Why did you stop playing overwatch?
Why did you stop playing overwatch?
Other urls found in this thread:
post smug tracer, I'm almost there
good porn =/= fun game
Too many fucking shields
I still enjoy it *lennyface
It's bad TF2
I only ever played the beta and it felt quite repetitive, also I just prefer the gameplay of TF2.
That seethe...
Why do all these overwatch threads always start with soft porn in the OP image?
finally got perm banned for too many toxicity mutes
>he needs to post porn to get attention this thread
It's the game's number 1 appeal
Because I can jack off to d.va without actually playing the game
>10 replies
>No porn
Failed thread
>Picks the absolute most basic girl to jack off to
Now that's what I call plebeian.
like mosquito on light
The boring map design that involves a chokepoint with 1 or maybe if you're lucky 2 alternate routes, and this applied to every fucking point. also that most characters take 30+ seconds to get to the fight on offense
Tfw incredibly lack of impregnation porn of her
God I wanna cum all over that face.
They kept putting all the ranked rules in quick match and it made the game boring
I doubt it, /pol/
more like its only appeal
Worse than barneyfag
Why do coombrains say everything is /pol/?
Basic or not, she’s by far the sexiest girl in the game.
>coom defense force
Back to your discord trannies
Its as babby proof as possible. no map tools (granted their workshop is a start, but could be a lot better), the game from quickplay and competitive feels the exact same, balancing is complete trash, uninteresting characters, bland music, most maps feel bland outside a handful, and the whole experience feels like it caters more to esports fags (because it does) more to having a fully balanced experience.
you know you messed up somewhere when your balancing is so trash you have to lock heroes to a 2-2-2
also we have had this thread every day fuck off
why is this meme funnier that it's supposed to be
Let's see how long it takes this thread until someone tries to ERP
literally first reply, that didn't take long.
Here's your porn bro
When my high refresh monitor died and i had to use my 60 hz monitor backup. looks like a blurry choppy mess at 60 fps ugh. I dont even know how switch owners will deal with 30 fps
no friends
I refused to play with randoms anymore and just got tired of it all
I never started. The idea of paying money for a multiplayer-only game is asinine.
FUCK that's huge
The seethe...
Because at the end of the day I just wanna jack off.
yeah, your seethe is apparent
>she’s by far the sexiest girl in the game.
Not really, it's like going to an ice cream shop and ordering a single scoop of plain vanilla.
girl next door
>that follow up musk image
how do you make a fps with LITERALLY two game modes?, doesnt even have the essential modes like ctf or elimination
Overwatch threads really seem to make the /pol/cels seethe harder than usual.
blizzdrones eat up anything
that's a big door
If it’s an ice cream shop full of flavors like ketchup, mayonnaise, dogshit, and vomit; then yes, vanilla is gonna be the best choice.
It's a barn door.
this looks dumb as fuck but in a dumb kind of way
it was getting repetitive and boring, nothing much of substance was being added to core gameplay
then their turned Soldier into a faggot and I thought "if this kind of shit is what you think is gonna make me interested I'll just drop the game for good"
you just posted... cringe!
why do you live next to a barn?
Sorry about your absolute shit taste, my dude. Hope you develop it into something better later on in life.
But they have CTF and Elimination, you fucking retard.
>Overwatch, they called it.. it was supposed to be the game of the future. The game for a brighter tomorrow. *puffs cigarette* Didn't turn out that way...
good job getting sand in your tablet you moron
When it first came out it ran well on my toaster.
Now it runs like absolute shit and cannot get over 48 frames.
they arent core game modes, and you can only play them weekly
Kys furfag
ip 68 resistance
What the actual fuck is that wojak?
the best thing is that the key word of the meme, cvmbráin, had been filtered even before I was aware the meme existed. It has clearly hit a nerve.
The coomer
Because of his stupid fucking grin gets me everytime
Back to Discord based TFR user
Its the only reason anyone ever cared about overwatch in the furst place.
Did you get it?
cmbrain is spammed by discord trannies because they get triggered from real biological females (something they'll never be) so they just try their best to derail threads
I never started I just coom for the feet
This, cumskull is the thinking man’s insult
autogynephiles are coomfags tho
Also reminder the mods will delete this shit since it's evading spam filters.
nice falseflag, tranny kike
Have you guys considered not starting a thread with soft porn?
