You don't have to play it, you know?
You don't have to play it, you know?
You don't have to keep making threads about it, you know?
PCfags and nincels are the ones hating on this game so it's not like they have a choice in the matter
good because I never will
I'm an idort and I think that kojima is a hack and this game looks like a fucking joke gameplay wise
Well yea it plays itself
But I want to.
You are a retard and a parrot, yes
I'll watch it when we get the netflix port
No one's obliged to play it. No one owes Kojima anything. No one owes loyalty to a company. If you don't like it or it's not for you, just don't play it. Not everyone has to like the same games, we are not a beehive mint that has a consistent canon of favorite video games.
Still I feel like I'm not getting to the center of it, why do people think they should like a video game? Are we fighting for the objectivity of its intrinsic quality? Tastes are tremendously subjective, even more so with experimental video games like Death Stranding.
I won't see any gameplay. I've made my decision. I'll take the leap.
End yourself
thanks i wont shill
I'm considering borrowing Ps4 from a friend to play that, might watch it on youtube though if it's totally a walking simulator
there ya go, mate. Here's a non-playable board for ya.
>Yea Forums playing games
Are you new around here?
>inb4 "playing movies"
That's not the thought behind this though.
I believe, and I think there's more people like me not only on Yea Forums but outside of chans as well, that Kojima is something akin to Shakespeare of our times, though, his media socium is through games. And that's not just because of his good story telling, but also being well versed in cinematography and literature, combining both mediums into a game and truly turning it into a stage play - turning humans into humans on world stage. That's not his idea, fyi, that's also going deep into our human legacy, one of homo ludens going back to ancient times. What's bad about threads like this though is that people who shitpost are most likely the most illiterate and don't understand what games truly are.
I’m convinced it’s like the same 3 anons shitting up all the threads and people just baiting for (yous)
Yup you cold probability automate the "player* with 3 lines of code
>Stop making threads about a videogame on a videogame imageboard!!!!!!!!!!
Galaxy brain
You are convinced you don't need actual criticism you kojimadrone.
Try providing actual criticism instead of the usual boring buzzwords and downplaying, dickhead.
Place is shit up with niggers and spics these days so this is the type of conversation we get, sad. Miss old Yea Forums
I really shouldn't be surprised that pretentious as fuck Sony that decided to hold part of an E3 conference in a barn would greenlight a game like this
So was Kojima behind the boomer memes? Is that why Monster Energy is in DS? So Kojima can just reveal he was the one forcing all the wojak memes?
I'm a PS4fag and I think this game looks like pretentious indie film festival dogshit
Monster is big in Japanese internet culture. Has nothing to do with Wojak memes
You're a moron.
Bloodborne is the best game of this generation
Kojima is a hack. Day of him being exposed is coming.
Also BotW sucks.
don't you dare to shit on Sundance
I love Kojima’s games and think his storylines are pretty good. Death Stranding seems strangely boring, though... The multiplayer functions are cool and I hope we can find secrets and make the world so much less barren, but the main thing I’m worried about is that the survival mechanics won’t be deep enough, and it’ll just be:
>Hold up on control stick
>Occasionally eat and drink when the meters are low
I mainly wanna see stress management stuff like in MGS4, and the resting mechanic seems to have some elements in that.
Mainly what has me sold on this game is that... something about it reminds me of Nier. Not Automata even, the ORIGINAL Nier.
Cautious hype.
That's the word I meant; thanks.
Teenage girls fucking love monster there
So you're telling me if I just pour some Monster all over my cock and balls...