Itt: Real life vidya enemies
Itt: Real life vidya enemies
Luckily they don't bother you unless you're dumb enough to go close to the fruit tree they're inhabiting or try to swat at them. Carpenter bees are worse in that regard as they fucking sting anyone for anything.
Male carpenter bees don't sting you absolute retard. Females are the only ones who do and they stay around the hive.
Reminder that cazadores are real and they have one of the most painful insect stings in the world.
You feel a little woozy...
Not so fun fact: these little bastards are known for easily incapacitating and eating tarantulas
goddamn it beat me to it
>you feel a little woozy
First level boss
imagine if you were a human and that was a normal sized arm and the birds were actually giant
Turns out these assholes are just as aggressive in real life as they are in Far Cry 3.
scary haha
>it's just a whale bro
Uh huh sure.
That place is like another planet.
>imagine if you were a human
>animals only
what a boring thread
Kos... or some say, Kosm... Do you hear our prayers?
I want to burn my computer after watching this
shut up fag
>imagine if you were a human
*stings you*
Wtf is that on the back of his skull supposed to be?
You're driving to work in the morning and this guy pulls up at the light, wat do?
No wonder they are burning down all their forests
sunglasses on backwards
This is why vidya enemies should't be cute or sexy. It makes me not want to kill them.
sunglasses, because he is cool as ice
Someone up the poly count on these things
Who is this guy
>user can't read
how did you type that? talk to text?
Mr. CooL ICE
there is something on his left shoulder that he regrets
nah, it's another skull, you can see the M just peeking out from behind the fan.
Sopa de macaco uma delicia
>that evil look from the mother while the child is eating the arm
What! Monsters can’t fly
Those little fuckers just got introduced to my island. Fucking Japs stay on your side of the Pacific
these guys are super common where i live, do ppl really not know what they are?
they don’t eat the tarantula, they sting it so they can lay eggs in it. Then the baby eats the spider from within
Unironically the worst WEBM ever posted on Yea Forums
they aren't everywhere user
I want to shove those stingers down my urethra and press my dick against their abdomen.
Not everyone lives in a desert wasteland where the fauna is a constant threat to your life.
i live in california...
This poor man suffers from negrocephaly.
Not everyone lives in a pozzed hellscape of insanity.
i don’t either
>image familiar
I was already smirking but this is a nice trip down the memory lane haha, Yea Forums was golden years ago. golden poop instead of logshit.
this guy could be 190cm and she 210cm, he still looks like a manlet haha
Webs, you stupid asshole.
I mean how are there so many you stupid asshole.
I love spiders and tarantulas but even I think that this is terrifying
>you can't read my mind? that's not m-my fault!
You're such a fuck-up. There are so many because they reproduce more than mammals do. Certainly more than you ever will.
High level mob appeared!
>Yea Forums was golden years ago
Thanks, asshole
>too retarded to use his words
>repeats what he hears other people call him
Underage monkey
I literally thanked you, dipshit
You also literally are everything I've said about you, so what? If it bothers you then do better you stupid baby.
Is this Rwandan gay porn?
No u
Someone needs to take a flamethrower to that place.
its a glimpse, of course i mean 2004 and 2004 fellow oldfag
>Mission objective: Survive.
>thanks, asshole
>an expression of gratitude
It has reached a point for me where I would rather see desu spam than one more wojak.
I do not serve.
>villain joins the good guys after being defeated
So your typical Jrpg?
crows can fashion simple tools
crows can hold grudges
crows can remember human faces
Here's your secret final boss
Parasite Eve 2
Now I understand the fires. Doing the lords work there Brazil.
why the fuck do the jannies allow these threads to live
Looks like the "camel" boss in Parasite Eve 2.
bird propaganda. birds are retarded and not capable of this
which is more retarded, the moron with the gun pointed right at his dick, or the idiot who only has three arrows?
What kind of Satanic black magic is going on here?
the black one
literally a boss fight cutscene
>here's your left 4 dead 3 bro
I don't know why but my dick started tingling painfully.
it is a mystery
He's Mr. CooL ICE.
