>you will be able to personally, POV-like suck off a tranny looking like Sasquatch, till he/she/xir fookin COOMS
how is this newsworthy?
CDPR did that with Witcher, Slavs just don't give a fuck
>CDPR did that with Witcher
And then they censored it in w3.
>Rather than asking players to set their own pronouns for V, the game will often opt for a pronoun-free approach when other characters talk about you. Consider it one of the many practical benefits of going by a monosyllabic mononym.
>ITT: shit 12 year olds care about
that will be the hot topic on the schoolyard tomorrow, wont it?
It’s literally nothing. It’s not gonna be any different from being called “Geralt” sometimes and “he” others, just substitute Geralt for V.
There wasn't full nudity in the Witcher and you weren't able to romance/fuck the characters in any way/position you wanted. And not FPP
>sometimes he
citation you fucking shill
>complaining about excitement over sex on a board where the main topic is arguing over Tifa's tits
fuck off tourist
POV porn is crap
>Pears also revealed that one way the game is attempting to be inclusive for all players is by having NPCs refer to the player character, V, by name instead of gender.
>He said: “We really want to make sure players get the representation that they want. In the genre of Cyberpunk as well, it asks such deep questions about what it means to be human, let alone what it means to define your gender.
fucking shill cocksucker you running out of excuses you fucking bitches
OK but will these sex scenes have rpg elements.
>No one cares
>suddenly everyone loses their shit
Hmmm that's pretty weird
Children don't give a shit about this garbage game to begin with
They didn't even give a shit when we still thought it might be good.
I don't know, I always read things like these but kids today really feel happy with soe nudity on games?
Porn is so easily accesible and proeminent on the internet, I don't know if kids really care that much about some boobs in a game.
does anyone have the "im a king" meme where they replace what they say with monkey sounds
Can you become an incel if you fuck up stat allocation too much?
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
user, why do you think about children when you hear about sex?
>user, why do you think about children when you hear about sex?
Yeah I wonder what POSSIBLE connection there could be between a man and a woman having sex and children...
Bah! It's going to be censored to shit and back in Germany.
This, I want to be able to decide if I want to inject my poz cum into some gaped tranny ass.
You guys can't get these censored games from another region easily?
Being PC or console?
But clothed sex is best sex.
>it's only faggot sex scenes
Nah the German version will just make it so female V only wakes up next to Muslim men and male V wakes up in the shed outside his apartment where his wife is sleeping next to a Muslim man.
Nah, the male german wakes up with a dude in furry suit.
I’m in love with her bros.
that's every fucking version lmao cdpr got fucking cucked it's all faggot shit
Too bad Ciri won't be in it
Sold $$$
I really think she will. I still hope she will. I mean, it's a must. I think they're just saying shit on purpose so her appearance will be a bigger surprise
They can't make cute models anymore so they won't bring her back because people would notice in a direct comparison.
What's the point if all women in cybertranny are disgustingly ugly whores?
Oh boy, so mature and adult and serious and mature, and mature. Fucking GOTY 12+1/10.
How about making a good game instead.
males get a length, girth, endurance and load stat, with a wide variety of STDs that cause debuffs such as H/CIV and rape-induced cyberpsychosis, can't share more info
t. the tranny I've subdued and tied up in my closet works at CDPR
Why the fuck would you kidnap a tranny?
This isn't true right? Are they really trying to alienate a good part of their fans?
I don't want to play a faggot.
>B-but he was only butt-fucked ONCE (in-game).
This is just like subverse cucking plot
Maybe he's gay and wanted to rape the most pathetic kind of guy possible.
Of course it isn’t, the quote that keeps getting memed was referring to that specific demo they were showing off. In the demo it was set up that V had previously made a decision to fuck a dude, so they were saying that regardless of which gender you played as in that demo you were always going to wake up next to that dude. In the full game you could fuck a chick instead or fuck no one.
Then i will keep my V pure so I can marry a tradcath girl in the game.
i been fucking warning Yea Forums for months the fucking shills kept denying it lmao now cdpr unironically advertising tranny shit they denying that shit too hahaha now v got gender neutral pronouns holy fucking shit lmao what will the shills defend next hahaha
woah woah was just part of my job calm down guys
>in the full game you could fuck a chick
I hope there's an option of playing a muslim and making terrorist attacks in the city
I don't care that's not what I'm getting the game for.
