I still can't believe we're getting a Deadly Premonition 2.
I still can't believe we're getting a Deadly Premonition 2
habeeb it
with double the monkey Mp3s
How's the switch port of 1?
Missing content from the Director's Cut edition
I haven't watched the teaser yet. Is the original VA coming back to voice York? If not this game can fuck off. He's was a giant part of what made York so likable. I cannot imagine anyone else ever voicing the character.
Just watch the trailer instead of imagining scenarios in your head.
I'd rather go into the game not knowing anything but if he's back thats all I needed to hear to secure my purchase. I was afraid since the VA doesn't seem to do a lot of stuff nowadays.
Driving a car still has a 20 fps limit.
Is Deadly Premonition good or just another reddit wacky meme game?
Is this one of the most surprising games to actually get a sequel? The fanbase is so niche, I didn't even consider a sequel to be ever discussed let alone actually be made.
only decent ones are 360 and PC
yep its a reddit wacky meme game def not for u
My biggest fear is that they'll put in stuff that retroactively ruins the first one. I really hope they don't try to do too much to ruin the events of the first game.
it looks like a mobile game
Not a single person on the planet played the first game for its graphics. It looked like shit even for the time.
Is D4 worth getting? I want to play it, but I don't want to pay for an unfinished game, nor can I find it anywhere online.
just pirate the gog version google it
I mean, it started development as a PSP game.
Why is this game so polarizing? Is it even good?
You're going to be left wanting a conclusion and never getting it. So no.
Everything is polarising in this shithole now. A couple of years ago these retards all loved it, but now the propaganda machine says bad, so they fall in line.
Really? I've heard that the PC port is really shitty.
>only decent ones are 360 and PC
I still can't get the PC one to run in 60 fps despite doing all the fixes.
the PC port is really temperamental and its performance hinges entirely on your setup and OS. The stars either align and you can play smoothly without issues or it crashes constantly and runs like trash.
I think it's the ridiculous story and characters that make people enjoy it. Everything else varies from mediocre to bad. Personally I love it but it doesn't surprise me at all when someone thinks it's garbage.
its literally random on how well it runs
i had a pentium and crashed on a few chapters with my new build 0 crashes so far
tho i had really shitty performance one restart of PC fixed it
the fact that the switch port removed the director's cut content means that they're conscious of the first game's story and that the DC content must have conflicted with what they have in mind for the sequel. So hopefully that's a sign that they're being careful with this stuff
What will it even be about
First one wrapped everything up
It ran great for me apart from the constant crashing. I had several instances where the game would crash after a certain event and I'd have to look up a new way to bypass it. Still managed to complete it but what a chore.
I wonder what was in the DC that they didn't want to bring over to the sequel. I thought it was the DC version that actually set up the sequel.
dont you fucking graphics sass me. This is like really shit level looks right there.
>First one wrapped everything up
The Red Tree is still out there.
Did it ever explain what Kaysen's purpose was?
To serve Willie.
I cannot believe someone gave them money to make a sequel to an awful game that crashed and burned (in multiple ways).
Actually I think DP earned some sort of world record for being the most polarizing game ever or something so it's not just here.
no, not in the least
It's a technical disaster that is also the embodiment of "soul". The Frame rate is terrible, the acting is bad, audio mixing makes some dialogue intelligible, the core gameplay feels tacked on and cheap: but it has a beautiful story, cast of characters, soundtrack, setting, and atmosphere that absorbs you in and immerses you.
The polarization is largely between people who look at the quality of a video game objectively versus otherwise. "Objectively", Deadly Premonition is a bad video game. But if you don't whittle it down to the aspects that the majority tell you are supposed to be "the most important things in a video game" such as graphics and combat, you'll find an emotional experience that goes above and beyond the medium.
The trailer suggested that time travel is involved. That combined with the Swery interview from a few years back saying that he didn't want to bring back York and Zack for the sequel, but would have to due to publisher demands, I assume they'll play a lesser role in the female detective's story arc.
All these years later and smooth brain plebs still hating on the Goty 2010.
One of the better versions. It doesn't crash (unlike PC) and the dialogue audio from the launch version has been fixed now. Sure the framerate is iffy when outside but that's every console port (and the PC one for a lot of people, I still can't believe they actually keep selling it desu). If you really want to save a couple of bucks the 360 version will do fine, but, there's no reason to choose it over the Switch release.
the game does not have a beautiful story or characters and the soundtrack is especially awful
you are a kooky autist that watches too much anime cartoons and you swallowed the meme people fed you about it being goty, comfy and similar bullshit-tier nonsense
Yea Forums tourist has shit taste and probably didn't even play the game, willing to bet you watched a let's play like the scum you are. Shocking.
nobody should play this game, get some help
the core gameplay is actually unique and cool
Here's a new opinion, try deadly on the ps3 emulator