>Zima blue.jpg
I fully support and endorse the burning of the rain forest. Mankind should not have to suffer such horrors.
What a nice looking man.
>Whose the burger now bitch
Wait a minute, i know that gay blowjob
Hi, Vsauce. Michael - not here, not there, but still watching and being.. watched. Waiting-- for you, to come and get it - the watched and being watched part, of course. What is "being watched" really? How do we know that we're the watchers and not the ones being watched? Is the world really an onlooker's stage and we're all but pawns laid out for the ones watching it? But then, how would one be both the one watching and the one being watched? Kind of like.. a schroedinger's viewer, don't you think? But if we're both at the same time.. who is the camera?
Chimkens can fly?
which is even more brutal
For shorts, descending flights, yes.
piece of shit
that's one ANGRY catto
How do you approach him?
By general rule, I never kill bees. All wasps are kill-on-sight. I'm constantly smacking those fuckers every time I see them. People don't realize they're defenseless unless they're on their backs. Or land directly on you. I hate those fucking things so much.
Don't. Let him teleport behind you, evade and counter. Keep your distance.
The difference between a nuisance and a threat is merely a matter of number.
pretty impressive she can do that in heels
Kick him in the balls.
Looks like whatever Queen Sectonia is supposed to be
Yo, I went to Croatia and the birds there were literally trying to get me to open a bottle of water and pour some inside the cap so they could drink. I had to try to see if that’s what it wanted and sure enough it did.
he's coming
Found one of these about 5 years ago in Memphis, TN. That was so fucked up. It's terrifying to see something like this and have no idea what it is. I had pictures but couldn't find this. This is off google.
then I a thought occured, you're in a shop, it's been closed, everyone's left and only you are doing some storage arrangment and you happen to look at one of the security cam monitors and you see that guy staring at it
try to survive until you find a weapon
Vsauce cuts the power
I'd bet this nigga has a pocket watch that stops time
You're driving down the highway at night, doing 130kph, and this guy starts chasing you, and slowly catching up, wat do?
What the fuck is that, a giant bugman antenna? That looks like it’s meant to burrow into your brain and extract all the cum.
Fucking thinmen
Is that the antivirus guy?
>tfw the great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather of this thing was probably stalking our distant ancestors when we were just little shits scuttering around the bushes
I googled it back then. It was apparently for burrowing into trees for some reason. Long time ago, so I forgot. I found it on our BBQ grill and made no attempt to flee so I gassed it and put it in a tub for a closer look. Creepiest fucking thing. All said it was about 10" long.
Is that a shaved buffalo?
its an ovipositor, the wasp lays eggs in the trunks of trees
it's much less frightening once uo look at the road lines.
they're driving less than 20.
i was waiting for them to assemble into the final boss
Ichneumon wasp
Been wondering what he was up to these days
Overwatch that shit, let it come to you
Thanks frens. It really is a wild world out there.
What is mr antivirus up to these days? Last I heard it was pumping and dumping cryptocurrency. And is he still a south ameriance narco mafia boss?
some bird are repulsive
Frampt is that you?
wtf why are there level 5 enemies in the starting area
He actually looks cool now
swrive my car into him killing him
If you're wondering how bad a Level 5 Goose warning is, it's worse than a Level 4 Goose warning, though not as bad as a Level 6 Goose warning.
Dont worry guys i'll handle this
Im level 6
This is my swamp
just accept it stop being so salty about being a goddamned manlet
>Immune: Fire
Raid boss.
All of you insect lovers are weird
Looks like a real-life Pokémon.
These things are metal as fuck. They grow a new layer of light sensing shit in their eyes every night so they can see better than fucking cats and owls, and that shit gets destroyed by daylight come the dawn.
Amazing little fuckers, I'll give them their swamp.
>This gif
I fuckin love this guy
imagine the lack of bugs though. you basically have a spider ozone layer protecting you from gay ass jewsquitos trying to suck you off
Ricardo Milos?
I hate those niggers in New Vegas
This is terrible logic. Clearly there is an abundance of bugs to keep those spiders fed.
there are that many spiders specifically because of there being enough bugs to feed that many spiders.