>shill cuck unironically defending cdpr's faggot and tranny shit
>trying to use dilate
hahaha holy fuck you shills are fucking disgusting creatures hahaha
What the fuck is this
who cares
Cyberdilate btfo
Is this game dead? Even the shitposting slowed down.
We've been getting nothing but bad news about the game, it just gets tiring after a while. Two big ones being multiplayer cancer and them removing he/she from dialogue.
>I never played witcher 2
What a waste
Imagine having to rely on the reptilian brain of your audience to sell your shit game
Well yes fucker, there aint been no full nudity in Witcher 2. Geralt wore white fuckin pants in the sex scenes, you brainlet
I’m actually not going to buy it now. Violates my noporn
Yeah, I bet they would be happy to sell their game only in sex shops in this case.
He doesn't even try to hide his shill attempt
But there were always going to be sex scenes? It's also not like you're going to be forced into one
>first person foot massage on mommycorpo
I can't wait
it's all faggot shit tho hahaha you can't fucking play straight male lmao
Someone's busy modelling a fucking poligon vagina instead of making fun gameplay.
Yeah, but if the problem was porn then playing should've never been considered
>unironically defending cdpr's faggot and tranny shit
>trying to use dilate
just fucking give up you shill cocksucker lmao nobody's buying that shit you fucking retard cdpr are pushing new faggot and tranny features every fucking press release and interview DUMBFUCK
omg gore, tiddies and profanity. this game was made for me (adult)
japa tam cwelu
Does anybody actually enjoy the sex scenes in these games? I always felt really awkward watching Geralt fuck somebody
Are they part of a modern art exhibit or something? What is the context here
least geralt was straight male fucking women hahaha cyberpunk protagonist is forced to be a fucking faggot lmao
Can't wait to have real sex. Damn it feels good to be a gamer.
If you want a legit shitposting machine going on, you need both sides to have something to brag and shitpost about.
So far we've got mostly negative news. The lack of attractive women, watered down RPG elements, etc didn't had any "good things" to counter the shitposting.
So most people on Yea Forums now either dislike cyberpunk or simply are avoiding the threads because they don't have an answer to the negative news and would only continue being beaten down
>only faggot sex
I want to see my big black character fucking a blonde (male) character heheheh
is this what you actually think shitposter?
leave please
I said nothing wrong, suck my dick cybertranny.
hahaha you can't prove this tranny game has straight male content you dumb bitch cause cdpr hasn't fucking shown it lmao they showed strong womyn shit faggot shit and tranny shit tho hahaha they still haven't fucking shown straight male hahaha holy shit
>people think this means anything other than the fact you'll see nips
Was anyone expecting this to not be the case?
>acts of terror
if anything it'll be a white male shooting up places
>In this demo
Are you actually autistic or is this some kind of meme? Why is everyone posting this when it clearly says you can choose whatever you want? Don't fuck other men if you want to be straight
the first is good and the second is false
maybe in the east, in the west the game will be pozzed by (((journalists))) and forum tranny freaks
>show female v fucked by a man
>show faggot v fucked by a man
>never fucking showed straight male v fucking a woman
>year later
>still haven't fucking shown straight male v fucking a woman
>suddenly tranny shit
shut the fuck up cdpr dicklicker you retarded fucking shill faggot
Well in his defense, the women in this game are so ugly you either become a homo or stay celibate.
Hopefully we can buy an AI-waifu and a sex doll.
>get the chance to suck a feminine penis
>Yea Forums complains about it all of a sudden
I swear to god, it is impossible to cater to you faggots.
Don't forget the faggot couple of the cinematic trailer with Keanu. Slav V was in a relationship with the Mexican weird guy (he fucking caress your face one last time before dying)
if this zoomers coomin, don't come a doomin
>Sex scenes in non-porn games
The ultimate "OUR GAME IS MATURE!!!1!111" red flag
cdpr got fucking cucked holy shit hahaha california projekt red hahaha
Is this bait or are you just retareded? I'm not buying this shit game but holy shit you sound like such an annoying faggot
Imagine the mods.
Isn't there a Celeste thread you should be having a tard fit in?
You're trying too hard, if you really want to complain, complain about the actual problems, like STR and CON being dumbed down to a single stat.
