wow... she's literally me!
>and trans
>obviously a female
Use the catalog you cretin
I want more realism with tranny video games
Why is Yea Forums so easily triggered?
Old news.
Reminder to report and sage gaslighting viral marketing posts made by third parties in an attempt to generate traffic for a mediocre indie game whose protagonist isn't even trans because she had an abortion.
Why does she think the character is trans again??? Just because you support trans rights and have a flag doesnt mean youre trans
thats kinda a stretch
is this the journo that actually went through with the sex change
Trans women can have abortions though.
ya she did, she actually passes quite well if you go on her twitter
Yea Forums fell in their game. And by them I mean moralfags.
They're thinking that the picture with her grandmother is, instead of a girl with short fluffy hair, is actually a young boy. Also, the pill bottle for anxiety meds(?)
Not even a blind man would say that.
T. Julian Castro
Only trans MEN can have abortions
>anxiety meds are the way to tell if someone is a tranny
the absolute state
You can still tell he's a dude even with the ax wound in his crotch where his cock and balls used to be.
>because of some rainbow flags that leftist faggots like to put everywhere
>because of some pill bottle and having tomboy hair as kid
What a fucking brainlet
No they can't because they're biologically male and don't have reproductive organs. You've been living in clown world too long.
That's called "taking a shit", user.
I unironically started to transition after playing Celeste because I resonated with Maddie. Glad to know she's trans too.
this post is actually kind of false since science has proven that a lot of what determines the sex is the physical traits and mindset of the person, so a "traditional man" who thinks with the mind of a female and wants to be one would be closer to female than a female who believes herself to be a man etc
>Getting triggered by politics in games that don't affect the experience at all and autistically screeching nonstop.
Remember when the sjws were the ones who were like this?
op totally isn't from resetera nothing to see here
>gay and trans
is there anything more cope than this?
>short hair as a child and a pill bottle means theyre trans
Someone nuke these degenerate people
Pseudopsychology and tumblr are not science
Sooooo fucking based
School has already started user, summer is over
>It's not science if I say it's not
What happened to real before feels?
No matter what you do, you will never be a woman, user. :)
We had this thread five times already. Fuck off.
these centrist takes are worse then either, genuine retard
>gay AND trans
That's just being straight with extra steps
The SJWs are still the only ones doing that.
Falseflagging resetera posters or chaotic evil anons are the ones making these threads. Nobody here actually gives a fuck except for you.
well at least the devs didn't have the balls to actually confirm it, you must figure out yourself with the story.
also, there is a 40% chance madelaine will kill herself since she have all the depression symptoms carried by the transition.
I always knew celeste was terrible, glad I was vindicated
Genetics determines sex, not "mindset" you fucking retard
Oh gee, this is only the two dozenth fucking thread you've made about this.
I feel like I think like a woman, I wish I could wear cute things like a woman, I even wish I was born a woman, and I agree with this.
Botching up your body is retarded though. I am myself and a person shouldn't need anything else. Gender may be a social construct, but trans stuff is definitely a social construct.
>Still seething over pastel rectangles
Just close your eyes haha
Gender = sex
Does someone have that bed picture full sized? She looks very cute in it
goddamn that celeste game sucks, what is wrong with you faggots, do you actually like it?
if so very pathetic
Then have gender you fucking incel.
Yea Forums users are questioning their sexuality but their conservative parents drilled into them they can't be gay.
Wrong. Why would two words mean the same thing
What's even the point then?
ITT: Bigots Trump voting nazis who freak out over every single thing
Why do you identify as white?
I like being feminine. Don't need a vagina to be girly. Don't even need girl clothes.
>why would cock and dick mean the same thing
Based Ampharos poster dabbing on mentally ill trannies
They jacked off to madeline now they feel gay.
Slang and colloquial words. There are plenty of words with the same meaning.
>MFW I could tell it was a tranny by just looking at the name.
Why is a feminine first name never enough for most trannies? They always go with at least a feminine first and middle name, if not changing their last name too, like Sarah Jane Rose or some flowery shit like that.
ITT: Resetera trannies shitposting and pointing at themselves going "lol look how toxic /pol/ is"
But cock doesn't mean dick, it means cockerel.
I don't identify as white, user. But okay.
Anything that isn't a hard-science is not science and should not be compared to actual science.
gender isn't a real concept, it's jewish newspeak
It's not. Gender identity is an expression. Are you another one of those TERF bigots? Christ.
>Wanting to just play the fuckjng videogame is the worst take.
Sure, spend all your time in an online shooting match with a bunch of sjws and trannies. Clearly you're the winner in this situation.
just because you say it's not doesn't mean it's not
Celeste is not her name. Just the name of the game.
