Anybody picked up this game yet? Was thinking of getting it for the Switch.
From the looks of it I'm quite skeptical.
What are your thoughts? Thinking about buying it tomorrow.
Anybody picked up this game yet? Was thinking of getting it for the Switch.
From the looks of it I'm quite skeptical.
What are your thoughts? Thinking about buying it tomorrow.
Other urls found in this thread:
Not sure why people praise the art, the pixrl art looks pretty amateurish from photos.
not great not terrible
Switch version is superior
It's another product of the liberal left's War on God (as explained in the film God's Not Dead).
The Democrats took God and the Flag out of our schools and look how society is now.
Do not support these Godless liberal elites. Stand up for what the Greatest Generation fought for - Truth, Christianity, Family and America.
Excellent art and animations, rewarding combat and good level design. The only things holding it back are the large amount of glitches and somehow the lack of polishing in certain details (audio mixing, for example, music is way too quiet).
I'm enjoying it so far. Quite lenghty adventure that lasts about 20-25 hours.
Get the fuck out of here.
Isn't the main character a catholic who fights demons? Seems pretty old school godly to me
Fuck this room in particular.
It looks great but isn't very deep or interesting and most of the difficulty comes from dying from spikes and pits because the enemies and bosses are actually really easy.
I couldn't be bothered going for 100%.
So you actually have the game, fucking finally.
What are your thoughts on it?
That cone head design looks stupid
I died about 8 times to enemies / bosses and about 60 times to spikes / pits. Not exaggerating those numbers in the slightest.
I actually read that somewhere, the platforming was bad and unintuitive and contributed to many deaths.
That's a shame.
I'll pirate it instead.
I have the game also. Its really good. Probably one of the better metroidvanias. Its totally worth the 20 bucks that it is. I imagine you will get at least 20 hours out of the game if you do side quests and what not. I imagine you would maybe get only 10 hours or less if you rush through it though.
That's pretty shitty.
I'll just pirate it then and see how I feel after a few hours.
Oh yeah I forgot how cheap it is relatively, £1 per hour sounds decent. Might just buy it for Switch then and eat the cost if it sucks since it's not much
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
>Death of the neighs
>You will deliver your face to the Lady
>Your inland blackened
>On the pace of your contours
What glitches specifically? Are they PC/Nintendo Switch specific?
The really aggravating part is how it's instant death and back to a save point, I don't know why they didn't do the Hollow Knight approach of just dropping you back on a nearby platform but dealing a chunk of damage to you. If they update it to work like that I could definitely recommend it.
Also one thing I should mention is that I don't think there were actually any mobility upgrades at all, which is rather unusual for a metroidvania, unless I'm remembering wrong. The stuff you get over the game mostly just allows particular environmental interaction rather than changing the character's own control. So more Zelda than Metroid in terms of progression, especially since you can only equip three relics at once for no reason.
It's hard to raise a Godly family nowadays especially given how Athiest Democrats like Barry Soetero have tried to remove.GOD AND THE FLAG from American schools.
Media like HARRY POTTER, DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS and VIDEO GAMES with Satanic Pokemon Creatures (this latter also another example of how the J*ps have succeeded in 2019 where they failed in 1941) tempt Christian children away from The Lord.
BLASPHEMOUS is no exception, painting the idolatrous Church of R*me, beloved of Dagoes and Micks, as typical of Christianity.
Eschew this game.
I loved Hollow Knight so yeah that would have been good. I read somewhere that you can traverse the map without upgrades it's just discouraged.
The more I read the comments here the less I want to play it, sounds like a fuxking chore.
Is there any secret boss? I just killed Crisanta and I think I'm at the final boss now
it's very mediocre. it's not a bad game but does nothing really well besides the art, combat is meh, level design is kinda shitty, soundtrack is forgettable, the setting is interesting but nothing special. it's ok for one playthrough but i'm not touching it again and will forget everything about besides "that game with nice pixel art" in a week.
The true FINAL BOSS we all must face is SAINT PETER at the gates of Heaven.
The wages of SIN are DEATH
>I imagine you will get at least 20 hours out of the game if you do side quests and what not. I imagine you would maybe get only 10 hours or less if you rush through it though.