>3D rendered pixels
>real biological women
this is your brain on COOM
Best girl comin thru
>all three girls have dicks
Garbage taste. Wouldn't even coom to that.
because i swap between it, TF2 and Paladins every month or two
feels good to be free of the obsession trap. the times where i only played one (1) game always made me get bored quickly
>coombrain is wordfiltered
do manny tranny jannys eat their own coom
>I T MADE the game boring
lol no
Basic would be Mercy, DVa is degenerate bait for faggots who are beyond help and idolize Korea or people with yellow fever
what's this thing's name i want to see his penis
damn u just got him to play the game again. ur so smart xD
Except it always devolves into this shit no matter what, you fucking avatarfag.
go away pervert
Because it wasn't fun. Nice girls though.
why do you post like this?
sounds like a (You) problem
Because of Mei's disgusting lard-ass.
he's kinda cute so that's unfortunate
i like the attention and people seething over a image.
god knows what the hell you're talking about
Post porn, this is the only good thing this game has.
I don't mean the furfag shit I mean your post layout.
The holy trilogy of COOMINGcore games, ie dogshit games that people only care about because waifushit and porn
Honorable mentions to gacha (not games) and LoL
i use Yea Forums x and i remove the /n to make people annoyed
God I hate Hiroshimoot.
Thanks for the info.
i did get banned for hurting someone feeling
because the gameplay is shit
>Why are you in my office?
Because they turned Roadhog's gun into a pea shooter.
Fucking cringe coombrain
she's so plain it hurts
it's a tie between her and Mercy
To talk about flying lessons.
Sauce btw? Art this good should be watermarked
why are furries always so desperate for attention?
This is my favorite 2019 meme, I fucking die everytime I see it.
Once you realize you don't have to play the game to fantasize about/ watch the characters fucking, you're free from that piece of shit.
If you're still playing this garbage, rub one out before the next time you play and you'll realize just how truly terrible the game is.
what game is she playing?
>implying I'd touch blizzshit after Diablo III
Good lewds though
wait times on xbox long as shit , got very repetetive, sjw culture surrounds the game so i hate talking bout it
why can't i stop cumming bros
>whale next door
>he doesn't fap to big dicked futadom on cute dicked futasub
because its unplayable normalfag garbage
Woah, woah there! I have the yellow fever and wank to bbw Mei porn, thank you very much.
My eyes! The googles do nothing!
what5 the fuck is this coom shit about
>retards on Yea Forums who have literally never played Overwatch are confused by this webm
what a clusterfuck
only good shit about this game is the porn
Just another trash that Yea Forums ate up if it's spammed enough, just like the low-effort zoomer/boomer wojaks.
why the fuck did i come back
except the porn is shit you pleb
its nothing but badly made sfm garbage with nothing to differentiate it from all the other garbage, made by amateur retards fishing for easy patreon bucks
it's not 2013 anymore
There's a difference between being "confused" and being disgusted by the sheer amount of visual clutter on screen.
Not enough ass, like, on any of the characters.
Deal with it, tardo. This is what good games look like.
Artist name?
I went back to Paladins and realized while it's a little janky, it's actually fun.
No shit he's a gamer. This IS Yea Forums after all.
it looks like garbage to people who spent thousands of hours in this game. no one likes this and people are still realizing it because they hopefully cling to the idea that anything is better than GOATS
Deleted the beta because it was a worse, slower, and less fun version of TF2
Discord tranny is spammed by gamers
I can't do this shit anymore man, I've lost all will to do anything at this point
black niggers
>This is what good games look like.
But I like shields
There's not really much incentive to keep playing it. The skill ceiling is low and all you get for leveling is a free roll for a lootbox.
>boring events
>more barrels
>only new events skins
>no more waifus
Like LoL, the game sucks but the porn is great
As opposed to white niggers?
I started playing it because the porn was good.
I stopped because the amount of retards in the game was unbearable.
Just recently I came back to it and had a much better experience.
Probably because all you whiney Yea Forums fags left the game.
I tried Paladins out and the supports are much more fun to play
Aaaaaaaaaaaaah I'M COOOOMING!
i almost bought overwatch to heal slut in but I didn't do it cus I figure everyone will be mean to me since i'm new and it's overly competitive.
