Why do western devs do this?
Why do western devs do this?
By the logic of this image eastern devs do the same thing
>sheboon with the chimp
Always made me laugh
because black people live here, in the west
>Why do devs use the same 4 realistic hair styles for black women
same reason they use the same 4 for white characters.
Becouse they hate money and the US has brain cancer caled sjwsarcoma
Yeah so do a lot of other races but it's almost exclusively blacks getting representation. Shits getting stale.
>only a handful of exemples
>not even the main character
>some even have a white male as the main character
oohh noooooo its literally white genocide!!!!
Snowflakes, can we get to blown cutie posting now?
>but muh based japanese don't put diversity!
that's because they don't have diversity
>no Asian girls, no latina girls, no arab girls
>only black girls
>implying black women make up even 1% of the gaming audience
I don't get this.
Lucky japanese
i think that american marketers think that white people think that black people are hip and cool
im pretty sure theyre mostly correct
its only places like this where most everyone is racist
most people who just want to play the game won't really care
people who don't play games but care about a bunch of non-issues will be dissuaded from talking negatively about the game and therefore prevent any negative attention that might (or might not) hurt sales
honestly this
>America has mexicans, chinese, natives, indians, arabs, etc
>hollywood/game devs: "no, black people only!"
No only children think black music and culture is cool. When you hit 30 you notice that everything they produce is inferior to what was made by white people in the same period.
Brownie points are a hell of a drug
>everyone below thirty is a child
regardless of what you think they make up the largest demographics so they're the people marketers care about
t. 28 year old
I just want cute Asian girls lads...
>Every character must look the same
>Every character must be white
play japanese games
Then you need to play more games.
EVEN in this cherrypicked picture there is a brown ausie and a character modeled after an indian woman.
I need more senpai
there are so fucking many theres no way youve played them all
no i dont have a list im an american who owns an xbox we dont get japanese games
Black people were cool in the 90s, they are just obnoxious cry babies now.
isnt that monkey...... racist? why would this be allowed while western journos and resetera fags eagerly criticise every japanese black character like barret.
2016 killed this site
Name some with latino leads that have come out this year.
Developers are pandering to SJWs but are slowly realizing that doing so costs them sales.
Let them destroy themselves.
They are not that's just number manipulation. There are far more people with money over 30 but they have impulse control and a developed taste so they won't buy crap.
Remember when resetera and the sambos became angry over a skin for crash racing?
I legit think the black 1st black chick it's cute.
Just that monkey behind her fuck up
Gears 5?
Eh you may be right about that but it doesnt change anything
To get the people who weren't gonna buy their game to buy it.
Because it's hot. We live in 2019, and that's a good thing.
>brown aussie
You mean an aboriginal? I don't see one. Unless you're referencing the monkey
>there's an Indian woman
She looks mulatto or hispanic really
Women dont count
Oh wow this dude knows the current year, make him president asap!
Thats literally the type of black woman who works in the offices.
Sure but it's going to be a problem in the future. If you go to low enough with quality you get the Google playstore of gaming and a nation of low IQ people poverty ...
yeah ok sell your slippery slope nonsense elsewhere
>Why do western devs do this?
to please jews
OP doesn't like afros?
Why are western devs so afraid of making real women?
>they produce is inferior to what was made by white people in the same period
So? That doesn't stop me from liking old school rap or 70s blaxploitable movies. Or i should only like white people stuff because i am white?
Is this from Live and Let Die? I can't remember.
Have sex /pol/ incel
Most of them are in Socialist State of California.
yes i wonder why
I lived in 3rd world country when I was a child and that's the only diference.If you agree to it shit today they will feed you crap for the rest of your life
Blacks are pretty hot, though. More so than asians imo
These things are not analogous
Don't respond to me again
>Ugh! Black people!
Pure African negress > american africans
>wahhhh this doesn't fit my narrative, I better make a new cry thread
>and a nation of low IQ people poverty
But that is what we already have. Whites aren't this super humans that you want to believe. Only few of whites have done all those "superior" things.
If you give them money they will multiply if you think that's OK spend 1y in a majority black country if you like it just stay there.
Goddamn I love that movie.
Blaxploitation at its finest.
I'm gonna go fish my cassette out of storage.
Why do people even care?
What are you talking about? I just said i like few black made entertainment.
Not true living with black people is far worse and when it comes to stupidety their on another level. I had black naibours once the smell oh my God and the constant fighting cops drugs...
lmao yes user which is why these characters are so incredibly popular. It's always the $ incentive, that's all little plebs like us can really wrap our heads around right?
Top left is qt, only fags will disagree
oink oink
Sucesful Black's have 5 children at least add a few generations and you create a small army of people that hate you and want your stuff.
You don't like negroids in your game, user?
>extremely not a false flagging racist post
you are very right though, living near blacks is bad news. The worst is how inconsiderate they are when it comes to noise, they blast their bass all the time. Crime is a rarity no matter what race, but the only time i've ever seen a SWAT team in person was when they were storming my black neighbor's house and arresting him. Was really nice to have a bunch of dudes armed with big rifles and body armor running around my neighborhood.
neighbour's, happy autocorect+not my language
I think we should have more visible Jews. It's them pushing diversity after all.
According to ad agencies, anal sex (preferably with niggers) is actually more important than multi-million dollar contracts. Look up Nivea gay ad scandal.
To get brownie points for making edgy /pol/cucks like you cry, and you literally cannot contain your asshurt so they're going to keep doing it to spite you. Funny how that works, isn't it?
>uhhhhhh dilate
Fuck no, you've gotta do that by yourself.
Because they've never seen a real black person in their lives.
kind of strange motivation don't you reckon?
Well I live in Italy the only reason they're not my neighbour's anymore is the fact they got arrested for breaking in to 3 apartments and when they searched the apartment they found 500 gr of marijuana. It's been 6 months and there where no reports in the local newspaper since they don't report crimes comited by blacks becouse it's racist. You know just like the US doesn't report mass shootings when it's a black dude
I wouldn't be suspicious if it weren't for that one year where every new game had the same sassy black afro lady.
This is bait if i've ever smelled it
Cuz they're cucks
Il give you his name it's Issac Tishaa the city is montichiari I saw the arrest personally
nobody's taking notes from nasu trisha