>Get it for $47.99 from best buy with GCU plus a $10 credit for a future purchase
You're doing this right?
>Get it for $47.99 from best buy with GCU plus a $10 credit for a future purchase
You're doing this right?
Kill yourself kike
Advertise elsewhere
Kill yourself kike
Advertise elsewhere
You're doing it though right? Then gonna get Doom for $37.99 and get another $10 credit
>buying the yearly CoD
sounds like a good deal honestly
wtf is GCU?
also cod always goes on sale on black friday, usually for 50$ canadian/ 40-30$ USD. just wait a month, in that time they will fix the servers, major glitches and weapon imbalances too.
I rented IW but never bought one new.
Gamers club unlocked. Can't get it anymore but anyone with a brain should have got it if they use a console. Especially Nintendo with limited sales
what is this game even, a remake of modern warfare? sequel? or are they that braindead they are reusing game titles already?
anyone with a brain pirates everything or atleast waits until games are on sale for under 30 bucks. Literally every nintendo console since the DS has had easy access to all the games for free. imagine paying some gay membershit fee to buy games from one store that are still overpriced.
it's a reboot. it looks pretty good so far.
No, I will get Doom day one though
Even onsale the 20% off stacks onto the sale price
>Pay $30 for two years
>Make it back and more on just 3 purchases
It was a great program.
>pay money to buy incomplete games that are still overpriced after discount.
Nigger just wait or pirate. Most people with taste buy so few games that they would even want at launch that it saves money to just buy full price if you really can't wait.
Buying games at launch is a scam, especially games released at Q4 with black friday right around the corner.
>Still save 20% on top of the sale and get x2 points back towards a gift certificate
I'm waiting for the pc beta first though
someone redoill me on the pc port, can I play with a controller on PC and only play against console users with a controller?
It's based on input so I think so. Crossplay beta isn't up yet
it should run 60fps 1080p on an i5 2500k and rx580 right? i'm not resubbing to ps plus.
>playing cod for singleplayer
have sex lol