Is there anything idols won't infest?
Megaman with idolshit
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first leisure larry now this
wait what.
No because lolis and idols and loli idols make everything better.
>not Roll as a idol
Seriously ?
it's specifically a collab with an existing group of real life idols.
Oh I see I see .
Still it doesn't make any sense .
another free game?
that's cool though
you're a free game
Why make him old?
because the idols are the ones who need to save the world and megaman can't do it if he's old and needs intracircuit drips of e-tanks all the time.
Why is Heatman an alcoholic?
Because he can't take the heat, man.
It's flammable
kek good one
>new mega man
What's the catch?
Dang. I can't play it.
>Mega Man 2 wankery
Well that's fine actually. Turns out not having a mobile device is me continually winning.
>robots aging
Teppen is nice but all the MM cards are X-series
Why are there no Black People in Mega Man X? Where did they go from 2000-2100?
Niggers went extinct.
They are called Mavericks
X series is the best Megaman series, fag
>This shit features Wily using a prototype Sigma virus
Holy fuck, just throw the lore out the window
>Battle Network, Legends and Zero are tied for best Megaman series, fag
>>Battle Network
The most repetitive and tedious megaman games ever with no good level design? Piss off.
>the most repetitive
I know right away you never played these games nigger, fuck off
So that's where the original virus comes from. Mega Man was already starting showing his age, so Dr Light built X in secret and this takes place during the time X was undergoing testing in his capsule. This is it. This was the missing link all along.
What a fucking pleb lmao
How does Robot be old?
How the flying fuck are they not repetitive when all the levels are boring isometric shit and all the battles are quick ass turn based garbage? You are blinded by your fanboyism, retard. BN is the opposite of Megaman, fun, hard, fast paced action games with great level design. It's a lazy churned out series of games with the Megaman name slapped on it for god knows what reason.
They are objectively repetitive and you cannot deny this. Hell when they try to spice things up they just become even more annoying like pic related, a boring maze in a race against time which ended up being not that hard anyhow.
Quickman really let himself go.
>he thinks jump & shoot man megaman is any good
holy fuck, stop talking before you embarrass yourself any more
Wow. Well this post explains everything, I'm not baffled anymore.
Someone please take Airman out of his misery.
please don't be so cringy.
>you can move from tile to tile and shoot in real time
>enemies move and attack real time
>turn based garbage
>Hundreds of different attacks, several ways to combine them, different combat styles (one of which is a complete randomizer of buffs and debuffs each battle), The navi customizer and special combos
>Objectively repetitive
Jesus christ maybe you should actually try playing these games you shitpost about so much, faggot
I mean
I dont get it, seriously why make the old robot masterd old and depressed?
It makes me depressed. its like the feeling of the franchise being raped constantly
I'm happy both as a Mega Man fan and an idol Chad, they remind me a little bit of the late Especia
>>you can move from tile to tile and shoot in real time
Tell me user, how are the enemies? Surely they're not mostly generic boring dudes that you fight 99% of the time and die extremely quickly, showing that the battle system's "depth" is nigh-worthless when it's not worth doing anything cool or interesting? Don't kid yourself and tell me it's not repetitive, you could have a billion attacks and it wouldn't make fighting enemies not boring, quick and repetitive. You also didn't address the boring level design either.
The fact that you mention "hundreds" just proves how dishonest you are when you know for a fact most of the time the battles end too quickly for that to matter. It's like TP's combat system where you learn all these cool moves but all the enemies are too easy and die too quickly for them to shine other than darknuts.
this image just gave me ptsd.
>I cant build decks worth shit, I cant devise any strategies using my style, I cant fight the bosses for shit, I dont use the NaviCust, and I keep killing everything with the same cannon chips from the deck I started with
>Maybe I just suck at this game?
