>plus tip
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Hey dude i know you don't like the design, that is very subjective, but don't spam this, after all you're not going to buy it and you're not obligated to do so.
Get fucked Jiren.
>literally riding on dinobraps
Are you talking about that figure? You really ought to use a better pic, and take it to /toy/ if that's the case.
it's the collector's edition of dbz kakarot retard
alright alright, i only saw after i sent my post
>Console exclusive
I would be mad but apparently it's the same DBZ game they've been doing for the past 17 years.
I'd buy it if it had the whole story from DB to Super, but no, gotta do Z all over again for the 38th time. Boring.
the last dbz game that recapped the dbz story was like 10 years ago
the last open world dbz rpg was on the ds
but i agree with you about wanted DB.
the deluxe edition comes with tao pai pai's log as a vehicle to use in place of the nimbus/drivers permit car. hope that indicates there will be some DB content in there. i know eighter is in a side quest too.
Looks based gonna buy 2 and keep one boxed
Why drive when you can fly?
idunno maybe there's some kind of energy meter that makes it more worth it in the early stages before they hit SS2 and powerlevels become meaningless. or maybe it's just a skin and they all work the same.
>wanting a statue of gohan in one of his worst costumes in the whole show
into the trash it goes.
Why is Gohan wearing faggot clothes?
Because that's what he wore for the first like year of dbz.
I just want it cause it uses the old based OGDB toryiama design dinos. Z onward has absolute dog shit enemy design, yes including frieza/cell/buu
>buying overpriced plastic junk that just takes up precious space
I seriously hope you kids don't do this
>the last dbz game that recapped the dbz story was like 10 years ago
Battle of Z was five years ago.
>zfags didn't even watch Z from the start
Because he's a fag.
$200 for that? I want to say Bandai are fucking retards but I know they'll sell out of them. God "gamers" are stupid.
unironically how are gohanfags even a thing
>whiny bitch baby from start of z up to cell caga
>cries all the time during cell saga, can't get the job done in the end and relies on his dad to help finish cell off
>turns into the biggest dork of all time from end of cell onward
Because of that one stupid filler episode.
desu id get it if there was an edition without the statue. i love steelbooks and the art book will probably be cool if it has toriyama designs in it
wait a second
lmao what the fuck for $200? that thing is puny
Married a top qt3.1416
It is indeed he, who laughs in the end
you just KNOW what goku is thinking right here
It doesn't even come with the season pass. Give Scamdai $200 and you still have to pay an extra $20-$40 to get the full game. Absolute joke. Anybody who buys that should kill themselves.
>gets a 10/10 spandex gf
>makes her cut her hair so she looks like a boy
Is he gay?
>Funimation logo and copyright info nowhere to be seen.
Huh... interesting.
I agree that pigtails was the superior hairstyle, BEFORE Super. This one is just so cute it's not even funny.
Literally for reference for those not in ameriland, amiibos are 7.5 inches
>show game cases on the side to force perspective
>pic of statue is bigger than the actual irl statue
>tiny print (8x8x8)
LMAO they're literally carnies
Does it really not come with the DLC
what.. are you retarded. those are like 3 inches
Wait, that shit is only as big as an amiibo?
sometimes you gotta carry a bunch of stuff at once where you cant pick everything up at once, plus flying is illegal, humans arent supposed to be able to fly
Does that shit actually cost $300 or am I being baited?
$195.99 USD.
Factor in how it's a diorama and the size measurement accounts for the entire thing, and you realize how small Goku and Gohan actually are.
It's on PC too brainlet
Digital only.
Okay but that's really any better.
I mean look at the Xeno 2 one.
13 inch figure
And it was 50 less. You're literally getting less for more with this. Granted I wouldn't pay for that either but this is Capcom tier jewing.
I prefer digital over physicals I personally I don't want a fuck Ton of game cases laying around my room
then why the fuck are you calling him a brainlet you retard? he's clearly talking about the physical editions with all the collectibles which is console exclusive
Website just says:
"Collector's Edition Includes:
Full Standard Edition Game
Exclusive Diorama Figure (8x8x8 inches)
Hardcover Game Artbook (10x12 inches)
Collectible Steelbook
Preorder Bonus Content Includes:
New Sub Quest
Early Access to Bonyu's Training (New character design by Akira Toriyama)
1 x Cooking item (Permanent stat boost of melee attack and HP)"
No mention of the season pass.
He had one good fight where he beat the shit our of the big bad. Plus, Gohan fans were kids at the time they saw it. The cliche "they wanted to be him" thing
>wanted to be a whiny crybaby that needed to call on daddy to get the job done
again, how did he have fans?
read the deluxe edition. the season pass says it literally has a 2 "episodes" and a original story coming out after
It says it has 2 original episodes and one "new arc". Guessing the 2 episodes will be filler like cyborg Tao or garlic jr. New arc is probably just battle of the gods since it's technically z
a bit problematic, no?
Faggot faggot fucking fag my son's a fag
Chichi wanted Goku to learn to drive so they could at least pretend to be a normal family.
>no way fag
Kind of unrelated but I dropped Super around the time Goku/Gohan were about to fight that team of furries in Zeno's first tournament, does it get any better or was Future Trunks the peak?
It's polarizing desu. ToP does have some good highlights tho.
It's kind of a drag but the last fight is really good.
Well yeah, they didn't make the game
What is this >plus tip thing that always gets posted? Do you have to tip salesclerks outside of burgerland or something?
>Hey nice, EZA events for Goku/Gohan and Vegeta/Trunks are out, easy 60 dragonstones!
>EZA Arena happens
>amiibo are 7.5 inches
immediately disproven by the comparison to that dude's fucking hands.
that's, like, 3.5 to 4 inches.
>New arc is probably just battle of the gods since it's technically z
Now that would be lazy
" I swear Gohan if you become a scholar I'm going to slap your shit so hard you'll be saying waku waku until you turn into a super Saiyan"
" Listen Gohan, your mother doesn't know shit if you don't do as I say I'll slap you like I slap her"