>giving BL3 a 6.3
Do they not like fun?
Boycott this shitty site
Other urls found in this thread:
Should have paid them properly, it's entirely Gearbox's fault.
>paid them
Nice conspiracy /pol/tard. Game's fucking awesome.
No, it looks like they do like fun. That's why they rated the game 6.3, it just isn't very fun and the jokes are mostly so bad that they aren't amusing at all.
Looter shooters are also inherently shitty. Shooters rely heavily on guns which are fun to use, balanced and effective. The randomness and number scaling completely fucks with the core of what makes FPS enjoyable, if you get shitty RNG guns then the gameplay just sucks and/or enemies become very bullet spongy. In FPS doing well depends directly upon your skill, in looter RPGs it mostly depends on loot grind. The genres do not work in similar ways and combining them is rather shit and not fun.
>it just isn't very fun and the jokes are mostly so bad that they aren't amusing at all.
How does it feel to be such a miserable person who can't find humor in anything?
Huh? Are you legit incapable of reading comprehension? He was saying that it's on gearbox for not paying the reviewers like everyone else. He's supporting the devs by saying they're honest, and that the news site is dishonest for refusing to give good scores unless paid for them.
How many times have you heard BADASS already?
not your personal army, Randy
I, for one, loved this game. I mean it really broke new ground with how the guns feel emotionally. It's not a game, it's a sledgehammer.
I think everyone here should go and buy it, and look! I'll even link you to the place to purchase epicgames.com
Video game/ Movie reviewers are cancer. You're better off finding a critic that aligns with your views and sticking to just their ratings if you want to know if a piece of entertainment is good or bad.
I have ps4
Go buy it at gamestop then, you retarded dreg
Borderlands is shit.
I can find humor in things. I find it humorous that people defend this POS.
have sex
Fuck off Randy
>Randy Bitchford releases yet another massive flop
This entire review reads like a Yea Forums shitpost. Surprised he didn't call himself a chad for not liking the game at the end.
Nah, not nearly enough cope, seething, and calling everyone who doesn't share his opinion a virgin for it to read like a Yea Forums shitpost.
post yfw not even Borderlands can save Gearbox now
Crack when the fuck?
Not really interested in the franchise, but how is it a flop?
Borderlands games always sell.
Who cares about this series? literally the most shallow shit ever 10000 guns whatever the only thing you do is point and shoot.
You misunderstand. He does have a sense of humor - which is exactly why he finds the writing for this game (and pretty much the entire Borderlands series) to be nothing but an insult to comedy.
Wow, what a good site and what a professional review. Thanks for giving us one of the good guys, OP.
Comedy is subjective
>Borderlands 2
>highest pre ordered game ever
>very high praise
>Borderlands 3
>no pre order accolades
>paid off critic reviews range from ok-mediocre
>fan reviews claim it's shit
>company takes an exclusivity deal for EGL to protect in case the game doesn't meet projected sales which is meant for indies
Yeahp, I'm thinkin' dead.
>poo poo pee pee hahaha penis vagina hahaaha xd
arent you supposed to be in school currently timmy?
Yeah it's gonna be a pirate and/or buy on steam for $20 in a year
God I hope Randy Bitchford commits suicide so Duke will be free again
Fuck off with this piece of shit game already
He might. He's a really emotionally unstable guy.
Maybe his wife will sit on him and suffocate him to death
Fuck of reddit zoomers. Borderlands is shit
borderlands jokes are at best chuckle worthy but they repeat that joke multiple times so it just becomes annoying, then there is the fact they try to make every single thing a joke which further ruins the humor since you know the next time somebody will talk to you it will be an attempt at comedy.
This is the only thread I’ve come across. No one cares faggot.
How bad is it running on the base consoles?
seeing as how you need a high end PC for it to run good and from what console anons have claimed, it runs like shit
>Gameplay good
>Jokes bad
Really nigga?
That's right, an entire usb drive!
30 FPS 720P with drops?
This is running horribly. I'm genuinely going to go for a refund because there is no ETA on a patch. I've tried on a high end PC, Xbox, and PS4 Pro. Game runs like crap.
None of you like this game. Stop fucking pretending. If I asked any of you to show me recorded footage of you playing this game and genuinely smiling and enjoying it you wouldn't be able to. I can already imagine all you retards sitting through the first five hours of the game completely stone faced while NPCs make whacky epic internet meme jokes, telling yourself over and over again that this game is good as you empty an entire magazine into a generic bandits head just to kill it.
You're all just trying to justify spending $100 on a trash fire with family guy tier writing. None, I repeat, NONE of you posting on Boredomlands threads are having as much fun as you say you are. It's just 500 people repeating to each other that the game is fun in some sad attempt to deny their buyer's remorse.
Don't like the truth? Still can't admit it? Show me ONE recorded video of you having a jolly old time with this abortion of a game. I'll wait, even though you can't, because NONE of you like this game. STOP lying on my fucking board.
>My board
What a sense of entitlement
Go fuck yourself with a horse dildo, retard
u jelly?
Do you guys not have phones?
>record yourself having fun
user we all know you're trying to get faces to use in a collab on borderlands autist. why don't you show us who you are first? :)