>thinks posting hot game girls is somehow more cringey than spamming your fursona
They nerfed Mercy
Takes to long to kill anyone
Yup. Do you have an argument?
post more porn you fuckers
>game is good if it makes my peepee hard
Dumb heal slut
b a s e d
Yeah I imagine playing with bots would be better than the average autist that played this
Yep, I am, but there are not really any fun games to play as a cute sub girl these days
>that's what I do
>chocolate powder if its a good day
Yes I am white, how did you know?
autism is a superpower
theres too much defense
To get the best thing that you have
lol you fucking n00b
>strawmanning this hard
lol keep coping
Reminder, this post is a tranny falseflag operation to deny their involvement.
I don't need one, because I don't need to convince you to not play this shitty game. If you want to waste your time on it, go ahead. You're the one trying to convince me that this trash is good.
>strawmanning this hard
lol keep coping
>he keeps doing it
I haven't stopped playing it because I can't find any other competitive multiplayer FPS/TPS that interests me and I need that niche to be filled.
Yeah didn't think so, kid. Bye now [-]
I disagree
accept that you were just bad at aiming and you gave up on the game bitch
>relevant in shieldwatch
Yeah, not killing anything is great.
Bye, drone.
Play Paladins
Because pic related is false advertising.
>Lack of new cute girls.
I wasn't hooked on the free to play weekends
absolute trash
lmao what a loser
Off the top of my head.
Clunky movement
Hoooooorrible map design
Open areas with a ton of projectile classes
Spamming Ultimates won every single game, with zero counter play
Every update made the balance worse.
Everything became so tanky and unsattisfying
High skill ceiling hitscans that can instagib you across the map.
Paradoxical balancing.
because i actually played the game when it was decent
No wonder? Impregnation, inflation, scat, guro, pissing, ugly bastard, hairy bodyhair, more than slightly visible trimmed pussy amounts of pussy hair, etc are bottom of the barrel fetishes for manchildren and degenerates.
Somebody call reddit, one of their retards got loose again.
>why did you tape me the ceiling
I boot it up once every few months to point a camera at widow's ass in custom game mode and fap away
It's not confusing, it's just shit
Why are you admitting to being retarded?
This unironically.
Healing in that game is pretty fun.
>no u xD
So this is the power of reddit....
>ITT: buzzwords
you faggots are not much better than clown emoji fags
Because Blizzard made Tracer a lesbian.
The game is closer to a MOBA than a conventional team based shooter in design, which revealed itself more clearly after a couple seasons of ranked mode. The 6v6 structure made timing of ultimates and pushes the most important thing. Also akin to MOBAs individual deaths and lower skill levels dragged a team down immensely; it forced you to either not give a shit at all or take it incredibly seriously with no middle ground. Those that did take it seriously also then became pathetically obsessed with team composition instead of the more important aforementioned elements of just timing shit; everyone in ranked would just look for a scapegoat in their teammates instead of just owning up to them and the rest of the the team not playing cohesively.
In short it was a poorly thought out overarching game design that demanded coordination significantly over individual skill which in turn bred a community of pathetic whiners who just wanted to blame others instead of their own incompetency.
Slightly larger team sizes with way less dramatic abilities probably would have done it a world of good.
based and conquistadorpilled
Because Paladins is more fun and has better girls.
It's amazing that Hirez came up with a better thought-out game
No ultrawide support
>visual clutter
People defend this shit, really makes you think
How about this?
>Battleborn was kneecapped out the door by curse of Randy Pitchford and never got a proper chance
>Overwatch is turning into the same thing with Blizzard always making the game worse and worse with every update
>6 v 6 so you always have to play seriously and try hard
>loads of suboptimal heroes, and you will unironically get reprimanded by blizzard for picking poorly balanced heroes
>blizzard fixes this by changing ggez to say passive aggresive polite comments
And then I remembered people still play tf2.
Best support
because I can fap to the porn without playing it
I, uh, need evidence of this
this, damba is too well designed for me to want to play any character in overbotch
Shes really cute with better hair cuts
The open beta ended
Guise. What if, what if they removed the 6v6 team limit, allowed dedicated servers, customization, and allowed customization via hats?
Vanilla is the best flavor by far though. Nothing else even comes close.
This has always been a massive issue I've had with the game, you can't see fucking anything in the middle of all the shitty shields and different ultimates and explosions and clouds. It's the same shit that Battleborn got slammed for.
man, i've got hundreds of hours in the game and that webn is a great slice of how much of a clusterfuck 90% of teamfights turn into. textbook example of visual clutter, especially because red is shared as an identifier for both shields and some ulting enemies. it's objectively a mess in these situations
this is true, some games I have to play first to immerse myself in to the porn but not for overwatch
Game got worse after every update post release.
