Was it a Funny prank?
Was it a Funny prank?
It was the best prank ever conceived
Yes haha
this and sans as mii fighter
Haha what if she got pregnant and then turned back into a man
It was hilarious.
SNK heroines II including all the male pranked character when
i wish
This is very cute.
kek at Shadow, too bad it's not real
Was what a prank? SNK Heroines?
Because they did it on the Neo Geo Pocket Colour years ago as well...
can you think of a funnier prank?
I'd love for pranked terry to be an alternate costume, like the robin/corrin alternates.
It wasn't funny for Terry.
It was funny for Mai, Yuri and Kukri tho.
Scrolling past this very quickly I thought this was a Terry Bogard horse.
what's this from
it's not fair
it was her turn
Shame Yuri couldn't get photos of her into the real world, now that would be funny.
Just make this a costume for Samus
based hat-obsessed soldier poster
Yes and I wish someone would prank me like that, haha.
This but unironically
This but Unironically unironically.
Wanting to be the pranked one is gay. You should be wanting to fuck the guy that gets pranked instead.
don't get pranked
Pranks are pretty common
Sexy Ryo-Chan. Would bang
>Implying I don't want to be fucked after getting pranked even if it is gay
Wanting to fuck a guy is gay.
Fucking a genderbent guy is literally 1000% straight. I've done that math, user.
source ?
>prank backfires
I hope you're fine with it if somehow the reverse card gets played
>not having at least three reverse cards ready on standby for any occasion
You idiot you fool you fucking retard
>he thinks women are allowed to play cards
Now this is funny.
>doesn't have the ultra rare prank proof cards
post girl Yashiro, she makes my penis feel funny
So how playable is this game if I were to pirate it ?
insanely easy, so much so it feels like a choir to slog through.
who is better at rule 63 Kukri or Demitri?
The funniest prank.
>gonna eventually
Says who? Just don’t marry, fuck, have kids and all that. Is it that hard?
What does being a choir feel like? I’m kinda jealous I’ve never had this experience
Stylish too.
>That doodle on the ball
So cute and funny I might die.
You all are a few degenerate faps away from becoming trannies, admit it, you can't stop talking about them and then you get these threads where everyone wishes they were a girl, just take the pills already
would you a Skullo though?
I wanna skullcrush my dick in her
>you’ll never “prank” someone you know and make them your wife
>you will never be pranked
>you will never go around and prank your friends
prank the entire roster
hope she manages to get in smash
>Ywn prank someone and impregnate them
to be fair within the context of the game Terry gets transformed by a pervert with reality warping powers, is not like Kukri cares about accuracy, he just want to make what appeals to his fetish.
Yeah, me too.
Quit posting this ugly shit and just admit you want terry to hold you in his manly arms already you fucking homoqueer
what about prankster books
based prank
It was a really funny prank, so funny I wish all anons on Yea Forums will get pranked, HAHAHAHAHA
>implying I wouldn't do both
Dimitri, better portfolio, and doing it to women just gives them some extra fanservice or in some cases jokes
Better portfolio, and doing it to women just gives them some extra fanservice or in some cases jokes.
Very cute too.
As well as completely embarrass Terry, since part of what he needed was for them to as uncomfortable as possible and give in to despair. If Terry was still muscles and not much different from his male self, it wouldn't have worked nearly as well.
I really like how jeanne d'arc is loving it in her art, also those hips.
Change Terry to voice 3 which gives her a feminine personality and it's funny for her too (only changes battle and victory quotes though, not story ones).
>try to prank your friend so you can fuck him
>accidentally prank both of you
>fuck him anyway
>There exists an alternate universe in which Kukri actually won and claimed all of the SNK girls for himself
>Terry woke up as a girl and Rock didn't even blink an eye
I want
>download some of the millions of SNK games on Switch
>notice sprite changes from FF and KOF
>Mai has no socks in FF but has them in KOF
Well now I know where that one artist based all his Mai are from.
I'd rather get pranked into Chun-li, wouldn't that be hilarious
haha yeah
>fIke and Ryona Mac
Even worse if I was an older Chun after a few kids, wouldn't that be so humiliating lmao
where do I sign up that would be funny hahaha
>Wanting to be the pranked one is gay
>after a few kids
user that implies something even funnier.
Of all things the hair is hottest in that image
Read the text balloons and the caption at the bottom
I can't imagine Chunners could fight off suitors forever
That voice set really made my dick funny
The mobile gacha game Terryko was recently released in Japan, so by next year she will be available in the USA servers
Fuck, I need subtitles for those
it wouldn't be gay after getting pranked
It's hyper gay after getting pranked unless it involves marriage.
yuri pranks
I want to marry and impregnate Terry
go back to /d/ and get converted by your fellow trannies haha
That's not genderbending since Saber had always been a woman in-universe.
Mai is perfection.
I'd fuck Terri.
I love my wife Mai!
Yeah but what if they turn back one day?
>hey bro remember that time when o fucked your pussy and came inside you? Good times haha
Just end my life please
post more mai
haha akuma is so mad he should totally get a sense of humor lol
Stinky loli best prank
I didn't play Terry's games, but isn't he like for 40 or something.
Is FemTerry actually so hot at that age or does she get younger too.
I don’t know
Terry's age varies based on which game he is in. Garou, he's 35, KoF he's 25
Here you go, my good man
>they made this design but didn't add it to the game
They had absolute shit taste
why are the spades just slapped on?
now I'm mad
baka baka
Im too newfag to understand this; did a janny delete that post for some odd reason, or did that user get embarrassed about his post and delete it himself?
She's got nice butt cleavage