Though you're not going to do that because you're a retarded shitposter who doesn't actually care about the game. Just go back, maybe you can get some upvotes if you shitpost on reddit
>faggot shill defending cdpr's faggot shit
>calling others faggot
hahaha you pathetic shill cocksucker
hmm sweaty. Sorry but no mods.
Remember they promised mods for Witcher 3 and then backed down? Same thing here
>no johnny silverhand romance
Nah, I'm not gonna support trannies. You just sound like you're and it genuinely makes me cringe
holy fuck you backpedaling bitch you switch topic you pathetic fucking cunt hahaha you call me out on "o... only the demo has faggot shit" now you backpedalin you fucking pussy hahahaha
Wake me up when there's a AAA game with graphic, full penetration.
>claim faggot shit is only for demo
>pussy out and talk bout stats when btfo
stupid fucking cunt hahahaha
>babby waiting for daddy devs to give mod support
In my times we reversed the game and made our own tools
>supports trannies
>"i... i'm not gonna support trannies"
No, thanks. Not staring at tranny dongs.
Why is it so hard for them to show ONE attractive woman?
I will tell you why : because they don't know how to design one anymore.
Cyberpunk is being developed by the trash that not even Bioware wanted anymore
What? My only posts in this thread were calling you a dipshit for your "lol trannies faggot hahahaha pussy cunt hahahahahahaha" shit
Why are you retards even responding to obvious shitposters? Just ignore them, they'll get bored and go away after a while
>"y... you can't insult faggots and trannies it's offensive"
>"i... i'm not gonna support trannies"
holy fucking shit hahahaha
ciri sex scene when?
Playstation will have it censored
Agreed, let's just talk about the new cool stuff in the game like uh, the shooting and the, um, on-rail driving, and the map that's smaller than one of the multiple regions that Witcher 3, a 4 years old game, had.
never man hahaha
cdpr full of pozzed faggots now hahaha fucking california projekt red lmao
don't forget the confirmed faggot sex and tranny character creator hahaha no straight male content tho it's current year hahahaha
FPOV is gold.
S-shut up!!!!!
all futa fags in general...
>Możesz mieć żeński lub męski głos z jakimkolwiek typem ciała, ale genitalia są zdefiniowane właśnie przez ciało - mówi projektant. - Personalizacja postaci pomoże graczom poczuć się tak, jak czują się w rzeczywistości. To ważne zarówno dla nas, jak iloretego świata.
>You can have a feminine or masculine voice with whichever body type, but genitals are identified through the body - says the designer. The personalisation of characters will help gamers feel the way the do in reality. It's equally important to us, as well as the lore of this world.
Okay then......
>no one mentioning the pony reference in the game
>The game allows futa characters, so all characters will be trans
Seethe more, faggot. There will still be plenty of male cocks for you to suck.
Imagine landing a job in Projekt Red and you end up animating gay anal sex.
I cant wait for the cyberpunk rp servers
>gay anal sex for faggot v
>no content for straight male v
holy fucking shit cdpr hahaha
Rape mod WHEN
Whats the appeal of sex in games, I play them for gameplay not for some awkward 3d animated porn, If I want to fap I go to pornhub, If I want sex I fuck my wife, after I cum I don’t want to look at naked women, If I’m on nofap I don’t want to get horny.
I mean there are special games for this sure, but are some of you just decide to fap while playing a story game because there is a sex scene?
Well if it had nudity outside of sex scenes and not IN sex scenes that would be pretty damn stupid, wouldn't it?
Because you are a cuck american that think sex is shameful so you have to do it away from the normal stuff, like going to the bathroom.
>Cyberpunk setting
Pick one you turbo faggot
Oh, boy, more porn. Because we had so little of it, right?
That's why they're making it fps only
not enough
there's never enough, faggot
> why don't the devs record dialogue for both gender options instead of using a singular descriptor as in every other voiced game ever made?
Fuckin' mentally incapacitated tranny fuck.