Maybe. Still needs better maps.
>Be on Sankaku Complex looking for loli
>See this Overwatch whore getting fucked every other click
If I have to give props to Blizzard it would be for marketing, they know how to do that shit very well, after that...
Do you? He already said there's a ton of visual clutter but your only argument is that it's a "good game". That's not an argument.
Kek looks like shes gonna go out floating around
*enemy shields, I meant. It's extremely hard to tell if thats an ulting mccree behind the sigma shield above you or just sigma - and you need to make split second decisions in situations like that because of how ridiculously strong ultimates are. the whole game is fun but has BIG problems baked into its design, and frankly needs a sequel or massive reiteration to fix most of the shit wrong with the game
I still play it because I can't find any of my old TF2 servers anymore
please more buff Brigitte mommy
this role queue makes me want to fucking die, dude. It's a system that assumes that your retard fucking teammates can play at least a couple of heros from each category but you'll usually end up with a retard who can't barely play one.
I'd love to dual queue and kick some dipshit out of his tank slot so I can pick up his slack but I can't because I'm stuck as some other role.
Also, roadhog niggers are the worst. Please fuck off of that role if that's the only tank you're willing and/or able to play.
Role Q is just a placebo, the 50/50 win ratio system is still in place anyway.
shiels are the worst thing to ever happen to overwatch and for whatever reason they always add more shields.
what is this camera technique called?
They add more shields to increase TTK, yes, that's stupid.
stopped playing right after sombra came out
just got bored
every match felt the same and it just dragged on, so I just stopped
She is like a queen bee or queen ant.
Can she lay 10 babies per day too?
I only fap to the futa porn and never once touched the shit game, faggot.
Quality gameplay right here
>faps to the futa porn
>calls other person faggot
to be fair, the porn is the only good thing about overwatch
I was banned for playing wm only on 3 different accounts
futa is 150% straight
I never stopped. Help me, I just like playing Hamster too much.
The current meta fucking sucks so much though. 2/2/2 with Sigma and Sym buff all at the same time is so fucking bad. I honestly miss GOATS right now. At least it was pretty easy to play ball into GOATS.
is this battleborn ?
that's what I keep saying! All Overwatch talk on Yea Forums is just softcore porn threads. Must be a really shit game.
>that video where she humps her pillow
Its a pure disgust, dumb nigger. How shit like this can be even allowed in a shooter?
They do the same shit with retail wow, everything has an absorb shield now.
No you're not, larping faggot.
I miss the first version of Doomfist. Yes he was overpowered. He was also fun. His nerf was not what made me quit quite exactly, but it was all downhill from there.
Looks like content aware scale.
That's not Orisa.
I still play it sometimes but it's an unbalanced mess of a game
Now if d.va was nude and covered in creamy futacum then it would be perfect.
Thank you!
I was looking for this term forever!
>lumping impregnation with shit tier fetish
go be gay somewhere else
I stopped when i realized multiplayer games are horrible wastes of time where i could be doing something more productive and learning skills that actually translate to the real world.
Likewise. I heard it a long time ago but forgot, had to spend a few minutes brainstorming to remember.
And yet here you are shitposting...
Group of friends I played with started turning into tryhards and alienated are friends that weren't as good. As we originally played the games to hang with them we switch over to other games
>think about playing ow
>decide to jerk off first
>end up playing tf2 instead
The girls are cute but most of the classes aren't fun to play and if you don't have stellar comp your team is just going to get rolled. The only classes I enjoyed playing were junkrat, bastion, mei, and torbjorn, but they were all not meta leading to my team constantly accusing me of throwing.
> get ow key on easter 2019
> accidentally click brig
> chase down zarias and divas in casual because FUCK THE THOTS AND DYKES IM HAVING FUN!
> enjoy youtubes on how op she was on release while kicking myself for not playing getting earlier
> month later working with team, popping of rallies for clutches etc
> notice lack of main tanks in comp so learn rein
> now rein main
> getting even more endorsements
> bliz nerfs brig even more
> game was actually a team game with GOATS
> ohnononono.bliz we need more genjis poping off
> 2/2/2 is announced
So in 4 months my main support had 2 or 3 nerfs while tanks and supports were pushed out of meta because it wasn't "fun to watch" for owl dweebs
Unironically got three friends into ow, we all just stopped playing mid July because why invest time into shit that is gonna be rekd 3months later?|
Figured you could help me, I seem to have grown to an absurd height
Top 500 gameplay btw
yeah the porn is overrated too
all these threads do is remind me of how much i want to be in a findom relationship with dva
I'm in it for the gay porn, post Cowboy and Tattoo.
