>Hey welcome back to game grumps
>Scream upon dying
>"This is really difficult"
>"This is crazy"
>Comment about sucking penises
>"This is impossible!"
>"Try X"
>"X won't work"
>Condescending "Arin..."
>"Did I ever tell that story when I...?"
>It's the third time but nobody remembers
>More autistic screeching
>"Give it 17 more tries"
>"Next time on Game Grumps!"
Hey welcome back to game grumps
Other urls found in this thread:
Since it’ll come up eventually anyways, who do you watch instead of The Game Grumps? For me, its TRG and Oneyplays.
Take your autistic e-celeb shit elsewhere, we talk about vidya gamez here.
I watch my own videos.
mostly to make sure everything is okay and the editing is how I want it to be, but also because my memory is really really bad and it reminds me of what I did
fune weeheee !
I watched OneyPlays until the Mechagamezilla video. Then i stopped.
I really liked Game Grumps when it was just Jon and Arin.
I wish there were a channel like this where both hosts are actually likable and both actually like video games.
Does Arin still beatbox the same beat in videos? Haven't watched in god knows how long and that shit annoyed me
Alpharad isn't the worst but it helps that he's actually good at video games.
The only reason I watch let's players is because I don't play nintendo games.
Nobody, I haven't found a good replacement yet. I just keep rewatching all the old grumps stuff...
Its been wild to see them grow as a long time fan. I pop in every now and again but even the power hour started feeling formulaic
well? whats your sub count?
Is it true that Arin and Dan aren't actually friends and they're just in it for the money? Kinda sad.
yatzee's let's drown out, his new livestrems as cool too but they don't have the soul
Chugga, SGB, Super Mega and Oney. Johnny really is a cool guy to watch.
>"This is crazy"
Arins said they won't be using "crazy" anymore because some people might find it insulting
You lie, no one is that whipped.
Him and that southern poof dont have the chemistry as him and gabe. They should do one or two drown outs over skype a year or something.
I remember the episode, he did in fact say that.
This is the same guy that virtue signaled his way out of an apology remember
>even the people in the comments nicely disagreeing with him
Well alright then.
Oh I haven't forgotten. The Pelo thing, right?
>virtue signaled his way out of an apology
You have my attention
How can some dude talk about sucking penises, the d club, having sex with his male coworkers, male bodies, and balls on an hourly basis for 7 straight years and not come out of the closet?
Mostly TRG and StrawhatNo. I've almost stomached Thorn being a genderfluid Yea Forumscore bitter faggot, but Jacob and his effeminate mental retardation can stay in Florida.
This mongoloid retard somehow convinced himself that wokeness makes up for how dogshit he is at playing literally anything
It's the shit that happened with Pelo. Dude made a parody vid about storytimes and Arin said it was offensive and demeaning like that dude never did the exact same thing. It got to the point where his old newgrounds friends even started shitting on him which was hilarious.
Charlie is literal Yea Forums incarnate except he's fit and has a life
Stop being jealous fag
I think Corey is actually very close to beating Zach for most entertaining person on Oneyplays. His autism is unmatched. If BoneyPlays has Zach Corey Chris and whomever I think it'll be the true golden age reminiscent of when Zach and Corey both played Spiderman 2.
And I havent watched Grumps ever since they stopped playing Punch Out.
dsp is god awful
Simpleflips confirmed good
Imagine paying a dude to play a video game only to have him ragequit and tell his fans to fuck off
Corey is fun to listen to for a little while but after some time he becomes grating and it's hard for me to believe anything he says. He comes off as compulsive liar.
Corey's brand of autism is modern marvel.
Can't Fucking stand Elliot tho
With today's culture you'd be surprised.
Elliot of the past or Elliot now? Because he's a lot better now than he was a few years ago.
Vinny Vinesauce, Dopelives if he decides to come back. I've also been enjoying BlackPantsLegion's space station videos recently
I think I heard something about this...
Where can I see his "apology"?
