Ahhh... classic WoW.... home

Ahhh... classic WoW.... home.....

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Fucking gay

>takes gold
>takes letter copy
>takes letter out the the stables and rubs it in the shit
man, can't believe he was actually this based

>Asmon collects gold

can twitter cancel this ugly fuck like projared so I never have to see his face again?


>autistic hoarder gets to make money playing video games
>people look up to him
yes these mass shootings are just coincidence, not purges of disgusting humans

So the guy was just leveling one char to pass off all of his stuff to a twitch whore? And he paid a fee for it? that's dumb.

"Our BOY NEEDS em"

yeah hes totally poor and not living with his fucking parents making at bare minimum $20000 a month.

someone explain this, did the dude an hero or was he just an ass kisser?

>never stop going big dick


>he srill believes in these (((mass shootings)))
Try opening your eyes

Disgusting fucking twitch zoomers are pieces of literal shit. Fuck streaming culture fuck justin TV and fuck all of you faggots who told me in 2008 that streaming was going to be kino and save gaming in the west. It was you Yea Forums who told everyone streaming was the future back then I remember those threads.

He has around 80k gold in Classic because his zoomer fans give him everything

how the fuck did this ugly cunt get popular

last time this guy had human interaction was 10 years ago

>that ugly beady eyed anglo Adam Lanza stare

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Why, whatever do you mean?

beta orbiters are the absolute worst

these are the same people that preached about sticking to the "true experience" and decline any gold or gifts pre-launch

people were giving gold to their 'AsmoGOD' since he made his character


I hate seeing this faggot's face. literal pinnacle of soiboi

Containment board for zoomer culture please

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do u have clip?

inaccurate, he's severely malnourished from having dr pepper for breakfast. it's braindead retard consumption as opposed to a "healthy" faggot diet

That didn't last even a day. He claimed he wouldn't spam dungeons and abuse layering to get ahead, instead sticking to a "true" vanilla leveling experience of doing quests, mob killing and dungeons.

What did he do? Spam Scarlet Monastery and abuse layering to get ahead. His excuse is fucking pathetic. "Classic vanilla leveling of doing quests isn't very engaging from a streamer point of view and my stream enjoyability comes first."

TL;DR: Give me all of your gold and Twitch Primes so I can just spam dungeons to 60 and continue watching YouTube React videos.
This is the laziest motherfucker I have ever seen. He can't even be assed to play the game normally like he *SAID* he wanted to do.

t. future school shooter

Dont forget to take your own ass over there when it happens too

Asmongoloid is literal subhuman trash. Straight up genetic and spiritual excrement and an affront to the human condition its self


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Ass-blasted zoomietard

Are they any pics of her before all the surgery? Must have been hideous.

>$20000 a month.
I'm sorry to tell you this, but someone like Asmongold makes like 200k per month minimum. He has 25k subscribers at $4.50 per pop and he gets constant donations all day every day.


Based and redpilled boomer telling it like it is to cringe zoomers

hey i heard you are cute wanna suck my cock


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do u have full pic of this

>Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.

I can't believe people are being extorted out of their money

Damn bro you dont have to be so upset at my reply

What is he going to do a month from now when the classic hype is dead and nobody wants to watch bfa?

Dont you get like only 3 bucks per sub?

Still make money like he has been for the past 2 years because none of what you are saying will actually happen

yep you get the half
if u wanna gift a sub of your channel you pay half of it

negotiated higher at his level

So you think 50k people are going to continue watching him play wow classic every day for years to come?

even then, 3 x 25K is more than 20K

That's still $75,000 a month, or 900,000 a year.
Even at 50% tax rate, you're still making nearly half a million dollars per year...



>democrats get very bad press
>donald trump does something good
>mass shooting for no reason

look up the dates. it happens every time.


High tier partners on twitch usually get the full amount from subs.

