Oh no no. It's over for Remedy. Mass layoffs in 3-2-1...
Oh no no. It's over for Remedy. Mass layoffs in 3-2-1
>Xbox players
Xbone Had 80% Fewer Owners Than Xbox 360
There's players at Xbox?
What the fuck is an 'Xbox'?
It flopped on PS4 as well retards
It's only a success on PC because Tim paid for it
"Oh no"
Another word for a FtM tranny
>Make female lead
>Don't make her cute.
They're own fault.
Just goes to show you the quality of your game doesn't matter, it all comes down to marketing.
Those exist?
I've been thinking.
Isent what tim-tam doing illegal?
Like, buying X amount of games if said game under-sales is good guarantee for cash, but it artificially upkeeps their stock reports dont it?
It's almost like a lot of people owned a 360 and nobody owns a Bone
all they had to do was make a sexy female lead and the game would have marketed itself
instead we got plain jane horseface and nobody has even heard of this shit
No everyone has the "I'll wait for it to be on game pass/games with gold" mentality now.
shhhhh, quiet or the chinese government will assassinate you
Based Tim giving out free games. Wonder if Epic will buy Remedy now.
Remedy should focus more in gameplay than in texts.
All according to plan.
Not really a suprise. I didn't know about the fucking game till the week of release. Awful marketing, no word of mouth, great game.
Oh right, of course he can get away with it because of the fucking rice deal.
Trumps right, fuck china. Manipulating sods.
Hey guys, let's release a cookie cutter "non-linear" TPS with crafting, skills and checkpoint capture. What could go wrong?
>Flops on PS4 after all the Sony marketing money
No chance, kiddo.
too bad it was a pretty great game, I appreciate the free copy from ole' tim though
then why didn't you make your shit thread about that instead faggot? probably because you're crying about nothing on Yea Forums, again, instead of having sex.
And there are probably 80% less active xbox players than their were when Alan wake released.
Should've made the girl cute.
>raytracing in consoles
Kek its more likely than you think
>They are own fault.
Nice one gamer.
They don't buy that many games, they just make up the difference in profit.
>It's alright if we rule the world via our rampant capitalism.
>Will run even worse on PS5 than it does on PS4
>cracking down on big-corps utilizing international loopholes and slave labor to screw over their own people is rampant capitalism.
Fuck off
>b-b-b-but Sony ponies voted it best new game of the month!!!!
Who's coping now?
i was surprised how ugly the characters were
Haha, careful there champ. Wouldn't want you to end up killing yourself with 2 well placed shots to the back of your head.
Should have made the girl ripped. Lots of games with muscular body type protagonists sell good.
i didn't even know the game was out
>critically acclaimed studio
>see tons of shilling on Yea Forums
>watch gameplay
>looks completely braindead
>ignore it
>game flops
just make a good game, idk.
Max Payne is critically acclaimed I guess
Control plays great but the story, dialog, and characters are all total shit. Same fucking story as QB. I dont get how this company gave us Max Payne and Alan Wake then lost its way with characters, writting, and story.
that's what you get for selling out to cockroaches
it's over, now Sony will buy them and in 5 years close them down
>they'll never make a game where your cute female protagonist gets more jacked as the game progresses
From the way all the positive comments on the game were typed it didn't even come across as paid shills, just retards from reddit with very bad taste
>it's good because it's like SCP!
>it's metroidvania because you need keycards to access doors
>it has great gameplay because you can throw things back at enemies
>muh stronk independent womyn
>muh give female streamers priority because muh stronk independent womyn day
get fucked
>dogshit art direction
>piss bland main character
>why gem no sel?
yeah oh man that's such a mystery
>female protagonist
fucking morons holy shit lmao when will these faggots learn hahaha
that dude in the middle looks uncanny
what do you mean?
>female protagonist
Protip: Everyone uses slave labour. Where do you think most things are manufactured?
>playstation blog readers
So, Resetera?
It's because no one gives a shit about single player games any more
The art direction is incredible faggot, it's one of the most atmospheric game of the generation
All female developers lol
I like it because its immersive
Wasn't it an Epic exclusive? if so it doesn't matter because Epic pays them millions no matter if nobody buys it.
If the situation is that bad I'll buy it tomorrow. Thank you for sharing this news, so I can do my part and support remedy.
