 is the good one.
>I think if you use one CD-key on Blizzard's website they let you download both.
delaying the fact that she had breast reduction surgery until as close to release as possible to avoid lost sales
WC2 is literally WC1 but playable
Imagine getting excited over a remake lmao. I already played this game 17 years ago and could replay it right now if I wanted to.
>burqa night elves
literally all of this kys op and never stop kys
Finally got Arthas not looking like an idiot.
custom games won't be the same. the times are over. take a look at the sc2 custom scene, this is what you can expect from the wc3 remake.
it will never come close to the original custom game scene, but it will still be alive. the map editor is simple enough any retard can make a decent map.
They're changing the story
That's stupid