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So ninja gets full 5 bucks? No wayų

I remember when columbine was staged to to take good press away from president trump in the 90’s too.. oh wait

Imagine giving money to the rich

ninja is on mixer and no i dont believe you get the full cut on twatch

Anyone that has more than 2-3k subscribers can start to negotiate with Twitch for a higher cut. The highest is 4.50 and pretty much anyone above 5k subscribers has that cut.

you do this every days

is this Twitch new golden boy?
just seeing his face makes me physically sic

>i better deflect so i don't have to think about my government staging mass shootings so they can ban guns and kill me openly!

i'm sure joe biden banning guns from schools, then columbine happening as a result was a coincidence too!

Ninja took a 10 mil contract to stream on mixer lol

I’m not deflecting I’m just saying you’re actually completely wrong.

No, I buy things from the rich. I don’t donate to the rich lol

What the fuck is wrong with Twitch viewers? It's fucking pathetic.

I lworked a benefit for parkland victims and met their families you literal waste of oxygen, they’re real. Can’t wait for the sandy hook actors routine.

i'll simplify it for you; the government creates problems, then "solves" them, to keep up the illusion that they do anything but pry into your life, and steal your money.

I stream to an average of 10 viewers (lol) a day. If someone did this to me I’d call him a faggot and ban him from the stream. What a pathetic retard.

How the fuck did he even get popular?
Having the most mounts?
Makes no sense without some kind of industry collusion when there's raid leaders of top guilds and PvP all-stars who never hit his level of success.

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I mean he is openly a Trump supporter, a well-off straight white male that got away with doing nothing thanks to his parent's "white privilege", is what you would describe as "toxic", and has a Twitch camgirl gf that will inevitably MeToo him if the money flow slows down

Twitter's Cancel Jury are going to have a field day with him

holy fuck you brain drain, no one is saying the shootings are fake, we're saying the shootings are orchestrated by the government. do you really think people are talking about actors and fake guns?

Guns arent Banned from schools. Plenty of schools in my area have police officers with guns user

Yeah the mentally ill waste of space who admitted to the crime definitely screams CIA op to me buddy

>police officers with guns user
american schools used to have armed students, and racked rifles in trucks and lockers. no school shootings. joe biden, george bush senior, and bill clinton removed guns from schools, and school shootings increased 1000% instantly. it's almost as if lots of guns deter one lunatic.

>Yeah the mentally ill waste of space who admitted to the crime definitely screams CIA op to me buddy

because the CIA would never use a crazy person to push their agenda right? i mean, government agents would never set a man up, kill his family and dog, or siege a "cult" while sniping children. remember, waco and ruby ridge were totally justified.

You telling me you want armed students? Literally children with guns? What could possibly go wrong? Use your head for a minute man

Same thing

>do you really think people are talking about actors and fake guns?
Two guys I know believe this shit. One is pretty level headed and the other legit believes hollow earth and lizard people.

>What could possibly go wrong?
judging by the last 200 years of armed students in america, probably nothing bad. today? you're probably right, considering all the niggers and illegals, who are committing nearly all violent crime.

False flags happen, there just isn’t any proof whatsoever one occurred in regards to that shooting in particular

m-maybe she has a nice personality

>he thinks the government would spend thousands of dollars to build a school, fill it with fake kids, and hire actors to be fake parents
I never understood why conspiracy theorists make things so complicated, if it was a false flag, why wouldn't they just get a dude to shoot up a real school?

I literally and unironically can't play classic because of the knowledge that some faggots have MUCH EASIER gameplay than me AND making money while I waste money on this shit. At least pre-twitch wow was balances. Everyone was miserable. Now some cunts are making money while having easy gameplay. Fuck this shit.

Classic case of you hate 'em cause you ain't 'em.


won the algorithm lottery
literally every video i got in my youtube feed was this ugly mofo and i don't even own any blizzard game nor do i watch that shit anywhere

Completely different. I get a product back to me. It’s almost literally impossible to not buy things from the rich if you live this life.

It’s very easy to not donate money to rich people lol

They go to school user, sounds like you wanna give them guns too? And no giving actual children guns has never happened in American schools in any meaningful capacity because everyone realizes that children aren’t mature enough to wield deadly weapons safely. You don’t need to lie to prove your point. And yeah black people commit more crimes for sure lmao what does that have to do with anything lol?