Mentally ill tranny gon mentally ill tranny.
Knew this thread was hijacked by /pol/. What is wrong with you nazi thugs? Do you have no shame? I bet you deny the holocaust too. Bigot.
If you're calling her ''he'' you're basically calling her a tranny.
she's not
>ctrl+F "Trump"
>1 result(s) found
The only ones here are you, and people who understand human biology
kys retard
You're splitting hairs, just like your tranny wig
for loli, bigot.
For any black people out there, how you feel about transfaggots after reading shit like this is what humans feel about you all the time and have been for millennia.
The name of the Twitter user, you fucking retard.
Why would she keep up photos of herself pre-transition?
ITT: Incels seethe over some fucking rectangles.
This thread isn't even video games, so I'm gonna dump some Anime Animal Crossing.
You don't get to bitch at holocaust deniers when you deny that genetics determines sex
Me not having sex doesn't have anything to do with his very mannish face and body.
It literally isn’t, look up the origin of the term.
It comes from a dude who failed to prove gender was a thing after forcing siblings to fuck and doing other weird shit to them and they ultimately both killed themselves
>Do you have no shame?
You would know lots about shame considering you have to live with disappointing your family every waking hour
Have sex incel. Stop going to /pol/ before you become a school shooter.
Why do these people keep calling us white supremacists? Most of us aren't even white.
>It's not science if I say it's not
What happened to real before feels?
Tranny game has tranny character that appeals to trannys who relate to the tranny character made by the tranny game developer.
How about you faggots complaining actually make something that panders to yourselves. The press will call you bad things, but you already know the group your marketing to so that shouldn’t be to big of an issue.
post sources for these claims because thats straight up bullshit
Why would you market a game towards people who kill themselves? How do they even make money doing that?
i saw it in person during a convention once, obvious dude and surprisingly tall
I know I am dad
Is literally the only comeback they got.
Trans people will always be the same sex throughout their entire lives
She looks like a woman though. You NPCs will see any trans woman as some disgusting abomination no matter what they look like.
You are white. Whiteness isn't the color of your skin but a social construct identified by what you stand for. You Trump voters hate POCs and hate yourselves and vote against your own interests so you conspire with literal nazis. If only someone told your parents.
hormones and proper mindset literally have been shown to change sex look it up
Okay? That doesn't relate to what I said though.
>it's impossible to have a pride flag out of solidarity, clearly this female character is mentally fucked just like I am!
Fuck off back to resetera before the western world learns to kill commies again
>Leftists devs does leftists shit
I'm starting to wonder if the dev himself is spamming this shit. Why would any person with a brain be surprised by that?
You know how to avoid that? Don't play western leftists shit made by western leftists devs.
trannies actually killing themselves is proof they are still men, women are too incompetent to do it.
Because trannies are disgusting abominations, but MTF don't ever pass without hours of makeup or photoshop.
I am not your dad. I think.
Cause grandma died. Idk.
It's a Fesh Pince reference.
If Gender doesn't exist then what are they transitioning from?
While the reasoning is still retarded, I think they believe the meds are for HRT.
Hey G, will you make me a sandwich?
Absolutely based
>I literally became an anime girl thanks to my mindset
Stop believing bullshit Jew pseudo-science user
That's a man
But GTA already exists.
>Being scared of the Jews.
You mean gender and not sex, right?
>Why would you market a game towards people who kill themselves?
Ask the developers of MMO and gacha games. They've made a living doing just that
I don’t think you know what “science” entails
silence incel
Literally what is the point of going trans and then being gay. You're right back where you started, liking girls.
Why bother?
>see medical pill container
what the fuck is wrong with these people
>prescription bottle, which could be anything due to the main theme of depression
>that photo and hair color are not out of place in the stylized world the game is set in
I have no idea what sort of reach you'd have to come to. People actually think like this?
No. Stop.
Are they calling Suicide a later term abortion now?
You wish you were as beautiful as her, incels. Cope harder.
well, dudes can technically have real boobs
Do you people spend your day going through twitter to find posts to get mad at?
>the Yea Forums national socialist empire won’t have cute government mandated trap girls to make you lunch and play vidya with you when you get home.
Why even live
I hope at least one person is enjoying the story time
Sorry, I invested in a lot of silence-resistance-up augments. I have 95% resistance. You're going to have to roll for that.
Reminder that this dude for some reason still thinks he's a credible leaker just because he stuck to the Mario Rabbids game being a real thing. Despite being totally wrong about the Switch reveal event.
Yes. Being trans is the only personality trait this people have, of course they try to inject that into everything they do.
I know. I am not beautiful, I am handsome.
That's it, that's the whole thread.