Maybe if you were going to replay it several times to do those side quests since the progression of them is apparently rather vague, but for normal playing I don't know how you could take that long. Pic related was for my first playthrough without looking anything up which the game said was 85% completion, plus another hour or so of looking for more stuff before I decided to call it quits.
Fucking hell my opinion of this game is getting shittier by the minute
Either the final boss is poorly programmed or I somehow broke his script.
The first phase would lower his shields despite the attacks still going on, have glitchy teleport animations, sometimes recite his "this isn't even my final form!" dialoge and sometimes not, etc. and the second would call attacks that won't appear despite the symbol showing up, with a second properly working set of symbols and attacks following like a second later.
I wouldn't be surprised if I messed up his entire script by doing a slide attack at just the right/wrong moment which already damages him before he's on screen and the short pre-fight dialogue plays.
The game percentage isn't very accurate honestly. and like I said, you didn't do all the extra stuff so it took you 8 hours. If you were to do the extra stuff, find the items and do side quests, its probably closer to 15-20. Basically, you are a brainlet for not figuring out the quests. Sorry.
Reminds me of the same criticism regarding Owlboy where apparently the art was great but the gameplay not so much.
I'll never understand why Gaming as an industry decides to put everything else first other than gameplay. Infact I do understand. Marketing/visuals rule the day in getting people to empty their pockets for shit.
And it'll never stop working because marketing is so powerful people will keep buying shit.
Not him, but I got stuck inside this wall when I grabbed the ledge as the elevator was coming up which then pushed me inside of it, and had to quit and restart at the save point. Had one time where I walked through a screen and it just stayed through the loading screen and didn't progress and had to reload for that too. Aside from that I had two bosses keep using their attacks after being defeated, which got me killed by one after I was no longer able to move in the victory cutscene, but it then spawned me into the same room so nothing was lost.
>I don't know why they didn't do the Hollow Knight approach of just dropping you back on a nearby platform but dealing a chunk of damage to you
Then the game would be an hour or two shorter.
Played it and beat 2 of the main 3 bosses so far, and i think the game is meh. In my opinion the game is way to hard for the amount of fun. Like fighting enemies is not fun because you have to take this slow and repetitive approach to enemies and its just so boring. You have to navigate through sections a certain way or you are dead. Also the controls are very clunky and unititive. The art direction is good and sound design good, just the gamplay is lacking,
Not that user but surely the main game should be longer than that? As you said, it has extra stuff to do but in my opinion if it's "extra stuff" that shouldn't really count towards the time it takes to complete the main game.
8 hours is pretty atrocious, those 8 hours better be the best 8 hours ever.
don't play like a retard?
>The game percentage isn't very accurate honestly.
I did get that impression, I was still missing the egg that activates the roots and all the items behind those along with about 18 cherubs. But I don't feel like going around the world again scouring it for what I missed, especially when the map is so lacking.
>Basically, you are a brainlet for not figuring out the quests. Sorry.
Rude. Actually I had the wandering guy disappear on me after meeting him past the bridge, no idea what happened to him after that even though he obviously had to go to the bound statue to the east of there.
>devs got 300k for this shit
Another case of the game already being 90% finished and the devs running with the cash from Fraudstarter.
The music is even better than the pixel art, imo. The game itself is kind of disappointingly average. I really, really wish there was more movement tech to be gained throughout the game, or that the levels were more intelligently designed around shortcuts. Sometimes progression feels tedious rather than actually hard.
>The first phase would lower his shields despite the attacks still going on, have glitchy teleport animations
It took me two tries to beat him and those were true of both attempts, the rest I didn't have.
Why can't devs just make good games
Oh look, it's another gimmick pixel jumper.
Have some fucking dignity
I never had any trouble with the controls aside from taking time to get used to the lack of input buffering requiring you to get the timing of your attack combos down lest you not do follow up attacks. But I do feel like some of the most annoying enemies are in the early game, like the shield women.
In what area is altagracias in again? I totally fucking forgot. FUCK!