No they didn't
holy fuck you shills are fucking retarded don't pull that shit of callin people trannies WHEN YOU'RE UNIRONICALLY DEFENDING CDPR TRANNY SHIT YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT
So did Witcher 3? Nothing really that shocking.
good taste juicy lips
!!!!!!!!!! WOW !!!!!!!!!
kys fucking underage shill
Window low stump fag. Learn proper english. Fucking cut your nig toe off
>must defend cdpr
>must defend trannies and cdpr
She looks like she gets raped by Griffiths
Now if only the game had girls
>being a 12 page fuck stick
>Implying shit
It only costs a dollar to try again you broke ass nub toe tub tig nig niggle niggette
>raytraced tranny dong
I have to ask: what’s wrong with gay people? Trannies I can understand, as they’re actually mentally ill, but gays are just normal dudes who happen to like other dudes.
you need a dollar bitch that why you shillin hahahaha
they the dumbasses that push for lgbt unity shit man hahaha they did it themselves lmao now they lumped in with psycho tranny shit it's what they fuckin asked for hahaha damn son
Oh Christ not this video. I thought I'd escaped it.
Says the broke ass bitch herself. Gtfo
That just looks like gibberish to me.
I’m just not a degenerate
They did not nigger.
Go back and dilate yourself Anita.
Counterpoint: Porn or ecchi in games can get you in the mood for real porn
Str and con being combined is great, it stops faggots from dumping strength
you fucking retard shills sayin dilate when you're unironically defending cdpr's tranny shit hahaha cdpr are fucking pushing tranny shit you stupid motherfuckers nobody's buying that shit you shill fuck lmao
Day one buy for me tbqhwy fampai
Don't give a shit about your little kiddie politics
There's literally nothing wrong with slurping on a big, fat, feminine penis
Day one piratino for me desu. I planned on buying it on sale once they've fixed the game with DLCs but now that they confirmed multiplayer I reckon they'll just focus more on that instead of single player DLCs, like Rockstar.
Imagine pandering to puritans by turning Night City into a weirdly sex-devoid place.
imagine cdpr going from based straight male protagonist geralt to fucking forced faggot v lmao
I hope it has fully modeled vaginas all the way up to the cervix
male v can't fuck women lmao
this game will come out and there will be straight scenes but i'll make webm of gay sex scenes and post them in threads about the game because it will either enrage you or arouse you
because at this point you're either a closet homo in denial or a full on homophobe who boils every times he sees a rainbow
>Full nudity
So a bunch of dick but only female breasts?
You know it
>defending gay shit
>unironically using homophobe
shut the fuck up shill lmao there's no fucking straight male content all cuck cdpr does is show strong womyn shit faggot shit and tranny shit hahaha you can't fucking play straight male v cdpr is fucking pozzed hahaha
pokemon is coming out for you soon buddy
>defends cdpr tranny shit
>tries to use dilate
shut the fuck up shill retard lmao
so basically my gotay thank you
Americans discovering you can take off your clothes to have sex, in 2019
>they still keep the shoes on for another decade
holy fuck the shill bot's broken hahaha
What absolute Chads
I dont want that stupid bitch to make a cameo.
2 chads doing something funny for the camera
>Sex scenes with genitalia.
I"m pretty sure that console manufacturers don't allow that nor rating boards.
keep those posts comming I'm nearly there
shemale V deconfirmed :(
>He looks at geralt's dick during sex scenes
I have bad news for you
trannies fucking rule
corpo mommy doesn't like footfags. she's gonna make you worship her ass and everything that comes out of it
her face looks like one of those masks that crossdressers wear
They've won back my respect. Salute!
This is fucking scary lmao
imagine being are a retard to believing this and getting surprised when she is actually in game.
why the fuck they would spoil their surprise?
Okay but can I make my dude a femboy
If not, what's the point of just tossing a female voice on a dude?
>this fucking cope
hahaha holy shit the absolute fucking state of cdpr shills lmao
>cdpr shill
stop retard , i didnt play any of their game outside of TW3 which was okay not terrible but meh
it would be retarded to put ciri in the game. cyberpunk exists in a different multiverse than the witcher
>mom walks in
I haven't even played Witcher, but I'm pretty sure Ciri jumps between universes.
Yeah but that's the point you stupid faggot
yeah, but only universes within the witcher's multiverse. cyberpunk is in a different multiverse alltogether.
>cyberpunk is in a different multiverse alltogether
Says who? CDPR, who have control over the game's setting, or CDPR, who have control over the other game's setting?
that's the fucking point you faggot
>no gender options
so i'm forced to be a faggot if the game deems I have a male partner?
The point that she jumps through universes is why she shouldn't be allowed to show up in a different universe? Are you retarded?
God I hope we can play as a futa with giant tiddies.
