Hello, I'm Sardine, Legate of the Congregation and I believe Greedfall deserves a thread on this board.
Hello, I'm Sardine, Legate of the Congregation and I believe Greedfall deserves a thread on this board
Are the controls meant to be so weird?
>pressing A to run always unsheathes weapons
>for some reason pressing B uses up healing potions no matter what even though this is not mentioned anywhere
I'm really not far at all though, just landed in New Serene.
Can you support the Church and genocide the pagans in this game?
>tfw you realize that artist-kun will probably never finish your portrait now
Just use KBM dude.
this games lacks hats.
Works fine on my keyboard
Eh, I'm not really that much of a fan of KBM in games where all the combat is done with lockon mechanics but I might just try it out.
Of course not. Don't you know oppressing the natives is bad?
Actually GF isn't that good with aimlock.
there are 2 factions in the church itself, you can support either or fuck everything up
Should have kept his mouth shut desu
What even happened
how do I recycle stuff?
Guns/bombs>>>>>>>>>>>>magic/magic warrior>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>pure warrior
You sailed away
click the recycle button
Press recycle on workbench.
too bad its by far the easiest boss monster in game
Do I liberate Constantin with sharp word or sharp steel?
>not maxing longswords, guns, the healing spell & Stasis all at once
It's like you hate cheesing fights or something
is this game any good?
when I saw the trailer for it, it seemed like it had nice art direction but the animations and the themes didn't really appeal to me. how's the game itself?
Just sneak in & free him, you mong. He's gonna ask you to kick their asses afterwards anyway
just kill everyone you big puss
Duality of man
Sneak in to prove to yourself that you can do it, then walk back out and kill everyone.
>De Sardine is 24-25
Anyone else have a bug where the last word of a characters dialog will be cut off because they end every sentence a second too early? It’s fucking annoying.
That's what I meant by "he asks you to kill them anyways". I went out & curbstomped them because no one fucks with my senpai, for I am De Sardine, Legate of the Congregation of Merchants
You can invite them all, but in the end you'll be forced to invite the local doc and that's how quest ends.
Just follow your heart, bro.
There's either yourself or Siora that can heal the party, and your heal has no cooldown, so what the fuck do you think?
So can I just go straight to the tribeman?
Disregard this, for I can't read & I'm sleepy. I chose the native one & didn't know it even affects anything outside of who sits in the mansion with him all day
user, he's talking about Constantine's quest
amazing if you like diplomacy
Best forge in Teer Fradee! Blades, armour, locks! They're masterworks all you can't go wrong!
>kurt rejects a promotion to keep your greenass safe
>vasco rejects a promotion and stays with you if your romance him
Top tier bros
Petrus top tier uncle
Anyone else beat the arena first thing when getting to New Serene?
He gives me this "I loved your mother but you look just like her and now I'm having a special feelings" kind of vibes desu.
Where do you find the nigress companion?
Main quest
Yet he's the only unromanceable companion
lost expedition
Guess I'll stop fucking around with side missions for now.
>who is Constantine
So exactly how many times do you think De Sardet, Legate of the Congregation was said?
Drinking game, your excellency?
>he doesn't know
Not enough.
user, becoming gods together and holding hands doesn't count.
I'm gonna count it next time I play it.
The mortician for the quest to find Ranier sounds like faggotbro from Inquisition
>mfw my first time meet a native
>ah wow you look like a native
>have the same shitstain mark just like native companion
if it wasnt so obvious from that moment
>find saint matheus secret cave
>explore the ruins
and yet the game treats like it aint so fucking obvious at this point
A bit of drink in my glass, then let's go!
How the fuck an I supposed to read this
Most of male NPCs are voiced by Dorian, Blackwall or fucking Roche. It's immersion-ruining.
How is magic, if you don't intend to go balls-deep into it? Stasis looks useful, but the magic ring nonsense makes it sound like it's just your regular magic arrow spam.
Who can I homiesexual romance? Asking for a cousin.
I heard you can side with the inquisition in Theleme. What difference does it make?
Yeah it's obvious but those 2 things aren't related at all
Didn't notice Blackwall's VA anywhere, maybe because he's shit & I barely took him anywhere to remember his voice
Coin guard dudes are sometimes voiced by him.
Can you craft +1 science to gear? Can you ever get more than +1 to any one talent by crafting?
Is this game this week's Remnant from the Ashes? A mid-tier game Yea Forums hard shills as a "roughly hewn diamond" that's "janky but fun" and then after this week will never be mentioned again?
Am I going deaf or is female Sardine voiced by Jo Wyatt, femHawke?
I found a rusty key in the mines in the tall bones area
anyone know where I can use it?
Can you backstab all of the other factions like a true merchant envoy would do?
was this guy supposed to be hard?
Is this your first time here or something retard?
god that trash sucked
Yes. No. Use Aphra for another point and you can craft bullets without investing single point.
The butt pirate
Too bad manly warrior bro is straight as ever
I thought it was too but imdb lists the role as some literal who so who knows
Don't mention it.
The same intonation, but she's actually voiced by Cassie Layton
So why is jonas black?
*blinks at you*
What the fuck
Is this a bug?
Damn this is weird.
