Wich one would be ideal?
WoW Classic's future
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Kaplan is pretty much the only guy that worked on Vanilla that is still with the company and he's in purgatory on the Overwatch team forever
2 is not an option and will never be an option unless they bring back Pardo (again)
>classic already dead
>now blizzdrones crying about muh we need new content
kys no changes for you classic cuck
Classic+ is ideal. I'd like (and be content with just) an option for new graphics in classic WoW. That'd make me hop on the bandwagon right away.
> retailfags unironically believe this lmao
It's not even true classic right now
You mean new models? There are already options for updated graphics in classic.
Yeah. Some parts of the new models I dislike compared to the old ones but overall I think they're an improvement I guess. I just want to replay classic with new graphics. 100% classic is just too much for me, I practically beat the game 15 years ago and I need more of an incentive to come back to it. The newer models would help. I think they should repaint the textures for the old gear too personally but that's just me.
Classic to TBC but remove flying from TBC and just keep it TBC+
I think Classic+ versions of expansions is the best of both worlds.
1) Other legacy WoW content is almost certainly higher quality than and more in line with style of vanilla than anything neo-Blizzard might produce now. I know there are those that might object to magitech aesthetic seen in TBC for example, but if the choice was between that and designs seen in neo-WoW...
2) Expansions, while you might not be able to find a person who wouldn't object to something at least, do have a sort of legitimacy and for the very least, shock value has passed. Even supposing neo-Blizzard didn't screw up worse than, say, non-broken draenei (which, considering the state of main plot in neo-WoW, seems doubtful), those new screw-ups would be shocking while faults of TBC and Wrath at this point are "yeah, I was upset 15 years ago but now it's like whatever".
3a) Similarly, the expansions ultimately are an evolution of vanilla, and a lot of counts the changes ARE for the better. For example, I think it's reasonable to say uniqueness of class roles is in line with vanilla class design paradigm, even if it didn't manage to realize it (for example, the way moonkin can reasonably be expected to be played, it really is just bad mage that does nothing unique). TBC on the other hand DOES successfully execute this design.
3b) We have the benefit of hindsight evaluating the impacts of designs historical expansions had. While I would argue flying in TBC specifically was hardly impactful (and in that specific context I would even consider it a pro), history shows that it would ultimately reveal itself as a shortsighted decision. Where the expansions were not a desirable evolution of vanilla/classic, they can be adjusted accordingly. Any completely new content would be unknown.
4) As a general rule, where deviations from classic design paradigm can now be judged as making the game worse, fixing these mistakes would also please most fans of those specific expansions.
5) Aside from fixing undesirable deviations from "classic design", there are a lot of unquestionable issues with the expansions that go outside this scope. For example, a major problem in TBC progression is the fact that T6 is easier than even post-nerf T5 (which people often confuse to catchup gear being too powerful). It would also be too easy considering better players now. These sort of mistakes can also be fixed, making the expansions directly better.
6) In the process of doing these revamps, you also make the expansions feel fresh.Fans of the expansions will get to hear those Karazhan organs or fight Algalon the Observer, the things people do care about when they say they like the expansion, but things like new theorycrafting (for Wrath at least, seeing as that its class homogenization efforts is one of those mistakes that clearly needs to be reversed) would keep the experience somewhat fresh.
The biggest issue about flying mount is how it essentially killed WPvP.
Resilience is another major mistake TBC had.
TBC was good to me overall.
>Implying Blizzard are competent enough to do any of these well
any. but fix end game for the love of subs
You will sit in your contentless game while spamming for an invite to asmon layer and you will like it. That'll be $15
True classic is the most retarded idea.
I'd like classic+
But on the other hand I would like to be a deathknight.
I never got to play much of WOTLK but when I was a kid in retail vanilla I always wanted to be a deathknight, I really liked playing them in warcraft 3 aswell as dreadlords.
i would kill for lich king pvp again
the feel dude
probably i wouldnt play it cause i love the memories
>The biggest issue about flying mount is how it essentially killed WPvP.