The battle network games are pretty shit bro and everyone knows it, you're embarrassing yourself. If i want to play Mega Man i play Mega Man, if i want to play a turn-based RPG i play FFT
I like how you completely ignored the post. Specifically the part about the enemies being too easy for any of that shit you mentioned to matter. In other words the only way to make the game challenging would be to GIMP YOURSELF. The opposite of what you're claiming. Of course I didn't keep the same cards, the enemies get bigger healthbars and the battles become even more tedious if you don't upgrade your shit. What I'm saying is that the battles don't get interesting and you are sugarcoating the experience to make it seem more deep than it is.
I'm pretty sure you and I spent far, far more time messing with our decks than the actual payoff of it all. The desire to get better cards is there, but that's the only kind of drive the game has. You're not looking to the next 5000 random battles on the way to the next boss are you? Because the battles are too easy and upgrading your shit just makes them even easier and the levels like I've said before are boring and extremely lazy, they're just mostly empty, featureless isometric mazes and are tedious to get through.
Basically the point is that you like the card mechanics, not the payoff, and payoff matters a lot in a game.
You made me bust out my old save from ages ago and screencap the ending screen. I only got half the chips and the game was still a breeze. I think I got halfway through the second game before dropping it out of boredom. Whatever complexity there is doesn't matter if the challenge is non-existant in the first place. Imagine if Bayonetta was so easy that everyone could beat the game on the hardest difficulty on their first try, meaning the complexity of the combat wouldn't be rewarding if there was no challenge in the first place.
>Waaaaah enemies are too easy!
>the enemies get bigger healthbars and the battles become even more tedious if you don't upgrade your shit
Cute. Which is it?
>In other words the only way to make the game challenging would be to GIMP YOURSELF
See, an example of how I know you never played the games. The heal after each battle shit is removed after the first game, and if you dont play right, all that damage you take will pile up and kill you
>What I'm saying is that the battles don't get interesting
You dont say why that's the case. Each battle you get different ways to damage any enemies that attack you, not to mention viruses dont attack you 1 on 1.
>Bu-but they all die in one hit!
Which is absolute bullshit because besides of special combos, that's not the case, never was. Outside of lategame attacks, in which case all enemies in the first zone WILL die in one hit to you anyway. But please, do give examples of this, if you have any faggot
And speaking of ignoring points, how come you never addressed forms and the navicust? The different ways you can modify your primary attack, how you heal in each battle, not to mention navichips, terrain effect chips, chip combinations, and yes, even chip collecting
>I beat the game so it's too easy!
Anyone can beat the game using the same cannon chips,faggot
Gonna share this real quick:
>Cute. Which is it?
How exactly are those statements against each other? Do you think tedious is the opposite of easy or something even though I've been calling the game both all this time?
>See, an example of how I know you never played the games
I'm , bruh.
>and if you dont play right
Good thing I keep saying how the game is too easy, then. Go play a bullet hell game if you want some challenge.
>You dont say why that's the case
More proof that you didn't read . I said the enemies die too quickly and most of them are generic dudes. Explain to me how the 200 times you fight pic related don't get repetitive? Or the knight guy with the sword? Or the green turret and its palette swaps?
>Bu-but they all die in one hit!
Don't put words in my mouth you strawman cretin, quick battles doesn't mean everyone dies in one hit all the time. That said I do remember some abilities oneshotting enemies at times, like the aqua sword and red cannon.
I think this game would be a lot more fun if they just made actual levels instead of boring mazes and made enemies more varied and challenging to make you messing with cards worth it in the long run.
>And speaking of ignoring points, how come you never addressed forms and the navicust?
Proof that you're not reading my posts, I've mentioned how the depth doesn't pay off due to the enemies being too easy, so why would you bring up depth again? What part of "you could have a billion attacks and it wouldn't matter" did you not read?
>Anyone can beat the game using the same cannon chips,faggot
I'm sorry is this supposed to be a counter argument against the claim that the game is too easy?
Why though?
>implying you didn't download a save from gamefaqs