When will the French stop being degenerates
I know, as someone who played DA2 a lot is was hilarious.
How did they get away with it???
Spoiler that sick shit what the fuck man
I want despair Constantin husband v2!
>tfw no cool wooden horns and shit
How can I get nature AIDS?
By playing further
That reminds me
>that feel when only face-covering headgear are a doc beak and some unga mask
Don't lie to me, I finished the game.
There are many ooga booga masks though
Was it...rape
>played DA2 a lot
You little masochist
Constantin gets them and you become a nature god too so well...
But yeah DeSardet should grow some along that ending path
That I am.
If you support the church you'd probably want to convert the natives rather than wipe them out.
I friend zoned the sailor I feel bad but I am not a homo sorry my friend
Yeah but they're still unga masks.
Since the chargen is preset faces only, it's pretty much impossible to make a Sardine that actually looks good, but the beak and masks look equally dumb, thus missing the point of concealment entirely.
Also everyone somehow notices the face thing through face-covering headgear, so if that was the cause then they should've at least stayed consistent and have no face covering at all.
>for some reason pressing B uses up healing potions no matter what
What? I also noticed you can't run during a fight but not this thing.
If you fug a waifu and mark yourself as taken this dialogue won't even happen.
You forgot the most important
>Right stick controls both the camera and your character, making you go apeshit everytime you try to turn while walking at the same time
Why did you lead him on, bro. Those dialogues don't just happen.
his side mission just happens so fast
I swear I only accidentally say gay things
>I swear I only accidentally say gay things
Are you one of those players who are mad that Anders raped them when they accidentally pressed a flirt option several times?
its a fucking bad game
are you all some dragon age refugees or something, get some better tastes holy shit
No not mad, I just chose the options I thought would give me the friendship points the most. I just didnt even think about romance when talking to him
What the fuck are you talking about. I've put in several hours into it and neither of those things are true.
Unless you use some garbage gamepad the game can't handle or shat up your own settings, I don't see how this would happen.
>bison creature is in full anger mode
>jumps over another bison creature to headbutt me
I wish I had it recorded. It was so absurd.
Its anger cannot be stopped, even for its own kind
Those guys do everything to ruin your day. Only the rolling lizard things are worse.
>zoomer can't into jank
Only at the beginning but incredibly surprised by this, its still jank spiders that I tolerate fine the settings in their previous games supported them and this fall into the same camp.
They are like one breath away from making a masterpiece.
Also something about Dune and french loving the fuck out of that book , the initial stage felt so much like young paul leaving for arrakis.
Dont see any sjw shit so far, in fact its less cringe than the shitty plague rat game also from the frogs.
Is there any way to give orders to your party members?
Theres lots of times id like a heal from the native chick but she does use it
Only about five-six hours in. Enjoying it a lot so far. I'm looking at being a gun guy primarily and will probably side with the natives. Maybe. I don't know how flexible/deep the choices will be.
Just max out the heal you get yourself
You can recycle stuff?
Ive been selling everything
Some people are salty because the "kill 'em all" colonialism is portrayed as bad, while missing the fact the mercantile faction Sardine belongs to is chiefly interested in keeping everyone appeased because it facilitates trade and thus mad fucking profits, whereas dead people don't work or pay.
Sardine himself is a hell of a moralfag at times though, but that comes with a largely preset backstory and all.
Selling is more cost-effective
SJW shit is shoved in your face from the start. What are you on about? Racially mixed peoples, being friendly to Kurt has him immediately tell you he loves cock.
...but Kurt is straight-only romance.
> being friendly to Kurt has him immediately tell you he loves cock.
See, now I know for a fact you're just making shit up to stir nonsense.
Kurt isn't a homo, user
>being friendly to Kurt has him immediately tell you he loves cock
I wish!
Nah, the most control you have is by making them stronger via ranking up your Charisma. Your best bet is to lean on potions until you learn Heal. And that should be one of your earlier purchases.
Its a fantasy setting user. Its not really europe. I saw the female soldier at the beginning right before saying farewell to the mother.
I might still change my mind, but its better than an entire civilisation of nigger Italians like POE.
Fug ive been going the sword tree
To get heal i need blunt tree plus stasis tree right?
>only irredeemable faction are the nigger terrorists
>the poor colonized natives are white
>multiple straight companions who refuse to entertain gay advances
>can join the Inquisition and purge non-believers
Sometimes I think you poorfags just complain to hear yourselves complain.
The what
No, just one or the other, you don't need to level both sides. Personally, I just leveled Stasis. I didn't want to waste points in Strength for blunt weapons.
Honestly, my level progression went: 1h Swords, Statis->Heal, Pistols, 2h Swords, Fury
>stasising shit to shoot it into the fucking head afterwards
Satisfying gameplay loop
So can you make a paladin type character with guns?
Or are guns just optional?
>can join the Inquisition and purge non-believers
You can? Thus far Petrus has been cockblocking me at every turn, so I need to ditch him to do that?
>being friendly to Kurt has him immediately tell you he loves cock.