I originally planned to get Greedfall but I guess it has to wait two weeks.
Anime shitters are the worst people to talk about video games with
It actually surprised me. I pirated it and haven't enjoyed a Remedy game since Max Payne 1, but I think it's a return to form. It's held back by console retard shit (like no toggle rmb to aim, have to hold it, movement is clunky, and there could have been a lot cooler powers), but other than that it's very good. It incorporates a lot of the Max Payne 1 mood and reintegrates it without the BD. Character talking to herself, Jim's character with constant metaphors, nightmare sequences, shooting feels great, combat is fluid.
>mass layoffs
Remedy is a publicly traded company, they'll be fine.
It's hard to believe that story driven games were all the rage last generation. Now no one gives a shit
are you retarded?
>Red Dead Redemption II breaks sales records
>God of War
>Last of Us Part II
People seem to buy sony movie games en masse so it just comes down to marketing.
>big exclusive xbox launch title flops and is mediocre
>control has pa4 exclusive content
lol get fucked Remedy. Dont bite the hand that feeds you
Well that is because no one has one because NO FUCKING GAMES
Not to goalposts but open world and already highly established ips are exceptions
Hitman 2, Prey, The Evil Within 2, and so on bomb
>why have games become shit in the last decade?
The only thing I've heard about this game is that it uses raytracing.
Remedy should've waited another year. Make it a launch game on the new consoles. Market it as the "first truly next-gen game".
Quantum Break did well though
>Prey 2
kek. im just gonna assume you're trolling user
Based paypiggy doing his part and subsidizing my piracy.
Be sure to buy 3 copies, I also shared the torrent link with some buddies.
Point still stands, they still bombed, are typically considered great games but bomb
It's weird that people point to GoW as to why single player games aren't dead but don't really buy other games
>point still stands
but it doesn't? Your point was that no one cares about story games. You didn't name any story game, dumbass.
It was still shit. Even more of a reason to not play that exclusive content bullshit
In what world are TEW 2 and Prey 2 not story-focused games?
>Last major Finnish studio making AAA games is going to switch making mobile shit
I never asked for this
Bottom looks like a #metoo just waiting to happen. If any guy is still left working there, he better document everything.
Sekiro and RE2 did very well, the west just likes to shove ugly gorillas as main characters in poorly designed movie games.
>every. single. time.
Immersion sim (what Prey 2 tries to be, but fails) =/= story focused.
I’ve worked with 2 and straight up had no idea they were trans for a very long time.
FtM usually works. Other way around not so much...
are you legitimately retarded? Bottom is a "woman's day" picture.
>I've been thinking
Well, that is your problem. In your case you shouldn't do that. Agreement contract are not illegal you fucking zoomer
Sekirio is a niche of its own genre, I am honestly impressed it sold well but still worse than previous titles that have online functions
Personally I think all the TOO HARD article are paid marketing
RE2 is an established up
And DMC6 will sell a lot worse than 5 which was seen as a big come back where 6 will just be "more of the same"
Nvidia paid for it too.
Is this the sister of the dev who an hero’d after Quinn #metoo’d him?
Sekiro had the most peak players on Steam this year so far.
> They're
somebody has to replace tim in the second panel with that creepy dog that looks like him.
because immersion sims aren't focused on story, dumbass, they're focused on player agency
All the games I liked this year bombed
They did zero marketing for this game, qhat did they expect? The game is really good, but if it hadn't been for the epic ''scandal'', even less people would have heard about it.
>despite their fame
more like infamy for making movies and selling them as games.
Ahem, fuck zoomers.
>make nothing but shit
>nobody buys your game when finally make a good one
Its like the boy who cried wolf but with shit vidya instead of lies
Stop trying to fit in faggot.
If Sony had an e3 this year and showed control it would have sold
Sure, I'll be your Atlas.
Madeline doesn't save anything. She just climbs a mountain and cleans up messes she made herself.
>go epic exclusive
>go bankrupt
Loving every laugh
SHEETHIG third worlder pajeet
But a game focused on player agency can also be focused on story you dumb nigger.