>forced to be a fag
day 1 torrent
>you wake up beside a male companion, as male or female MC
this is not okay, I do not want to role play as a genetic defect (aka a faggot).
Not enough escapism for you, eh?
Ciri talks about visiting the world of CP2077 with Geralt. Why are there people in here saying she can't be in it? Don't be retarded. Ciri's entire schlick is she can be god damn anywhere. Future past present multiverse or not. She is the supreme traveler. Divine blood, a literal demi-god.
sorry, i replied to the wrong post
I don't want to be forced to be a faggot. Relationships should be entirely player decided. Not scripted. If I wake up as a fag, I am deleting the game.
universe != multiverse
You're retarded
Here's why:
Im glad there's no straight content, straight men are already struggling to get laid and giving them shit like porn only makes it worse.
Just wasted 13 seconds of my life watching this garbage. Apologize to me.
From what we know atm, no. All males shown thus far have had the same bodytype. Maybe there will be some differences in textures that have less highlited abs drawn in or something, those things won't matter as long as clothes are on since models themselves, at least for now, are all same.
wtf we've been shown the blacks and mexicans are bigger and taller than male v lmao
You are aware that you can decide to only fuck cis-female if you want, right?
no she doesn't. her description doesn't match up to cyberpunk's universe. it was probably a generic sci-fi universe.
they haven't fucking shown straight male v fucking women retard they only showed strong womyn v and faggot v dumbfuck hahaha
get the fuck out lmao
WHy is she eating fires with no ketchup?
You mean the spesial NPC's like the goldarm pimp or the generic NPC's or different player models?
>Yea Forums on erp-ing and DOA threads
Didn't they mention multiplayer in like 2015
Worst part of trannies is the sounds they make in those porn videos trying to imitate javs. And javs can rape your ears so the imitation is even worse
>her description doesn't match up to cyberpunk's universe
it literally does
some places don't serve it in europe.
most of them also don't serve coke either they only have pepsi and some other shit like it.
It infuriates me to the point I have considered bringing my own just to spite them.
If she is not euro then I have no idea.
>mexican sidekick
>fatass black fixer
>black fixer's bodyguard
>giant black voodoo hacker
male v a fucking pussy lmao
That'd be pretty dumb and missing the point imo but I could see it happening
Really hoping that's not the case
I doubt anyone on Yea Forums is old enough to completely lose sex drive
Are they going to allow your character to prostitute herself or work at a brothel?
only very loosely. her full description mentions "everyone had a personal flying ship" which doesn't fit with Cyberpunk because flying cars are relatively rare compared to ground vehicles.
in first person? that shit will look dumb awkward
I didn't take the unique story npc's in consideration since I doubt they will let players use them.
so how will this game avoid an ao rating?
No. Your character is an edgerunner, not a prostitute. I don't see the game catering to that particular fetish
>first person facesitting
Absolute pap I'm afraid. There's no way they'd let it have an AO rating when it's almost guaranteed to be a best seller. It's probably just nipples and maybe a flaccid dick per the norm.
>Game developers uses an aged old trick of the language to avoid recording nearly twice the same audio.
>Advertises it as conforming to gender stereotype avoidance to get more news hype.
Art apparently.
point is there's different body models they just stick the player with the smallest hahaha it's better than the fatass black guy but male v's fucking fatter and weaker than the rest of em hahahaha look at the model from last year to this year he took some fuckin estrogen he's fat as fuck no definition hahaha they removed his fucking muscles lmao
>most of them also don't serve coke either they only have pepsi
I've been around in pretty much every european country multiple times and that's literally only a thing in poor shitholes like bulgaria or romania. Everywhere else they have coke pretty much everywhere.
I'm ready for full nude sex with corpomommy then!
>Porn is so easily accesible and proeminent on the internet, I don't know if kids really care that much about some boobs in a game.
wanting to see hot girls doing sexy things during an immersive experience like a movie or a video game is completely different from making a quick porn session just to jerk off. you must be a woman or a fag if it isn't totaly obvious to you
Jesus Christ no
you can't fuck her if you're male hahaha male v is all fucking faggot shit fucking cuck cdpr didn't add straight male content to this piece of shit game hahaha
>puffy vulva
im coomingg aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh
Those are balls my dude
Come visit Finland, you shall be disappointed.
Oh wow! I can have sex with virtual characters; now if only the gameplay didn't look like straight dogshit being crammed into my dickhole. Unironcally go have sex losers.