>crazy people with access to guns don't exist. it's all a conspiracy bro

You get more if you're partnered. I think the max is $3.50 per sub which asmon definitely has

Just like how every big streamer did it. It's just pure luck.

I sometimes get 2.

I haven’t watched, thought or talked about a single streamer since I started playing. The only time I see mention is from mentally ill people on this board.

Are you also mentally ill user? Do streamers live in your head rent free?

>4 crazy guys a year
>100 million legal gun owners
>let's ban guns because 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004% of the population is bananas!

He built up a following making youtube guides then started streaming when he wasn’t making enough money from that. Slowly built up a bigger audience because he was one of the few wow streamers not just doing arenas or raiding. Then he exploded in popularity when he just started watching videos instead of playing wow.

I'm level 53 and can't find the motivation to go on. I thought I did but I didn't?

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To be fair at least half of mine or so are real life friends.

Children can absolutely handle firearms safely, all it takes is teaching them how to handle them properly and that they are dangerous and not toys.

just grind bro
it's the classic experience

>that fucking lilzoomzoom picture was true
fucking hell

Try doing fun things like killing everyone in hillsbras foothills for hours. That works for me.

Nah dude I’m pro gun as fuck but these shootings are done by real people who are nuts not the government. The solution is to get them help and fix our culture not take away our 2nd amendment rights.

You must have a miserable life if you cant do anything that other people make money from without having a panic attack

Children under 12 should not handle fire arms



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Some children can with proper training. I’ve had 10 year olds who can handle AR’s but it’s not the average kid, we all know ur average 7 year old would go on a murder rampage whenever he has a temper tantrum. Seriously come on use ur brain my guy

I guess im not cut out for streaming because i cant talk all the time to make random viewers stay

>free game for retards, man children, trannis
>new game
>game that cost 15$ a month and we thought we didn’t
Kys for baiting and being a faggot 24/7 mouth breathing retard

>Asmongold might be a millionaire

fuck this gay ass clown shit BULLSHIT WORLD

You have a hard time making friends with your peers, don't you

I don't like games where some faggots can have advantage just because they're popular.

>All those people not playing BL3
Good. Excellent.

They commit over 50% . Something like 51-53% even though they’re only 1/3 the population. it is not NEARLY ALL VIOLENT CRIME lmao

Children under twelve are the ones it's most important to teach because if they go to a friend's house and that friend's father owns a gun that they find you want them to know that it's not a toy and can seriously injure them, as opposed to just hoping it never happens.

Just depends. A lot of my viewers don’t talk, so I don’t either. Yesterday I have 6 viewers most of the stream with my mic muted and the democratic debate going on.

Other times I have 0 viewers for hours. A couple of my subs are from Eastern Europe for some reason even though I’m American. It’s all a joke really. I get a couple recurring subs from real life friends which is enough for me to leave the stream on at least.

2.5 for scrubs 3.5 for partners

If he isn’t a multi millionaire at this point he is completely retarded with money, he is making at least 60K a month of of just his subs, that’s not including the massive amount of donations zoomers give him from daddy’s wallet every day. Dude probably making half a million a years after taxes.


80k gold in fucking classic was unheard of.

What advantage moron? All the streamers play on one server together. Just play a different server lol
My children would never get my guns because they are locked in a safe and inside that safe are in a padlocked case. Don’t be a moron with guns lol

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh open your eyes?????????????????????????????????

>have an advantage
aren't those idiots playing on a PVE realm anyway?



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How does one get to this state that he unironically posts like this and actually thinks it’s funny? You know this guy was pissing himself laughing as he typed it. How do we fix Yea Forums? Is it children? Is it autism?

>was retarded enough to pick hybrid even though I dont like healing
>dont feel like rerolling because invested so much time in that character

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What are you playing?

Good for you. I'm not talking about your firearms, I'm talking about finding them in another house in which you can't control how securely they store them.