I enjoyed it for a while, but they clearly playtested it in a vacuum before releasing.
>an instant, party wide revive ability with extremely fast charge up? how could that possibly be unbalanced!
Then they started the trend of wild rebalancing with no regard to the long term consequences or the people playing those characters and adding tranny characters that are each more op than the last.
I just wanna shit on people in a mech suit and lob grenades.
Damn that's cringe
Because it's 30 fps on Switch
Do you not have ears?
This game unironically more toxic than dota, lol, cs and siege combined.
found the manlet
>The dps hero for people that cannot actually play real dps
screw you he was cancer, and he still is disgusting while also being stupidly easy.
Shitposting is a skill that translates to the real world.
Haven't you seen the KFC dating sim?
WoW classic is a totally different game if you have a reliable healer, you should try that
I'm sure there are enough degenerates out there
i missed this what was it?
Never played overwatch but the friends who did play play Paladins now. Its funny that a f2p knock off is winning against a Blizzard game.
I played it with a good friend, then we had a fight and broke up. It has too many memories.
I never started
child porn
I think I'm the only one that finds her plain and hideous looking.
Her plainness makes her cute.
Also like her korean voice.
>not mei
get off my board
The free weekend was over.
link to uncensored pls
I think hideous is a step too far, but she's by far the most boring of the cast for me. I don't know what it is, but I just don't find her appealing. Sure, there's a couple of animations of her that I still find hot, but I usually just skip over any that involve her
You don't deserve uncensored.
Because I can go roflstomping with my m8s as all of one hero in competitive matches
Plain vanilla is the best flavor of ice-cream though
Never started.
why are japanese girls and a black girl watching futa zarya porn?
Both of you are fags, suck each other's "straight" cocks homos.
because its fun?
Is this real?
I unironically quit playing it the first day it went live. The 3 day trial before launch felt magical, and then once it was over and they had my money I just stopped having fun. Like the brainwashing was over. My wallet, raped. An I, left with nothing but a bad taste in my mouth.
Swear I'll never give this company money again for using that kind of sorcery on me.
Cakeofcakes is a fucking legend and I invite anyone to prove me wrong
Aww. Oh well, you should be in a findom relationship with me instead user~
t. tranny
I dont support pandering for the sake of making a quick buck. Make a game, or really any creative piece, you actually want to make, and if you get money that's a totally fucking great bonus.
It's what godless people without a soul do for fun. Asians are the most fake bug people ever, put one near a human and they'll be a 1:1 copy in a year behaving the same right down the their mannerisms.
>for degenerates
Mercy got completely changed and I realized that they were going to keep tearing down and building back up this game for the sake of """balance""" instead of working on things that people actually want or realizing that they made massive mistakes in character redesigns.
Because they keep dropping hints that this is canon and they still haven't outright confirmed it yet and I'm tired of waiting.
Late as fuck but
Skins became lower quality, they keep adding characters that are boring, and they keep adding stuff that make the game less fun to play.
based coomer
almost too big
Holy shit thats a huge ass. I need to fuck it.
For you
Because I can just play sims 4 instead
JANNIES HELP!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not fun. Every match swings from extreme to extreme. Either you roll the enemy or get rolled. Even matches are a myth.
>that speed up
When is magic update free?
I'd love to
Because blizzard tried to force the shitty eaport scene on it and ruined the game by trying to balance everything rather then just leaving it as a memey 6v6 brawl game
Don't make me pirate this game so I can do this as well.
Why did they add so much fucking bloom to this game and not have an option to turn it off. Glad I haven't played it in two years
>ree people aren't posting in this off topic thread the way I want them to
you're really pathetic.
Because you post bullshit like that
It already is
My game deleted all of the doors and now it gives me some script error thing whenever i try to replace them. Help
jesus christ what the fuck happened
i thought jeff kaplan was one of the few competent niggers left at blizzard.
they're all now filthy coons that cant balance niggerdicks
Ask in /vg/
Be honest, you'd eat Tracer's poo
Really? Where at?
Games4theworld has instructions/links on how to install the game and is constantly updated on mods and patches
what would you say the average filesize for the game+DLCs+sex mod(s) would be?
