>Game used to be great
>One patch/expansion fucks it all up
what's her name, Yea Forums?
Game used to be great
>the virgin Agadez Sea
Titan Quest: Anniversary Edition
Meet your Match update
>not the mannconomy update
f2p trade shitters absolutely dumpstered the game, nothing else. It was already shit byt the time comp matchmaking was a thing, back then tryhards were contained in highlanders
Never played TF2 what did these updates do?
csgo went f2p, but it wasn't great before then
uhh payday 2 went mtx
hmm kf2 went mtx and then went skins too
darkest dungeon with the crimson curse but at least that's optional
meet your match was competitive queueing and brought the turboelitists out in full force where they used to be contained in their own circlejerk tourneys
mannconomy was the free-to-play-with-lootboxes update which brings in kids and brazillians
Africa lost its chad
Runescape when they removed wildy and trade, and then killed it altogether with EOC
>By not having a fuck huge desert that foreigners are afraid to cross Africans would have better diffusion with other nation's culture and technology
Would this timeline be better?
Lake Chad still exists. Europeans have been saying it will soon disappear since the 1800s but really its just shallow and changes shape a lot.
Minecraft hunger update
Yeah thats a bad one, still no idea why notch implemented it
Maybe there'd be less suffering in the world
They'd also have much more viable farmland to sustain themselves on
World of Warcraft
Warlords of Draenor class ability pruning was the beginning of the end. Game was already becoming needlessly simplified but that was the final straw for me.
MYM basically made the game unplayable for a few months since the queue system was so shit you couldn't find a game unless you waited 30 minutes. Places like Australia couldn't even find a game anymore.
Killed community servers in general.
Made it impossible for you to jump in and out of games your friends are in as you had to group up with your friends to find a game
Made a shitty competitive mode that no one plays
Made every game end after each side has given a turn attacking and defending/best of three, basically making servers empty after each game as well as pausing the action to vote on other maps for around two minutes
The above also makes hour long servers where you just play the same map back and forth impossible because everyone has to vote on it and usually changes the map (I enjoyed playing the same maps again and again because if I wanted to find another, I could find a server myself)
Removed and then added back autobalance, despite the amount of players queuing for games at any given time.
Adding onto this, team scrambles after unfair games went away so if you keep getting fucked by the four grouped up friends, you'll continue to do so unless you're lucky enough to be put on their team.
Several weapon changes people disliked.
I actually can't think of anything good this update did. I enjoyed jumping on a server with my american friend so we would both get 100 ping and playing on that map for an hour or so, changing it via a votecall or finding a new game on another server. Now we just queue up for games and hope they're fair and if they're not, we just queue up again and again for new ones because we just want to fuck around as whatever class, not go full tryhard every single game just to win.
WoW went downhill looooooooong before WoD. WoD was the depth, it's been getting somewhat better since
How the fuck does Korea work like that
>not Cataclysm or by it's earliest part, BC
fucking idiot
Long Korea is best Korea
>multi-continental drifting!?
BC didnt fuck up anything. The real problems started with WotLK, although the expansion itself was still great