>indie games dying on steam
>steam in general is on the decline
Press F to pay respects. Epic is the future
>indie games dying on steam
>steam in general is on the decline
Press F to pay respects. Epic is the future
Other urls found in this thread:
>indie games
who cares about that shit
Keep buying your AAA trash goy
nobody wants to play shitty chink asset flips and "creative" indie garbage, more news at 11
cope, keep buying aaa soulless trash and h-games
Reminder this guy is a retard, his games barely sell, his methodology is trash and he more than likely wants Epic to throw him a bone.
Fuck off
okay, retard
>buying h-games
people don't actually do that, right?
What part of "flooding a market with trash" do you not understand?
Have they ever thought about making games that will sell? Looked them up on steam and they’re pretty shitty games.
Free market
well steam drones do
I do
>more games therefore less sales on average!
>shares sales numbers
Valve does not share their numbers with anyone but the developers and their own games
So where do these numbers come from?
we are all degenerates for using this site. might as well embrace it.
>4 billion indie games get released on steam every day
>0-2 of them are actually decent
fuck indie games
more than 2 dipshit
>he goal is to find out how much money the average indie release makes in 2019 compared to previous years
They are counting the ten fucktillion asset flips and shovelware that release by the dozens daily
>glut of shitty indie games due to low barrier of entry drags down the average when they rightly don't sell
What a shocker, the report they're referencing is also complete estimates and the guy did everything possible to trim off the good performers.
Per day? I'd argue there's about 700 good indie games per year, his estimate seems right
>Sustained by erotic VNs
Chinks are going to kill the fatfuck
>post sponsored by Epic store
Or strive to overcome it.
>indie game sales are down, "ESTIMATES" publisher
>"Games released in 2019, are making around half as much money as games released in 2018"
this article is pure lying-with-statistics and only a brainlet would either write it or believe it
Gaben doesn't eat insects so he's fine
>estimates publisher
>Implying the Chinks aren't conspiring with American progressives to overcome that issue
Wow, it's like the indie-scene has gotten more competitive and you can't make money making mediocre games anymore
all the people in this thread are wrong about everything. this is like the most varied but wrong opinions ive ever read in a single thread
1. the guy who made this analysis is a publisher whos made a lot of money with his game, hes not some nobody
2. his methodology has a few mistakes:
- he compared february last year with june this year, and different months have different levels of activity and will show different overall numbers
- he removes the bottom 80% of games and the top 5% of games from his analysis for reasons
3. because of the last point, everyone saying "more indie games so of course the average will be lower" are wrong. also, the number of games releasing on steam per day peaked last year and has declined since then
so to sum it up, the guy isnt a retard, however his analysis is wrong, but not because there are endless indie games on steam since he removes all of the trash, but because he used a comparison between different months and because he removes games according to some arbitrary cut off
and that's a good thing!
I want my xeno space sexual explorer simulator
The fuck
Is this a translated Ishikei porn game on steam?
Well damn, it is
>indie games are dying
>RoR 2, Stardew, Hollow Knight, Blasphemous, Ocygen Not Included, Factorio, etc, etc, etc sell boatloads and even millions in some cases
Sorry your fucking unity asset flip platformer about depression and trans issues doesn’t fucking sell you troglodyte. Make a good game and people will buy it, it’s that fucking simple.
>the guy isnt a retard, however his analysis is wrong
gotta wonder how close to retarded you have to be to make an analysis this deeply and obviously flawed though
Nekopara devs
its not that flawed because its still better than nothing and he's only interested in this to have a basic view of how the market is doing
better than nothing MEANS nothing and you can't have a view of how the market is doing if your lens is so flawed that it might as well not exist at all
>average sales
>doesn't take the 452 million asset flips into account
how could this have EVER happened when Steam removed Greenlight so the process to release a game was entirely based on submitting the game and your 100 bux to Gabe then waiting a couple weeks?
which, by the way, is what developers were begging for, before their 60 IQ brains also released it meant there would be other games besides theirs getting through
Then get off the site, faggot and do something productive. But you won't cause you'll take the "high ground" and try to make us change.
The entire EGS vs Steam debacle has honestly shown, to me, that I’ve outgrown video games. I just can’t be fucked to actually give a shit where I download my games from if all it is is some pop-up window I see for maybe 10 seconds at a time before going into the game. Meanwhile everyone else is having a complete and total meltdown over this, sending death threats, organizing boycotts, etc. etc. it all just comes across as childish to me nowadays, like the people who actually care about this are just complete losers without jobs or real lives, and shit loads of free time where they can be free to actually give a shit about such a minor thing
>Avoid it
I said overcome, not avoid.
To be able to steep yourself in the shit of this site and emerge unblemished is the truest test of one's character.
Even more so is one to reform themselves despite immersing themselves in the garbage that coalesces here.
So no.
>buying games
great advice, I wonder if that will apply to drug addicts as well other addictions.
Oh yes, the users and avoiders are both quite pathetic.