>tranny trying to derail thread by making up lies
Nigger there's literally prostitutes in every tavern, you question 1 on multiple occasions nor does De Sardine even care about "exploited women" outside of that quest to save native bitches from being sold as sex slaves, which I attribute more towards saving natives than stopping sex trafficking. Guarantee an SJW-influenced game would have none of this, just look at how Dragon Age had their brothels removed & desire demons axed
I understand there we are far from portraying western civ decently and accurately instead of either going full exceptionalism or full self loathing.
But this game does not bother me in the least. Feels like it was made in the late 90s. That is the best we can do now.
Dont forget we are a generation that thinks Catholic or colonialism sins in history are worse than fucking Genghis khan.
They are worse. Genghis was a bugman, he only did what came natural. White people have souls, they should know better.
How demanding is magic build when it comes to mana? I only tried a bit of magic at start and was dry right away, does it get better later?
What skill tree would you say is strongest anyway?
>, just one or the othe
Really? Nice guess im gonna level stasis for a bit
What engine is this?
Tons of mods already released. Hope somebody do model swaps.
Why do people say it's too easy? I struggle to keep my companions alive on hard. I'm fighting some elelctrical shooting bitch in some ruins, and he completely melts me and my team.
Early game youll be chuggin 1 pot every fight
>Dont forget we are a generation that thinks colonialism sins in history are worse than fucking Genghis khan
But that is the case
I dont see you refuting this
Trees are better combined. 1h weapons are fast and high damaging, but they're weak vs armor. Combining 1h weapons with 2h weapons, opening 2h and chopping armor down and switching to 1h and cutting down HP is better than focusing on only one.
Same with magic. You can prep magic potions, but it's better to have a mundane form of attack for when you're out of magic.
I wont bite.
Silk Engine, Spiders' own.
It's about character level and especially gear. That lightning guy wrecked me on my first playthrough on hard. The next time you fight him he goes down easy. By endgame you don't even blink when they show up, it's barely a speed bump.
>there will never be another game like Sacrifice
People are saying that assets aren't even encrypted - you can unpack them with a fucking winrar.
Its a quaint engine.
I guess I will remove brown filter. Dont really like the palette they choose in fantasy. Bound By flame was the same.
So whats the best way to play guys? full conflict or charisma my way through things?
The best way to play it is to play the way you want to play it
Is it normal to be almost always broke?
I got to several thousand really quickly, towards the end i was balancing around 8k. Game gives you lot of loot anyway, i rarely purchased anything outside of materials for bombs and bullets.
For a while, if you buy anything at all, yes.
Rifles or Pistols for a gun build?
>buy the 4 barreled firearm
>fully spec in firearms, longswords and Stasis
>mfw every fight is just me dabbin on everyone with 2k damage shots or power attacks
Hmmmmm, I wonder what could have happened here. Some kind of beast maybe? It's truly a mystery.
Still mad I could not fucking fuck her.
I want to fuck him
>be le merchant diplomat
>help the historians
>lie and blame the bridge
>still get good reputation
Mmmmm that perfidiousness
It's refreshing how the game outright rewards lying to fucking everyone, and weaseling out of consequences.
It's a shame that nothin personnel doesn't work with melee weapons
You guys said theres some quest I should be doing before anything related to some "Alba" person.
I just started a quest mentioning that name, what do I need done before?
Are you cheating or did you spend last three days grinding and started playing properly today?
Why the fuck does he look like that Venatori faggot from the Adamant Fortress quest, Erimond or whatever?
Hey they improved animations.
A bit.
Now you have a nice stinger.
So any good mods yet?
>helping some natives, they asked me to find an old man who got lost
>he lost his sight, but doesn't want anyone to know and treat him like a cripple
>report back, say that he's back but advice them to give an apprentice to him
>vasco says that I'm a good person and he hopes to have someone like me by his side when he's old
Top jej
Find the doctors for Constantin supposedly, it's for main quest. I did it and had no problems. Then again while those quests do share two locations, i'm not quite sure how could they conflict to the point of you losing reputation with nauts. Still, better safe than sorry.
The cave you find her in is the same one used for a quest to find some lost lovers or whatever. They were eaten alive, and if you do Alba's quest first, so will she apparently. Losing her will affect Naut reputation or something
so firearms are unironically better than rifles?
While i was grinding away, the Natives were training
Pretty sure there are rifles with ROF as well.
Are there any fuckable cute native guys in this game?
Can confirm.
If you make Alba's quest before finishing doctors quest, you'll find her dead, eaten by beasts, no matter what, and gain -2 rep with Nauts.
If you make Alba's quest AFTER finishing doctors quest, you'll find alive and well, gaining +2 rep with Nauts if you spare her.
They are all pure shamans and warriors, they won't fall for some renaigse thot.
How well does this game play on medium-performance computers, I'm debating if I should get this on PS4 or Steam.
No way of telling unless you try it.
>there is both crafter and alchemyst npc
>crafter only wants around 100~ gold even for the best upgrades
>alchemyst is expensive as fuck, over hundred gold for five bullets, more for potions
I feel like this wasn't balanced all that well. Though you can avoid it with gear and Aphra so w/e.
The only way to get better guns is to buy them?
I'm largely enjoying Greedfall. Is Mars: War Logs worth $3?
