

Attached: 1559973042663.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

No thanks

Can you in the future include something like "he's in" or similar so it doesn't get through my filters
Thanks in advance. Have a nice day

>Can you in the future include something like "he's in" or similar so it doesn't get through my filters
>Thanks in advance. Have a nice day

Attached: 1559065595357.png (782x758, 158K)

I believe, user.

Honestly I think Doomguy would get in first since he's a larger milestone in the history of FPS. Not to say I wouldn't like Chief, either would be tight as fuck.

Halo already has 343ifags and now you want smash stinkies too?
no one cares

I'd like both, even if they're "green space marines" to most people, they can work differently from each other.

i think banjo's enough from microsoft

But I actually do want him in