DLC and patches* not mods
Why did mods filter c*mbrain and then also delete these posts, which side are they on?
The "side" that doesn't support offtopic spam from seething /pol/cels.
great now tanks just fucking dominate everything , at leas thats how it was before i stopped playing. having 4 tanks was comon as fuck.
blizzard and balance dont really go hand in hand i guess. just the time they took to not make brigitte a fucking monster was insanely long.
Garbage maps.
Garbage movement on a lot of the characters.
Had to make characters do a fuck ton of damage for it to be fun thanks to slow cool downs and clunky movement.
Tried balancing it because people cried characters were broken and now you have whatever it is now. It needed broken characters to be fun because design was shit from the bottom to the top.
>The side that doesn't support offtopic spam
I didn't start.
It's unironicly not as fun as tf2. So, I just went back to tf2.
This is like a really bizarre Blizzard trademark, they always have a mechanic that is used relatively sparingly but is incredibly strong and every update after the launch they just start adding it onto everyone and everything for no reason and it becomes a mess.
They did the same thing in WoW with healing and shields, every single class and spec has a self heal or some kind of shield now and it's just retarded because now people barely die.
Wow, bro, what a great argument. I sure love forced memes being spammed now!
yes a nigger is a nigger no matter their skin color
>impregnation the same as scat
I want to SNIFF the Overwatch girls' BUTTS
>Shit gameplay, and lore
>Decent porn
What are some other games that do this?
too big
I want to jerk D.va off through her suit until she makes a mess inside of it and is forced to pilot like that.
dead dva feet
>Too big
>Implying such a thing
as much as i hate footfags, they are nothing compare to fatfags
post the Bla-edit
I love my wife Hana Song.
Played it at release for a couple of weeks and realised it was garbage so stopped.
Shit game, shit community, shit devs.
Is western culture really so cucked that impregnation is seen as a fetish
This. She is just so bland looking, idk what the appeal is. Must be jailbait enthusiasts.
>Impregnation is for degenerates.
good thing you will die a virgin, and even if you didnt, your "Vagina" isnt real and you lack an utherus.
>broke up with a friend
>he doesn't date his bros
best boy
I have never played Overwatch but I have a ton of pictures of it on my Yea Forums folder.
Why is that?
because the ass was fat
Someone say fat asses?
man i loved damba and ruckus so damn much. played the game with a freind recently. and i just cant get into it anymore. everything just feels off.
Jesus Christ nigger, you're trying to say you have superior taste in fucking fetish porn?
I am now monitoring this thread.
>muh shields
this has been the latest meme argument for overwatch lately
get a bastion turret to melt the shields down, why the fuck is nobody considering that?
I got kicked out while the game while still loading for me and cut the XP I gained for 10 games 75%.
is it bad that that i know exactly what video that is?
Yes. The fatter the better. Bellies too.
because thats retarded.
>game has 30 billion shields but only one viable counter that also happens to be a pretty trash character because he has to literally become stationary target in a game where characters have instant kill buttons.
Play D.va!
This guy gets it.
with games like ow i try to play with friends (as many as possible) to avoid assholes and to avoid being an asshole to strangers
and since my friends never say "hey let's play some overwatch" and i'm too lazy/awkward to ask, i don't play
This, before all the cosplayers, Mercy was the generic choice and D.va was basically somewhat considered like a loli
Got bored and started playing Titanfall 2 instead.
>what is soldier
>what is pharah
>what is junkrat
>what is symmetra
>what is sombra
I didn't expect to be defending fucking overwatch of all things today, but you're fucking retarded.
Absolute degeneracy. I BANISH you.
I want to fatten the ENTIRETY of the OW cast.
ask how i know you have no friends
just google it
I've given you a literal solution to all of your shield problems and you still complain like a little piss baby.
You melt the shields down with the turret, and the opponent will either have to change tactics or continue pushing shields until they lose. You are likely to get the latter tactic given the idiot playerbase, so I don't see the problem here. You must be a McCree one-trick or some shit.
Kinda unrelated but I love how Vinny from Vinesauce pretends not to hate trannies
>will you play anodyne 2, a game made by a tranny that is exactly the type of game you love?
>nah demo didn’t “””do it””” for me
>hey you’re playing minecraft where are the bees?
>oh I can’t update because of this mod, someone is totally looking into it
>kinda unrelated
No, this is completely unrelated. What in the fuck are you talking about, and why are you even here?