>go from barely standing up to some backalley cutthroats to putting down house-sized monsters
That sure escalated fast.
>localization files are in fucking txts
>has a fucking sail fall on it
>has god knows how many weapons and chains attached to his body
What sucks is you being able to stand against a non-injured one with the same shitty animations
I mean, it's $3... The gameplay isn't amazing though, it's rather dull. But the story is pretty interesting.
The setting is really interesting I agree.
Still I think their best game was bound by flame. Before greed ofcourse.
I'm still waiting to find a legendary one
>nigger native betrays me
>oh no you're our friend now xd
>oh, okay, thanks then see ya later
You can revenge him later by not giving him a crown.
Oh don't worry, it gets worse
Technomancer was better.
Bound By Flame shit itself the moment you went out of the marshes.
More like out-fucking-skilled you at your own game, dear renaigse.
You may be right. But i really didnt like the combat in Techno.
>non-injured one with the same shitty animations
Now that's what I expect from Spiders.
Give ME Aphra wife!
Wish they had some recipes for upgrading potions and stuff to be found.
You kind of get overwhelmed with all the possibilites in the beginning but then you have explored all options when the 2nd half begins.
Bro guard or bro boatfag?
should I have spent points in crafting?
I think I'm really missing out on upgrades
Let's see if you can ward off this feint!
what the hell is the setting of this game its like early colonial shit but then this idiot is wearing a cap and bracers and pauldrons.
Take one, get some blacksmith gloves & get to "Friendly" with Kurt. Equip gloves & put Kurt in the party anytime you wanna craft shit
Kurt with friendship + crafting gloves give you 2 free points.
>Sweet Excellency
>My tempest
>My beloved
>My minundhanem
Who named De Sardine is the best?
Are people reloading to get better outcomes, or just accepting the initial consequences of their actions?
I'm not an idiot, so reload.
Savescumming is my blood.
Only time I've done that was for the coup quest. Only because I kept telling myself I should finish this last quest for Kurt while I was heading to Constantin. Felt like my intuition was warning me
I've only reloaded to do more shit before the Coin Guard rebellion. That shit came out of fucking nowhere (in the sense that it happened right at that moment. The Coin Guard were sketchy as fuck in every quest they were involved in.)
How many of you had Kurt shoot himself?
>max CHA Sardine
>it's a 100% "flex your social status in a DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE SPEAKING TO" CHA check
Sell swords and loyalty are mutually exclusive.
I reloaded right at the fight scene because I felt exactly where this shit leads. So it doesn't count.
Couldn't they have made a more pretty brown waifu in a fucking colonial setting game?
My iberian pirate genes refuses this but welcome reddish brown big ass indian cutie.
Finally an rpg protagonist with balls.
I didn't reload my save until that, I thought he'd really stand down, not Cobain himself
Not me, thank the Enlightened. I'd never delay best bro's quests.
>it's a rare ALL SMILES Kurt moment
What is better for talking charisma or intuition?
Give ME Siora wife!
>it doesn't count
Me, but as I said, I reloaded.
(((bridge alliance)))
Not me, i do my quests. I only savescumm speek checks.
When the fuck does Siora's second quest unlock? I've slapped the Coin Guard's shit and half the islanders worshipping my cock, but still nothing.
You just need to invest 2 points into it anyways unless you have friended Petrus along
There are far more CHA only checks than Intuition, though sometimes there's both and sometimes Intuition only checks
Ideally Intuition is the talent you want to rush to 3 due to more loot anyways.
So whats with the gross scraggly shit on people's jaws?
No its a deer.
Progress the MQ
It's obviously a human.
Do I get to boot these sandnigs the fuck off the island later? I did the find Mav quest and the find the rebel natives quests concurrently qnd getting betrayed by these faggots 2 fucking quests in a row for 2 different questlines really activated my almonds
Is there a comparison on how every hairstyle looks with hats on?
How far?
So, there's only 3 upgrades for each talent, and you can add talent points to armor, so would it be possible to just have several sets of armor on hand for each talent and just swap them whenever I need a lock picked, or upgrade crafted, etc?
Don't worry about it.
I give YOU Siora SISTER instead!
>no Kingmaker style romance where you get on with both of the twins
What went wrong???
Slavs need to tell these frogs how to do it right.
You'll get her 2nd quest after getting trials by water
She's probably a lesbo
Progress in the game, nigger
Which game should I get if I want to start playing Spiders eurojank ? Mars War Logs is 3 yuros.
I heard Bound by Flame is the only one that's not very good even with high jank tolerance.
Rapier+ gun is the most /fa/ choice. You can't prove me wrong.
>expecting the kind of care we got from BASED Owlcat
Honestly never seen devs work so hard to fix such a completely busted game. They were shitting out bugfixes on a daily basis. It actually got genuinely funny seeing each bugfix require it's own bugfix to fix the new bugs it had introduced.
Kingmaker had some great waifus though. Valerie and Octavia were hit-or-miss, but the Twins and Nyrissa were pretty great.
Is there any way to pass the in game time in increments smaller than "wai till dusk/dawn"
I have a quest that says to wait 2 hours but the next increment is 14 hours from now
I really can't.
is that supposed to be an old guy?
