Any games with this feel?

Any games with this feel?

Attached: suck_it_up_and_deal_with_it_640_10.jpg (640x453, 80K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>doing drills while holding a log over your head with someone shouting down your throat at the same time
>balancing a log on your shoulder for probably 10 seconds
Not even some sort of military grunt or anything but this image is just so fuckhard retarded

it's a joke you spastic. are you autistic?

youre a joke

damn nigga take an L and close the thread

t. never left boot camp

>seething this hard over women being sometimes stronger than men

Attached: 1484056190154.jpg (640x480, 42K)

red alert series

It's nigger

to be fair, hard manual labour is the most powerful workout. Those soldiers look thin and spindly compared to the golem of bricks on the right.

The meme itself is a joke about usa vs russia you renard

Why are amerilards so weak?

hahaha i love this

in mother russia i starve to death!

War Thunder

>you renard
honestly even more of an insult than retard

Attached: bxkQ97M.jpg (1000x1000, 656K)

Different trees have different densities.

They eat bad burgers

>stronk babushka with the backwards cap and hair flopped out the front
holy shit what a motherfucking g

>this fucking guy started the trend of sharkgirls having those stupid elf ears
god, fuck that guy.

Lmao let's see you post a video of yourself balancing a log that big on your shoulder for 10 seconds.
still a banger

It's you're

Doggy dog world

World of Tanks

imagine feeling attacked by a meme

t. western spy jealous of the might of babushka

>What's the matter? You can't stand the sight of a strong nord woman?

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