Why didn't the series end with this game like it was supposed to?
Why didn't the series end with this game like it was supposed to?
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I would be fine with the continuations if they didn't butcher the enemy variety. Scions are so boring, the robots are incredibly boring, I miss boomers and tickers and shit
>bursts through wall
>crack, sip
>yup, quake 3 sure was better than gears of war...
Wow, what an amazing enemy. I'm glad they're gone.
oh look it's this "joke" again
Because more money could be made by making more sequels. Regardless of how little sense it makes narratively.
What are the new enemies even? I'm playing 5 after skipping 4 and these enemies are locusts in everything but name.
Can I get a quick rundown?
Why do companies constantly insist on having to continue the story even when shit should be wrapped up? If they wanted to milk it more just go back to the past of the lore or just tell alternate stories that took place during the events of the game. Or just straight up reboot the damn series every time shit starts getting too high in numbered sequels and shit was supposed to end. None of these games ever fucking truly end and it sickens me. They promise over and over oh this game is intended to end the series but then it never happens. Every single fucking time. Just stay true to your words for once you fucking video game industry running fags god.
The locusts die but the swarm exists now and having played the whole series I don't even remember why
Nu Gears is Nu Star Wars.
We wouldn't have her story if it ended.
>I miss boomers and tickers
Scions are the new Boomers, just as the Leeches are the new Tickers.
They're barely different.
The story where she gives a tough but manageable enemy a new leader that organizes them to be a major threat against COG forces? That story?
Leeches aren't tickers, you're thinking poppers you retard
>Add female character
>Shes a massive hindrance in every way
What did gears viking mean by this?
the swarm evolved from the dead bodies of the locust I'm pretty sure
The locusts are the swarm, they got fucked up and started mutating, they were desperate for a solution and launched an attack on the surface, which is where gears 1 starts
what's her story?
She sucks swarm cocks in an attempt to bring peace
Yeah Gears 4 might as well have been Star wars The Force Awakens. Gears 5 isn't on the same level as The Last Jedi and it took more risks than Gears 4. The open hub worlds in acts 2 and 3 of Gears 5 are something different which I appreciate but there are so many parts throughout all the acts in Gears 5 that try to turn dark and spooky like the third act in previous Gears, but then Gears 5 pulls the rug out from beneath you and tries to subvert your expectations. The pacing of the Gears 5 campaign is all off.
And the kraken boss sucks too. Worst outside of the swarmak in Gears 4 or the lambant Brumak in Gears 2. But that Gears 2 brumak wasn't much of a boss fight to begin with. The Gears 5 kraken is so lame like the warden in Halo 5. Or the Stranger in God of War 2018. You fight the kraken more than once in the campaign, same moves and attack patterns, nothing special. It's so dull.
At least The Coalition has been fixing some of the campaign issues recently so collectibles save properly but there's still a lot of work to be done. Worst launch even worse than Gears 2.
cuz you gotta milk the formula till it's completely dry for maximum profit
You can ask the same question about Halo 3
I dunno but i'm glad it didn't end, i would't be having fun right now if it did.
Halo Reach is the best in the series so I'm glad
>Halo Reach is the best in the series so I'm glad
Stop posting this shit m8, no one will ever agree with your shit taste.
not him but he's right
Poppers are just Juvvies with nades stuck on them, which Juvvies are just Wretches.
>armor lock
>no dual wielding
>best in series
Because it's one of Microsoft's 3 whole intellectual properties.
I replayed all of the games, (except Judgement) 2 weeks ago and played 4 for the first time. My God, what a disapoitment. I didn't even finished the campaign but tried Horde mode and holy shit, this is one of the best MP things I ever played.
sadly few people are playing now and I discovered very late.
>It's another brainlet that thinks armor lock is overpowered when evade exists
Gears died with Dom.