I can't tell because all the women in the game look like dudes as well
Just put down your controller & go do something for 2 minutes
Can't believe I wore the same shitty preorder bonus hat for the entire game, that +1 Int was too good to turn down.
does it matter what story quests i do first?
>A better world
>You have managed to reconcile all the factions and restore balance
>A big step towards peace
>You have chosen balance, but you miss some of your allies
>Back to the roots
>You have decided to abandon the old continent to its sad fate
>Island for sale
>You have favoured the old world at the expense of your roots
Are they nuts? All these fucking cheevos.
Guns are so satisfying jesus christ
Does that shit come with a loot chance bonus too?
That hat is very fa and I never found anything better than that anyway.
This is some Populous shit
Not really, but hope you did Kurt's
done everyones so far. i always ignore the story quests in favor for side quests
Intuition gives you a 20% loot chance iirc
You can't the game doesn't have options at all. Devs are too scared to bring full conquistador options to the game.
I'm surprised by how nice some of the facial expressions are
Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user! She DOES give me GREAT soreness user! (She does! She does!)
Just asking because I figured most hats gave at least 20% so I was hoping it had both the loot chance % and the +1 Intuition. The one I'm wearing now gives 25%
Nice, green blood
Why does he call you green blood anyway
Please fucking kill yourself immediately
Because you have green nature aids moss growing on your face
I kinda like how the native pronounce "I" as "OI!".
Retard-speak strangely make Siora cuter.
I did it as far as I could, now it says I have to wait for him to find the ghost camp. I already found it randomly, but they just told me to fuck off.
That is very rude of him.
Damn the game is gorgeous some time
>Get out of the tutorial
>That first convo with Kurt
That ain't it chief.
Because he trained you to fight, duh
Just keep advancing the main quests but don't turn in the main quest to Constantin where you find out the plot twist about De Sardet
>Nauts have big curved p*n*ses
>Big curved p*n*ses
>Aphra sex scene
>she pulls you into a leglock
Pretty hot desu
Shame her design is absolute shit next to Siora.
Wait, really? What a fucking dick.
>Kurt gets a quest chain that triggers a new quest chain dealing with a deep state organization
>the others: ????
Petrus was informative though, especiall when you learn that he wanted to fuck your mom
>did this first
>kurt died and shit hit the fan
Honestly, I really wish the game had been a little more open that shit was going to hit the fan.
If you did Kurts quest you would know that shit would hit the fan with the "WE HAVE POSITIONED GHOST UNITS AT EVERY GOVENERS BACK" talk.
Then it wouldn't be a secret coup, user.
Petrus is genuinely based
>happily backstabs the dickheads in his own factions
>implied to be on good terms with whores, as well as knowing about fine wines
>still has a true faith
How is there even anybody left in the Coin Guard after you clear out all the corrupt guys.
What! Give ME mommy wife!
I just wanted to max Siora's affection first
was that so wrong
Yeah, narratively it made great sense.
>haha wow De Sardet, your birthmark looks AWFULLY similar to the natives
>wow De Sardet I thought you were a native but you're dressed in the foreigners clothes!
>haha De Sardet, the natives trust you, it might because you look JUST like them haha
I'm only an hour into the game and the plot twist is already too glaringly obvious.
>was that so wrong
Yes, you keep the sweets for last, that should be common knowledge.
>You have forged a tender relationship with someone who nevertheless is a cold scientist in everyone's eyes.
>You have managed to win the heart of Síora and are now her minundhanem, her "soulmate".
>Kurt's brotherly affection has turned into something else over the years, and you are now much more than comrades in arms.
>You and Vasco have forged a unique link as turbulent and powerful as the sea.
>Bishop Petrus regards you as the son he never had.
Wait a second.
Can't max hers until way deeper into the game so you dun goofed
>implying that's anything compared to the actual first big moment that is the coup
Yeah, I know. I reloaded and did Kurt's quest, along with everyone else's.
Aphra has you learn some more lore about natives. Vasco and Siora are bit meh.
I'm wearing the preoder bonus coat, even though it's getting outclassed in stats, just because I think it's effay af.
Just getting a shotgun and ignoring anything else while spamming that button is more stylish
A man of taste.
OOI am not retoorded annun, but thaenks
Hello, I'm Sardine, Legate of the Congregation
Why do people say this game is so easy?
I'm playing on hard, which people say is still easy, but I really struggle at level 12. My companions die in 3-4 hits on "bosses".
I'm currently running around some old ruins and there's an electric monster crushing me, and Vascos' quest by the shipwreck has another one of those, and I swear I dealt like 1% damage on him when I died.
I'm using Vascos and Siora
You need to take off the armor first.
More like
>Hello, I'm Legate, Sardine of the Congregation
Would be relevent if you could use that knowledge instead of finding it out again in the main quest line.
>hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm just how could this pedestal thing in front of the door work??? If only the natives had taught us......................... HMMMMMMM
Sometimes le sardine has bit of alzheimers.
I didn't even take off one armour thingie, despite hitting him like 10-15 times.
Can this game work on my toaster?
Guns, renaigse. Use them.
Try using guns or magic.