>gay and trans
so straight and LARPing as a woman
Jesus Christ what fucking ugly tranny
Yeah no,see pic related, that's HIM
This. You incels wish you had a gf as good as mine. I love her so much.
it does exist, that's my point tard
tranny apologist humanities professors and quack pseudo scientific psychology studies lol. Id believe a crystal healer before either about practically anything.
Thank you reddit for your epic meme
Gender was a polite way to say sex prior to one Jewish quack doctor botching a circumcision and then another Jewish quack doctor told the parents to raise the boy as a girl. The young man killed himself. That's literally the only reason any of this came about.
Traps aren't trannies you demented fuck.
Incel jizzbrains can’t even get a trap girlfriend and they are the most desperate people on earth
Oh Lord Jesus
90% of trannies today are just autogynephiles who got fucked up watching too much sissy porn.
It’s just a fetish.
Looks clearly like a women. Just an old one
Lol they're trying too hard. They think if they just repeat it enough it will become true. What annoys me is they always choose a name that sounds like it was from a bad fanfiction.
>character is gay and trans
>her delusions and mental illness are so powerful that they rule her life and manipulate reality itself
like pottery
holy shit
this better be porn
Top right looks like a manly lesbian. They might do well until they open their mouth
>Whiteness isn't the color of your skin
I'm okay with gay people as long as they are not obnoxious faggots.
>Undiagnosed until adulthood
Meaning he got fucking brainwashed.
literal clowns, kek
Fukken saved
Just because your dad drilled your boipuss traumatizing you into being a fucking gender confused mess all your life it doesn't mean the great majority of people deal with the same imaginary problems towards sexuality as you do.
when is this supposed to get funny
and hes a boomer too
They're fucking 8 years old.
I didn't know that women grow an adams apple at old age.
But wait
If everyone thinks a fictional character is a non-trans girl, and the author doesnt come out and say otherwise, then isn't she just a non-trans girl?
Also fuck trans people
not an argument
I hate you false flagging chumps. Really any idiot that thinks third grade level mental gymnastics is gonna confuse
Any but the lowest of intelligent life forms
Better question: is it possible to be transgender and not ever mention it?
Imagine "leaking" one game and being so proud you decided to get a tattoo of it
There is definitely a correctional between gamers and mentally ill trannies. They view the world as an open world RPG and they delude themselves they're some kind of cute anime girl protagonist instead of dealing with reality, and there are people who are in favor in instilling these delusions which is the direct cause of their almost guaranteed suicide become the day will come when their fantasy world comes to a sudden stop by a healthy dose of reality, and when that hits they're so unconditioned to dealing with any kind of emotional distress that they take the easy way out. WAKE UP GAMERS. THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T PLAY AS FEMALE CHARACTERS.
Not unless you construct an entirely new identity on the new gender.
I feel like you'd have to leave town and drop all your contacts if you never wanted anyone to find out.
honestly, how can anyone defend this? How could anyone say these faggots are "women" thanks to their hormone pills and their mindset?
"Looks like a woman" isn't an argument either. It's an opinion.
Imagine seeing someone read this in public
It's a fact
Your inability to grasp reality permeates everything you say and do.
My next door neighbor in college was trans and they never mentioned it until we were talking about housing draw and they mentioned they get a single room because they're trans. That to date has been the only time they've bought it up.
cuckquisition literally makes podcasts with this tranny lmao
Is the peepee-area bloody-looking because his own is a festering, blood-and pus-filled mess?
>videogame-themed tattoos
Let's see if that applies to their social media.
kys tranny pedo
Yes, for a REAL person.
Not for a fictional character though. A character cant have any trait unless it's actually defined by the author.
A gay character cant be gay unless either the author says so or he does some gay shit.
>he thinks trannyposters and c*nny posters are the same
>tells them to kys anyways
based chaotic neutral retard
What does their religion have to do with the bad advice and doctoral skills? You lessen the impact of your argument with that spastic I wanna fit in way of talking
Look at the speed running community. They're all mostly mentally ill balding trannies
>be gay furry
I meet so many trannies at furcons and they are nuts, all of them, every tranny I have ever met. And thats by gay furfag standards
>Look at the speed running community
No, I don't think I will.
>man in a Jean skirt and belly shirt walks in to the dorm
>hi, my name is Serendipitous hehe
everyone gets weirded out and his roommates switch rooms because he's obviously mentally ill
>man in a Jean skirt and belly shirt walks in to the dorm
>hi, my name is Serendipitous and I'm trans, my pronouns are They/Them
Everyone has to engage with him because otherwise it's a hate crime
They're virtually all Jewish. The doctors, the psychologists, the professors, the NGO employees, the plastic surgeons. I'll remind you that they're 2% of the population.