No wonder fucking morons praise shit games like The Witcher 3 when it caters to their forever alone lifestyles
Suck my dick.
this shit game only pander to faggots and trannies hahaha
The future.
Well tbf that counts as a poor shithole, but I admit I've never been there.
Stop this and get some help for your schizophrenia, the voices are not your friends.
The world has gone to shit.
>this thread
Ah yes. Let's just add some janky sex scenes. That'll make retards ignore how shitty our rpg mechanics, shooting and driving is. And ignoring how most of the promises we made are not even there. Typical coombrainers. You're no different than those ironic weebs that masturbates or flicking their beans over waifus and husbandos.
jus like the tpp and male pronouns amirite faggot hahahaha get the fuck out with that facebook shit you stupid cunt when cdpr fucking show straight male v content the way they fucking push faggot shit and tranny shit you'll have something to say you stupid fuck
>i share a website with granny boomers
fuck it i am out
Console faggots will get it censored
Would if I could, bitch
lol you're so mad that you're wrong
prove me wrong bitch show straight male v oh wait cdpr haven't fuckin shown straight male v they just keep pushing faggot shit and tranny shit you stupid motherfucker lmao fuck off with that facebook moderator bullshit you stupid cunt get a fucking dev get fucking proof DUMBFUCK
Stop this and get some help for your schizophrenia, the voices are not your friends. I'm serious about this, user. Medication for mental disorders these days is much safer and more effective then past medicines were, a normal life is within your reach, all you have to do is reach out and grasp it.
shhhhhhhh... there there
nice, havent had sex (virtual) since witcher 3 so I can't wait!
Okay you might be pretty based after all.
>In this demo at least
falseflagging tranny, go back to wherever you came from
show me straight male v retard prove me wrong ya dumb bitch lmao
Why do video games need sex scenes? This is as pathetic as those weeb games.
I think the user that is freaking out is an actual astroturfer who trying discredit legitimate criticism of the game by making it seem like all the criticism is based on the apparent lack of hetrosexual relationships, even though proves otherwise and if that PR person is lying then that screencap could used in a false advertising case
...And now you ruined it, thanks. Look, the "you only hate it because of the sun" and the bladerunner-strawman stopped working so we need to have something or else the shitposters win. Do YOU wan't that?
Thing is though that a lot of the legitimate criticism I've heard of this game on here(that isn't just "herp derp dwongraede")is stuff like "This game will just be a cyberpunk GTA or a budget Deus Ex"and the problem for me with criticism like that is that the game still sounds fucking awesome.
It's 2019 why aren't there interactive sex scenes
Interesting. I’m curious how they’re going to play out. The permanent first person view might make the scenes looks very awkward
I hope we can at least customize the size of our dick.
You have literally 7 pages of this same post in the same format all on the same focus going back to August 2018.
like coombrains to the dumpster
Won't be playing that demo and probably won't touch the game now.
stfu moron
you ever stop to fucking think in all that time cdpr still hasn't fucking shown straight male v you fucking retard
This. And foreskin length.
if I can't make a femboy or there are no femboys then what's the fuckin point
There’s no way. That would push it to adult rating, wouldn’t it? Hell, even if they took the “soft core” route BioWare takes, it’s still gonna be much more adult because it’s in first person and it’s harder to hide things like that.
San Andreas Hot Coffee
You ever stop to think nobody fucking cares but you?
>since august 2018
>cdpr showed strong womyn shit
>cdpr showed faggot shit
>cdpr advertised tranny shit
>cdpr removed genders
>cdpr still hasn't fucking shown straight male v
>No A/O rating for this
How did they get away with it Bros?
Oh joy, graphic sex of ugly freaks. What a wonderful company CDPR has become since hiring all those Americans.
Random girl amongst her friends complimented my fit today on the subway. We started talking and now we're planning to get a drink this weekend. Feels good
>no one cares about bein straight
holy fuck you cdpr shills hahahaha
>remember that godforsaken webm of two guys making out in vr
Asap is one stylish motherfucker
Name me one game on planet earth with romances that didn't feature a straight relationship then get back to me on why nobody gives a shit if they show it or not.
And leafs! Don't forget about the leafs!
