Is it worth $60
Is it worth $60
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No, but I am going to buy a Switch along with this game just to piss off Yea Forums.
no. that cheap and garbage game doesn't even have a stable framerate.
No. Play the original one on emulator for free. It has more soul, and doent look like a lego and cost a full AAA price
>looks like a phone game
>no anti-aliasing
so... this... is... the... power... of... the... switch..............................
The original, at least, leaves things to your imagination and the DX version is still beautiful
name one console game that has anti-aliasing besides some shitty fxaa
Probably not, but I'm still getting the collector's edition and amiibo
>t. Owner of the GBC version and VC version on 3DS.
Anyone else in the US notice like, all of the Switch games at Walmart are now 50 bucks?
I don't like that blur at the bottom of the screen.
If they keep it up after my GCU runs out, I'll be buying games from there.
no fucking way and this was one of the worst zelda games too
If they're seriously only adding the dungeon creator then fuck no. Link's Awakening is like a five hour game.
This. I want the game, but since I have a million games to play, I'll just get it when it drops by $5 for a week in a year. Imagine if they would've added a whole 4-Swords-style adventure themed after Link's Awakening with online support. Would be a day 1 buy for me.
$30 max unless they added a ton of stuff
If there is anything that soul vs souless meme applied to, it would be this
it will probably have a black friday deal assuming youre in the US
>Why yes, I pre-ordered a remake of the best Zelda game in the series, how can you tell?
He looks like a fucking corn cob
Good point. If I can get it online I'll buy. Not going to go hang out with about 1000 poor Americans trapped in a Best Buy.
Nah, not when you could just pirate it or play the original
No, but its worth it for free since I have a hacked switch.
I say the Zelda Dungeon maker is cool enough to warrant a purchase. Definitely not on my priorities list, but i'll get it sometime down the line. Would be down to play LA again anyway and the new coat of paint has a certain charm to it. Like if it were a diorama displaying each of the scenes.
Zelda II's getting a remake?
I really don't see how that dungeon maker is going to be any fun.
Definitely not
probably not but i'll get it for 45
Dungeon maker is a cool idea on paper but they're going about it in a really boring way. You just connect pre-made rooms together.
Looks like it's worth $5 max
Dont waste your money and just pirate
Dude, it's another fucking mid important Switch release. You should know the deal already:
Buy it, pretend to have fun, post on the forum for two weeks, then forget about it.
Look at Astral Chain for a template.
Ew. Sounds like that snapmap shit from Doom 2016.
>$200 tablet preforms worse than $1400 galaxy s10
$5 used a few years from now
Looks like shit
I saw more threads about Astral Chain's metacritic score than I did for the actual fucking game
I would like it a lot more if you could share your dungeons online. This whole Amiibo-only thing is classic retarded Nintendo
Isn’t that what old Zelda dungeons are anyways?
still going strong.
Remake looks better.
but honestly I'm excited to play it on my pirated switch. looks pretty damn fun.
Just buy it on the 3ds e shop for 6$
Check this
Natural selection at work.
Because they wanted to give the feel of a single screen, while having "No loading". Fuckers at Grezo still fucked it up and couldn't give a solid 60 fps while doing it though, the game dips to 30 when it loads new assets and stays there for a while. Nintendo needs to stop letting these incompetent fucks port Zelda games, they obviously aren't up to it and make retarded decisions on visual style.
>Consistent 50 and 60 fps in 3D areas and 2D areas respectively
N-no bros... This can't be... It was supposed to be shit...
Looks nice. Console makers should forbid games with sub 60fps. Astral chain is good example of a game that would be so much better with 60fps. This shit simply does not fly anymore today, but unfortunately there are still enough ultra plebs who see no issues with that.
It shouldn't dip at all. This is one of the least graphically demanding games I have seen on the switch and it can't handle shit.
I'm pretty squarely in the "NEW = GOOD" camp. I honestly prefer the blob filter over plain pixel art.
This remake looks like shit. I'd much rather play the original, even though I've never played it.
But Im a nostalgiafag and getting it anyway
>in Link Between Worlds Nintendo rehashed the entire overworld
>now they're just remaking a game
I like LA but fuck Nintendo's laziness. Just make a totally new top down Zelda, is that too much to ask?
I don't get this "lets make new graphics, but no new content. We can just use the old one AGAIN lol" approach either. It's completely retarded.
Can we talk about how 15 year old newfags are revealing themselves?
Is this the long rumored sequel to 3D dot game heroes?
They likely want to test the market first to see how much interest there is in 2D Zelda now that there isn't a separation between home console and handheld anymore and they'd be forced to release on the same system as the huge paradigm-shifting 3D Zelda.
If it was a new Zelda game, I would buy it. I am not buying an old game again.
No Nintendo games should cost 60$. In the first fucking place
why is the top and bottom blurry? can you turn that off?
if not then it is not worth $60
>tfw you have a nintodler friend you can borrow the game from
No better feel.
Hell no.
You can buy BotW for that price, and this comes from someone who loves Link's Awakening.
I bought my copy only because Amazon offered it at 45 bucks for a limited time months ago, otherwise I would just have waited for a used copy around that price.
60 is too fucking much.
I legit thought this was 3D dot games heroes for a second when looking at the thumbnail.
Being underage and posting is a bannable offence.
Absolutely fucking not. That said, I'm still buying it day one.
Maybe we will have better luck in 7 years when the next top down Zelda is due
No, especially since the new Fortnite grafix style makes it look worse than the original rom, which can be downloaded for free
Gonna buy it anyway to piss off poorfags
Just play ALTTP and LOZ if you have online
>Zelda dropping in price.