>*stings you*
this means futa
By the way for those saying thank god they don't live in the USA, here's a specimen from South Carolina, have a nice day. Love this species
youre supposed to come back later when youre stronger
Do NOT approach the trash can spider crab.
That's a mimic.
>Got a lot of good things on sale, strangah
the spiders exist to keep the bugs away. the bugs will no longer bother me in my invincible spider fortress. fuck off bug people
Mother Kos....I'm sorry.
arent they tiny though?
I wonder if these things taste like they're marinaded in coconut water considering what they eat?
Imagine imagining you're human lol
>calls others bug people
there used to be giant eagles in new zealand that hunted people
im a burger but whatever. enjoy your maggot soup chink
such a nice video game related thread
>carpenter bees
these are japanese hornets(queens in that pic, workers luckily aren't nearly as big) and they're pretty fucking aggressive and sting you multiple times and with pheromones that designate you as a threat so other workers start attacking you as well, especially when you get close to their hive
the sting is apparently the pain equivalent in joules(i think) of having a hammer drive a red hot iron nail into your skin and just fucking leaving it there for like 6+ hours
heroic bird saves passed out rabbit
Unironically but Valuev is a pretty smart guy.
>Miniboss hangs around low level mobs
The tail is a burger.
the journey will be perilous! you will not survive!
They kill tarantulas so they’re fine in my books
I really hate when a miniboss patrols.
>t. rat who gets his ass handed to crows
crows are considered to be flying chimps, pretty smart for an animal
Woah, new Strange Things season looks amazing!
>you aggro the eagle
>literally every seagull on the beach becomes aggressive towards you
>boss is constantly moving
Yeah they're pretty small, pictures and videos make them look much larger than they actually are
For a moment I thought she was gonna kill herself.
According to the first Maori legends on the island, it is possible considering they hunted large flightless birds that were larger than ostriches. They reason they likely died off was when the Maori people natives hunted those large flightless birds around probably in ancient times and that the eagle couldn't find anything else to eat and died off too. It's hard to believe such birds of prey existed, it easily dwarfs all of the living condor species.
Forgot image, my bad, they apparently may have resembled the Philippine eagle or harpy eagle
genuine laugh from (ME)
This is cool as fuck.
I just found out recently that every single species of spider in my country is venomous.
Do you feel in charge?
Did it disappear?
Which country? I'd like to avoid it.
>look at me, I'm a grrrrrl biker heehee
>omg why are you filming me
This happened because of flooding.
is that one shot johnny?
Mr. Coo Lice
>It has reached a point for me where I would rather see desu spam than one more wojak.
this is how it is isn't it? there have always been shitposters and there will always be shitposters. 4.... Yea Forums never changes
>reactors online. systems nominal.
fuckin kek
crows can differentiate between people even if those people changed clothes. they can even tell other crows which one is which.
Truly a neat bird. as annoying as they can sound.
Australia isn't it?
fuuck, i cna't unsee
we call them "satan's stallion" in my country
>u fokin wut m8?
"you're next..."
You sure, the ones where I live are as friendly as bumblebees, also only some dive down after people because your interrupting they're work, no stings either. I haven't experienced this though. Btw here's a blue carpenter bee
user, the vast majority of spiders are venomous. If you see a spider, it's a safe assumption that it's venomous due to how few non-venomous ones there are.
That user doesn't know what he's talking about. Carpenter bees are super docile, the males can't sting and will just fly at you super impotently to try to scare you off. The females can sting but they rarely do, you have to be actually retarded to get stung by a carpenter bee.
>the males can't sting and will just fly at you super impotently to try to scare you off
That's cute.
imagine the clawjobs...
This cannot continue
That umbrella likely has a concealed blade or net launcher within its shaft. However, the strength of that type of weapon is in surprise, and as long as you maintain situational awareness, your own blade should be strictly superior in a fight.
The cigar may or may not be explosive and/or poisonous, and it's impossible to know what's in his jacket. The most important thing to do is maintain distance and watch his hands - find him as fast as possible whenever he disappears, and remember that it's impossible to catch him unawares.
seriously he looks like he came out from JoJo's bizarre adventure.