Seething autismo
It’s probably gonna be missionary only. Its not so bad to only show a character from the chest upwards. It’s like movie sex scenes
the game is set in a dystopian future. it makes sense that trannies are accepted
>nobody gives a shit if they show straight male content
>b... but it was so fucking important for cdpr to show faggot and tranny shit
sorcery you fucking faggot the only romances if you're male are faggot romance or a fucking princess turning you into a woman cause she won't fuck you if you're a guy lmao that's the kinda woke bullshit cdpr is on now you stupid fucking cunt
>someone made a dumb sign to show how hyped they are for a video game
How underaged are you to be so triggered by that?
>this whole webm
Yea Forums is advancing
Stay a delusional retard for another year. I know you'll be the most dedicated CDPR shill since you post more then anyone else about them.
Most of the damn zoomers here wish they could find a dude to fuck. Gen Z is gay as hell (literally)
keep shilling cocksucker hahaha
>tfw a week ago a cute guy I work with invited me to go out and get lunch with him
>we get along really well and have lots of similar interested
>he invites me to his apartment to play some games
>his room is decorated with a bunch of fucking anime waifus posters and some figures
Well that sucks. I guess I’m fine with being friends but getting a date is so damn hard
Literally the greatest game ever made and also fpbp
I'll never make the 175 posts you've made, so you got me there.
>a cute guy
A combination of their being not enough demand, the fact that it'd be a royal pain in the ass to pull it off without it looking awkward and silly, and the fact that it'd be skirting the line of what passes for M-rated content and in turn severely narrowing the scope of where you can sell your game.
This is why I don't necessarily buy the "SUPER GRAPHIC SEX SCENES TOTES FOR REALS" claims CDPR seem to be making. It's only going to get so graphic that the game stays within M-rating standards.
CDPR is only 19% foreign, of whom most are Ukrainian, Russian and German. There are only 5-15 Americans on the whole team. Of some 900 employees in total.
81% employees are still pure-blooded Polish people
>Pears also revealed that one way the game is attempting to be inclusive for all players is by having NPCs refer to the player character, V, by name instead of gender.
>He said: “We really want to make sure players get the representation that they want. In the genre of Cyberpunk as well, it asks such deep questions about what it means to be human, let alone what it means to define your gender.
they're fucking californians hahaha california projekt red hahahaha
I mean that does not change the fact that 81% of CDPR employees are still Polish, and the rest are majority Ukrainian, Russian and German/Hindu, so fuck off, I guess?
>you will never go back to 2016 cdpr
It's not fair
what do you mean? CDPR is definitely a Polish company. It's owned by Polish people and the vast majority of employees are Polish
then why the fuck are they pushing american california tranny politics
Because CDPR is based in Warsaw, the capital city of Poland. Go figure
>>Cyberpunk is no longer a Polish production or worked on by Poles in any meaningful capacity for years now. The same applies to much of CDPR.
>>It's real
>Welp, time to say goodbye to cyberpunk and say hello to the Andromeda 2.0
>Industry crash can't come soon enough.
Oh nono no
That sounds problematic.
>The partnership will focus on CD PROJEKT RED’s upcoming futuristic role-playing game — Cyberpunk 2077.
>Founded by industry veterans hailing from BioWare, Radical Entertainment and Relic
What, WHY??? Why the fuck get those ass clowns involved???
cause cdpr doesn't want the straight male audience hahaha
Fucking finally
Holy shit trannies are even worse than I thought
Wait, so like actual boner worthy stuff?
apparently not.
it's like we keep repeating the mistakes of the past
Every cybertranny thread is the same: a bait title, braindead "hahaha" poster, someone talks about BUT MUH BASED POLES, someone else posts this same news that Cyberpunk was mostly made by bioware trash devs, newfags act surprised, and since this thread is already on bump limit this cycle will repeat itself real soon.
It seem so
Welcome to Yea Forums, you will be here forever.
I mean that does not change the fact that 81% of CDPR employees are still Polish, and the rest are majority Ukrainian, Russian and German/Hindu, so fuck off, I guess?
I mean that does not change the fact that 81% of CDPR employees are still Polish, and the rest are majority Ukrainian, Russian and German/Hindu, so fuck off, I guess?
I mean that does not change the fact that 81% of CDPR employees are still Polish, and the rest are majority Ukrainian, Russian and German/Hindu, so fuck off, I guess?
I mean that does not change the fact that 81% of CDPR employees are still Polish, and the rest are majority Ukrainian, Russian and German/Hindu, so fuck off, I guess?