Game Grumps play Risk
>Arin: Ok so today we are playing R-
>Jon starts yelling incoherent stuf
>Arin: Hahaha yeah that's so funny and right now we will lay out the map
>Jon now starts screaming, windows are heard breaking
>Arin: Oh JonTron Im so gay for you
>Jon resumes screaming, reaching a pitch hitherto unknown to humanity, he can be heard for miles. Dogs and other sensitive animals fall dead within the blast zone.
>Arin: Jon lets begin you ge-
>Jon's screams now become so loud that the earth cracks and crumbles beneath him, the entirety of the earth is consumed within the high pitched screams which are causing small ripples in reality to form as the universe tries to understand why it allowed such a piece of shit to exist
>Arin: Next time on Game Grumps we start reading the rules. We may even read the second rule.
>Jons screams literally blinks the entire solar system out of existence as the universe tries to correct itself
>Its the most popular video on youtube ever made
you cannot debate this
I just want Jon to make his own Zelda playthroughs to put Arin's shitty ones to shame.
james and mike is the only correct answer
What's up with the Mechagamezilla video? A shift in tone or?
Its a parody video about Oneyplays
Vinny and Jerma are the only "watch someone else play a game" type of content that I enjoy. Unless you count AVGN, but I see that as a separate thing.
>have friends that actually went to their last live tour thing in NYC because they've been watching GG since '12
>they probably genuinely don't know Arin is a terrible person
>probably fall for his and Danny's obvious emotional manipulation too so they never question it
Do I tell them or just let them find out on their own
>Johnny and his brother are great
>all of his friends are awful
Feels good to be a Megachad
I don’t get why anyone would go to a liveshow of fucking Lets Players. I understand watching their content, I understand laughing at the jokes, fuck I even understand donating. But buying a ticket, driving out to a venue, and watching some fuckers play video games on a stage is a complete waste of your time and money.
You have to be a child or actually autistic to not be able to tell it’s 100% a job to them
I think they just did it because of how GG was advertising it as
maybe it was some sort of weird urge to not miss out on it and apparently it was a pseudo-concert for NSP so there's that
and for context they already live in NYC so I guess to them it was a matter of just getting a ticket and I don't even wanna know what the prices could've been
Post a link, fag
>a dead nigga and a guy masturbating is what constitutes gaming on Yea Forums
Show them the picture of Arin in the dress and start it off positive like “Haha isn’t this weird?” Then dig further into him.
nah dude meeting with your friends and sword fighting with your dicks isn't gay at all
jon doesn't play games anymore
Based Jon Jihadi growing out of childish videogames
Neither does Arin.
He's a Blizzdrone. Guaranteed he's on another video hiatus to play WoW Classic.
>Don't mind Shara (that's her name, right?)
>Uncle is the best (made Johnny into what he is today)
>Matt can be a bit too aggressive
>I miss Mark
>And Johnny's friends from FXV can range from alright to try hard (watch his KH livestream for that)
Man, Matt went from the fun edgey old school Yea Forums-esque humor one in SGB to actual SJW cuck. He nearly threw a bitch fit st the fucking Jared fight in Fractured but Whole.
This is an accurate representation of what makes a Game Grumps episode.
He's always been a little slow in the head, but I'll take generic zoomer with arrested development and a fat dummy fetish Elliot over screeching retard Elliot.
I also watch TRG but man star fox 64 is boring
Oneyplays and Vinesauce
i'll change what i said, jon doesn't make game videos anymore
they're actually okay with that kind of shit it puts me off but they don't act like obnoxious faggots about it so I don't challenge it
>He nearly threw a bitch fit st the fucking Jared fight in Fractured but Whole.
That one made me laugh, like, what happened to him? This is the same guy who played Conker for the channel only once got uneasy in it (hell, everyone got uneasy when they got to the cog section).
It really exposes how shit Ding Dong and Julian were and it soured the videos they were in for me
I am not enjoying recent Oneyplays vids.