I know. I just didn't know that before even though I knew they eat by liquifying the insides of their prey. Of course they're all venomous. They need to inject something to do that.
sorry no webm
It took me five replays to figure out the birb got deheaded
Almost every single existent spider is venomous.
did it get decapitated? how?
technically correct
but only a few have venom that can kill humans
Got hit by a falcon traveling at 200+ mph
The hawk bro.
Eagle flyby, same one that lands nearby at the end
>Body still moving even though it doesn’t have a brain that can send signals to the muscles telling them to move
I don’t understand.
never seen a headless chicken?
Which is it?
>villain who joins your party
>is actually a cool dude
Name me some games where a minor boss becomes a bro.
Bird brains are oblong and extend into their upper spinal column, often what looks like a beheading only takes out about half the actual brain.
Same reason a poorly decapitated chicken will keep flapping around for up to an hour
Peregrine falcons are the birds that do the ludicrous speed divebombs
>The way it runs just like a Dinosaur
Honestly pains me that Jurassic Park is merely fiction, I would even take feathers if it meant I could see a real one.
>dumb enough to go close to the fruit tree they're inhabiting
>t. gets all his fruit from a market and isn't aware where it comes from
No one says Kosm you idiot
holy hell those first 5 seconds
I sgesst stege 12:
based and storm1pilled
>avatar 2
>boss has non-telegraphed OHKO moves
lucky lil nigga, he have a choco amazon for himself, imagine the sexual abuse he must suffer...
these cunts keep flying into my apartment
>ywn have a tall gf swing you around like a bab
But also an erection.
>skeksis are real
If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say he's Mr. CooL ICE
>finishes the fight with 3 HP left
That can't be in Asia because someone would have ate it
Slenderman on summer vacation
so, do they start out with white fluff and it changes due to gore of their meals, or are they pink from the beginning?
>Reflect physical damage: 207%
>water level
Thats kinda cute actually.
ever heard of
bug nets
on window
Just look at the hackle and notice how it goes all around its head, and the color isn't just from it's neck to belly where the meat is. You can also google image search the gif to find out the type of bird it is.
Question, does have a bit of red on them? If yes those are European hornets
nigger faggot
that's a cute I can hug that
Lvl 1 snek
Conservatives are liberals from 20 years ago. Also americans are mcniggers not white.
can you imagine actually wanting to see something like this? as if it's not fucking obvious that the god damn emperor scorpion with it's thick exoskeleton is going to have any fucking trouble against some dickass spooder
House next door used to have carpenter bees when I was younger(no one owned it at the time). They absolutely can't sting you yes, they just fly-by and try to spook you off. They're relatively big though and the loud buzzing is unnerving as shit. They used to fly at us a lot since our driveway is right next to the house.
The stings of hymenopterans (wasps, bees, ants) are specially adapted ovipostors (egg layer organs), essentially a weaponized vag.
So outside biting a male of any of these species can't harm you at all.
>"Crystals, of course"
Electronic Arts
no, it's just a generic wasp here in Russia
did he died?
Who was in the wrong here
>silent for 99% of it's existence
>use mic for any duration of time
fucking glowniggers
i like that it just snibs the fingers
dinosaurs became exti-
If i remember correctly that video was of a prairie falcon, a close relative of the peregrine.
El actrocidad
asylum demon
I realize that I replied to the wrong post, but it still applies.
Fucking dino bitch, I would eat chips out of her knickers.
God I want to worship these women.
Cassowaries are dangerous, but not especially aggressive. They run up to you like that because retarded cunts keep feeding them, so now they run up to people because they think they have food for them.
The guy in the webm handled it well. Don't turn your back on it, don't panic, and just keep moving away from it. It'll eventually get the hint you don't have anything for it and fuck off.
she looks absolutely disgusting in recent videos
I imagine they would be easy to take care of with a machete.
White Kenshiro is a fucking asshole
and pretty fucking tasty as well
Fun times
thought the same thing
He's a ghost now, so physical weapons cannot hurt him
I generally wouldn't recommend that.