No it didn't. Supermajority of PvP encounters take place, not when you're traveling from point A to B, but when people contest a limited resource like a farming spot or access to instance entrance. These elements are present in TBC to pretty much exactly the same degree as they are in vanilla, it's just Skettis Mafia over Devilsaur Mafia or Elemental Plateu over Tyr's Hand.
The major impact of flying was not realized until Wrath, the premier raidlogging-stay-in-Dalaran simulator. Now there is no farm to contest, you get summoned inside raids, you can queue to dungeons from the safety of Dalaran, and because nobody's grounded, the last possible opportunity to have world PvP would be to assault those few guys traveling to raids to pop up summoning stone inside or something. But because of flying, that opportunity is denied too and world PvP is totallyd ead. Throw in hyperinflation making fast flying affordable to everyone, 225 skill mount speed being buffed, cast time being halved (which also means it's worth it to fly, not walk, between mobs, so the window of vulnerability is reduced even more than you might think at first glance), everyone and their mother gaining CC abilities that allow disengagement, etc.
This of course does show that flying was a shortsighted addition, but flying isn't INHERENTLY very impactful. The negative effects to world-PvP are non-zero, but as I tried to demonstrate, they were LOW, and in TBC it also enabled outlandish world design, it was used as an actual mechanic, etc, and those benefits compensate for the harms.
The change with biggest impact to world PvP was 1.5.0 anyhow. The second would be change in player mindset ("it's red it's dead" -> "even if I win the fight, I lose time and gain literally nothing of value").
Please explain your problem with it. I'm pretty sure that it's going to be a problem with Wrath implementation.
I honestly really do like the idea of classic+. The more I think about it, the more I realize that the entire expansion model just doesn't really work for a social game like Wow. Adding more level 60 content might actually be the way to go, especially if the gear obtained through that new content is defined more by its usability rather than raw power.
The problem however is that in doing such a thing, it would essentially be a continuity reboot of Warcraft. An idea that I like in theory, but rarely actually works. You only need to look at the complete mess that is the comic book industry for proof of how quickly such a thing can go awry.
No, what I think would work best is if they just took whatever lessons they learned from retail and classic and made a new World of Warcraft game. One that actually knows if it wants to be a MMO, or a single player game with Co-Op dungeons and raids.
>The change with biggest impact to world PvP was 1.5.0 anyhow.
Is there any way to get around that though? Besides removing battlegrounds altogether, obviously.
> The second would be change in player mindset
I think that has more to do with the fact that the reward is just crap most of the time. Honor just isn't that great of a reward, especially considering how much you need to buy anything good.
To play the superior version of the game of course. Look how awesome retail is compaired to your nostalgiafest
Give me WotLK and I will be a happy user.
classic+ obviously. they'd be fools not to follow OSRS's formula
30+ people waiting for a rare spawn and a small chance at a mount. then logging out to play something else (most likely classic). repeat once per day
why does everyone hate flying?
The ones where they give paladins crusader strike and make blessings last 30 minutes. Everything else I could give to fucks about.
What content would you want the most from a Classic+ philosophy?
Flying ruined trivialized getting around, world pvp, and seeing the world. Even blizzard knows it was a mistake and they attemptes to undo it in WoD but their child like fan base kicked and screamed loud enough that blizzard caved and let people use flying again in WoD zones.
Outland, but with a actual good story.
Here comes all the retail and ff14 trannys to say the game is dead in a desperate attempt to save their game.
FF14 is doing just fine. It's pretty much carved out its own niche as "Basically just a single player game with dungeons and raids".
Well, you could at least increase the importance of world content to compensate. Let's compare the importance of farming in TBC and Wrath:
Would you rather spend your time farming materials for this: tbcdb.com
In which are you going to put yourself in the harm's way and in which case are you going to stay in Dalaran because there's literally nothing to be gained from the world content? When there's a reason to go out, when there's a reason to fight to contest limited mobs or something, you don't need PvP-oriented players to start fights. BGs might have eaten up most of the players who seek PvP encounters for the sake of PvP, but Devilsaur and Skettis mafias are still going to be a thing. A thing you could do is to add more such elements to the game.