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Choose your robot master, Yea Forums
claiming gutswoman
*blows away waifus*
>not firegirl
decent taste, but still
Guts Woman's ass.
All his powers do is push others away...
Worst robot master but best girl.
Fire woman, por utility.
Elec woman, for Yellow Devil. Fuck that guy.
cutwoman a cute
i will never understand why people draw the same exact body build for waifus, just slighly changing height , colors, clothes and stuff
Why not make a chubby one, a thin one, a small one, etc?
Thanks autocorrect.
Didn't even know comic character names were registered as words.
Fat is not attractive.
They are already thin enough.
>No muscles
What a fucking waste.
>butt not max
fucking bullshit fuck you
>Guts Woman
>boob stats higher than ass stats
>update statistics
>comes with built-in onahole arms
Clown Man
This is now a Rico thread.
>Yuuka Kazami cosplaying as Woodman
ElecWoman reminds me of a Marvel villain for some reason.
Cutgirl is the cutest.
I like you
you have good taste
>max butt
>nips always hard as hell
I think we have a winner.
>no love for bombgirl
Where's oil and time?
nobody played Powered Up lol
i love how effective big tits with this design can be.
I guess I'll go with Ice Woman?
>i will never understand why people draw the same exact body build for waifus, just slighly changing height , colors, clothes and stuff
Because they're either talentless or lazy.
It's the same reason why DoA women are shit tier. They all look the same and they all look generic.
when's playable Rico
Powered Up was great, you turbo pleb
No idea, and I'm sure she'll be a Super EX SSR CBT whatever the fuck gacha term is where you have to spend $150 to unlock her.
Where can I find this set?
Link to uncensored
No, how about I'm master of robots? Why is Yea Forums full of submissive fags?
How the fuck is Icechan at max butt while Gutschan isn't?
kek I'll never share ;)
It's ok, I found it.
not me
>muscle near max
>no hint of visible muscle definition
Why is Japan so gay
because people have a preference for a body type and want to draw that
if you dont like it then learn to draw
thank you airman, you have defeated the evil
best girl right here
Yeah, I call it bs.
Finally, a use for his powers!
it's not the size, it's how you use it :^)
Since when is linking off-site against the rules
Fucking hell there was even a mod sticky specifically telling us to do this a little while back
>Fat is not attractive
>me no like character unless they turn it into pretty girl
I know how to draw. And if I'm gonna draw an image with more than one girl in it, they're going to have different body types because it's fucking boring when they all look the same.
It's probably autism. SnK, DoA etc. are all guilty of this.
>I know how to draw.
no you dont
based nofapper incel
thanks based airman
That's not even the point here though.
I'd rather actual flesh
It's just a helmet?
god bless you
fuck sauce fags
What's wrong with helmets
You can still fap, dingus. Just don't let your entire life revolve around beating your meat like it owes you money. Moderation is the key to healthy living.
Shouldn't Guts have most muscle out of them?
Fatties don't have muscle.
the most tragic character in vidya