>customes are believed to be inspired by aliens and ufos
what possible justification can you have for randomly punching people on the street?
shit did rockefeller actually kick the bucket?
Probably, ostrich and emu are like rich chicken with a hint of lamb, not dry and stringy like turkey.
I wonder if people wouldn't mind eating them, since there is a bit of a stigma against "cuter" big birds like ostriches,
Final boss.
Jews don't have souls you silly billy.
>you have to defeat all his subordinates first
>he's watching you fight all the time in that same pose, his expression unchanged
haha, like in that winnie the poo baseball game
>taking shit from a dumb bird
Imagine the big poos he makes.
Any spider offcianados in the thread, I went outside my place recently I live in denver and there's a giant fucking grey spider hanging out on the garage. Its body isn't thick enough to be a tarantual but it's really fucking long, I'd post a picture but I dunno where it went when I went back for it.
he really does look like winnie the pooh what the fuck
They look cool
this made me think the first time a golem woke up in dragons dogma
>boss has several henchmen with a unique skillset
absolute unit
Literally the start of Ancestors Humankind Odyssey
I once got a month ban for making this exact thread, but with the giant carrot eating cricket.
>don't worry about putting any points in HP, I'll tank you bro
w-would u Yea Forums?
I want to fuck her belly button.
its a "butt ass bitch" spider
Holy crap that's cool
The ginger in the SS camo smock always makes me laugh. Unironic mad lad.
I definitely see the big, but who the fuck called that a cutie?
I like this nep nep
You can bribe them with food so they bring you shiny stuff like coins or jewelry.
that's straight up the Clock King
literally glow in the dark
Literally a parasite eve monster.
woah, would happen to know what species these are?
u wot m8?
Because men who were sexually abused as a preteen by their morbidly obese babysitter feel the urge to normalise their abuse in the form of obesity related paraphelias in a broken attempt at self actualisation, while the psychiatric intuition can't condemn such behaviour as it is as legitimate as men self identifying as women.
J...Just why?
>When you're alone in the mosh pit with a turbo autist
he bit off its ass
>boss has multiple phases
I want to insert this into my boyfriend's pee hole.
>tfw trying to fight them
there was a flood and the spiders can't go anywhere but up
So does the snake just shit it out?
A sharp machete would cut it's dumbass prehistoric head off at the neck with no trouble. There's only been one documented human fatality regarding a cassowary and it was a moronic high school boy messing with it.
I thought those were birds....
It will probably regurgitate it after realizing it's not getting anything out of it.
If you ever doubt the futility of life just watch this clip to remind yourself of it.
Cute webby friends catching loadsa blood thieves for us.
It's the hunting spiders you need to burn. Those are the niggers that bite you in your sleep and lay eggs in your ear.
After keeping his body alive for over a century by harvesting six twenty year old hearts the rest of his body eventually disintegrated.
Enemies can be befriended.
Oh nononononono
>toe cheese merchant
Bicycle level gets extra spicy.
arrow guy because he forgot his shoes
Magus from Chrono Trigger?
thank you frens
God I wish that were me
>6 legs
>low level boss is killed by a higher level boss
>Beta Manlet Niga vs Giant Amazoness
Just like my anime!
it happens to all of these "thicc" models eventually
I'd still probably would though.
now imagine this guy but 5+ times his size towards you
>onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnine IGNITE THE FLAMES
burn them all, use remastered skyrim if you havve to
I dont normally question The Architect's plan but today I will.
So sad.
the clap of that ass sent him back to vietnam
the spider has evolved
that thing looks fake as fuck
>boss heals by killing his minions
Always hated that
underrated game
>boss aggros you
what the fuck is that thing?
You will DIE as every Arbiter has before you, the Council will have their corpse.
FUUUUUCKKK, tall girls wangle my dangle. The things i'd do to that monstress.
It's a goat
>That old lady suddenly collapsing
>Boss is the embodiment of a concept
>First level boss
more like final boss
They violated the NAP
Goat. Can't you tell by its movements?
Why did shitty mom jeans make a comeback? They looked stupid then and they look stupid now.