Main chars goal i to slay those false idols tho
Protie scum like you already failed
Same here, I hope they patch it to be more like Hollow Knight where spikes just move you back instead of instakill
I mostly intended that webm to be comedic rather than a complaint about it being difficult, but I do think the first and third deaths in it were bullshit. Why put an NPC on a platform where you'll get hit if you take too long to read their dialogue? And the third one was me moving off-screen because you don't actually land in the right spot by default despite being programmed to ignore the axe as you fall through it, which is kind of bizarre.
>Carlos and Loli
I was super skeptical too, specially being spanish myself and knowing it was made by a bunch of spaniards. I thought it'd be lazy trash.
Turns out its actually really good. Surprisingly. I'm playing it on the Switch and I really like it.
>Marketing/visuals rule the day in getting people to empty their pockets for shit
indeed, it is amazing how amazing a game can appear to be with the right visual, angles and cuts. Besides first thing you see is visual as gameplay you will only be able to judge by playing it yourself since streamers/videos are not really trustworthy and can make a game look far more fun than it really is, for the right amount of money that is. Games like this take at least 2 hours for you to start noticing the cracks and see how hollow it truly is.
>Games like this take at least 2 hours for you to start noticing the cracks and see how hollow it truly is.
No, you could tell the problems from the demo.
>made by spaniards
alright now I'm definitely not paying for it
Spaniards love religious imagery so I'm not sure why you were skeptical. Wish the game was actually in Spanish so we didn't have this god awful english voice acting though.
PC has no demo.
>Wish the game was actually in Spanish so we didn't have this god awful english voice acting though.
It's sad that the first few voices you hear are really good and then the rest are total shit.
Is it on piratebay yet?
Escribar and hat bro are good, but man every other person is just shitty. It sounds like they pulled whatsherface (the second to last boss) off the street.
Not to the average consumer with their "maybe the full release/patch will fix it" mentality
PC had one
I was skeptical that it was good, i thought it would be trash because it was made in spain. It's actually pretty good.
>Not to the average consumer with their "maybe the full release/patch will fix it" mentality
I usually hold posters on Yea Forums to higher standards of video game scrutiny but that's my fault. People here buy fucking EA games, after all.
There's so many purely unfun decisions regarding the world and gameplay it's staggering
Instakill spikes, limited slots for utility items for whatever fucking inane reason so enjoy swapping artifacts if you want to talk with corpses, charged attack and combo extenders being useless as all fuck, shortcuts being long as fuck corridors of death like the one connecting painting gallery and merciful dreams, low amount of teleports, it's just atrocious.
>It sounds like they pulled whatsherface (the second to last boss) off the street.
She was definitely the worst, holy fuck. Way to ruin the atmosphere of that fight.
>Stand up for what the Greatest Generation fought for - Truth, Christianity, Family and America.
Boomers stood for niggers and jews, as well as replacing the great myth of the west with WWII.
played for 10 minutes
gameplay is boring and religious setting is also boring
Forgive me, but have not seen one cross, or icon of Christ nor any saint in this game. I don’t think the inuniverse religion of this game is Catholic Christianity nor any Christian sect at all.
>accidentally killed Socorro as I was giving her the 3 emblems
Fuggg. What did she give if I actually finished giving her the 3 emblems? Did the priest guy with her move somewhere else or did I fuck up that entire quest?
Just report and don't reply to schizoposters
It's a fun game but currently there exists a bug that can delete ALL YOUR PROGRESS just from entering a new room, a loading screen or if the game ever crashes from talking to an npc.
DO NOT BUY IT until its fixed, It'll be a gamble if you even make it to the end.
I just lost 16 hours worth of progress because of this bug.
Fuuuccckkk she gives you the Key to Halegarden man. Fucked up the quest
What the fuck bug is that? How does that happen?
>meet all requirements for Crossing Souls achievement
>accidentally receieve Cord of True Burial
>they just stand there and there's nothing I can do until next playthrough
I haven't heard about this, how did you trigger that?
Am I the only one who finds the art amateurish? Especially from the pic you posted. Looks half assed. Especially as the art appears to be one of the major selling points.