Gears 4 horde mode is the worst of them all the enemy variety is pathetic
I don't miss dual-wielding, I always thought it was a dumb gimmick that added little to gameplay anyway. But armor abilities were awful and the maps were some of the worst Halo has ever seen.
And I BTFO you the last time you asked, I told you to shut the fuck about Halo.
Acts 2 and 3 in gears 5 were way too long especially when you do the side missions
Acts 1 and 4 were so much better
I do like the art of JD being cucked by Marcus fucking Kait.
>Halo Reach is the worst in the series
Because if you just stop making games in a popular series gamers will cry endlessly about a sequel and then get offended that it wasn't what they wanted.
GoW2 and 3 and PC when?
Spencer you lazy fuck do something. They did it with Halo.
Nope, it is the best halo
Because I keep buying them
The whole plot point of the Swarm wanting to make her the queen just going out the window fucking drives me fucking mad. Would have been pretty sweet if her newly-resuscitated mother wanted to seduce her into joining the swarm, and her choice at the end of the game would have been to reject that path. Not this other bullshit we were given.
AND TALKING ABOUT CHOICES, THAT LAST "OH CHOOSE WHO'LL LIVE" BULLSHIT AT THE END WAS FUCKING ASININE. Who thought that out? Wolfenstein did it so fucking well because it actually changed the cutscenes and the characters in the game, BECAUSE IT HAPPENED IN THE FUCKING PROLOGUE. NOT THE LAST MISSION
A few years, for sure.
I bet they will make a GoW Collection for Scarlet and that will be on PC too.
Nope, it's the worst, Reachnigger.
>why didn't this corporation put an end to one of their main cash-cows?
I just accepted that I don't like the new characters as much as the old ones. It feels like the original cast had an idea behind their makeup while the new cast was thrown together from different aspects. They don't mesh as well in my head, so naturally, all this is my biased opinion. I spent all of Gears 4 wondering where the old cast was and spent all of 5 wondering where Marcus was then being afraid that any of them would die. 5 at least did spark interest in the new cast only to kill one off at the end
You know it's Sonyfags that keep asking this question because whatever good franchise they did have, they already killed.
I know right?
It's definitely down there, but how can you say that when Halo 4 exists?
Sorry, it's the best
Because Halo 4 had a better campaign, Reach couldn't even get that right.
Reachniggers need to be gassed.
>They did it with Halo
No, they PROMISED it with Halo, it's not out yet. 343 can't do anything right despite infinite funding and a juggernaut franchise, so I fully expect the PC version to be a broken mess at launch just like its Xbox counterpart.
here's your reply bro
Because Microshit needed to hand the franchise off to some generic dev house to keep the series' dead husk still lumbering into this generation out of desperation
And thats a good thing.
Here's yours
Because 343i isn't making Halo MCC for PC, they outsourced that shit.
What about Halo 4s campaign was good? Do you mean the YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE MASTER CHIEF story? Or the throwaway saturday morning cartoon villain who dies in a QTE? Or the writing, which gave us cringy lines like "Before this is all over, promise me you'll figure out which one of us is the machine"? Or perhaps the new enemies, like the exciting promethean knights and watchers? Maybe the new weapons, like "yellow SMG" and "yellow sniper rifle"? Or perhaps you're referring to Spartan Ops, the worst single-player experience to ever come out of the Halo franchise?
Reach fucking sucked too, so don't lump me in with the Reachniggers, but I simply cannot see how anyone liked the walking abortion that was 4.
Why end a series that makes money? And its not like Microsoft has a lot of other successful games.
No we deserve to get our game first on PC
Oh, because the previous trilogy wasn't about him being the chosen one?
It has fun parts in the levels, it has a better story and character, while it pales in comparison to Halo CE and 3 and parts of Halo 2, it has a better campaign than whatever the fuck Reach was.
Yup, literally that's the case.
>ultimate savior of the universe
You can have it.
>console exclusives
I've never seen more cope phrase than this.