I mean that does not change the fact that 81% of CDPR employees are still Polish, and the rest are majority Ukrainian, Russian and German/Hindu, so fuck off, I guess?
TW3 didn't have trannies. This is big.
I unironically think that at least 1/3 of posts in Cyberpunk threads are made by bots.
Thats what happens when you've got one very dedicated autist trying to "socially manipulate" Yea Forums into hating a game
Why are they gathering all the rejects? No, really. What do they gain from doing this?
these are the people they hired to work on multiplayer. better luck next time
>he's been doing this since 2018 and they still haven't shown straight male V
Dios mio... he was right...
No shit, how do you think CDPR can even spend several million dollars on marketing alone? Witcher 3 had a 25 million dollar marketing budget. Cyberpunk probably has an even bigger budget
Amid the obvious autist there's also real issues pointed out. The tranny shit brings more controversy though.
I knew that somethin felt off about the gameplay and these tranny incidents. I guess now we know why.
Rip cyberpunk, we hardly knew ya.
>playing as a faggot
nice job outing yourself homo
>The tranny shit brings more controversy though.
Its fucking cyberpunk, why its even a surprise to retards that there's gonna be this kind of shit in the game don't fucking even understand the genre
its shooped
>having full fledged non censored sex scenes.
good, almost there.
>having genitalia sliders, including different basic types (innie, roastie...) and a good variety of pubes
I very much doubt they would dare to do it.
Saw that several threads back and I'm still getting some residual anger from it.
Not that it matters since it's just another drop in the ocean but why do these fags need to infest everything? Couldn't they have gone to literally anyone else?
were there trannies in the tabletop game?
>dude in a cyberpunk dystopia there will only be straight sex lmao
Holy shit you people are so dumb
>it's a yet another"european company gets infested by california" episode
the tabetop game is not related to cyberpunk.
There's not a single person that can convince me that in 2077 fags and trannies will be 100% seen as normal people. There will be at least groups of people who despise them.
In the game i would say it's either the nomads or corpos.
huh? the tabletop game that cyberpunk 2077 is based on is not related to it?
This is some true westacuck behavior right here
yes. lots of them
there's a tranny sitting at your chair, looking at your computer display and shitposting with your keyboard right as we speak. You really should go check it out.
Humans modifying themselves will alter what is possible. Your social norms are temporal and ephemeral. Tranny cyborgs will conquer the galaxy. You best start learning to like skirts.
Article specifically mentions what genitals you have is based on which body you chose, unfortunately.
>No big dick futa
>genitals you have is based on which body you chose
So it's literally just the voice and pronouns?
What's the fucking point then?
You mentally ill fag bags aren't Yea Forums.
Effortless social media appeasement.
FREE media exposure.
cool guess I'm cyberpunk
Gotyay confirmed.
why people care about this when you can just play honeyselect in your pc? do people get more erect for censored porn?
>poor shithole
im not that poster, im not even finnish
u r retard
Way to out yourself as a newfag.
Nice bait, lets see if he takes it
Campers who misbehave or experience delusions of 'heterosexuality', may have to spend a few nights in a 'Fag Bag'.
Nuke California.
Dilate yourself to death.
but that doesn't put out the possibility of multiple body types since they said the demo was a small slice of the character customisation theres guaranteed to be no actual futa though
Yeah, I wanted to play a girl with a big fat dick, though.
You can have a female or male voice with any type of body, but genitals are defined just by the body-says the designer. -Character customization will help players feel the way they feel in reality. It is important for both us and the lore of this world.
You will probably get a tranny instead
holy fuck lmao, this is where I live and it is a total cesspit of every type of degeneracy under the sun.
you'll be able to buy the Mr. Studd implant as a woman
Awesome! I want to see my super homolust V's grotesque schlong.
based af
even? It would be weird if there was nudity everywhere else but sex scenes.
cope harder and kys bigot
I want the full dick customization!
Of course, Epic and PS4 will get it censored. Based Steam and GOG will not.
They would be censored on the console versions while the steam version is not.
kiss your sister?
why are the balls so low?
Be a good goy and cope harder. :^)
I'm going to fist your sister
>>wtf we've been shown the blacks and mexicans are bigger and taller than male v lmao
They are designed to fuck your boipussy. Be grateful for it.
>t. retarded newfag