Let's plays are not videogames
>the channels i watch aren't on here
pretty based if i do say so myself
I've said it once and I'll say it again, pedophilia rubs Matt in too wrong a way because he has pedophilic urges he's keeping tight under wraps. I don't mean it disingenuously or memetically, either: he acts like a repressed pedophile. All the more power to him for not giving in to the urge to diddle, but any time pedophilia comes up, from Punisher to LA Noire, he goes hard on the defensive and is more abrasive than usual for a while until he realizes he's making a scene.
>still watching GG
Even when Jon was still on it was getting stale and dull before 2012 was out, I have no idea how people can still be attached to it 7 years later.
Which is funny because I never gave a shot about the cog scene either. It isn't real, and is meant to just be a black comedy joke like the rest of the game.
Fuck, I remember Matt decided to do their way too fucking long playthrough of Farcry 5 on the channel. This was when you could really tell he took the blue pill hard. He obviously put that game up for a chance at his own personal soap box but he definitely wanted to wait till later. You c an tell a few times he stops himself from putting rural folk and conservatives on blast because he was waiting for a moment later. I never saw it because I dropped the play through like a sack of rocks when Johnny and Elliot said that they thought the word "chuck" was funny sounding and Matt flipped his shit and had the pissiest attitude and inflection about it. The hilarious part were all of the comments pointing it out and linking to his twitter showing how hard he got blue pulled.
Crying shame, he was one of my favorites too.
Just vinesauce since SBFP split
watch oney
>eceleb watcher
holy shit the trifecta of cancer all in one post
fuck you
I just skipped that one because I wasn't interested in Far Cry, holy shit, Matt my dude, calm down.
remember to sage and report eceleb threads
>white person trying to rap
I’m just happy that Emile is having fun and improving with a game he’s bad at, unlike Jon
I'm a monholoid phone poster and that was supposed to be "cuck" not chuck.
Matt's fall from grace has been a sad and slow one.
You know... I never noticed that. But now that you mention it, that makes total sense
Wait, the last time I saw this it was a monopoly video, how many times did he talk about this shit?
Jerma's recent SMRPG streams are really comfy.
What compels so many ecelebs to become “woke” anyways?
They really are just dumb Floridian white trash that got lucky aren’t they
I miss him on FWOB.
He’s too ironic, it gets annoying
Northernlion, TRG, ChipCheezum, Raocow, WoolieVersus, and Pat Stares At.
>straight up 20 minute sections of them playing a game with no cuts
>even if what they're doing is boring and they're not being funny they keep it in
>20 minutes of boring small talk often not even about the game in question with maybe one funny segment every 10 episodes
>175k+ views on every video
How do they do it
His stuff with cade and dyllan was absolutely god teir.
Fuck major though, if you dont like video games dont make them your job you retard.
>ecelebs need to use social media to keep the views/clicks coming
>social media is full of people being woke and "cancelling" other people that aren't woke enough to enhance their own wokeness points
>become woke out of necessity
Same reason stores put pro antifa posters on their windows so they don't get trashed when the woke brigade starts smashing shit
Arin is basically the new DSP. People only watch him play games because they know he's bad at them and he'll complain as if its not his fault.
>he goes hard on the defensive and is more abrasive than usual for a while until he realizes he's making a scene.
Well shit... I'll be keeping an eye out for that. Truthfully, I hope he doesn't have an interest in kids.
Vinesauce is good even his fans worry me sometimes. The gayest thing I've ever seen on the internet was someone in his chat replied to someone and said "haha, nice ContraPoints reference ;)
vinesauce is the only streamer/youtuber these days that plays games and doesn't shove patreon,donations, or merch in your face every video. He's one of the only decent ones left that isn't consumed by greed.