Shit. Worst part is there is no New Game+ or reloading previous save states so I'll have to go through the whole fucking game from 0 again if I want to do that quest.
Yeah, fuck that.
>Am I the only one who finds the art amateurish?
I was just screwing with you I never actually played the game.
I did literally nothing special, I was at 87% completion and was returning to Albion the main hub town, And decided to talk to an NPC there to see if there was new dialogue.
When i talked to him he repeated himself like usual and the game crashed, So i wanted for it to close itself and when i started it up again the file was gone.
I hate stupid fucking spike and pit platforming shit in any game and I hate when games like this and Hollow Knight do it because they're just not made for it. At least it's fairly light compared to the white palace in HK
I think it's just stylisation+pixel art that gives it this look in cutscenes. Gameplay art is perfectly fine imo.
You lose out on an achievement and a shitty prayer, that's about it.
Plebs really are easy to please aren't they?
does she? she gave nothing to me
She actually does give you a quest item that's required for 100% though.
How did you manage to make them meet each other, user?
Not picking it up again until save warping is added. Gotta equip the two rosaries that boost your dodge distance and cooldown just to stay sane moving from one place to another.
They don’t even have the common decency of letting you respawn at your latest checkpoint without dying.
Do better and animate it.
>everyone who has a different opinion from me is a pleb
The baby thing's shading looks terrible. The platform is good though.
I dunno, are you?
bro, just exit to main menu and start the game again
Stop seething.
>all these fucking pepes
What is wrong with you redditor faggots?
They don't "meet", but Cleofas can jump off the rooftops while Redento is standing below.
No she doesn't, stop bullshitting people. You can get Cleofas to go back to the church in Albero where he gives you a prayer, the end.
Looks better in motion but yeah
Holy based
I was fine with Hollow Knight since you respawn so quick and don't lose a lot of progress.
>Enter a new room and lose all your upgrades
Yeah great game
No, the protagonist fights the corrupt and heretical Catholic Church
Redditors also breathe too maybe you should stop doing that?
>frogposting is for you what breathing is for me
okay retard
I have yet to do a stylistic execution on an enemy yet to the point i dont even think they are in in the game and it was all a meme. Also bosses don't kill me in a cool way either, you just die so that was a lie as well.
Stay mad faggot.
This board is so fucking pathetic thanks to people like you.
>nu-Yea Forums is so braindead that half the posts think this is serious
Nah executions are in. They just have zero point.
just torrented it, is it good bros?
Push triangle, ya dummy
Only one boss has been advertised to kill you in a cool way.
For executions, time your ripostes better. Not the parries, but pressing attack just as they hit your block. I've been executing dudes nonstop after getting in the groove, you can do it!
Oh. Totally fell for it.
Oh. Okay then. Might then wait for a few months/years till I want to do a replay for completionism then. Thanks lads.
>nu-Yea Forums thinks ironic shitposting makes the board better
>For executions, time your ripostes better. Not the parries, but pressing attack just as they hit your block.
No, you're meant to hit attack again right before your sword connects with them. You get a red flash for it. The game tells you to do it this way.
Oh-h, that's how you do it. I press it both at the moment of impact and before I strike them, double tap.
From the look of things it might be better to wait for a patch/sale.
Seething Catholic
You fucking what? Is that a bait?
play it and find out you fucking idiot
These threads are filled with shitposters
This game made me catholic and then protestant and then agnostic and then catholic again and I've only played the first hour!
I've been informed that it's just cutscenes that look jank or when they're in motion but generally it looks good so I'll retract that until I actually play it
Oh good, a torrent exists so I don't have to waste money on it
i think its cool so far and i love the character designs. only problem is the god damn spikes and shitty parts that involve patients, other than that its great.
Sometimes pausing or bringing up the map gets you out of it. Might need to jiggle the d-pad a bit. Only once did I have to quit the game.
Who was in the wrong here?
>Sometimes pausing or bringing up the map gets you out of it.
I couldn't do either.
>Might need to jiggle the d-pad a bit.
That got me to that position, I was initially further inside the wall.
s-sorry im dyslexic..
The Romans for eventually taking him down