I bet Yea Forums can't name ONE single game with a good NG+
I bet Yea Forums can't name ONE single game with a good NG+
Other urls found in this thread:
Dark Souls
Jackie Chan
Bloodstained Ritual of the Night
Dark Souls 2 NG+ completely changes the game. New enemies, new drops, all that shit.
parasite eve
Dragon's Dogma
Borderlands 2
Original Zelda.
Ratchet and clank
>Dark Souls 2 NG+ completely changes the game.
>puts a bit more enemies in certain areas
>let's you get +2-3 rings
>all that shit
wow it¨s quite literally nothing
Most Tales Of games with the GRADE system that lets you buy mutators for new game plus, like double xp or keeping all weapons and cash.
Zelda 1
Super Metroid, because you gotta be quite knowledgable about it to access it.
Xenoblade 2
>puts enemies in the game that can only be found in NG+
>allows to get completely different souls from boss drops, each allowing to make completely different weapons
Yeah, bro. Literally nothing. You sound like you've totally played the game!
/hgg/s CoC mod
I said GOOD you redditers
Chrono Trigger
hey you arent me
the witcher 3
The Spiderman game where you get to play as green goblin in his own storyline
Xenoblade 2
Wind Waker
Unironically Nioh, but only at WoTN
NieR: Automata.
Akiba's Trip: Undead and Undressed, and all the other games they made (Way of the Samurai series)
Luigi's Mansion 3D
Silent Hill 3
Tales.of symphonia
Three Houses
Stella Glow.
Bastion, literally the only game that made me go for a NG+
So you're a retard who never even tried any others and yet think your opinion matters?
u mad?
Why would I be mad about you purposefully limiting yourself on the amount of things you get to experience? Are you a drooling fucking moron?
u mad
MGS games
Dragons Dogma
DMC games
Any wacky wahoo action game that lets you use new weapons and abilities on old levels.
Fire Emblem Three Houses. I'm playing it right now.
Jets'n'Guns, it's tied to the story. Also, EYE: Divine Cybermancy.
Mafia's Freeride Extreme is a bit different thing, but it is great, it was basically an entirely different game mode which main goal was to break the game.
Chrono Trigger
>all this Fromsoft shit
Resident Evil 4
>ng+ is just steamrolling the exact same shit with new gear
fun for the first couple of times but boring as hell
DMC5(though really Nero’s DB and DT should have been in the first playthrough he felt incomplete without it)
Sengoku Rance.
Corruption of Champions
>Castle Crashers
>Borderlands 2
>Deus Ex
>Dragon's Dogma
Haha jokes on you faggot, I posted ONE single game FIVE times. Now if you'll excuse me I have to shitpost elsewhere, good day.
Based ds2 CHAD
>Chrono trigger
Besides the secret boss/ending
What else there is to it?
Chrono Trigger
the ratchet and clank ps2 trilogy
Chrono Trigger
Three Houses
Its not just one secret ending, there's eight of them. Its pretty fun to go through and see them all by beating the final boss at different points in the game.
Dying Light
I believe Corruption of Champions briefly had a ng+ feature
Chrono Trigger
Dragons Dogma
Tales of (insert name here)
Chrono Trigger
Most DMC games
Most SMT games
dead space 2
Dead space 2s was pretty fun, very different game from your first run but now that you know how the cogs work it becomes really fun to see how you plan out each encounter
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 did it perfect.
Xenoblade Chronicles 1 is the perfect example on how not to do it.
Parasite Eve 2.
Chrono Trigger.
jak 3
rachet and clank 1, 2 and remaster
Rachet and clank
Wow does it change it from the shittiest Souls game into something decent in NG+?
It had a new game+? What is it like?
All those endings (beside the secret one)
Can't be achived in normal game?
you keep your weapons and upgrades and you can increase the difficulty, but you can't do hardcore mode in ng+
You can only get two endings based on whether or not you revive Crono normally.
The only way to get the other endings would be by grinding like a motherfucker to be able to defeat Lavos before you're intended to.
Also there's a warp to Lavos in the fair a the start of the game that only appears on NG+, which leads to the quickest ending.
>use charged Plasma Beam on Crocomire
>he just nopes the fuck out after one shot
Environmental Station Alpha.
Post-game/NG+ is when the real crazy shit starts happening.