They're not mutually exclusive.
finns btfo
Funny, since The Outer Worlds got most of the EGS outrage since the exclusivity was announced on the same day. Can't even time their negative/outrage marketing right.
you say what you son of basterd bich
>>go bankrupt
Not happening anytime soon. See
so? they're not intrinsic either, and prey is definitely not a story game.
that wouldn't have saved it from shit marketing dumb rebuild poster
>go epic exclusive
>go bankrupt
literally impossible. Tim pays so that you at least break even.
They gave exclusive marketing rights to Sony, who then proceeded to pretend the game didn't exist. Even people who preordered the game forgot it was even coming out.
SEETH more pajit. Shouldn't you be making php tutorials on youtube?
>Hey Sony market our game, all your other previous titles which are single player games are selling
>You know I'm skipping E3
They don't need to be, Prey as a game is obviously focused on the story over the mechanics and systems, since the story takes precedence.
If anything Prey is less an immersive sim ala Deus Ex and more an open-ended shooter ala Control.
Nooooo! :DD pirated it since it was EGS exclusive, it's pretty good. Looking forward to the complete steam edition
Yeah that'll do it.
Tim gives them a fat bribe but theres no guarantee that sum is enough to break even
The money actually only goes to the publisher, so the dev gets jack shit unless they're some indie hack. 505 is having the last laugh.
This game is the definition of beauty for a 50% off sale
Is she trying to grab my bales in the boxart ?
Tomb Raider is also has female protagonist but still sells and keeps Eidos in business. What's their secret?
>Control releases the same week as Astral Chain.
>Monster Hunter Iceborne releases soon after.
>Control is EGS exclusive
It's like they wanted me to skip it.
>Oh no no. It's over for Remedy.
bull dykes didn't attract people, strange
They should make the Alan Wake they advertised years ago. I like the idea of solving mysterious in a large open world during the day and then surviving during the night.
>You will never get your balls massaged by a qt3.14 using telekinesis
Kill me Pete
>Max Payne 4 never ever
>Alan Wake 2 never ever
>Max Payne/Alan Wake crossover never ever
Thanks for Quantum Break and Control, Remedy.
>What's their secret?
lara is, well used to be, hot, the latest version is ugly tho
They wouldn't be able to match the quality of Deadly Premonition. Nobody can.
I don't care. This dude is Max Payne and will always be.
The shooting is pretty awful in control. It has the bad type of third person aiming where the place you're pointing at and shooting at don't match up properly.
If they don't go belly up and manage to get funding for Alan Wake 2, I'd imagine they'll try and make it open world since it's the hot thing right now + they already did it with Control.
Hitman 2 actually sold very well. Same with Hitman 2016. For whatever reason they don't sell a huge amount at launch but they consistently sell for months/years later. Most games do the opposite.
Sam has lost it
>using twitter in finnish
>the latest version is ugly tho
Here (you) go m8
>Alan Wake 2 never ever
It hurts, I liked the first one way more than I thought I would when I played it and ended up doing it a bunch of times
American nightmare didn't even manage to scratch the itch as far as a DLC would go
Didn't the last one under perform
Have you seen Nier Automata? All of their characters are attractive, ALL OF THEM, TO EVERY SEX.
Before the game was release it was already sold in the minds of everyone, I knew people who bought the game just to fap to 2B going up in ladders, I'm not even kidding.
I don't know who these western devs are appealing to with unattractive characters, I really don't. If I was a shareholder to one of these companies I'd be fucking killing myself right now.
This truly is miserable. Along with all the Alan Wake nods in Control.
Not many studios like it that make consistently good games and have been doing it for as long as Remedy. Fuck MS and Tim for tricking them into the storefront wars.
Remedy games are the most boring fucking shit ever. If you paid me to deliberately make the most boring shit possible I couldn't even begin to make something as dull and bland as the entire Remedy library.
How does anyone look at this shit and say "yeah that looks" fun? It's literally the equivalent of eating cardboard. I don't fucking get it
>Jewish Counter Strike
It also refused to drastically lower it's price after underperforming it's first month
Perhaps with enough word of mouth control will do good
But calling any game good that's not japanese is shilling on Yea Forums
This is fake news/untrue
Game was a good set up/Alan Wake 1.8
Xbox fucked Quantum/Phil sucks
Thanks Lad.
because it's actually fun, obviously nothing compared to japanese games but still fun
Shut the fuck up, Board/Nigger.