I don't get how Vinny got such weird ass fucking fans. He's a guy that plays whatever he wants and talks about music and life in New York more than anything, yet his fans are screaming furries and "trans rights" people. In his Blasphemous stream just yesterday when he fought the boss that summons his sister for aid, the chat flooded with trans hearts and people shouting about trans rights, because they thought that it was some kind of fucking trans message.
most of his fanbase WAS from Yea Forums. Now it's mostly reddit. The zoomer "contra points" and "Daddy Vinny
Chugga still doesn’t, he doesn’t even stream, but thats probably because of his autism
I'm glad I never watch his shit live anymore. What a fucking trainwreck.
Once he let a furry help him out with moderating it was all over
>Chugga tells people he has autism
>Held back information no doubt in fear of ridicule and comparisons to Crish Chan
>Everyone just accepts him
Feels great ya know?
Is Emile the textbook definition of high functioning autism?
I like some of his content but most of his reactions and jokes just arent for me.
Good lord, that explains so much. Especially the overapologizing.
Weren't this 2 fags living in the grumps basement
I doubt they are any different
This was a Joel stream, but still.
Stay far away from Vinesauce chat.
I like them because they aren't pussy-whipped to follow Youtubes/Their fanbase ""rules""
So bizarre channels that were once dedicated to corruptions and old Nintender games are now home to a bunch of autists screaming about furry cock vore porn.
He also seems to have not had the best childhood with his dad as well. Honestly, it's great to see him come so far, despite the set backs. Go check out his first Earthbound let's play, you'll notice he holds back when it comes to his own enjoyment.
I'd rank Mick higher than that and Nial last.
Other than that good taste user.
They still mostly are that, which is what makes it all the more bizarre.
Dont forget danny saying periodically that they are off to a bad start.
Aloha! It is I, the great Clement.
Feels good. No let's player puts as much work and passion into their videos has he does. Nigga deserves the best in life and he's got it.
Like this guy as well. Anyone know why he took down his Rocket Knight Q&A Let's Play?
>haha my pornography fetishes are inherently superior to your pornography fetishes! Degenerate!
Get a fucking grip.
they are
Vinny Vinesauce? Was his stream that this clip was based off I'm pretty sure
Are those the guys that just recited a game grumps episode of Yoshi's Island once?
That shit was hilarious.
basically this
>here we are at Area 51 and...it’s pretty gay
No, that was Friends Without Benefits.
Thanks for the correction user.
northernlion's twitch streams(only gaming content I can bring myself to watch that isn't heavily edited at this point), alpharad, RTgame, nerdcubed when he gets his shit together and makes something decent and edited, been watching a lot of minecraft shit lately since I'm big into it again and that's about it for actual gaming content that isn't video essays or analysis.
I miss SBFP
Sbfp's magnum opis was their dark souls play through and everything else was trash.
Beard bros is still the top tier let's players. They're the only ones who feel like they still do it for fun
Too bad their upload schedule is so fucked.
I'm pretty sure everyone knew he was on the spectrum.
>He's a Blizzdrone
>Literally made a video where he shit on bliz for shutting down private servers.
you forgot
>fart noises
his solo gameplays are good but goddammit he's fucking unbearable when he plays smash or against opponents
>Every smash video is him trying to be "funnyboi trollin"
>the second he fucks up he edits them out
>"uhuhuhuhu what a dumdum-WHAAAAT?!"
>his "the best" videos are just bulli travis
>"Oh shit I'm losing? Hey man let's hang up on the other guy"
>that video where he straight up ended it before acknowledges Travis bested him in smashdown
>the video where the rest of Panda global straight up butt fucked him, you can tell he's angry or just fed up
we get it did you don't like to lose but at least have fun doing it
been like this since his smash montages, at least his montage clones like king of skill makes fun of their own fuck ups
Can i get the rundown on ding dong and julian shit
Gay furries have weird fetishes
Also they were afraid of being Game Grumps 2.0 so they left
Don't they occasionally join again sometimes still?
Jerma, rtgame, charborg
They moved out of state because California (at the time) didn't have rent control, so they got priced out.
Whats with that mexhagodzilla video and ding dong getting butthurt?