Games like this one for the Switch?
Games like this one for the Switch?
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Isn't that one coming to the Switch?
yes in december.
Yeah, in December. I was just wondering if there's anything similar out atm I might have missed/overlooked
Well as far as similar in that its an old RPG brought back would probably be something like the Grandia collection that just released a few weeks ago.
Thanks, I'll check it out. Feel free to give other recommendations if you can think of any
Romancing saga 2
Collection of Mana maybe
>Romancing saga 2
Have it, love it
>Collection of Mana maybe
Only thing putting me off is the remake of the first game looks pretty good in comparison with the lack of colour in the original
Those are new designs, they're remaking it again?
They're going to be very different games. Just buy both.
It's still the PSP version (in HD), they only remade the art:
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition, if you haven't checked it out already.
i wouldn't recommend getting it for the switch. The audio is a fucking mess and the framerates are terrible
Bought the original years ago on the 360, then got the DE when it came out. Thanks though
Its fine on the Switch. Its locked 60 in battles which is all you really need. And the audio is fine.
I wonder if they'll release the star ocean 2 remake for switch/ps4.
By some miracle I still have a working ps1 copy,
Even so, it still has that notorious game freezing bug and that's a big fucking turn off.
Not a fan of the psp character portraits though.
>Not a fan of the psp character portraits though.
As you can see in the trailer of 1R, you can swap them out for new portraits.
I never understood why they didnt localize the ps4 remaster when it came out in japan
I hope they get minato koio back for the remaster
his star ocean 2 porn is quality stuff
I didn't even know there was a ps4 remaster.
Maybe there's hope for a western ps4/switch release now!
Yeah I know, probably not.
To make matters worse you can't even play the psp version on the pstv since it was only released on disc.
Fucking hell enix come on.
Damn right.
>Millie will never knock your lights out
>he hasn't hacked his vita/pstv
Hopefully they will
>random encounter every 3 steps
Why would anyone want this?