Looks nice but really not worth it at 60.
Will buy it regardless as it's Zelda. How could you not? Doesn't mean I have to agree with their pricing.
I get it, but the reality of the matter is that Breath of the Wild has become one of gaming's new landmarks and the best-selling Zelda by an absurd amount, so Nintendo likely regards 2D Zelda as not a top priority right now. I still think Link's Awakening will do well and they'll make an original 2D Zelda on Switch, but I get why they've been putting most of their efforts into a BotW sequel.
>never played Link's Awakening
>First time experiencing it will be the definitive version on the most current gen hardware
$60 is nothing to me. No offense, but if you need to justify spending $60 once in a while for your hobby, you need to get a job or find a different hobby. $60 is a nice dinner for one, and this is something you won't enjoy once, but something you can keep coming back to. Y'all are grasping at straws to try and smear Nintendo, when all you're doing is crying because you cant find 2 nickels to rub together.
Yeah, good point. But there is no reason to assume that Nintendo thinks that just because 3D Zelda is successful, there should be no new 2D Zelda.
With Mario, 2D and 3D also coexist well. But admittedly, there was a long time in early 2000s when there was 3D only and 2D made a comeback later.
Inb4 someone asks you to give them money for free
Hope you enjoy it user.
It's a great game. Have fun
>Not realistic graphics = fortnite
Do us a favor, and stick your head in an oven
>buy for 60
>sell used for 50
Even right now you could argue that 2D Mario is only truly alive because Nintendo shifted its formula to player-created content with the Mario Maker series. The latest original 2D Mario predates A Link Between Worlds.
It's worth it to me, try thinking for yourself
I wish Nintendo would just farm out 2D Zelda to someone else
Capcom did great with Oracles
They let those SJW Necrodancer fags make a game with them so why not
Nope. Just gonna pirate it so I can play with a constant frame rate. lol Can't believe a ps2 game can't run at 60fps on the switch.,
Nope. Get the GBC one and a modded GBC or just emulate.
Big oof
You're an Incel.
honestly i think it would sell better at $50. but its a first party nintendo game so it having a sale of any kind is very slim, so i guess i'm gonna spend $60 when i have the extra cash to buy it when i feel like it
I have zero clue what it is, but I can already tell you, it's not.
...this looks fucking horrendous
Link's Awakening on Gameboy is better than 99% of all video games released in the past 25 years.
Now it has an improved gorgeous deluxe remake on Switch. Worth every penny if you ask me.
It should be the other way around. Nintendo should take notes that shaking the 3D Zelda formula has given them huge sales, so what should they do to get a load of cash? Make a top down Zelda that shakes things up as well.
This looks like such a bland phone game.
If you like the traditional Zelda experience then yes, otherwise no
A link between worlds came out years ago user.
I already have it preinstalled.
It's a good game but no
Looks nice and the artstyle is adorable, but I don't think it's worth $60. Maybe $40.
Heck no. $29.99 @ most
I wish, it deserves one.
You can't put a price on one of the best games ever made.
I wish I didn't beat the original a month before it was announced.
If you like Zelda II you should try Aggelos on Switch.
If a game could conceivably be released on the Gamecube without alteration, it probably should not be sold in 2019 for $60
Probably not. It looks great, but it's also a remake of a GameBoy game. A remake is never worth full price. I wouldn't pay more than $25 for it.
I play LA every year. I was just about to start a new playthrough when they announced the remake. Can't wait.
Nah. More like $30.
But Nintendo games take 2-3 years to drop in price so if you want to play it then you'll probably be paying that much.
You're fucking delusional if you think the engine running this remake would have run on Gamecube.
Reminder that Koji Kondo is the most overrated video game composer in history. Akito Nakatsuka pissed all over his work in Zelda 2.
he looking like corn cob
rehashing 2 entire overworlds is not shaking things up
Sure, whatever.
I'm going to pirate it and play it on pc using yuzu
>worst zelda games
i bet you like TP.
It would probably universally run at 60 fps if they'd drop that hideous DOF effect. It's overboard and looks like shit. It's the only thing that I hated about Pikmin 3 too.
I think the 3ds version has more soul
Does it have any gameplay additions or improvements?
don't need to constantly switch out items
Market interest?
It's free fucking money based on brand recognition and their abhorrent marketing schemes.
Fuck it, if a video game company isn't interested in video games, then they can eat shit. Worthless, barbain-bin tier franchise anyway. Hasn't been worth a damn since 1998.
Creatively, mechanically, and hopefully soon to be monetarily bankrupt.
BotW isn't worth $60 either
>linking trannyxplain.
Or ya know they just went full
LOZ Maker on this
I doubt that though
The switch can run mario odyssey at a full 60 with minimal drops (I don't remember any really) but a damn remake of a Gameboy game drops frames this often?
So they found an even more annoying voice. Respect
>Seamless world
>Except the framerate tanks
What the FUCK was the point of it then? This level of incompetence is just unwarranted.
That aside, Quality of Life changes don't really warrant a full-prices re-release in my opinion. I'll wait to see if they ever come up with an original game again.
theres even ugly ass DoF
Post more screenshots
t corn-coblet
>far and away the best looking game on Switch
First GamexPlain video I watch, are they typically that retarded?
Never played LA but thought alttp was boring and repetitive as fuck. Will I like LA? Is it better than picking up skulls over and over for conveniently placed keys?
Nah, wait for like a 30% sale.
Pirate the game and form your own opinion
they do what makes them money
>using Twitch as any metric
By that logic no open world game is