If your doing melee I recommend using a controller.
difficulty only changes the number of enemies and how much damage they deal so you'd still barely do any damage on normal or easy
rethink your life
It can't be just me, why the FUCK did they make the music so low?
Fucking disservice to best boy composer Olivier
Swords are for damaging health.
You should use blunt weapons / guns / alchemy to sheer them off.
Or bypass it with magic.
Huh so do you actually gain more XP on Extreme due to more enemies?
>hmm today I will tell my cousin the truth about my parentage
if it doesnt change exp values, probably
Fuck i'm not sure if i should replay. Game is pretty fun, but there isn't that much choices story wise.
What build are you even running? Did you upgrade your weapons at the blacksmith?
I first encountered that guy during vasco’s quest extreme and simply pounded him with guns and while it wasn’t necessary I also poisoned it with like 10 poison vials just so that it would die as fast as possible.
Besides how are you even dying to that thing just spam parry and avoid lightning zaps
This. The only thing I can't wrap my mind around is why didnt they reverse the trigger assignment. Right trigger should be the attack, not left. Its awkward
Is there romance in the game or is my sole purpose to COLONIZE?
But kurt literally tells you hes straight
Same desu. I rolled out the best ending so I'm not sure if there's a point in making other choices.
Not really I think once is enough since once you know the whole story, twists and how it plays out there’s no point.
>Is there romance in the game
2 str8 1 gay for each sex
I'm like 9 points into heavyweapons and 4 points into guns. I try to upgrade them whenever I have materials for it.
Gay(gay) or bi?
I'm a good boy!
2 str8s 2 bi in total
>no "Loving"
A pure boy.
One point of Intuition gives you +25% Loot Chance. And it stacks with similar items (i.e. the pre-order coat that comes with +50% Loot Chance).
I got Island for sale since I saw it as basically inevitable anyway, but apparently that's the bad ending due to the super aids.
You can fuck people and then tell them it was just a fling. No harem.
How did you do that?
Is the lesbo option any good or is it just pure tumblr
There's no tumblr in this game
Give Ullan the crown.
Radical. And I heard the natives are like Celtic barbarians on crack, is that accurate?
Jesus christ
Yeah kinda
I'm like 20 hours in and Nauts are still suspicious of me and I have no idea why
I initialy wanted to do that too since i completely forgot about the balance dude and he seemed to be better option than the warrior bitch at least.
How does it affect the aids, no shamans send to old world? Island starts getting corrupted too?
I'm very confused. Is Kurt one of the bi options or did they just not want to redo the dialogue for male/female MCs?
It was on Extreme
aids reaches the island and the natives are put into reservations.
Vasco and Siora are bi.
The guy who made the Hellsing anime used to art fag on Yea Forums for fun.
Is this good eurojank or atrocious eurojank like Elex was? Pic related, was me after getting suckered into trying Elex.
>Enemies 2-4 shot you
>AI companions are like wet paper
I start to think I've been meme'd when people say that hard is the proper difficulty. I switched it down to normal, and it feels like much more of a healthy challenge with no bullshit attacks taking 40% off of your health in one swing even with upgraded armour.
gross. total waste.
cut those fucking trees and while you're at it burn the fucking amazon as well
NOTHING will get in the way of MAN
>playing on journo difficulty
What! Extreme IS the PROPER difficulty user! (It is! It is!)
Well shit. Anyone picked the warrior bitch? I assume she kicks everyone out and they die in old world, eh?
Whatever happened to the tranny that had to go offline after the greedfall review
>oh, one of the sidequests reveal that someone reaaaally specific was in this continent like this
>I wonder what that was about lol
I'm surprised no game has renamed the easiest difficulty to "Journalist Mode" in the same way Wolfenstein took the piss out of you for picking Easy.
What does balance do?
Is it better than armor?
means you don't get knocked down
I'm fucking shit at video games and still managed to finish extreme no problems. What fucking builds are you people using.
I enjoy a healthy challenge, but hard is just bullshit with this game's clunky controls. I love the game so far, but I really don't feel like hard is the proper way to play this, with clunky controls and monsters almost two-shotting you.
I figure it's like a blueblood except young.
9 points into heavy weapons and 4 into guns so far.
>clunky controls
The sooner you map actual dodge aka shift to RMB the sooner you can have fun in the combat
Only downside is you sprint by pressing RMB too but whatever
why does this game form 2000 have real time landscape deformation and change that is used for GAMEPLAY, but modern games don't have this shit
IT PISSES ME OFF that no game has come close to sacrifice in terms of gameplay
I think you should’ve went full guns or either full heavy weapons that early in the game. For example you need to rush accuracy for guns and also grab at least science 2 and then swim in ammo.
Your traps/vials especially poison are fantastic for bosses.
Hybrid is great late game but early game you should’ve specialized I think that’s the main reason you’re having trouble and you’re not even on extreme.
simple muh grafix
should of went into stasis and guns
Thanks for the tip. I already wasted my free respec I got when I left the continent, how can I get another one?
Ironically the next respec crystal I got was from that lightning guy in vasco’s quest.
also I will post this
the same way making better graphics but running at 1FPS is not fucking good for a video game, sacrificing the CORE of what videogames are, the gameplay, for visuals is only a path to ruin.