Always some thot ready to shove her asshole in the camera because she's not as interesting the main attraction.
what did he mean by this
>Diogenes: The frustrationing
>You play as Diogenes and go around doing PR things like looking for a wise man with a lantern during the day
>Objective: Fuck up Plato's seminar
>there's a dedicated flipping off button.
They're hot on thicc girls
Iron Maiden you mean.
Comeback? You think mom jeans ever left?
Then they can wear normal jeans that don't go past their fucking ribcage.
>Smough the executioner
>Ornstein the dragon slayer
post the webm
peak anglo.
when i was a kid, i was so disappointed and confused when the whole movie wasnt about a talking kangaroo, since thats what i remember it seemed to imply in the trailers
and they say white people can't dance!
>first boss comes back as final boss
jesus christ same, I don't recall how old I was when it came out but I was expecting the kangaroo to be a more central figure to it all
I dunno I like it personally
Jesus christ
I googled strawberry squid and got the second one
>Objective:Masturbate in the marketplace until someone asks you to stop
>New Objective:Keep masturbating anyway
>Final boss is Alexander the Great
That was my first thought too.
>Post made by an american
wait, it wasn't? I remember seeing the trailer and it was all about the kangaroo
I fucking hate tiny enemies, they scare the shit out of me.
>Choose your reward
>Power and a residence
it deh
SOMA (2015)
the protagonists his a kangaroo in their car, dress it up in their hoodie and sunglasses to take a photo, the hoodie had money for something important in it (can't remember) and hijinks ensue when the kangaroo regains consciousness and takes off. I could be completely wrong but I think between that and the end you barely see the kangaroo again
>Final boss is Alexander the Great
>gets defeated by a dialog option
I want snu snu
Ahh shit user, I always thought this was real.I freaked out when he slowed at the branch. I just knew that was it for him. I see it now. Still pretty clutch the way they edited it together.
>>omg why are you filming me
user she's clearly into it, you've gotta stop thinking up shit to get mad at.
They were fake ass bitches
I mean look at how the one stands there for a good ten seconds before deciding the punch knocked her over, the guy could tell they were fake ass cunts deserving a hit
howdy hombre
My Vigilo Confido nigga
i think the money was for a drug deal or something. i dont remember how much the kangaroo is aactually in it, but the part where the kangaroo talks(which i remember, maybe incorrectly, as being the central focus of the trailers) is about a 3 minute hallucination/dream sequence
She's showing off you dumbass.
>consider myself a simple man, like my women plainly dressed, tomboyish even
>but I see those pentagram collars and break into a cold sweat
make a new thread
you sound very bitter and jealous, it's not healthy bro
Holy fuck, how scummy. I thought it was a talking Kangaroo movie. They marketed it to kids. It's called Kangaroo Jack for fuck's sake.
Slimy execs gonna exec, I suppose.
I love doing that little end slap with Maxi desu.
>Thots pretending to be goth
Satan would have no power in this world if he couldn't tempt you user.
>dat literal semen demon
>dat thigh gap
Lawd hammercy Jeebus.
>Smug retard uses Swagger
>Enemy hornet swarms Att went up, became confused
>Hornet swarms confused no more
>Hornet swarm uses Needle Cannon
>It's super effective
>You know what? FUCK NATURE
And so, wonderbread user was born
what was the actual purpose of nunchucks ?
it seems like a very impractical weapon
>giving a fuck either way, so long as she's bangable.
You were the chosen one.
I know exactly what you mean, user. Girls like this just scratch some kind of itch I didn't know I had.
>tfw you can hear the sounds
Wasn't his superpower literally just always beihg on time? How was he a threat to Batman again?
I love pigtails, but those are so obviously fake. different colour than her bangs, she touches them all the fucking time, they stick out in a weird way.
They were made from hand thrashers, all okinawan weaponry were made from farming equipment.
They were thots from the start.
It actually has 8 legs. but one pair turned into those longer, thinner feelers.
those arms have the same evolutionary origins as scorpion pincers or those little fuzzy hand things on spiders (pedipalps)
If you want to know what that is it's an amblypygid.
Nigger, have you seen Bruce Lee play fucking ping pong with chucks? If you're good with them you can become a fucking surgeon.