You're gonna get sand in your tablet you stupid bitch!
>Zarya is missing
She will not escape my fattening crusade. She will become the flabbiest.
>trash character
Bastion is broken if you are even remotely competent. He has a self heal button and does insane damage. There is literally no reason not to lead every game in damage and never die as Bastion
D va is cute!!!
This. Reinhardt also has a rich amount of fanart.
If they add anotherJapanese or Korean girl, I might come back.
>screenshot of that fateful friendzoning moment
She would do the same to you, you know
I'm white. I'd throat fuck her with the bwc whether she wants it pretends not to.
Is this OC? Or is that tracer?
Overwatch has already covered your favorite asian countries: Japan, Korea, and China.
Hope you like a filipino tranny in the next hero update. They haven't done transsexuals yet.
>Porn thread
>Dumb jannies already nuked all the good shit
its d.va and brigitte
lmfao fuck no. That or they'll do some ugly ass black woman character.
I wouldn't know since Brigitte is covered head to damn toe.
I don't disagree, but I think only the girls deserve fattening
Even Orisa
Quit being a fucking racist and gear up for incoming brown asian tranny porn
would you watch an overwatch girl squeeze out a stinky shit
That sounds so fucking bad. I hate trannies, I hate gays and I hate all the trash asian countries. What is it, south asia? (phillipines, thailand, etc)
Southeast Asia. Yeah it's trash.
futa on female is straight because futas dont exist irl and you're only seeing female ass when the woman is getting fucked but in "straight" porn you see man ass that's probably hairy and ugly
If you like dick you're a faggot. Period.
based white poster
You can get some fresh, easy pussy AND finish inside for $20-40 USD. You have to give at least some credit to the south asians.
A few of the boys could afford some pounds too. Genji, Roadhog, and Hanzo come to mind. Girl’s first tho.
I bet brigitte farts are amazing. not as good as mercy farts though
>t. gamer
I wish they made the girls this hot in game.
I stopped around season 3 got sick of the stale meta and see saw balancing with characters constantly going from shit and underused to OP as fuck and vice versa. Also got sick of the community because it turned MOBA tier pretty quickly with everyone just being shitty for no reason. Just became frustrating and wasn't having fun anymore, same reasons I quit MOBAs really. Wasn't even a matter of losing I started at high plat and climbed to high diamond before I quit just was frustrating even when I was winning.
do they even market? I feel like they just need to say new blizzard game and everyone else does it for them
>brainlets can't outplay a melee character in a game where everyone else has a fucking gun
> everyone else has a fucking gun
and all of those guns do piss poor damage, and are often projectile weapons, whereas Doomfist can move at the fucking speed of sound.
>wah the game is fun bcuz ppl yell at me :(
cry harder faggot, this is where I get my real entertainment
>It has clearly hit a nerve.
It really has, it's weird.
It was just trannies and depressed gay men calling people c*mbrain because they were angry that men like real women only and not other men in dresses.
>and are often projectile weapons,
Doomfist's body is a fucking projectile with less range
just get good, lmao
based and hanapilled
Pregnant D.Va porn makes me hard as diamonds.
>pharah's fat armor
Everything was getting more and more neutered. People were just frustrating to play with. It just stopped being worth my time around when Doomfist released, I just stopped caring.
>still no Japanese girl character
Shit game is shit.
Because its fucking boring.
and the playerbase is pretty much the equivalent to DOTAfags
Blizzard OW team wanted to dictate how the community interacts instead of people taking care of it themselves
They had a great marketing for the release, a lot of no-Blizzard players got into it (including a lot of my friends)
They're just good at making something look nice, shiny and better than it actually is
role lock
they only needed to nerf adhd heroes like widow, tracer, and the ninja faggots but no, even dps characters that rewarded team play like bastion are practically inaccessible in competitive
Sounds like someone hit a nerve c*mbrain.
Sounds like someone hit a nerve tranny and depressed gay man.
Only trannies are as obsessed as you.
>all the girls become part of a female sumo league
why do streamers always have to have their facecam be so fucking huge
because people actually want to see the streamers face unlike your ugly face
This is just what I wanted to hear.