Heavy and guns kinda do the same thing - focus armor. Think guns are better of the two because they still do shitload of damage to hp. Though you can use heavy to spec into healing which is nice. But you can get there through stasis too which allows you more control.
how do I unlock the nig companion? I've talked with the bridge governor and already have based petrus on the party
I know user but lets not forget here there was also a lot of shit after we have curated everything.
If there is one thing we lost even in consoles is more personality in games.
But right now I think we are turning back around a bit maybe, not only picking old engines and pushing them to the limit but also incorporating new elements to them.
I wouldn't mind Quake graphix if it let me have interesting levels and gameplay. So heres hoping Wrath is good.
Alright, thanks. I'll try and get a respec crystal through and spec light weaponry and guns instead, then.
Get stasis, then spam that.
Do quests for the bridge governor. Something about searching for expedition.
Hikmet quest to find missing researcher party
Wait for now. They are probably going to patch it a bit.
And if the game ends up selling successfully theres a chance for an enhanced edition.
That would be the right time for a replay.
Is there a max level?
>>I wouldn't mind Quake graphix if it let me have interesting levels and gameplay. So heres hoping Wrath is good
Literally the only thing that is even CLOSE to gameplay foused that I found in the last 5 years or even more is "deep rock galatic"
it has compeltely destructively environment and the graphics while blocky, are more styled than minecraft shit tier.
Anyway the ability to affect the world and modify the terrain in anyway is great.
but thats about the only game that feels like it's focused on gameplay and I get a sense of "freedom"
that old games gave.
>two hundred years ago
>That would be the right time for a replay.
I hope so, we need the Constantin romance, because let's face it there is really no other reason to join him except if you really love him (or if you pissed off everyone).
>And if the game ends up selling successfully theres a chance for an enhanced edition.
It's been on steam top selling spot since it launched. There is no way this game flopped.
I rebound sprint/dodge to spacebar and it feels so much better for dodging about.
Or because he's contantly hinting on how much he literally needs you and you are literally the only person to ever show him love, unironically
Lets first see how much into the red Spiders went, when they extended the development of Greedfall by 1,5 years.
you just know
so because of love, yeah
could've just got rid of Kurt's, Vasco's and the black chick's romance and just put a lot of effort into Constantin and Siora.
>kill some random bandits in town
>go do some other quests for a like an hour
>come back
>bodies still there in the alley
>town bandits only attack you at night
One of the smartest systems in the game.
If you want to avoid the hassles of encounters on the street just move during daylight.
But some town quests require you to go somewhere at night and the normal bandit spawn then functions as encounter generator for the quest.
Two-handed blades yay or nay? I suppose that they deal more damage per hit, but are a lot slower than one-handed?
I just specced down until I can get that talent, but I think I might go guns and traps next.
how viable is it to play just with rifles/pistols and just a tad bit of swashbuckling?
As long as you put points into science so you'll have enough bullets it's viable
Perfectly, guns are strong. You will need point in science tho plus another from armor to be able to craft bullets. When you get Aphra to frindly you might respec from it even.
This game has so many little details and touches, it's insane that it was done by a 20 person team.
>that fucking part in Kurt's quest where you have to sneak through the camp
Holy fuck it was so buggy. Every time you load a save the guards might be in different places, or facing a different direction, following different routes, or moving when they were standing still before or vice versa. I just had to keep reloading the save until it gave me a configuration that was even remotely possible to sneak through.
So stronk...
Haze potion
Can these threads please go on until I'm back home this sunday, or can we at least have Greedfall generals on /vr/ for another week?
Haze what now
The ghost camp? I don't recall having to sneak there.
Should I bother spending points into long blades, or is the animation too slow to bother? I'm going for an agility/accuracy/science build
Haze potion
That's really all it is. You dance around spamming one attack and work in some fury attacks as well. Combat is really shallow, but it's not the focus of the game.
>first Remnant turns out to be amazing
>then Greedfall
What's happening? Are people who enjoy video games finally making them again?
You don't HAVE to. It's an optional objective when you go to arrest Rolf, to avoid killing any of the soldiers.
Every weapon works honestly, not because they're great and diverse, but because the game itself isn't very difficult.
>greedfall's texture replacement is a pain in the ass
Could've sworn a screenshot of some white coat was posted, haven't ran into that armor yet, where is it??
Gun/traps is pretty overpowered. Gotta be able to craft bullets though.
Remnant looks kind of dull and the reviews aren't too great, any reason the game is good?
Siora > Aphra
Sardine best girl anyway.
It feels like weird pseudo eurojank. Combat is heavily dumbed down to almost western AAA levels, you don't have many offensive abilities to choose from and NPCs don't even have schedules.
I am sorry but waifu wars dont really work in this game.
Also they are too similar for being from opposing factions.
I thought Aphra would be the edgy bitch, but actually she is pretty kind like Siora.
Wish they would have put them into a bigger opposition.
for 40 bucks, it's quite the game. It's not as punishing as the souls series, but the gunplay is fun, the worlds are different. the co-op is solid. plus it lets you create some fun builds and the developers have been doing patches like crazy. plus they are adding new content for free. new world, allowing you to reset each world/zone without restarting the game, new gear and weapons as well as bosses.