Well my druid is expected to tank so I can't even do dungeons for item upgrades because people bitch HARD if I try to roll for "offspec".

For a long time just battlerite. But since no one streamed that game, I got a decent amount of viewers from it. Now days I stream insurgency or wow classic, depending on my mood.

what? literally check his stream and he only has like 700g. Stop lying you cunt

The same way that hideous cripple became famous by farting on cookies and eating them

We don't have much servers here, stop being such a faggot.
Our streamers playing on main pvp server.

i think he is a free mason

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Just go out and kill him if you hate him so much

only 100k something people STREAMING

you know how many people are playing on console that you can't track with steamstats?

I will forever hate WoWfags
You are the worst scum

I sincerely cannot wrap my head around this guy's popularity. He's ugly, he's filthy, he's condescending, he has the personality of a spoiled child, he's not good at the game, and has dogshit opinions.
I can't understand it. It's like a whole bunch of people gathering around a pool of vomit and they throw money at it.

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>This is all I could make
>182 gold
Is that really a lot in WoW? Like that sounds like a reward for a level 1 quest.

Of all the things on earth I cannot understand, this streamer shit is all of them.

eveyone else on this site is fake as fuck

When you consider that you also get 100 cooper = 1 silver, and 100 silver = 1 gold, it is.

>play for 2 weeks
>nothing lasts forever! :)

the classic target audience everyone.

what autist makes this shit im getting steve x banjo animation vibes from this trash

Yes, that is dozens of hours of that guys life he dedicated to farming fake currency for a human who doesn't even say thank you for it and acts like an entitled manchild in regards to getting carried.
Or maybe he gave some chink $20 I dunno how far along the gooks are in their gold selling now. Still pretty sad either way

gold was hard to get in vanilla. that much for what seems like just playing the free trial if he's already done playing is a lot.

a sex doll at that point is more human

LOL you don’t have many servers means what? As long as there is two you can avoid the streamers retard

You want genuine? Go watch forsen. He is dull as a rock.

if only you knew how bad things really are.

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i can't believe it bros i'm so shocked

we spammed Yea Forums for years, we shit up every WoW thread with our cries of how great vanilla wow was

now classic wow is released and it's so shit and the game is already dead

we should've listened - we thought we did, but we really didn't

we got too cocky, wowbros

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dumb retail tranny

I told you stupid BfA cucks to play a real class instead of a meme. You will never get pre bis and will never find raid spots. Now get the fuck out so I dont have to deal with que times.

kill yourself wowfags

It's not too late user. Look at how awesome retail is. You can still come back with your classic sub.

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dumb tranny your game is dead stop samefagging

Wait until you find out that the people making highlight clips of his streams are making thousand of dollars a month on Youtube.

Most people just want better and well enforced gun control. Things like making sure nutcases aren't given AR-15s and drum magazines without a back ground check.

But you're a single brain celled gun fag so there is no point discussing this with you anyway. Kill you're self faggot.

If they deleted /pol/ back in 2014 when they should have these problems wouldn't be here. Everyone knows /pol/ went to reddit to lure The_Donald shitposters here, so now we are stuck with them.

Didn't he say he would not accept any gold people sent him? Why did he back out of that?

How many viewers does he average?
Back when QTPie averaged 15,000 viewers per stream, he made 2+ mil a year

Depending on how generous your viewership is. If you have 1k-2k concurrent viewers. You can make 100k+ a year

The other user has the right of it. Hes a massive piece of shit but hes forthright and honest about the fact. He doesnt hide behind pretensions and PC pandering like the rest of the phony faggots on that site. I hate him but i hate the rest of twitch way more so i get if

My bet is that he knows someone that works on youtube that made his video appear everywhere. Those things doesn't happen just by accident.

Hes a literal basement dwelling neet, living in abject filth and squalor. You really think he has connections like that? He isnt even jewish

You already have to have a background check you nitwit. Look up ATF form 4473, you have to fill one of those out every time you buy a gun, wait for the NICS to come back clear, then jump through any additional hoops your state may demand such as a mandatory waiting period.

Imagine liking WoW.