>blizzdrones will defend this
>400+ replies, and the blatantly obvious porn bait thread is still up
Fuck jannies, fuck niggers and fuck mods
im gonna coooom
wow rude
Cause the porn is better
I went through the same emotional arc with this game that I did with league of legends, just in a significantly shorter time span
>Join early in the first season, fall in love with the game and characters
>Play several games daily, losing hours of sleep just to get that exp bar to tick over
>One patch comes through that ruins all my enjoyment of the game
>Stick around for several patches out of disbelief and some misguided sense that they'll realize their misstep and fix the game
>New characters are introduced that make the game objectively worse
>Finally quit the game cold turkey
>See occasional clip of the pro scene and feel absolutely no desire to play the game again
>Keep up with lewds on the daily
I wonder what my next obsession will be
To be fair there are hardly any good OW pictures here.
Brigette still exists
The game just feels so fucking slow and rail roaded down a handful of outcomes depending on how the character select goes. The default walkspeed for 75% of the cast is criminally boring.
They nerfed her to the ground and told her she's a healslut.
Even D.va's peashooters can tear her apart now.
Widow and Hanzo need their one shots removed and massive reworks, especially widow.
Shields need to be nerfed
>no new gamemodes
>new heroes that are annoying to fight
>severe lack of maps
>maps that are in the game are not enjoyable to play on, with the exception of a few KOTH maps
>2cp is still in comp
>PvE modes are still only at certain times a year
I only played maybe 20 matches when it first came out. I hated it and never touched it again.
This entire thread is trash. Fuck the jannies.
Because I bought the game on the pretense of there being this story they were telling with the youtube shorts and expected more than a cheap moba shit that looks like it was made in a chinese sweatshop.
>2cp is still in comp
Is it that bad?
Not enough of best girl in this thread
D.va can fit in a mech, Widow can't leap around, Tracer can't run, Pharah and Mercy can't fly, what else can they do but smash their fat bellies together and grip at each other's blubber for sport?
She needs a pale skin to be the best.
*can't fit in a mech
They can certainly try and fail to do all of those and it will only get my dick hard.
I just want to be Mercy and Tracer's lesbian ass slave brehs
Why are all the women mutts?
Mercy will never get fat but Ashe definitely will.
Please tell me there's an animated version of this
Why is she such a bully?
Shit taste
Especially since it just makes them all hungry again and their stomachs groan with the need to feed even more, growing fatter for trying to escape their fatness.
>growing fatter for trying to escape their fatness.
Hit the nail on the head for what gets me going on this kinda thing. That “point of no return” is a real turn on.
If you are going to post fat OW art please don't post shitty art of it.
>have fart fetish
>tell girlfriend about it
>she just laughs about it, later rips a fart directly down my throat
>tastes far worse than I was expecting
Were you cured you degenerate
Because it's shit.
Also because fuck Blizzard and especially that cuck Jeff.
>bitching about shields
you know there's like 7 characters that specialize in breaking shields right
Wheres the healslut I need a service
It's great ain't it? She's at that point where she hasn't given up yet, but still on the denial step of the 5 stages of grief (of becoming overweight), and tries what she thinks is her best, but hasn't even realized how far off the deep end she already is. Even a tiny bit of exercise makes her stomach demand overcompensation, making her sink even deeper into her blubber.
Well excuuuuuuuuuuse me princess.
what do you mean based coomer?
Pew is a considerable step up.
every meta after the other will always be the same shit routine
>new hero comes
>it kills a meta that community hates
>a new meta with that hero happens
>community hates it
>blizzard makes buffs/nerfs
>meta died and a new one happens
it's all rinse and repeat after every hero or balance patch.
hilarious how blizzdrones will defend this screen nuke mess
This. They're actually a threat.
That's not [/spoiler]Grohk[/spoiler]
Holy shit
>playing OW for exp
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Shields overload
>Procreation is for manchildren.
>In the same tier at scat.
This is a strange list. I don't think you know what you're saying.
they should buff Brigitte so the OW community gets fucking upset over a single support hero again
I had to go to my mom's birthday party. I got her a rice cooker because she likes kitchen appliances. Tomorrow I will probably play more Winston and Zarya.
Because it's a gay fucking piece of shit made by SJW devs with a horrible matchmaking system.
I wonder if this works with most girls
Same. That fat asshole was the only thing that made the game bearable. Now it's just random dead-brains that watch my back.
Yes, true enough.
These are the ideal body types for fatties.
Because you need half your team babysitting you at all times for him to be any effective
to me, overwatch is just source filmmaker futanari porn
More like why did you start playing overwatch
I can go bigger still, but that's just me.
Since we're on page 10 at this point anyways.
>bump limit
Good thread.