True that. I played it on game pass but the Giant Bomb quick looks convinced me this was great. Hitman 2 didn't really do much for me.
>female character
>but she is not pretty, her face is weird and her body out of proportion, like a tranny
Convince me to pirate it, I don't see much of a reason to.
Won't pay for it because Epic. I only buy stuff on Steam to increase my e-penis.
alan wake Darkwood would really be kino
I feel EGS is a disaster waiting to happen if the FTC or SEC get involved
>generic gunplay
>playing as 40 year old ugly soccer mom in an office
oh man so exciting i can hardly contain my zzzzzzzzzzz
Hope this doesn’t negatively affect there DLC plans or there Alan Wake 2 set up. It looks like the bureau is going to play a big part in Alan Wake 2.
they should have thought twice about making a game with 'le stronk wimmin protagonist'
get fucked Sam Lake
fucking washed up garbage
>why have western games become shit
>generic weapon selection
>gravity gun implemented worse than it was in HL2
>generic world with an incomprehensible world map
>generic enemies
>generic story that tries very hard to be deep but fails
>stronk female cast
Who the FUCK likes this? The only saving grace here is the destructibility. And the font is nice I guess.
>predominantly white cast of key characters
>Character traumatized by paranormal activity looking for her brother
>game remade inoffensive for its entirety.
>Adds to Alan Wake lore and teases the FBCs involvement in the next game
No sexy outfits stinks but they wanted to make everyone happy. I’m just glad Jessie isn’t a man hating idealist or an overt lesbian (no hints or clues as to how she swings) It was definitely harder then a lot of other action games I’ve played.
>Alan Wake flopped
>Quantum Break flopped
>Control mega flopped
The only thing keeping these overrated fucks alive is Tencent bribe money.
Her face is so fucking long, she looks like a british man on drags.
AW and QB paid for by MS, Control paid for by Tim. Don't know why they keep getting paid.
>triple A project is a disaster
user, they're finished. Alan wake 2 never ever
I pirated Control and actually played all the way through it, it's really nice aside from the fact that explosions easily reduce you to 1hp (They do that Resident Evil 4 thing where no single blow can take you from healthy straight to dead) and there are a TON of explosive things you can get hit by/pick up and throw in your own face.
The dodge move saw almost no use from me because it drains from the same focus pool as all of your other abilities, and putting up a shield is more effective than trying to evade an explosive with a dodge. It's a really tightly built game with some great scenes. It's a huge shame it was basically sent to die with both being an Epic Game Store exclusive AND Sony doing 0 marketing for it.
(Also the mini quests were boring, tedious busywork. Every mold quest was so poorly done, I question how it was actually put into the game.)
3 of those games are good, so 50/50 odds I guess
At least our guy will get a cool cameo in Death Stranding
It's not AAA though. Very cheap game, very short.
Wait until there's a mod that makes her cute before pirating. That's what I'm doing.
>critically acclaimed
>despite their fame
The only people who are invested in the opinions of game journalists are game journalists, institutionalists who are incapable of recognizing when an institution has fallen out of favor with key decision makers (the customers in this case), Marxist activists who are hoping to weaponize them, and devs who haven't gotten the memo that their stamp of approval doesn't sell games.
>This place definitely cares about the opinions of game journalists. If people don't care, why are they always talking about them?
Yea Forums cares by proxy of the fact that they still have the ear of game devs. So long as the devs aren't completely ignoring them, the customers can't completely ignore them. That's not the same as viewing their opinions as authoritative.
>If the devs are listening to them, how are they not a legitimate authority?
Because their authority is derived from the false premise that they represent the customer and can make or break a game's sales. Not only does the average videogame consumer not make purchasing decisions based on whether polygon likes the game, but they've become a Marxist cabal that have chosen the gaming consumer as the newest target for their oppression narrative. They're at war with the people who they're supposed to be informing and advocating for. When devs view some landwhale who plays like your grandma and is there to do left wing political activism rather than point customers towards games that they might like as the voice of the customer, they do so at their own financial peril.
Not surprising. At a glance it looks like an average tps running through an endless series of blocky concrete rooms. I can only imagine they made the environments basic to facilitate the raytracing meme, but it still looks uninteresting
>control isnt AAA
Is that so? I did not know that
I'm waiting until I pick up either a 2080 or a 2070 Super.