Good god, I see what you meant now. Siora seems to be pretty quiet, but boatbro won't shut the fuck up in combat. Is this the true nature of eurojank?
just a bit of poison on my blade
It's a part of his charm.
Is there any way to beat kurt during the tutorial? Maybe I was just too shit but it seemed impossible
If Vasco wasn't so ugly I wouldn't have minded banging his ass, too bad childhood friend manly man bro is straight, as usual. Game is fun so far, but enemy attack hitbox can be pretty janky and annoying, also that brown filter gets old pretty fast, god fucking bless for mods
Im sorry user, its terminal
user, you're literally too shit. I beat him 3 times right now on extreme without breaking a sweat.
>*whistles for Coin Guard*
>*autoruns on road to quest marker*
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Nadaig Frasamen™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Kurt"
>*follows nose*
>*guys in Nadaig Frasamen™ costumes appear*
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *poisons guys with bombs and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half*
>"Mhmm....Inquisitors™ pretending to be Nadaig Frasamen™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Kurt"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some inquisitors posing as Nadaig Frasamen™, here's proof" *shows horn*
>50 gold received
Spiders games never have mods
Wait its actually possible to lose?
Fuck off, Elex was great.
Meh. It worked great for witcher because of the spot-on onomatepoia but that doesnt really transfer well here.
Same. Its too kino to replace with some dorky metal helm
>only one (ONE!) okay-ish face for a female
What were they thinking really
40 is bit steep, I'll waot until it goes down in price and has more content.
Does it havw an endgame, or is it just endless co-op?
they wanted you to play male as its only right
>when Sardine lowers a head and you can't see the eyes
Pure kino.
I only lost for lore purposes haha
But female has better VA
Now add some sort of facial hair and he can finally begin competing with Kurt
>wanting to be reminded of OC Donutsteel PSSSST nothing personal chosen kid with every line
no thanks
The what
Yeah but the hair is still unsalvageable
Don't take off the hat.
I also forgot that.
Basically give him at least stubble and a shorter haircut and THEN he can be beat Kurt.
Ok but why Sardine?
>not being reminded of femHawke
>finished Siora line and finally friednly with her
>there still no option for romance
Guess i have to settle for sandnigress stinky pussy now
>including aphra
Now it's certain that i fucked up my responce.
Well whatever, with her birth mark she could easily be my sister.
End game is the final difficulty level, other than that it's not like you will be doing much else. The biggest thing with the game is about collecting the gear in it. it's not a looter-shooter by anymeans. You end up getting your gear from certain bosses and different ways you kill them. The replayability is that each world has different posses and you only get a few per playthrough. this includes the maps you are given. so it allows you to replay 1 world a few times (or a lot of times) to get certain maps, bosses, item drops.
How's the PC version? I heard some stuff at launch about it running poorly on pc. Am I better off getting it on console?
My PC is ancient by today standarts (i5 3570K/GTX 980) and i have no issues.
>kurt's dialogue in the tutorial fight talks changes depending on your sex
How did you fuck it up?
It's kind of stuttery, and I noticed it have the old "if you look in a precise direction in a particular map your FPS will tank"-thingie.
alright I'll likely be sorted then
Think I might pick it up tonight, people seem to be enjoying it well enough
It kind of goes against the point of the game to just murder all the natives, but whatever you say bro
Like any high detail area, or just one specific place that fucks you up?
>checked the game files
>it really happens only because protag is female
>Ah, so the old goat is coming, too? And there I was thinking I would die of boredom on the trip…
>Don't tell me that the old school teacher is competing against me!
The church doesnt even aim to exterminate the natives, but missionize them.
The Arabs are the ones who want to genocide everything that walks and isnt them.
Just a few specific area so far.
For exemple in the starting area of the native village if I look in direction opposite of it that is to say, if I look toward the "edge" of the map, my fps will tank.
But outside of that and the occasional stutter, it's silky smooth 60fps
After her mother's burial i talked to her and chose "i like traveling with you" or something along these lines (can't really remember) and now the only option in her dialogue tree is the question about her father. Oh well.
I have the same thing but I think it opens up again after The Trials Of The Waters.
Kurt is a huge softie
Kurt isnt gay-able.
>>Don't tell me that the old school teacher is competing against me!
I didn't think too much about this line when I heard it, but what does this imply, exactly? Is the Sardine known for going after older men?
>that chase scene
>That boss fight against healer's guardian
>That spy.
That was literally most kino 5 minutes of game.
Bombs are shit though.
Guns>>>>>>>Longsword/Alchemy>>>>>>Magic>>>>>>>Bridge Alliance's Shitting Street>>>>>>Pure Warrior.
He's just jokingly jealous.
Come to think of it, how old is Sardine anyway
24-25. Stated by Sardine when you ask the admiral about your past. Basically the same age as Vasco.
Having issues with rebinding keys. I've rebinded some of the less useful buttons on my mouse to some of the function keys, so I can have extra mouse buttons, but the game doesn't seem to recognize secondary key inputs at all.
how doe the tools/traps work in this game? Do you have to craft them each individually or do they restock after each fight?
Magic is objectively stronger than anything else though