>roleplaying game
>roleplay is a niche activity only few players partake in
Roleplaying game
who cares about doing an rp run once when none of your friends will find out?
You should if you have any dignity
hahaha no thanks i don't want tranny erp
>everyone who roleplays is a faggot like in OP's pic
Right and I suppose people in esports games are nice and friendly people who support their team mates and help new players, yeah?
Why do people do this when Roll20 exist?
Guess it's because roll20 gets busted and leaks your personal info
I have a question for all these RPers: do they also RP during battles? that is, do they limit themselves in how they use their skills by not spamming shit or whatever?
By the way, you can't really roleplay in end game fights so I don't think it's a real roleplaying game
99.9% of people playing tabletop don’t roleplay during battles in that sense.
Cause i spent multiple days on there looking for a game just for it to not start and half the games are LGBT+ degenerates.
Use Fantasy Grounds people
Roll20 isn't a 3D game you dolt, come on it's not that hard
that sucks, that shit kills my immersion
In FFXIV, they sometimes do. They are the fucking worst.
They just bind /say what the fuck ever to their skills so when they use an ability they spout THIS'LL GET YOU EVILDOER or some other cringy bullshit.
Also, there's a class called the Dancer, who can power up another party member by making them their "dance partner." Had a dancer who would only ever buff ONE GUY, who WASN'T IN THAT DUNGEON GROUP, so the fucker didn't buff ANYONE.
Just rush the dungeon and leave these faggots in the dust.
What? I'm a brainlet and dont understand a single thing he just said enlighten me
You can have fun on any kind of rp game, even 2d byond rp games. I dont see the point in WoW but hey, people can do whatever.
Fun times calling a host of a rp game a cum slurping cuck who jerked off to his waifu getting railed by a pack of pavement apes in front of him in text and voice, miss those times. Loadsa cucks, but fuck me, fun times.
Bullshit, people RP during combat all the time in tabletop and it pisses me off.
Your turn is 6 seconds, you don’t have time to be throwing out witty retorts when you’re dodging fireballs
Talking is a free action.
that honestly sounds based as fuck. I'd play FF XIV just to roleplay my character but I loathe erotic roleplay
Yeah, but your round is only 6 seconds
If you can get it your smack talk or anime style move call out in 6 seconds, then fine.
Those kind of people never pay attention to that though and it break my immersion
>play along for a little bit then intentionally pull a bunch of shit causing a wipe
>Your turn is 6 seconds
Says who?
I have about 1500 hours dumped into a gmod HaloRP server. Most people are just chill and play along, but the people who REALLY roleplay are gigantic insufferable fucking faggots that I absolutely cannot stand. Shit like ONI, the allied alien factions, and the Navy are all huge on detailed roleplay and it is the cringiest shit. Hell, whenever someone gets busted for ERP (which is against the rules of the server), it's usually from one of those groups. I've stuck with the Marines, which are the "first" group all new people get put in automatically when they join and who also have the most lax "rp standards" like, yea, you still have to roleplay but theres no "uhhh we have to figure out what this fucking soda can a GM said was a forerunner artifact is and what it does blah blah blah". Shits gay af.
>that pic
Could be worse, could be them doing ERP by having to masturbate or something to summon ifirit.
Yeah, they say shit, but they don’t put themselves in danger by not using their skills like the other guy asked.
When was the last time you saw a player not take the superior action because “my character would do this stupid thing instead”?
I see that shit pretty often.
if you look at most Tabletop games they heavily imply that your "turn" is all happening within a few seconds. Initiative is basically your reaction speed.
Can I RP as an experienced adventurer who wants to clear out a dungeon and leave without stopping to discuss their feelings after every encounter?
Oh yeah? Why don’t you prove it and greentext it to make me believe you, you little monkey?
not that kind of role
Only if you want me to roleplay a detailed description of you’re in a hurry top go home so you can suck your bf’s cock.
>Ifrit kneels
>tfw used to RP back in WoW when I was a teenager
I roleplayed in this Scarlet Crusade based guild, it was neato
I usually helped with my guild setting up storylines with other guilds and we'd play it out, kinda like a tabletop campaign.
Never met a roleplayer that autistically RP'd into dungeons and shit, everyone often kept that shit to their own guilds/group of friends sometimes you'll find people RPing at taverns but I couldn't imagine forcing someone to RP when they just wanted their daily dungeons done
I kinda miss it because it was a pretty good creative outlet and it was fun going DEUS EX on undead players and zombies
guild leader had a mental breakdown and made me guildmaster and then quit, guild died a month or two later because I wasn't used to being a leadership position, it went out with a whimper, not a bang
>going DEUS EX
Deus Vult* you retard
my bad i'm tired
It's okay man, just shittin you
if you want a real RP experience, just go play SS13, you literally cannot play the game without RPing else you risk getting banned like a faggot.
>Be the tank
>OP's diarrhea happens
>simply play along until the first boss and then act as if I'm a bad guy and let them wipe to the boss
>ditch them and go NM hunting for 30 minutes
>massively multiplayer game
>massively multiplayer is a niche activity only a few players partake in