It did, due to it being just more of the same, a perceived toning down of Lara's sex appeal, and an undue focus on puzzles when the last two games had a good mix of combat, exploration and puzzles. Players also felt that it was very short, probably because SE wanted to sell part of the campaign as DLC.
Doesn't help that the game was deeply discounted just weeks after release, showing how little confidence SE had in the game.
>Aka "female victim" specialist
Control is the most successful game on Remedy.
Thanks to Epic they got enough money to be profitable without even selling one game. Once again Epic has saved the day.
>textures don't load in properly for a few seconds at a time, and that happens VERY frequently
>stutters when little is going on visually in your FoV
>framerate drops hard when there's a lot going on
>not X enhanced
>buggy as shit. Some areas can't be exited after Hiss appear because the doors will all be blocked with the combat music running even after you wipe everything out. Control points don't spawn to take over sometimes until you reload or dick around elsewhere.
>no DLC mission or skins (office assistant > ASStral dive suit, but I digress)
>patches coming to PS4 first
Can't really blame them even if they did pick it up.
I don't know how people can say this. Nu-Lara is one of the most attractive western characters in years, rivaled only by the bitches from Witcher 3 or Overwatch.
yeah but titties
thanks for beta testing, Tim! Steam will get a cheaper and less shit version in a year after Remedy has bugfixed and optimized their early access beta release of Control.
I love looking at her ass while playing.
if she wasn't Lara TWO BIG TITS AND TWO GUNS Croft she would be considered a top tier waifu
Maybe if they tried making a game that doesn't involve being a generic, fashionably-dressed person who moves through cover-filled corridors, shooting regular guns with a small smattering of straight-forward powers
That game looks so average that i didn't even watched gameplay.
they let Sony do the marketing
and why would they worried? As far as they're concerned Sony was great at marketing their own titles, Destiny, Red Dead 2, and so on
But then Sony decided it should keep things quiet to build suspense for PS5
Frankly, 505 and Remedy should sue
As a ps4 owner I have felt totally shafted at the complete lack of worthwhile exclusives in the past two years. What's the point in owning a console if it's only gonna get decent games for half of its life cycle? The last thing I bought for it was AC7
Except they turned Lora into a victim playing faggot
>Let me invade your fucking home, slaughter every single one of you with a bow one arrow at a time, while calling myself the victim and my act as self defenses
They need to grow up and embrace femininity.
Maybe Remedy should make games and not shitty netflix miniseries bullshit. I got Quantam Break from a Humble Bundle in 2017 and I still felt ripped off.
I have purchased every Remedy game day one since Max Payne 1. Even the kinda shitty Xbox 360 version of Alan Wake.
I won't be buying Control because I don't like playing as women - but especially not an ugly one.
unironically have sex
Sony is pulling a zenimax and pure
osefully fucking up marketing so they can buy remedy for cheaper
Lara is best wearing a thin tshirt covered in mud and the blood of her enemies.
Absolutely fucking based
Okay done, and I still don't like playing female characters
yes, she even proudly declared that she would get all the rest of his friends and family to cut him off too
then changed her attitude only after he killed himself
They should been more like the TGS 2019 trailer compared to the snorefest of the cinematic E3 trailers and gameplay they showed
Seriously, i had 0 hype for this game until the TGS 2019 trailer was nothing but hype gameplay and I can't even find it anymore
People want a Max Payne 1 remake.
really the past 2 years? thats when they actually started releasing games
I agree that Nu-Lara is way more attractive than old Lara, but that really drives home the point that the SJW problem doesn't begin and end with character design. A Marxist pamphlet with tits is still a Marxist pamphlet.
>if you're emotionally incontinent, you're still strong
>good men are bumbling idiots and/or are unassertive and are literally willing to die for a kiss
>brotherhood bad, sisterhood good
>and best friend
Alan Wake wasn't all that great desu. Quantam Break was a 4 hour show disguising itself as a game.
>Release game on EGS
>It doesn't sell
who'd have thunk
oh no
what a loss
what will the western game industry do without another cinematic game developer
>All according to keikaku (keikaku means plan).
Quantam Break didn't do well on Steam either.
frankly she looks almost exactly as I imagined
Were they cuntbois?
whats the PC numbers?
Yeah, it's really strange how every man in the Lara Croft universe is either a bumbling moron, cannon fodder, or cartoonishly evil. I get that they want to paint Lara as this nigh-unstoppable Indiana Jones-esque scholar and warrior woman, but it's like she has a retard aura around her that makes every man in a 10 mile radius incompetent.
>I agree that Nu-Lara is way more attractive than old Lara
Kys homo, nobody agrees with this opinion and your nu-franchise is dead.
it is a story told from a STRONK WOMYN point of view, of course the men would all be Homer Simpson at best
60% they're fine.
That was fast visit a doctor
i really liked the feel of Quantum Rape
but as soon as it seemed as it was finally getting its barings it just ends
so much wasted potential, not enough use of your time powers, there's only like 1 puzzle in the start of the game, and no interesting boss fights to speak of
Remedy honestly could, not the camp sort of way, but they could honestly pull it off. The small town bits in Alan wake were so cozy.
>>That was fast visit a doctor
ESL pls
Why would anybody buy a console anyways.
I mean, if I were to own a console, I'd probably get a switch for the first party games, but I also don't want to put down ~300 on a shitty plastic chink tablet that could probably emulated on a computer anyways.
>Look up the game, watch video
>Shitty slow combat, slow movement, sub par physics system
>Combat consists mostly of awkwardly picking up objects then throwing them
You could be playing this instead which is in all ways superior, and you don't feel like a lethargic tick moving around as you effortlessly pick up and toss cars and boulders with your Bionic arm, going along with a kick ass sound track and fun boss fights.
Good riddance, they deserve it for wasting all the money on community managers or shit like feminist studies experts, and retarded office jobs like that
Some reason wouldn't post
It's another Epic is the chink government boogeyman meme. When will this stop and people just start to recognize it's just another American and American company fucking over the world like they always do.
Bionic Commando '09 is very based and I recommend it to any TPS fan.
>video game girl is not 10/10
>autistic howling emanates from the basement
>aspect of game is under developed
>negative comments are made
>autistic white knights stampede to defend virtual women
Where on Earth have you been? It's already been done.
>If any guy is still left working there,
They all became tranny
under developed how
She could look better and have a cuter design with her clothing. A white labcoat would look killer on her.
Also changing the hairstyle for her face would help.
Its way too small for her tall and square head. Makes her jaw look massive.
The main character is bland and unlikable
I want to see alternate costumes.
>girl made deliberately bland to play into malicious Marxist victim narrative that western civilization is oppressing wamyn and must be destroyed
>follow up on their efforts to do everything in their power to fight off the evils of the male gaze by getting angry that they succeeded and men aren't gazing at their products
Men aren't supposed to win at this game. They're supposed to roll over and die for the sake of the revolution. Get fucked.
>bonkers setting with spooky society with dangerous items
>premise totally off the rails
>make character.... as generic and unmemorable as possible
fucking hell, if you're going a crazy concept like this, how do you NOT make a character to go with it thats not par the standard. why?
Juxtaposition, but its a double edged sword. makes her boring as fuck.
There is nothing good about this juxtaposition, we get a game with a character we can't care for and the rest suffers. Literally no one will remember anything about this game due to the non existent shell of a character.
I need to ppay Alan wake, it's been sitting in my steam library for years and i.always forget about it. Control looked pretty good but I want to beat AW before I buy it.
She looks alright, I don't get it.
>nobody wants another remedy game because the last 2 ended on massive cliffhangers that will never get proper sequels
wow, i wonder why nobody bought it
Competent gameplay with good presentation is all this game has. There is absolutely nothing memorable or remarkable about it.
>There is nothing good about this juxtaposition
eh, makes the stuff seem more interesting when the entire world around them is cold and void.
just more proof of ZOG led white genocide!!!
Gamepass, RDR2 and Halo5 for me
xgoys would rather play tranny of war instead
It's a decent SCP containment breach game.
>highest praise you can manage is "decent"
Why did you even respond to him?
i heard it didn't even make the top 20 list for ps4 either despite being a major sponsored launch from sony who moneyhatted development for exclusive DLC. the game sold like garbage all around.
I heard the console ports are fucking terrible and barely work, why is this a surprise